// This is the key simulation file. Run this file to run the simulation.
// Version: cliffk 9/18/12
// modified: salvadord 9/05/13 (adapted to msarm sim)


//* setSTDPparams ()
proc setPlastParams() {
	ESESPlast = 1 // whether to have plasticity between ES -> ES cells
	ESISPlast = 1 // whether to have plasticity between ES -> IS cells
	ESEMPlast = 1 // whether to have plasticity between ES -> EM cells
	EMEMPlast = 1 // whether to have plasticity between EM -> EM cells
	EMIMPlast = 1 // whether to have plasticity between EM -> IM cell
	EMESPlast = 1  // whether to have plasticity between EM -> ES cells

	ESIMPlast = 0 // whether to have plasticity between ES -> IM cells
	EMISPlast =0 // whether to have plasticity between EM -> IS cells

	ISISPlast = 0 // whether to have plasticity between IS -> IS cells 
	ISESPlast = 0 // whether to have plasticity between IS -> ES cells 
	IMIMPlast = 0 // whether to have plasticity between IM -> IM cells 
	IMEMPlast = 0 // whether to have plasticity between IM -> EM cells 

	maxWscaling = param1 //0.8 // param1
    learnRate = param2 //0.025//*param3 //param3
	plastEEinc = learnRate // step increase in E->E plasticity during RL; original = 0.25
	plastEIinc = learnRate
	plastEEmaxw = param3 //6  * maxWscaling// max E->E weight
	plastEImaxw = param4 //2.5 * maxWscaling
	plastIEinc = learnRate 
	plastIIinc = learnRate
	plastIEmaxw = 3 * maxWscaling
	plastIImaxw = 3 * maxWscaling
	DOPE_INTF6=1 // intf6 RL+STDP params
	FORWELIGTR_INTF6 = 1  // activate forward eligibility traces (post after pre)?
	BACKELIGTR_INTF6 = 1 // activate backward eligibilty traces (pre after post)?
	EXPELIGTR_INTF6 = 1   // use an exponential decay for the eligibility traces?
	maxplastt_INTF6 = param5 //70 //rlDT + 50 // spike time difference over which to turn on eligibility
	maxeligtrdur_INTF6 = param6 // 100//250 // maximum eligibilty trace duration (in ms)
	mineligtrdur_INTF6 = param7 //50 // minimum eligibilty trace duration (in ms)

// setNetworkParams()
proc setNetworkParams() {
	//dvseed = 120456 //534023 // seed for wiring
	scale = 4  // scaling factor for network size
	EEGain = 3 //population connection gains, original =2
	EIGain = 5 //original= 8.5
	IEGain = 3 
	IIGain = 3
	ELTSGain = 0.5
	NMAMR = 0.1
	EENMGain = 1
	EIGainInterC0 = 0.125  // intercolumn gains
	EIGainInterC1 = 1
	EEGainInterC0 = 1
	EEGainInterC1 = 0.25
	DPESGain = 4 // *0.96// 11.89875, weight gain from DP -> ES cells

	disinhib = 0 //iff==1 , turn off inhibition, by setting wmat[I%d][...]==0 in inhiboff()
	pmatscale = 0.75*6.0/scale // scale for pmat - allows keeping it fixed while changing # of cells in network
	wmatscale = 1 // scale for wmat - called after setwmat
	DPESFeedForward = 0.1 // level of feedforward connectivity from DP -> ES
	EMRecur = 0.05 // level of recurrence between EM cells
	ESRecur = 0.05 //  level of recurrence between ES cells
	EMESFeedBack = 0.01// level of feedback from EM -> ES
	ESEMFeedForward = 0.3 //0.08// level of feedforward connectivity from ES -> EM
	ESIMFeedForward = 0.05
	EMISFeedBack = 0.0
	ESEMGain = 1.0 // weight gain from ES -> EM cells
	wirety = 4 // type of wiring to use, 0=fixed divergence, 1=swire, 2=swirecut, 3=swirecutfl, 4=fixed convergence (convwire)
	// NB: wirty==4 (convwire) still has spatial wiring from DP -> ES

	colside = 30 // column diameter in micrometers
	layerzvar = 25 // range of z location of cells in a layer (in micrometers) - original val = 25!
	checkers = 0 // whether to arrange cells in checkerboard pattern
	cxinc = 3 // x increase for checker-like grid
 	cyinc = 3 // y increase for checker-like grid
	crad = 1 // radius? for checker-like grid
	gridpos = 0 // whether to arrange INTF6 cells on a 2D grid
	DPgridpos = 0 // whether to arrange DP cells on a 2D grid
	sepDPpos = 1 // whether to position DP cells in each group separately	
	DPpad = 0 // whether to pad DP cells when they're separated
	maxsfall = 0.001 // max fall-off in prob of connection @ opposite side of column (used by swire)
	slambda = colside/3 // spatial length constant for probability of connections, used in swirecut

