#include "GLE.h"
using namespace std;
namespace bfs = boost::filesystem;
bool GLE::setPanelProperties(PanelProperties props, PanelID ID) {
if (ID >= (PanelID)panels.size()) return false;
panels[ID].properties = props;
return true;
bool GLE::setPanelProperties(PanelProperties props) {
vector<Panel>::iterator iter;
for (iter = panels.begin(); iter != panels.end(); ++iter) {
iter->properties = props;
return true;
GLE::PanelProperties GLE::getPanelProperties(PanelID ID) {
if (ID >= (PanelID)panels.size()) { PanelProperties r; return r; }
return panels[ID].properties;
bool GLE::verifyData(GLE::Plot &plot)
vector<vector<double> >::iterator iter;
vector<vector<double> >::iterator iter_eu;
vector<vector<double> >::iterator iter_ed;
iter_eu = plot.err_up.begin();
iter_ed = plot.err_down.begin();
for (iter = plot.y.begin(); iter != plot.y.end(); ++iter)
if (iter->size() != plot.x.size())
cout << "[GLE++] Error: x and y vector sizes do not all match (x: " << plot.x.size() << " y: " << iter->size() << ")." << endl;
return false;
if (iter_eu != plot.err_up.end()) {
if (!iter_eu->empty() && iter_eu->size() != plot.x.size())
cout << "[GLE++] Error: x and y error_up vector sizes do not all match (x: " << plot.x.size() << " y: " << iter_eu->size() << ")." << endl;
return false;
if (!iter_ed->empty() && iter_ed->size() != plot.x.size())
cout << "[GLE++] Error: x and y error_down vector sizes do not all match (x: " << plot.x.size() << " y: " << iter_ed->size() << ")." << endl;
return false;
return true;
GLE::PanelID GLE::plot(vector< pair<double,double> > &points, PlotProperties properties, GLE::PanelID ID)
Points new_points;
new_points.points = points;
new_points.properties = properties;
Panel panel;
// Get a new ID
ID = this->panels.size() - 1;
panel = this->panels.at(ID);
catch (out_of_range outOfRange)
cout << "[GLE++] Attempted to add to a non-existent panel (" << outOfRange.what() << ")." << endl;
return false;
this->panels.at(ID) = panel;
return ID;
GLE::PanelID GLE::plot(vector<double> &x, vector<double> &y, GLE::PlotProperties properties)
return this->plot(x, y, properties, GLE::NEW_PANEL);
GLE::PanelID GLE::plot(vector<double> &x, vector<vector<double> > &y, GLE::PlotProperties properties)
vector<vector<double> > empty;
return this->plot(x, y, empty, empty, properties, GLE::NEW_PANEL);
GLE::PanelID GLE::plot(vector<double> &x, vector<vector<double> > &y, vector<vector<double> > &err_up, vector<vector<double> > &err_down, GLE::PlotProperties properties)
return this->plot(x, y, err_up, err_down, properties, GLE::NEW_PANEL);
GLE::PanelID GLE::plot(vector<double> &x, vector<double> &y, GLE::PlotProperties properties, GLE::PanelID ID)
vector<vector<double> > tmp;
vector<vector<double> > empty;
return this->plot(x, tmp, empty, empty, properties, ID);
GLE::PanelID GLE::plot(vector<double> &x, vector<double> &y, vector<double> &err_up, vector<double> &err_down, GLE::PlotProperties properties, GLE::PanelID ID)
vector<vector<double> > tmp;
vector<vector<double> > tmp_eu;
vector<vector<double> > tmp_ed;
return this->plot(x, tmp, tmp_eu, tmp_ed, properties, ID);
GLE::PanelID GLE::plot(vector<double> &x, vector<vector<double> > &y, vector<vector<double> > &err_up, vector<vector<double> > &err_down, GLE::PlotProperties properties, GLE::PanelID ID)
Plot plot;
plot.x = x;
plot.properties = properties;
if (properties.no_y) {
/** When no_y = true then the signal values are simply x values.
