This is the readme for the model for Lytton WW; Omurtag A. Tonic-clonic transitions in computer simulation. J Clinical Neurophys, 24:175-181, 2007. PMID: 17414973 Usage Notes: To recreate Fig. 4: (will likely only run under unix); after installing a version at least as recent as NEURON -- Release 6.1.1 (1894) 2007-11-24 (version displayed when you start nrngui) type the following: nrnivmodl nrngui batch_.hoc In under 2 minutes (on 2.8GHz Pentium 4) a display shows Expressor Field at top (black) Expressor (blue) and Driver (red) rasters 2 Expressor voltage traces at bottom y-axis is arbitrary except for rasters:This version recreates the connectivity matrix with different seeds and is therefore not identical to the original (I was not being careful with seeds at the time since I was storing the connectivity) in addition to the graph, a panel is launched that allows you to look at several other voltage traces that were recorded during the run Changelog --------- 2022-05: Updated MOD files to contain valid C++ and be compatible with the upcoming versions 8.2 and 9.0 of NEURON.