% This script calls the functions required to fully analyze the data output
% from Python - bdnfHomeostasisSimulation.py. See the individual functions
% called here for more detailed information. These analyses were performed
% for O'Neill et al., Time-dependent homeostatic mechanisms underlie BDNF
% action on neural circuitry. Comms Bio, 2023.
% The functions called here were written by Erin D. Anderson and can be
% accessed at https://www.seas.upenn.edu/~molneuro/
% Last Updated: 11/18/2023
%% Analysis
folderName = uigetdir; % folder where BDNF simulation data is stored
overwrite = false; % whether to overwrite data structs in simulation mat
% files, e.g. if the analysis functions changed
convertToMEA(folderName, overwrite); % converts individual neuron recording to MEA recording
% writes directly into file
spikeAnalysis = bdnfHomeostasisMEA_spikeAnalysis(folderName, overwrite);
spikeAnalysisStruct = table2struct(spikeAnalysis);
networkAnalysis = bdnfHomeostasisMEA_networkAnalysis(folderName, overwrite);
networkAnalysisStruct = table2struct(networkAnalysis);
stdpAnalysis = bdnfHomeostasisMEA_stdpAnalysis(folderName, overwrite);
stdpAnalysisStruct = table2struct(stdpAnalysis);