// GENESIS SETUP FILE silent //initialize parameters include ../../commonGPRedu/GP1axonless_defaults_full.g include ../../commonGPRedu/simdefaults.g include ../../commonGPRedu/actpars.g include ../../commonFunctions.g modelName = "41comp" STNfilename = "../../commonGPRedu/gp1dendritenames_41comp_forSyns.asc" num_STN = 39 striatumfname = "../../commonGPRedu/gp1dendritenames_41comp_forSyns.asc" num_striatum_compts = 39 /* COMMENT ALL intrinsic model params have now been initialized and set. They can be safely overwritten any time between now and the calling of the make_GP_library file. Once the library has been created, parameter values are set and cannot be changed except with explicit calls to setfield. */ include ../../commonGPRedu/make_GP_library.g setupClocks {1e-5} {5e-5} {1} //load compartments with ion channels readcell ../../commonGPRedu/GP1_41comp.p {cellpath} -hsolve setupCurrentInjection_41comp setupHinesSolver {cellpath} doPreparations {cellpath} deleteall -force str clusteredSynch = "false" rundur = 100 STN_rate = 10 striatum_rate = 0 include ../../commonGPRedu/simulateSynaptic_41comp_clusteredSynch.g quit