This is the readme for a model recreated from the publication: Baker MD (2005) Protein kinase C mediates up-regulation of tetrodotoxin-resistant, persistent Na+ current in rat and mouse sensory neurones. J Physiol 567:851-67 Astract: The tetrodotoxin-resistant (TTX-r) persistent Na+ current, attributed to NaV1.9, was recorded in small (<25 um apparent diameter) dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurones cultured from P21 rats and from adult wild-type and NaV1.8 null mice. In conventional whole-cell recordings intracellular GTP-gamma-S caused current up-regulation, an effect inhibited by the PKC pseudosubstrate inhibitor, PKC19-36. The current amplitude was also up-regulated by 25 uM intracellular 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG) consistent with PKC involvement. In perforated-patch recordings, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) up-regulated the current, whereasmembrane-permeant activators of protein kinaseA (PKA) werewithout effect.PGE2 did not acutely up-regulate the current. Conversely, both PGE2 and PKA activation up-regulated the major TTX-r Na+ current, NaV1.8. Extracellular ATP up-regulated the persistent current with an average apparent Kd near 13 uM, possibly consistent with P2Y receptor activation. Numerical simulation of the up-regulation qualitatively reproduced changes in sensory neurone firing properties. The activation of PKC appears to be a necessary step in the GTP-dependent up-regulation of persistent Na+ current. Usage: The model contains all the mod files from the currents used in the paper. To run auto-launch from modeldb or download and extract the archive and compile the mod files by ------------ Windows: Run mknrndll in the directory created on expanding the archive. Linux/Unix: Type the command "nrnivmodl" in the directory created on expanding the archive. MAC OS X: Drag and drop the folder created on expanding the archive onto the mknrndll icon. ------------- Then run the model by ------------ Windows: Double clicking on the mosinit.hoc file in the folder expanded from the archive. Linux/Unix: Type the command "nrngui mosinit.hoc" in the folder expanded from the archive. MAC OS X: Drag and drop the mosinit.hoc from the folder expanded from the archive onto the nrngui icon. ------------- Once the model is running press the "Fig 8" button. When the simulation completes you should see the figures:Questions about the implementation of the model can be directed to Tom Morse, questions about the paper to Mark Baker. February 15th, 2010: Bug fix by Marcus Petersson who noticed in ks.mod the power of the gating variable is 1 not 4.