* Thus, we must transform each signal into (x,y) points. **/
plot.properties.zeros = false;
plot.properties.lineWidth = 0;
vector<vector<double> > new_y;
vector<vector<double> >::iterator sigIter;
vector<double>::iterator valIter;
vector<double>::iterator tsIter;
double curY = plot.properties.y_start;
/** std::find wasn't finding some values for some reason. Doing manually therefore. **/
double front = x.front();
double dt = (x[1] - x[0]);
for (sigIter = y.begin(); sigIter != y.end(); ++sigIter) {
vector<double> new_sig(x.size(), 0.0); // Default everything to zero
for (valIter = sigIter->begin(); valIter != sigIter->end(); ++valIter) {
int index = (int)((*valIter-front)/dt);
if (*valIter >= x.front() && *valIter <= x.back()) new_sig[index] = curY;
curY += plot.properties.y_inc;
plot.y = new_y;
} else {
plot.y = y;
plot.err_up = err_up;
plot.err_down = err_down;
Panel panel;
// Get a new ID
ID = this->panels.size() - 1;
panel = this->panels.at(ID);
catch (out_of_range outOfRange)
cout << "[GLE++] Attempted to add to a non-existent panel (" << outOfRange.what() << ")." << endl;
return -1;
this->panels.at(ID) = panel;
if (properties.no_y) {
PanelProperties p = this->getPanelProperties(ID);
p.y_labels = false;
this->setPanelProperties(p, ID);
return ID;
GLE::PanelID GLE::plot3d(vector<double> &x, vector<double> &y, vector< vector<double> > &z, PlotProperties properties, PanelID ID)
Plot3d plot3d;
plot3d.x = x;
plot3d.y = y;
plot3d.z = z;
plot3d.properties = properties;
Panel panel;
// Get a new ID
ID = this->panels.size() - 1;
panel = this->panels.at(ID);
catch (out_of_range outOfRange)
cout << "[GLE++] Attempted to add to a non-existent panel (" << outOfRange.what() << ")." << endl;
return -1;
this->panels.at(ID) = panel;
return ID;
string GLE::getMarker()
string r = *this->iter_marker;
if (this->iter_marker == this->markers.end()) this->iter_marker = this->markers.begin();
return r;
bool GLE::draw()
return this->draw("output.eps");
bool GLE::draw(string const &filename)
string gle_script_file = this->gle_script_to_file();
string type = filename.substr(filename.find('.')+1);
string basename = filename.substr(0, filename.find('.'));
if (type == "jpeg") type = "jpg";
string graphics_dir = type+"_graphics";
string image_name = graphics_dir + "/" + filename;
string command;
if (filename != "_preview_" && filename != "STDOUT" && filename != "_nodraw_" && basename != "temp")
command = string("gle -d ") + type + string(" -output ") + image_name + " " + gle_script_file;
else if (basename == "temp")
command = string("gle -d ") + type + string(" -output temp.") + type + " " + gle_script_file;
else if (filename == "_preview_")
command = string("gle") + string(" -p ") + gle_script_file;
else if (filename == "STDOUT")
command = string("gle -d ") + type + string(" -output ") + image_name + " " + gle_script_file;
int r = 0;
if (filename != "_nodraw_")
r = system(command.c_str());
if (r != 0) {
cerr << "[GLE] An error occured." << endl;
cerr << "[GLE] " << command.c_str() << endl;
cout << "[GLE] Saved plot to " << filename << endl;
// Move the temporary files to folder
vector<Panel>::iterator panel_iter;
vector<Plot>::iterator plot_iter;
vector<Points>::iterator points_iter;
vector<Plot3d>::iterator plot3d_iter;
if (filename != "_preview_" && filename !="_nodraw_" && filename != "temp")
string script_dir = "GLE_scripts";
bfs::remove_all(bfs::path(script_dir + "/" + basename));
bfs::create_directory(bfs::path(script_dir + "/" + basename));
basename = script_dir + "/" + basename;
string scriptName = basename + "/script.gle";
string dataName;
bfs::copy_file(bfs::path(gle_script_file), bfs::path(scriptName));
for( panel_iter = this->panels.begin(); panel_iter != this->panels.end(); ++panel_iter)
for ( plot_iter = panel_iter->plots.begin(); plot_iter != panel_iter->plots.end(); ++plot_iter)
dataName = basename + "/" + plot_iter->data_file.substr(plot_iter->data_file.find_last_of("/")+1);
bfs::copy_file(bfs::path(plot_iter->data_file), bfs::path(dataName));
for ( points_iter = panel_iter->points.begin(); points_iter != panel_iter->points.end(); ++points_iter )
dataName = basename + "/" + points_iter->data_file.substr(points_iter->data_file.find_last_of("/")+1);