// setStimParams()
proc setStimParams() {
	//inputseed = 1235//1234
	mytstop= 1000 *1e3 // sets max duration of stim noise
	sgrhzEE = noiseFactor*200
	sgrhzEI = noiseFactor*200
	sgrhzII = noiseFactor*100
	sgrhzIE = noiseFactor*100
	sgrhzNM = 0
	sgron = 1
	sgrdel = 0 //poisson rates
	sgrhzdel =0 //variance in sgrhz for an INTF6
	EXGain = 15 // gain for poisson external inputs
	EMWEXGain = 1.0
	EMREXGain = 1.0 // gains for external inputs to EM (1st is for weights, 2nd for rates)
	skipEXIS = 0 // whether to skip noise to IS,ISL cells
	skipEXIM = 0 // whether to skip noise to IM,IML cells
	skipEXES = 0 // whether to skip noise to ES cells
	skipEXEM = 0 // whether to skip noise to EM cells

// setTimeParams()
proc setArmParams() {	// msarm variables
	damping = param8 // 5  // damping of muscles (.osim parameter)
	shExtGain = 2  // gain factor to multiply force of shoulder extensor muscles (.osim parameter)
	shFlexGain = 1 // gain factor to multiply force of shoulder flexor muscles (.osim parameter)
	elExtGain = 1 // gain factor to multiply force of elbow extensor muscles (.osim parameter)
	elFlexGain = 0.8 // gain factor to multiply force of elbox flexor muscles (.osim parameter)
	// muscle variables
	vEMmax = param9 //60 // max num of spikes of output EM population (depends on mcmdspkwd) - used to calculate normalized muscle excitation (musExc) 
	splitEM = 0 // whether to readout muscle excitations only from half of the EM population
	minDPrate = 0.00001
	maxDPrate = 100  // min and max firing rate of DP NSLOCs (tuned to different muscle lengths)
	DPnoise = 0.0 // noise of NSLOC input to DP cells
	DPoverlap = 1 //whether to have overlap in the encoding of muscle lengths (~population coding)

	// time variables
	aDT = 10 // how often to update the whole arm apparatus
	amoveDT = 10 // how often to update the arm's position
	mcmdspkwd = param10//80// param4 // 100  // motor command spike window; how wide to make the counting window (in ms)
	EMlag = 50 // lag between EM commands (at neuromuscular junction) and arm update
	spdDT = 10 // how often to update the muscle spindles (DP cells)
	DPlag = 0 // lag between arm movement and DP update
	rlDT = param11 //90//20 // how often to check RL status
	  //muscleNoiseChangeDT = 500 // how often to alternate noise to muscle groups
	iepoch = 0 // iterator for number of training epochs - global so can be used for random num generator
	syDT = 0 // dt for recording synaptic weights into nqsy -- only used when syDT>0
	// learning variables
	minRLerrchangeLTP = 0.001 // minimum error change visible to RL algorithm for LTP (units in Cartesian coordinates)
	minRLerrchangeLTD = 0.001 // minimum error change visible to RL algorithm for LTD (units in Cartesian coordinates)
	DoLearn = 4 // learning mode
	DoReset = 2 // reset at beginning
	DoRDM = 2  // use random targeqts for training
	RLMode = 3  // reinforcement learning mode (0=none,1=reward,2=punishment,3=reward+punishment)
	targid = 2  // target ID for target to set up
	XYERR = 0 // whether to use cartesian error
	ANGERR = 1 // whether to use diff btwn targ and arm angle for error 
	TRAJERR = 2 // where to use dist to ideal trajectory as error
	COMBERR = 0 // whether to use diff btwn targ and arm angle for error 
	errTY = XYERR // type of error - either XYERR or ANGERR
	centerOutTask = 1 // select target list
	// declare("AdaptLearn",0) // whether to modulate learning level by distance from target

	// recording/visualization variables
	DoAnim = 0 //  animate arm
	syCTYP = 1 // 1=only ES->EM ; 2 = all connections

