# Shortpass with Onset Breakthrough DTN # Written by Brandon Aubie # Used to produce Figures # # Can produce Figures 11A # Some variance due to different random seeds will be present set("T", 45) sim = simulation("networks/anticoincidence.xml", "inputs/durations.xml") sim = modsim(sim, "connection.SI:DTN.weight", -4.3) sim = modsim(sim, "population.CN.mu", 400) sim = modsim(sim, "connection.SI:DTN.delay", 2.8) sim = modsim(sim, "connection.ONDelay:DTN.weight", 5) results = run(sim,"",15,5) print(results) set("graph.width", 5.5) set("graph.height", 4) graphspiketrains(results, "DTN", "JN_Aubie_2009_Fig11A.eps") quit()