//hijack the std init/run functions to do a prerun prep, more complex init, and steady-state init
//before actual numerical integration takes place
//This must be loaded after stdlib.hoc nrngui.hoc stdrun.hoc, etc, in order to override
//the functions they contain.
proc preinit() {
// dummy function that can be overloaded by a specific function in the "main" hoc file
// init to steady state, based on NEURON book example: http://www.neuron.yale.edu/ftp/ted/book/chap8.pdf
// also there: http://www.neuron.yale.edu/course/init.html
proc ssinit() {local dtsav, temp
t = 0
if (ssinitenabled) {
// if cvode is on, turn it off to do large fixed step
temp = cvode.active()
if (ssverb) print "cvode: ", temp
if (temp!=0) { cvode.active(0) }
if (ssverb) print "cvode set to inactive ", cvode_active(), " ", cvode.active(), using_cvode_
while (t<-1e10){ fadvance() //advance is a function in stdrun.hoc that simply calls fadvance
// fadvance is an internal neuron function to step forward in time,
// if needed advance can be overloaded
if (ssverb) print "finished ss-stepping"
if (temp!=0) { cvode.active(temp) }
if (ssverb) print "cvode set back to original state ", temp, " ", cvode_active(), " ", cvode.active(), using_cvode_
if (ssverb) print "t= ", t
dt = dtsav
t = 0
if (ssverb) print "set t=0, t= ", t
if (cvode_active()) {
} else {
if (ssverb) print "finish cvode.re_init/fcurrent t= ", t
if (ssverb) print "finish frecord_init, exiting ssinit t= ", t
/* init()
* Initialization procedure -- replaces init() in stdrun.hoc
proc init () {
ssinit() //init to steady state
proc prerun() {
// dummy function that can be overloaded by a specific function in the "main" hoc file
/* run()
* replaces run() in stdrun.hoc
proc run() {
running_ = 1
if (ssverb) print "about to continuerun, t= ", t
if (!fakerun) continuerun(tstop)
if (ssverb) print "finished run, realtime: ", realtime, "\n"