bfs::copy_file(bfs::path(points_iter->data_file), bfs::path(dataName));
for ( plot3d_iter = panel_iter->plots3d.begin(); plot3d_iter != panel_iter->plots3d.end(); ++plot3d_iter )
dataName = basename + "/" + plot3d_iter->data_file.substr(plot3d_iter->data_file.find_last_of("/")+1);
bfs::copy_file(bfs::path(plot3d_iter->data_file), bfs::path(dataName));
} else {
// Just previewing so remove temporary files
for( panel_iter = this->panels.begin(); panel_iter != this->panels.end(); ++panel_iter)
for ( plot_iter = panel_iter->plots.begin(); plot_iter != panel_iter->plots.end(); ++plot_iter)
for ( points_iter = panel_iter->points.begin(); points_iter != panel_iter->points.end(); ++points_iter )
for ( plot3d_iter = panel_iter->plots3d.begin(); plot3d_iter != panel_iter->plots3d.end(); ++plot3d_iter )
return (r == 0);
bool GLE::data_to_file()
vector<Panel>::iterator panel_iter;
vector<Plot>::iterator plot_iter;
vector<double>::iterator x_iter;
vector<double>::iterator y_iter;
vector<Points>::iterator points_iter;
vector<Plot3d>::iterator plot3d_iter;
vector< pair<double,double> >::iterator pair_iter;
vector<vector<double> >::iterator all_y_iter;
map<double, vector<double> > y;
vector<double>::iterator values_y_iter;
map<double, vector<double> >::iterator values_iter;
for( panel_iter = this->panels.begin(); panel_iter != this->panels.end(); ++panel_iter)
{ /**< Loop over each panel. */
for ( plot3d_iter = panel_iter->plots3d.begin(); plot3d_iter != panel_iter->plots3d.end(); ++plot3d_iter )
{ /**< Loop over each set of 3D data (probably only one, but this is general). **/
char data_filename[] = "gle_data_XXXXXX";
int pTemp = mkstemp(data_filename);
boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink sink( pTemp, boost::iostreams::close_handle );
boost::iostreams::stream<boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink> of( sink );
if (!of)
cerr << "[GLE] Unable to create temporary file." << endl;
return false;
plot3d_iter->data_file = string(data_filename);
plot3d_iter->data_file += ".z"; // GLE requires the .z extension to work
of << "! nx " << plot3d_iter->x.size() << " ny " << plot3d_iter->y.size();
of << " xmin " << plot3d_iter->x.front() << " xmax " << plot3d_iter->x.back();
of << " ymin " << plot3d_iter->y.front() << " ymax " << plot3d_iter->y.back();
of << endl;
for (vector< vector<double> >::iterator x = plot3d_iter->z.begin(); x != plot3d_iter->z.end(); ++x) {
for (vector<double>::iterator y = x->begin(); y != x->end(); ++y) {
of << fixed << setprecision(3) << *y << " ";
if (*y > plot3d_iter->z_max) plot3d_iter->z_max = *y;
if (*y < plot3d_iter->z_min) plot3d_iter->z_min = *y;
of << endl;
close ( pTemp );
bfs::copy_file( bfs::path(data_filename), bfs::path(plot3d_iter->data_file) );
bfs::remove( bfs::path(data_filename) );
for ( points_iter = panel_iter->points.begin(); points_iter != panel_iter->points.end(); ++points_iter )
{ /**< Loop over each set of points. */
char data_filename[] = "gle_data_XXXXXX";
int pTemp = mkstemp(data_filename);
boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink sink( pTemp, boost::iostreams::close_handle );
boost::iostreams::stream<boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink> of( sink );
if (!of)
cerr << "[GLE] Unable to create temporary file." << endl;
return false;
points_iter->data_file = string(data_filename);
for (pair_iter = points_iter->points.begin(); pair_iter != points_iter->points.end(); ++pair_iter) {
of << fixed << setprecision(3) << pair_iter->first << "," << pair_iter->second << endl;
close ( pTemp );
// Error bar iterators
vector<vector<double> >::iterator iter_aeu;
vector<vector<double> >::iterator iter_aed;
vector<double>::iterator iter_eu;
vector<double>::iterator iter_ed;
bool error_bars;
for ( plot_iter = panel_iter->plots.begin(); plot_iter != panel_iter->plots.end(); ++plot_iter)
{ /**< Loop over each plot in this panel. */
error_bars = false;
iter_aeu = plot_iter->err_up.begin();
iter_aed = plot_iter->err_down.begin();
if (iter_aeu != plot_iter->err_up.end()) error_bars = true;
for ( all_y_iter = plot_iter->y.begin(); all_y_iter != plot_iter->y.end(); ++all_y_iter)
{ /**< Loop over each trace in this plot. */
x_iter = plot_iter->x.begin(); // We assume x and y are the same size since verifyData() returned true.
