% This function does the actual work of combining the neurons in a
% spatially-dependent manner to simulate an MEA recording.
% These analyses were performed for O'Neill et al., Time-dependent
% homeostatic mechanisms underlie BDNF action on neural circuitry. Comms
% Bio, 2023.
% This function was written by Erin D. Anderson and can be
% accessed at https://www.seas.upenn.edu/~molneuro/
% Last Updated: 11/14/2023
function [nRegions,spikeIndexesGrid,spikeTimesGrid,neuronsGrid] = ...
increments = linspace(0,RecordingWidth,nRowsColumns+1); % divide plate into rows and columns
nRegions = nRowsColumns^2;
spikeIndexesGrid = []; % spike indexes based on regions in the grid
spikeTimesGrid = []; % spike times based on regions in the grid
neuronsGrid = cell(nRegions,1); % identity of the neurons in each region in the grid
spikeTimesThisRegion = cell(nRegions,1);
for xx = 1:nRowsColumns
neuronsY = NeuronYPosition > increments(xx) & NeuronYPosition <= increments(xx+1); % neurons in correct y range
for yy = 1:nRowsColumns
neuronsX = NeuronXPosition > increments(yy) & NeuronXPosition <= increments(yy+1); % neurons in correct x range
thisRegion = nRowsColumns*(xx-1)+yy; % convert 2-d region to 1-d
neuronsGrid{thisRegion} = find(neuronsX & neuronsY) - 1; % subtract 1 to deal with Python indexing
% split out the spike times for the neurons in each region
spikeTimesThisRegion{thisRegion} = [];
for ii = 1:numel(neuronsGrid{thisRegion})
spikeTimesThisRegion{thisRegion} = [spikeTimesThisRegion{thisRegion}, ...
spiketimes(spikeindexes == neuronsGrid{thisRegion}(ii))];
% convert spiketimes, spikeindexes to grid region activity instead
% of neuron activity
spikeTimesGrid = [spikeTimesGrid spikeTimesThisRegion{thisRegion}];
spikeIndexesGrid = [spikeIndexesGrid repmat(thisRegion,[1,length(spikeTimesThisRegion{thisRegion})])];