	// babble noise variables (related to stim params)
	AdaptNoise = 0 // whether to adapt noise
	LTDCount = 0 // number of recent LTD periods - used for noise adaptation
	StuckCount = 2 // number of periods where arm doesn't improve and should adapt noise
	EMNoiseRate = 250 //sgrhzEE) // rate of noise inputs to EM cells
	EMNoiseRateInc = 100 // rate by which to increase noise rate when arm gets stuck
	EMNoiseRateDec = 25 // rate by which to decrease noise rate when arm gets stuck
	ResetEMNoiseRate = 0 // reset EMNoiseRate to sgrhzEE @ start of run ?
	EMNoiseRateMax = 3e3 // rate of noise inputs to EM cells
	EMNoiseRateMin = 50 // rate of noise inputs to EM cells
	EMNoiseMuscleGroup = 0 // alternate muscle group (-1=no alternation; initial muscle: 0=shext; 1=shflex ; 2=elext; 3=elflex) 



proc loadSimFiles() {
// Stuff run-neuron does.  (Comment out when using run-neuron.)
// Load the "current sim" files.
// Set up weight-saving code -- WARNING, requires plasticity to be on


//* train () -- sets training params, inits arm, runs sim and saves output
proc train () { local i localobj xo 
	// Train stage
	epochs = param21
	// sim params
	tstop=mytstop=htmax= 30 *1e3// sim time
	syDT = 0 // dt for recording synaptic weights into nqsy -- only used when syDT>0
	syCTYP = 2 // 1=only ES->EM ; 2 = all connections
	 // set joint angles starting post
	sAng0 = 0.62 // starting shoulder and elbow angles
	sAng1= 1.53 //1.57
	// set target
	targid = ptarget
	// set training params
	DoLearn= 4 // learning mode
	errTY = 0
	COMBERR = param14
	synScalingDT = param18 * 1000

	// noise params
	randomMuscleDTmax = param12//-1 // use random delays to alternate noise to muscle groups  (if -1 = use fixed muscleNoiseChangeDT)
	EMNoiseRate=param16 //sgrhzEE) // rate of noise inputs to EM cells
	EMNoiseMuscleGroup= 0 // alternate muscle group (-1=no alternation; initial muscle: 0=shext; 1=shflex ; 2=elext; 3=elflex)  -- expSeq
	muscleNoiseChangeDT = 1000 // how often to alternate stim to different muscles 
	exploreTot = param19//32//8 // length of exploratory sequence (pair of muscles coactivated; see expSeq)
	AdaptNoise=0 // whether to adapt noise
	StuckCount=2 // number of periods where arm doesn't improve and should adapt noise
	EMNoiseRateInc=50 // rate by which to increase noise rate when arm gets stuck
	EMNoiseRateDec=25 // rate by which to decrease noise rate when arm gets stuck
	EMNoiseRateMax=3e3 // rate of noise inputs to EM cells
	EMNoiseRateMin=50 // rate of noise inputs to EM cells
	// run sim
	if (epochs > 0) {
		for iepoch=0, epochs - 1 {
			run()    // Do the normal run.
	} else {
		run()    // Do the normal run.
	// if syDT>0, record and plot all of the desired synaptic weights.
	if(syDT) {
		// plotavgsyvst()

	// Save results to disk
	//type = 0

//* train2 () -- sets training params, inits arm, runs sim and saves output
proc train2 () { local i localobj xo 
	// Train stage
	epochs = param15
	// sim params
	tstop=mytstop=htmax= param17 *1e3 // sim time
	syDT = 0 // dt for recording synaptic weights into nqsy -- only used when syDT>0
	syCTYP = 2 // 1=only ES->EM ; 2 = all connections
	 // set joint angles starting post
	sAng0 = 0.62 // starting shoulder and elbow angles
	sAng1= 1.53 //1.57
	// set target
	targid = ptarget
	// set training params
	DoLearn= 4 // learning mode
	COMBERR = param14 
	// noise params
	EMNoiseRate=param20 //param4 //sgrhzEE) // rate of noise inputs to EM cells
	EMNoiseMuscleGroup= -1 // alternate muscle group (-1=no alternation; initial muscle: 0=shext; 1=shflex ; 2=elext; 3=elflex)  -- expSeq
	muscleNoiseChangeDT = 1500 // how often to alternate stim to different muscles 
	exploreTot = 8 // length of exploratory sequence (pair of muscles coactivated; see expSeq)
	AdaptNoise=0 // whether to adapt noise
	StuckCount=2 // number of periods where arm doesn't improve and should adapt noise
	EMNoiseRateInc=50 // rate by which to increase noise rate when arm gets stuck
	EMNoiseRateDec=25 // rate by which to decrease noise rate when arm gets stuck
	EMNoiseRateMax=3e3 // rate of noise inputs to EM cells
	EMNoiseRateMin=50 // rate of noise inputs to EM cells
	// run sim
	if (epochs > 0) {
		for i=0, epochs - 1 {
			//if (i==epochs - 1) {
			//	syDT = 2000
			run()    // Do the normal run.


