% This function calculates the Fano factor based on a 100ms windowsize.
% This analysis was performed for O'Neill et al., Time-dependent
% homeostatic mechanisms underlie BDNF action on neural circuitry. Comms
% Bio, 2023.
% This function was written by Erin D. Anderson and can be
% accessed at https://www.seas.upenn.edu/~molneuro/
% Last Updated: 11/14/2023
function FF = fanoFactorFn(spikeindexes,spiketimes,SimTimeInSeconds,PreInjurySimTime,nNeurons)
windowSize = 0.1; % [s] 100 ms
nWindows = SimTimeInSeconds/windowSize; % divide into 100 ms intervals
FF = NaN(nNeurons,1);
nSpikes = NaN(nWindows,nNeurons);
for ii = 1:nNeurons
neuronalSpikes = spiketimes(spikeindexes == ii-1); % get the spikes that correspond to current neuron (ii-1 to account for differential indexing in Python vs Matlab)
for jj = 1:nWindows
nSpikes(ii,jj) = nansum(neuronalSpikes > ((jj-1)*windowSize + PreInjurySimTime) & ...
neuronalSpikes <= ((jj)*windowSize + PreInjurySimTime)); % count spikes in that interval after PreInjurySimTime
FF(ii) = nanvar(nSpikes(ii,:))/nanmean(nSpikes(ii,:)); % Fano Factor is the ratio of the sample
% variance to the sample mean