#include "simulation.h"
using namespace std;
/** Random Number Generator **/
boost::mt19937 random_engine;
Simulation::Simulation(Net &net, Trial &trial) : net(net), trial(trial) {
quiet = false;
bool Simulation::modify(std::string ID, Range const val) {
// Split up the ID into its three parts.
string type_ID;
string item_ID;
string param_ID;
size_t pos;
pos = ID.find('.');
type_ID = ID.substr(0, pos);
string sID = ID.substr(pos + 1);
pos = sID.find('.');
item_ID = sID.substr(0, pos);
param_ID = sID.substr(pos + 1);
if (type_ID == "population") {
if (this->net.populations.find(item_ID) != this->net.populations.end()) {
if (this->net.populations[item_ID].params.vals.find(param_ID) != this->net.populations[item_ID].params.vals.end()) {
this->net.populations[item_ID].params.vals[param_ID] = val;
return true;
if (type_ID == "connection") {
string from, to;
pos = item_ID.find(':');
from = item_ID.substr(0, pos);
to = item_ID.substr(pos + 1);
if (this->net.connections.find(to) != this->net.connections.end()) {
if (this->net.connections[to].find(from) != this->net.connections[to].end()) {
if (param_ID == "weight") {
this->net.connections[to][from].weight = val;
return true;
if (param_ID == "delay") {
this->net.connections[to][from].delay = val;
return true;
if (param_ID == "density") {
this->net.connections[to][from].density = val;
return true;
cerr << "[X] " << ID << " failed to modify the network." << endl;
return false;
void Simulation::runSimulation(Results::Result *r, double T, double dt, double delay, bool voltage, bool quiet) {
// Run all the results given to us in the vector
// Each thread runs multiple results to cut down on thread management overhead
double input;
double new_input;
double tau;
unsigned int steps = (unsigned int) (T / dt);
map<string, Population::ConstrainedPopulation>::const_iterator cpIter;
list<Neuron*>::const_iterator nIter;
map<string, Net::Connection<double> >::const_iterator fromIter;
// Jitter the neurons
for (cpIter = r->cNetwork.populations.begin(); cpIter != r->cNetwork.populations.end(); ++cpIter) {
for (nIter = cpIter->second.neurons.begin(); nIter != cpIter->second.neurons.end(); ++nIter) { // Loop over neurons
for (unsigned int ts = 0; ts < steps; ++ts) { // Loop over time steps
for (cpIter = r->cNetwork.populations.begin(); cpIter != r->cNetwork.populations.end(); ++cpIter) {
input = 0.0;
// Find spikes into our population
for (fromIter = r->cNetwork.connections[cpIter->second.ID].begin();
fromIter != r->cNetwork.connections[cpIter->second.ID].end();
++fromIter) {
new_input = 0;
if (fromIter->second.weight > 0) tau = 0.7;
else tau = 1.1;
new_input += r->cNetwork.alpha(ts*dt, r->cNetwork.populations[fromIter->first].neurons, tau, fromIter->second.delay, delay, dt) * fromIter->second.weight;
input += new_input / (double) (r->cNetwork.populations[fromIter->first].neurons.size());
// Add our input signal in
if (cpIter->second.accept_input != 0) {
input += r->cTrial.values[ts] * cpIter->second.accept_input;
if (cpIter->second.spontaneous) {
input = 1; // Default input of 1
for (nIter = cpIter->second.neurons.begin(); nIter != cpIter->second.neurons.end(); ++nIter) { // Loop over neurons
// Update our neuron
(*nIter)->update(input, ts, dt);
// Delete the voltage if we don't want to save it.