if (error_bars) {
iter_eu = iter_aeu->begin();
iter_ed = iter_aed->begin();
for ( y_iter = all_y_iter->begin(); y_iter != all_y_iter->end(); ++y_iter)
{ /**< Loop over each y value in this trace. */
if (error_bars) {
char data_filename[] = "gle_data_XXXXXX";
int pTemp = mkstemp(data_filename);
boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink sink( pTemp, boost::iostreams::close_handle );
boost::iostreams::stream<boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink> of( sink );
if (!of)
cerr << "[GLE] Unable to create temporary file." << endl;
return false;
plot_iter->data_file = string(data_filename);
for (values_iter = y.begin(); values_iter != y.end(); ++values_iter) {
of << fixed << setprecision(3) << values_iter->first;
for ( values_y_iter = values_iter->second.begin(); values_y_iter != values_iter->second.end(); ++values_y_iter ) {
if (plot_iter->properties.zeros || *values_y_iter != 0) {
of << fixed << setprecision(3) << "," << *values_y_iter;
} else {
of << "," << "*"; // Skip this value
of << endl;
close ( pTemp );
return true;
string GLE::gle_script_to_file()
char filename[] = "gle_script_XXXXXX";
int pTemp = mkstemp(filename);
boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink sink( pTemp, boost::iostreams::close_handle );
boost::iostreams::stream<boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink> out( sink );
vector<Panel>::iterator panel_iter;
vector<Plot>::iterator plot_iter;
vector<Plot3d>::iterator plot3d_iter;
vector<Points>::iterator points_iter;
vector< pair<double,double> >::iterator pair_iter;
vector<vector<double> >::iterator y_iter;
Color color;
Color diff;
out << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
out << "! Generated by dtnet !" << endl;
out << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl << endl;
out << "size " << this->canvasProperties.width << " " << this->canvasProperties.height << endl;
out << "set font psh" << endl;
out << "set hei 0.3000" << endl;
if (this->canvasProperties.auto_layout)
float panel_width, panel_height;
int rows;
int count = 0;
int plot_num = 0;
int last_row_count = 0;
rows = ceil( (float)this->panels.size() / (float)this->canvasProperties.columns );
panel_width = (float)( (this->canvasProperties.width - 1.05*this->canvasProperties.margin_left*(this->canvasProperties.columns-1)) / (float)this->canvasProperties.columns );
panel_height = (float)( (this->canvasProperties.height - 1.25*this->canvasProperties.margin_top*(rows-1)) / (float)rows );
panel_iter = this->panels.begin();
for ( int r = 1; r <= rows; ++r )
for ( int c = 1; c <= this->canvasProperties.columns; ++c )
last_row_count = c;
out << endl;
out << "!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
out << "! PANEL " << count << " !" << endl;
out << "!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
out << "include \"color.gle\"" << endl;
out << "begin object graph" << count << endl;
if (panel_iter == --(this->panels.end()) && this->panels.size() > 1) panel_height *= 1.2;
if (panel_iter->plots3d.size() > 0) {
if (panel_iter->plots3d[0].properties.usemap == true) {
// Output 3D data using a heatmap type display
out << "begin graph" << endl;
out << "xaxis min " << panel_iter->plots3d[0].x.front() << " max " << panel_iter->plots3d[0].x.back() << endl;
out << "yaxis min " << panel_iter->plots3d[0].y.front() << " max " << panel_iter->plots3d[0].y.back() << endl;
out << "size " << (panel_width-1) << " " << panel_height << endl;
