function E = efficiency_wei(W, local)
%EFFICIENCY_WEI Global efficiency, local efficiency.
% Eglob = efficiency_wei(W);
% Eloc = efficiency_wei(W,2);
% The global efficiency is the average of inverse shortest path length,
% and is inversely related to the characteristic path length.
% The local efficiency is the global efficiency computed on the
% neighborhood of the node, and is related to the clustering coefficient.
% Inputs: W,
% weighted undirected or directed connection matrix
% local,
% optional argument
% local=0 computes the global efficiency (default).
% local=1 computes the original version of the local
% efficiency.
% local=2 computes the modified version of the local
% efficiency (recommended, see below).
% Output: Eglob,
% global efficiency (scalar)
% Eloc,
% local efficiency (vector)
% Notes:
% The efficiency is computed using an auxiliary connection-length
% matrix L, defined as L_ij = 1/W_ij for all nonzero L_ij; This has an
% intuitive interpretation, as higher connection weights intuitively
% correspond to shorter lengths.
% The weighted local efficiency broadly parallels the weighted
% clustering coefficient of Onnela et al. (2005) and distinguishes the
% influence of different paths based on connection weights of the
% corresponding neighbors to the node in question. In other words, a path
% between two neighbors with strong connections to the node in question
% contributes more to the local efficiency than a path between two weakly
% connected neighbors. Note that the original weighted variant of the
% local efficiency (described in Rubinov and Sporns, 2010) is not a
% true generalization of the binary variant, while the modified variant
% (described in Wang et al., 2016) is a true generalization.
% For ease of interpretation of the local efficiency it may be
% advantageous to rescale all weights to lie between 0 and 1.
% Algorithm: Dijkstra's algorithm
% References: Latora and Marchiori (2001) Phys Rev Lett 87:198701.
% Onnela et al. (2005) Phys Rev E 71:065103
% Fagiolo (2007) Phys Rev E 76:026107.
% Rubinov M, Sporns O (2010) NeuroImage 52:1059-69
% Wang Y et al. (2016) Neural Comput 21:1-19.
% Mika Rubinov, U Cambridge/Janelia HHMI, 2011-2017
%Modification history
% 2011: Original (based on efficiency.m and distance_wei.m)
% 2013: Local efficiency generalized to directed networks
% 2017: Added the modified local efficiency and updated documentation.
n = length(W); % number of nodes
ot = 1 / 3; % one third
L = W; % connection-length matrix
A = W > 0; % adjacency matrix
L(A) = 1 ./ L(A);
A = double(A);
if exist('local','var') && local % local efficiency
E = zeros(n, 1);
cbrt_W = W.^ot;
switch local
case 1
for u = 1:n
V = find(A(u, :) | A(:, u).'); % neighbors
sw = cbrt_W(u, V) + cbrt_W(V, u).'; % symmetrized weights vector
di = distance_inv_wei(L(V, V)); % inverse distance matrix
se = di.^ot + di.'.^ot; % symmetrized inverse distance matrix
numer = (sum(sum((sw.' * sw) .* se)))/2; % numerator
if numer~=0
sa = A(u, V) + A(V, u).'; % symmetrized adjacency vector
denom = sum(sa).^2 - sum(sa.^2); % denominator
E(u) = numer / denom; % local efficiency
case 2
cbrt_L = L.^ot;
for u = 1:n
V = find(A(u, :) | A(:, u).'); % neighbors
sw = cbrt_W(u, V) + cbrt_W(V, u).'; % symmetrized weights vector
di = distance_inv_wei(cbrt_L(V, V)); % inverse distance matrix
se = di + di.'; % symmetrized inverse distance matrix
numer=(sum(sum((sw.' * sw) .* se)))/2; % numerator
if numer~=0
sa = A(u, V) + A(V, u).'; % symmetrized adjacency vector
denom = sum(sa).^2 - sum(sa.^2); % denominator
E(u) = numer / denom; % local efficiency
di = distance_inv_wei(L);
E = sum(di(:)) ./ (n^2 - n); % global efficiency
function D=distance_inv_wei(W_)
D=inf(n_); % distance matrix
for u=1:n_
S=true(1,n_); % distance permanence (true is temporary)
while 1
S(V)=0; % distance u->V is now permanent
W1_(:,V)=0; % no in-edges as already shortest
for v=V
T=find(W1_(v,:)); % neighbours of shortest nodes
D(u,T)=min([D(u,T);D(u,v)+W1_(v,T)]); % smallest of old/new path lengths
if isempty(minD)||isinf(minD) % isempty: all nodes reached;
break, % isinf: some nodes cannot be reached
D=1./D; % invert distance