// GENESIS SETUP FILE silent //initialize parameters include ../../commonGPRedu/GP1axonless_defaults_full.g include ../../commonGPRedu/simdefaults.g include ../../commonGPRedu/actpars.g include ../../commonFunctions.g compListFilename = "../../commonGPRedu/gp1allcompnames_41comp.asc" // Now that all params have been established, create library objects. // Intrinsic params should be left alone from this point forward. str basefilename = "this_run_dist_200_dendNaF40_41comp_" openfile {compListFilename} r str injectCompt int counter = 2 int maxCounter = 40 int i while (counter <= {maxCounter}) for (i = 1;i <= {counter};i = i+1) injectCompt = {readfile {compListFilename}} end deleteall -force include ../../commonGPRedu/make_GP_library.g setupClocks {1e-5} {1e-5} {1} //load compartments with ion channels readcell ../../commonGPRedu/GP1_41comp.p {cellpath} -hsolve setupCurrentInjection_alt {injectCompt} setupHinesSolver {cellpath} doPreparations {cellpath} str filename_v = {basefilename} @ {counter} @ ".bin" setfield /out_v filename {filename_v} reset setpulse_sine {0} {0} {0} {"/pulse/soma"} str pulseToUse = "/pulse/" @ {injectCompt} setpulse_sine {200} {0} {200} {pulseToUse} step 0.5 -time mv {filename_v} "./genesisFiles/dendriticCurrentInjectionData/" counter = {counter} + 1 openfile {compListFilename} r end closefile {compListFilename} quit