if (!voltage) {
for (cpIter = r->cNetwork.populations.begin(); cpIter != r->cNetwork.populations.end(); ++cpIter) {
for (nIter = cpIter->second.neurons.begin(); nIter != cpIter->second.neurons.end(); ++nIter) { // Loop over neurons
bool Simulation::simulationProgress(boost::threadpool::pool &tp, int total, boost::posix_time::ptime start) {
boost::posix_time::ptime now(boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time());
int pending = tp.pending();
int active = tp.active();
if (tp.pending() == 0) {
cout << endl;
return false;
double percent_done = (double) (total - pending) / (double) total;
boost::posix_time::time_duration dur = now - start;
double time_left = (double) dur.total_microseconds() / percent_done;
boost::posix_time::time_duration left = boost::posix_time::microseconds(time_left) - dur;
cout << "\r[" << (int) (percent_done * 100) << "%] ";
cout << "[" << pending << "/" << total << "] ";
cout << "[" << (active - 1) << " active] ";
cout << left << " remaining." << flush;
return true;
bool Simulation::run(Results &results, string filename, double T, double dt, double delay, int number_of_trials, bool voltage, boost::threadpool::pool &tp) {
vector<Trial::ConstrainedTrial>* inputs = this->trial.inputFactory(T, dt, delay);
vector<Net::ConstrainedNetwork>* networks = this->net.networkFactory();
vector<double> timesteps = this->genTimeSeries(T, dt, delay);
int total = number_of_trials * inputs->size() * networks->size();
int steps = (int) (T / dt);
results = Results(T, dt, delay);
results.timeseries = timesteps;
if (filename != "") {
ofstream fstr;
fstr.open(filename.c_str(), fstream::out);
if (fstr.fail()) {
cout << "[X] Unable to open " << filename << " for writing." << endl;
return false;
if (!quiet)
cout << "Initializing " << total << " Simulations ";
if (voltage) cout << "with voltage traces." << endl;
if (!voltage) cout << "without voltage traces." << endl;
const int progress_width = 50;
int progress = 0;
string progress_done;
string progress_left;
// Steal the unconstrained IDs from the trial and network.
for (map<string, Range>::iterator iter = this->net.unconstrained.begin(); iter != this->net.unconstrained.end(); ++iter) {
results.unconstrained[iter->first] = iter->second;
for (map<string, Range>::iterator iter = this->trial.unconstrained.begin(); iter != this->trial.unconstrained.end(); ++iter) {
results.unconstrained[iter->first] = iter->second;
for (vector<Trial::ConstrainedTrial>::iterator t = inputs->begin(); t != inputs->end(); ++t) {
for (vector<Net::ConstrainedNetwork>::iterator n = networks->begin(); n != networks->end(); ++n) {
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_trials; ++i) {
// Initialize the neurons
map<string, Population::ConstrainedPopulation>::iterator pops;
list<Neuron*>::iterator neurons;
for (pops = n->populations.begin(); pops != n->populations.end(); ++pops) {
for (neurons = pops->second.neurons.begin(); neurons != pops->second.neurons.end(); ++neurons) {
(*neurons)->init(steps, delay);
// Create the Result container
Results::Result r;
// Make copies of the neurons
for (pops = n->populations.begin(); pops != n->populations.end(); ++pops) {
list<Neuron*> copiedNeurons;
for (neurons = pops->second.neurons.begin(); neurons != pops->second.neurons.end(); ++neurons) {
pops->second.neurons.assign(copiedNeurons.begin(), copiedNeurons.end());
r.cNetwork = *n;
r.cTrial = *t;
r.trial_num = i;
r.result_set = 0;
if (!quiet)
progress += number_of_trials;
progress_done = string((int) (progress_width * ((float) progress / (float) total)), '*');
progress_left = string(progress_width * (1 - ((float) progress / (float) total)), ' ');
cout << "\r[" << progress_done << progress_left << "]" << flush;
if (!quiet)
progress_done = string(progress_width, '*');
cout << "\r[" << progress_done << progress_left << "]" << endl;
boost::posix_time::ptime start(boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time());
if (!quiet)
cout << "Running " << networks->size() << " networks against " << inputs->size() << " inputs over " << number_of_trials << " trials." << endl;
tp.schedule(boost::threadpool::looped_task_func(boost::bind(&Simulation::simulationProgress, tp, total, start), 1000));
cout << "Running " << results.results.size() << " Simulations ..." << endl;
for (int r_index = 0; r_index < total; ++r_index) {
tp.schedule(boost::bind(&runSimulation, &results.results[r_index], T, dt, delay, voltage, quiet));
if (!quiet)
boost::posix_time::ptime end(boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time());
boost::posix_time::time_duration dur = end - start;
cout << "Completed in " << dur << endl;
if (filename != "") {
if (!quiet) cout << "Saving simulation..." << endl;
} else {
if (!quiet) cout << "[WARNING] Simulation WAS NOT SAVED!" << endl;
return true;
string Simulation::toString() {
string r;
r = "A Simulation\n";
return r;
vector<double> Simulation::genTimeSeries(double T, double dt, double delay) {
vector<double> timesteps;
unsigned int steps = (int) (T / dt);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < steps; ++i) {
timesteps[i] = i * dt - delay;
return timesteps;