out << "scale auto" << endl;
out << "xtitle \"" << panel_iter->properties.x_title << "\"" << endl;
out << "ytitle \"" << panel_iter->properties.y_title << "\"" << endl;
out << "title \"" << panel_iter->properties.title << "\"" << endl;
out << "colormap \"" << panel_iter->plots3d[0].data_file << "\"";
out << " " << panel_iter->plots3d[0].x.size() << " " << panel_iter->plots3d[0].y.size();
out << " zmin " << panel_iter->plots3d[0].z_min << " zmax " << panel_iter->plots3d[0].z_max;
out << endl;
out << "end graph" << endl;
out << "amove xg(xgmax)+0.3 yg(ygmin)" << endl;
out << "color_range_vertical " << panel_iter->plots3d[0].z_min << " " << panel_iter->plots3d[0].z_max;
out << " 0.5 palette gray pixels 500 format \"fix 1\"" << endl;
} else {
// Output 3D data using a 3D graph
out << "begin surface" << endl;
out << "xaxis min " << panel_iter->plots3d[0].x.front() << " max " << panel_iter->plots3d[0].x.back() << endl;
out << "yaxis min " << panel_iter->plots3d[0].y.front() << " max " << panel_iter->plots3d[0].y.back() << endl;
out << "size " << panel_width << " " << panel_height << endl;
out << "xtitle \"" << panel_iter->properties.x_title << "\"" << endl;
out << "ytitle \"" << panel_iter->properties.y_title << "\"" << endl;
out << "title \"" << panel_iter->properties.title << "\"" << endl;
out << "data \"" << panel_iter->plots3d[0].data_file << "\"" << endl;
out << "end surface" << endl;
} else {
out << "begin graph" << endl;
out << "nobox" << endl;
out << "x2axis off" << endl;
out << "y2axis off" << endl;
out << "size " << panel_width << " " << panel_height << endl;
out << "scale auto" << endl;
out << "xtitle \"" << panel_iter->properties.x_title << "\"" << endl;
out << "ytitle \"" << panel_iter->properties.y_title << "\"" << endl;
out << "xticks length -0.1" << endl;
out << "yticks length -0.1" << endl;
out << "title \"" << panel_iter->properties.title << "\"" << endl;
out << "xaxis min " << panel_iter->plots[0].x.front() << " max " << panel_iter->plots[0].x.back() << endl;
if (panel_iter->properties.y_min != GLE::UNDEFINED || panel_iter->properties.y_max != GLE::UNDEFINED) {
out << "yaxis ";
if (panel_iter->properties.y_min != GLE::UNDEFINED) out << "min " << panel_iter->properties.y_min << " ";
if (panel_iter->properties.y_max != GLE::UNDEFINED) out << "max " << panel_iter->properties.y_max << " ";
out << endl;
if (panel_iter->properties.x_min != GLE::UNDEFINED || panel_iter->properties.x_max != GLE::UNDEFINED) {
out << "xaxis ";
if (panel_iter->properties.x_min != GLE::UNDEFINED) out << "min " << panel_iter->properties.x_min << " ";
if (panel_iter->properties.x_max != GLE::UNDEFINED) out << "max " << panel_iter->properties.x_max << " ";
out << endl;
if (panel_iter->properties.y_nticks != GLE::UNDEFINED) {
out << "yaxis nticks " << panel_iter->properties.y_nticks << endl;
if (panel_iter->properties.x_labels == false) {
out << "xaxis off" << endl;
if (panel_iter->properties.y_labels == false) {
out << "yaxis off" << endl;
if (panel_iter->properties.x_dsubticks != GLE::UNDEFINED) {
out << "xaxis dsubticks " << panel_iter->properties.x_dsubticks << endl;
if (panel_iter->properties.x_dticks != GLE::UNDEFINED) {
out << "xaxis dticks " << panel_iter->properties.x_dticks << endl;
if (panel_iter->properties.y_dsubticks != GLE::UNDEFINED) {
out << "yaxis dsubticks " << panel_iter->properties.y_dsubticks << endl;
if (panel_iter->properties.y_dticks != GLE::UNDEFINED) {
