More information and latest version available at:

- Boost 1.47+
- Readline
- GLE (For graphing)

$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Options are available for configure to specify installation location
and library locations if configure is unable to find them on their
own. Type 
./configure --help
for more information.

Before dtnet can be used, you MUST create a file called ~/.libdtnetrc
In this file, add the following line:

models=HH aEIF Poisson

This tells dtnet which neural models are available

Running Examples
Examples are included in the examples diretory to reproduce the
figures in Aubie et al. (2009). For example, to reproduce the figures
generated by bandpass.dtnet (Figures are documented within each .dtnet
file), simply enter the examples directory and run:

# dtnet -s bandpass.dtnet

Ensure GLE is installed and working in order for the figures to be
produced. If GLE throws errors or a seg fault occurs, ensure you have
adequate memory (at least 4GB of RAM is required for many

Aubie, Becker Faure (2009) Computational models of millisecond level
duration tuning in neural circuits. J Neurosci 29:9255-9270.