: $Id: expsynstdp.mod,v 1.3 2012/02/17 15:45:45 samn Exp $
: basic STDP exponential synapse
: from http://www.neuron.yale.edu/neuron/static/news/stdp.mod
POINT_PROCESS mySTDP : at a point
RANGE tau, e, i, d, p, dtau, ptau : those values beong to this process and are not global
NONSPECIFIC_CURRENT i : transmembrane current not necessarily calcium or specific ion
GLOBAL verbose : all instances of this class can print you things if you put it to 1
(nA) = (nanoamp)
(mV) = (millivolt)
(uS) = (microsiemens)
tau = 0.1 (ms) <1e-9,1e9>
e = 0 (mV)
d = 0.2 <0,1>: depression factor (multiplicative to prevent < 0)
p = 0.2 : potentiation factor (multiplicative)
dtau = 34 (ms) : depression effectiveness time constant
ptau = 17 (ms) : Bi & Poo (1998, 2001)
verbose = 0
v (mV)
i (nA)
tpost (ms)
g (uS)
tpost = -1e9
net_send(0, 1)
BREAKPOINT { : the value is updated at every time step, neuron automatically does the update for v so don't do it
SOLVE state METHOD cnexp
i = g*(v - e)
DERIVATIVE state { : put all your derivatives, they will be called at every time step
g' = -g/tau
NET_RECEIVE(w (uS), A, tpre (ms)) { : presynaptic spike events are received and handled here, they always have flag 0
INITIAL { A = 1 tpre = -1e9 }
if (flag == 0) { : presynaptic spike (after last post so depress)
if(verbose) {printf("entry flag=%g t=%g w=%g A=%g tpre=%g tpost=%g\n", flag, t, w, A, tpre, tpost)}
g = g + w*A
tpre = t
A = A * (1 - d*exp((tpost - t)/dtau))
}else if (flag == 2) { : postsynaptic spike
if(verbose) {printf("entry flag=%g t=%g tpost=%g\n", flag, t, tpost)}
tpost = t : tracs the time of the post spike
FOR_NETCONS(w1, A1, tp) { : also can hide NET_RECEIVE args, goes through all the sources, you can connect many spike sources to a single synapse
if(verbose) {printf("entry FOR_NETCONS w1=%g A1=%g tp=%g\n", w1, A1, tp)}
A1 = A1*(1 + p*exp((tp - t)/ptau))
} else { : flag == 1 from INITIAL block
if(verbose) {printf("entry flag=%g t=%g\n", flag, t)}
WATCH (v > -20) 2 : if there is a postsynaptic spike, send an event with flag 2