	// if syDT>0, record and plot all of the desired synaptic weights.
	if(syDT) {

	// save nqs weights to use later
	if (calcErr == -3) {


 //* test ()  -- sets testing params, inits arm, runs sim and saves output
proc test () {local i localobj xo
	// Test stage
	// sim params
	tstop=mytstop=htmax= 1 *1e3 // sim time
	if (calcErr == -1) { // special case for iseeds sims to record LFPs and increase sim time
		tstop=mytstop=htmax= 2 *1e3
		wrecon() // to record LFPs
	} else if (calcErr == -2) { // special case to record even longer sim time
		tstop=mytstop=htmax= 5 *1e3
	syDT = tstop // dt for recording synaptic weights into nqsy -- only used when syDT>0
	syCTYP = 2 // 1=only ES->EM ; 2 = all connections
	 // set joint angles starting post
	sAng0 = 0.62 // starting shoulder and elbow angles
	sAng1 = 1.53 //1.57

	// set training params 
	// learning params (learning turned off)
	DoLearn= 0 // learning mode
	// noise params (reduced noise after training)
	EMNoiseRate=param20//sgrhzEE) // rate of noise inputs to EM cells
	EMNoiseMuscleGroup= -1 // alternate muscle group (-1=no alternation; initial muscle: 0=shext; 1=shflex ; 2=elext; 3=elflex) 
	SetEMNoiseRate(EMNoiseRate) // just to test different EMNoise during testing
	muscleNoiseChangeDT = 0 // how often to alternate stim to different muscles 
	AdaptNoise=0 // whether to adapt noise
	StuckCount=2 // number of periods where arm doesn't improve and should adapt noise
	EMNoiseRateInc=50 // rate by which to increase noise rate when arm gets stuck
	EMNoiseRateDec=25 // rate by which to decrease noise rate when arm gets stuck
	EMNoiseRateMax=3e3 // rate of noise inputs to EM cells
	EMNoiseRateMin=50 // rate of noise inputs to EM cells

	// run sim
	run()    // Do the normal run.
	if (calcErr == -1) {
		print "saving muscle data..."
	// {iters=1 nl=8  nqiter2d=IterTest2D(iters,nl,tstop)} 
	//addhyperrcols(nqiter2d) -- not working with msarm
	// Save results to disk
	type = 1

	strdef tstr
	nrnpython("import analysis as ana")
	nrnpython("import analysis as ana")

	// calculate err
	if (calcErr == 1) {
		if (packetLoss==0) { // if any packet has been lost, calculate error based only on first 20 ms == discard this set of sims
			sprint(tstr,"ana.errorCenterOutTraj('%s',%d,%d)",filestem, 2, tstop/10)
		} else {
			sprint(tstr,"ana.errorCenterOutTraj('%s',%d,%d)",filestem, 2, 4)
  		nrnpython(tstr) // save error of 4 trajs to file!!

	// Generate mat file
	sprint(tstr,"ana.save2MatlabMistSingle('%s',%d,%d)",filestem, 20, 1000)
	// eg. save2MatlabMistSingle("data/14sep16b_mist_gen_86_cand_151/target-1_ptype-1_pperc-10_repair", 20, 1000)


// add external stimuliation (mist) to a subset of cells
proc stim() {local i
	// Random MiSt stimuli
	mistWeight=10 // stimulus weight
	mistSynapse=AM2 // Which synapsenapses to stimulate
	// filestem passed from runsim20params_mist and makestims.py called from rubatchpbs_mist_20params.py

	// Load data file, add to stim variable, and run setshock()
	load_file("neurostim.hoc") // load code to set netstims and netcons based on textfile parameter


print "Loading main.hoc..."
// set STDP, Network and Stim params

// load sim files

print "dvseed: ", dvseed, "inputseed: ", inputseed


// load weights of trained network
print "loading trained network..."

// Set up external stimulation 
print "setting up stim ..."

// Set up perturbation
print "setting up perturbation ..."

// Test
print "Running the simulation (testing) ..."

// Print netstim spikes
// print "tvecMist: "
// tvecMist.printf() 
// print "idvecMist: " 
// idvecMist.printf()

print "main.hoc: done"