out << "yaxis dticks " << panel_iter->properties.y_dticks << endl;
if (panel_iter->properties.x_labels_hei != GLE::UNDEFINED) {
out << "xlabels hei " << panel_iter->properties.x_labels_hei << endl;
if (panel_iter->properties.y_labels_hei != GLE::UNDEFINED) {
out << "ylabels hei " << panel_iter->properties.y_labels_hei << endl;
if (panel_iter->properties.x_labels_dist != GLE::UNDEFINED) {
out << "xlabels dist " << panel_iter->properties.x_labels_dist << endl;
if (panel_iter->properties.y_labels_dist != GLE::UNDEFINED) {
out << "ylabels dist " << panel_iter->properties.y_labels_dist << endl;
plot_num = 1;
for ( plot_iter = panel_iter->plots.begin(); plot_iter != panel_iter->plots.end(); ++plot_iter)
out << "data \"" << plot_iter->data_file << "\"" << endl;
diff.r = (plot_iter->properties.last.r - plot_iter->properties.first.r) / plot_iter->y.size();
diff.g = (plot_iter->properties.last.g - plot_iter->properties.first.g) / plot_iter->y.size();
diff.b = (plot_iter->properties.last.b - plot_iter->properties.first.b) / plot_iter->y.size();
color = plot_iter->properties.first;
for ( y_iter = plot_iter->y.begin(); y_iter != plot_iter->y.end(); ++y_iter)
if (plot_iter->properties.lineWidth > 0) {
out << "d" << plot_num << " line color CVTRGB(" << color.r << "," << color.g << "," << color.b << ")" << " lwidth " << plot_iter->properties.lineWidth << endl;
string marker;
if (plot_iter->properties.pointSize > 0) {
marker = plot_iter->properties.marker;
if (marker == "__series__") marker = this->getMarker();
out << "d" << plot_num << " marker " << marker << " msize " << plot_iter->properties.pointSize;
if (panel_iter->properties.legend && plot_iter->properties.inlegend) {
out << " key \"Legend Text\"";
} else {
out << " !key \"Legend Text\"";
out << endl;
if (plot_iter->properties.lineWidth > 0) {
out << "d" << plot_num << " color CVTRGB(" << color.r << "," << color.g << "," << color.b << ")" << endl;
if (plot_iter->properties.nomiss) {
out << "d" << plot_num << " nomiss" << endl;
if (!plot_iter->err_up.empty()) {
out << "d" << plot_num << " errup d" << (plot_num+1) << " errdown d" << (plot_num+2) << endl;
plot_num += 2;
color.r += diff.r;
color.g += diff.g;
color.b += diff.b;
for ( points_iter = panel_iter->points.begin(); points_iter != panel_iter->points.end(); ++points_iter )
out << "data \"" << points_iter->data_file << "\"" << endl;
out << "d" << plot_num << " marker dot msize " << points_iter->properties.pointSize << endl;
if (panel_iter->properties.legend ) {
out << "key compact" << endl;
out << "key nobox" << endl;
out << "end graph" << endl;
out << "end object" << endl;
if (panel_iter == this->panels.end()) { c = this->canvasProperties.columns + 1; r = rows + 1; }
// Now display them backwards (bottom->top, left->right)
stringstream str_y("0.1");
stringstream str_x("0");
for (int r = rows; r >= 1; --r)
for (int c = 1; c <= this->canvasProperties.columns; c++)
out << "amove " << str_x.str()
<< " "
<< str_y.str()
<< endl;
out << "draw graph" << count << ".bl" << endl;
str_x << "ptx(graph" << count << ".br)+" << this->canvasProperties.margin_left;
if (r == rows && c == last_row_count) { c = this->canvasProperties.columns + 1; }
str_y << "pty(graph" << count << ".tc)+" << this->canvasProperties.margin_top;
close ( pTemp );
string old_filename = string(filename);
string new_filename = string(filename) + ".gle";
bfs::copy_file(bfs::path(old_filename), bfs::path(new_filename));
return new_filename;