// Template for LayerConn class.
// Intended to be used together with the NetLayer and ObjectArray
// classes. A LayerConn is a container for NetCons, and connects
// together two NetLayers/ObjectArrays with connections determined
// according to user-specified rules.

// Note: add the ability to connect to/from a single cell, to avoid
// the overhead of creating a 1 cell Layer.

// lc = new LayerConn(presynapticlayer,"source",postsynapticlayer,"target")
// lc = new LayerConn(presynapticlayer,"source",postsynapticlayer,"target",method)
// lc = new LayerConn(presynapticlayer,"source",postsynapticlayer,"target",method,pconnect,randobj)
// lc = new LayerConn(presynapticlayer,"source",postsynapticlayer,"target",4,fileobj)
// presynapticlayer is either a NetLayer or an ObjectArray consisting
// of sources of network events, e.g. NetStims.
// "source" is a string specifying which attribute of the objects in
// the presynaptic layer is the actual source. It could be "" if the
// objects are NetStims, for example. If the source is a section whose
// membrane potential is to be watched, the string should consist of
// the section, a comma, then a reference to the variable, e.g. "soma,&v(0.5)"
// postsynapticlayer is a NetLayer consisting of `cell' objects that can
// receive network events, for example IntFire4s. 
// "target" is a string specifying which attribute of the objects in
// the postsynaptic layer receives the events. Again, it could be "".
// method is an integer between 0 and 5 inclusive.
//   method = 0  --   1:1, 1:column, 1:surface connections, depending
//                    on the number of dimensions of the two NetLayers. 
//                    If the presynaptic and postsynaptic NetLayers have
//                    the same dimensions, then presynapticlayer.nc[i][j]
//                    is connected only to postsynapticlayer.[i][j]. 
//                    If the dimensions are different then, for example,
//                    presynapticlayer.nc[i] connects to
//                    postsynapticlayer.nc[i][j] for all j. (Check this is right)
//   method = 1  --   all to all connections, optionally with a certain connection
//                    probability
//   method = 2  --   connection probability based on distance between
//                    the pre- and post-synaptic cells. For this method,
//                    NetCons are not created on creation of the
//                    layerConn; the procedure make_connections() must
//                    be called to specify the rule (see below).
//   method = 3  --   fixed number of synapses per pre- or post-synaptic
//                    cell. User must call a procedure to specify the
//                    rule. (Not yet implemented).
//   method = 4  --   reads connections/weights from a file.
// method 0 assumes that the sizes of the pre- and post-synaptic NetLayer
// dimensions are the same, even if the number of dimenions is different.
// e.g. 10x10 and 10x10x10 are ok, 10x10 and 9x9 is not. For the other
// methods, the sizes can be different.
// If no method parameter is supplied, no connections are created.
// pconnect is an optional parameter specifying the probability that a
// connection specified by one of the methods is actually created. If
// it is not specified, this probability defaults to 1.
// If pconnect < 1, then a Random object must be provided.

// lc.nc
//   Address an individual NetCon, e.g. ln.nc[3][2][4] connects cell 3
//   in a one dimensional presynaptic layer to cell (2,4) in a two-
//   dimensional postsynaptic layer (or cell (3,2) to cell 4 if the
//   dimensions are the opposite).

// make_connections("connrule",randobj)
// make_connections("connrule",randobj,wraparound)
// make_connections("connrule",randobj,wraparound,mapto)
//   If method=2 was specified when the object was created, this
//   procedure must be called to create the connections.
//   connrule is a string including the letter d for distance.
//     e.g. connrule = "(d < 5)" specifies that only cells that are
//     less than 5 units apart should be connected.
//     connrule = "exp(-d)" specifies that the probability of connection
//     is a decying exponential function of the distance between them.
//   randobj is a Random object.
//   wraparound is an optional parameter that determines whether the
//     edges of the array are considered to wrap-around when calculating
//     distances. It defaults to 0 (no wrap-around).
//   mapto is an optional parameter, only required if the pre- and
//     post-synaptic layers have different dimensions. See file 
//     distance.hoc for more detail. It defaults to -1.

// remove_self_connections() 
//   In the case where a NetLayer is connected to itself, this procedure
//   removes connections from a cell to itself (actully sets the NetCons
//   to be inactive).

// prelayer
// postlayer
//   Contain references to the pre- and post-synaptic NetLayers.

// randomize_weights(randobj)
// randomize_delays(randobj)
//   Set all NetCon weights or delays to random values drawn from a 
//   previously initialised Random object.

// set_weights(w)
// set_delays(d)
// set_threshold(thr)
//   Set all NetCon weights, delays or threshold to the value supplied
//   as the argument.

// label
//   Allows a label for the LayerConn to be set or
//   retreived. It doesn't do anything at the moment, but could be used
//   in a GUI.

// stdp("pp")
//   Sets up spike-timing-dependent plasticity. "pp" is the name of the
//   point process that implements the STDP. pp is notified of pre-
//   and post-synaptic spikes via NetCons.

// wa
//   Address an individual STDP point process (`Weight Adjuster').
//   e.g. lc.wa[5][3][2][6] controls lc.nc[5][3][2][6].weight.

// set_max_weight(wmax)
// set_min_weight(wmin)
//   Set the upper or lower bounds on the weight. This assumes that the
//   point process has attributes called wmax and wmin.

// wa_set("attr",val)
//   Set an attribute "attr" of the weight adjuster point process to the
//   value val, for all synapses. e.g. set_max_weight(wmax) and
//   wa_set("wmax",wmax) achieve the same result.

// save_connections(fileobj)
//   Saves the state of the connections in a form that can be read in
//   using method=4.

// print_weights()
// print_weights(fileobj)
//   Writes the values of the synaptic weights to the screen or to a file
//   with the format of one row per cell in the presynaptic layer.

// print_weight_hist(histbins)
// print_weight_hist(histbins,maxw)
// print_weight_hist(fileobj,histbins,colflag)
// print_weight_hist(fileobj,histbins,colflag,maxw)
//   Calculates a histogram of all the weights, between wmin and maxw
//   with a number of bins given by histbins, and writes the histogram
//   to the screen or to a file. If maxw is not set, maxw = wmax. if colflag=1,
//   print as a row without bin labels, otherwise as a column with bin labels.

// Andrew Davison, UNIC, CNRS, August-September 2003

begintemplate LayerConn
  public nc, stdp, randomize_weights, set_weights
  public randomize_delays, set_delays, set_threshold
  public set_max_weight, set_min_weight, wa_set
  public print_weights, print_weight_hist
  public prelayer, postlayer, make_connections
  public wa, watype, pre2wa, label, save_connections, post2wa
  public remove_self_connections, count
  objref nc, prelayer, postlayer, random, this, strobj, fileobj
  objref coordpre, coordpost, vdist, weights_snapshot, weight_hist
  objref wa, pre2wa, post2wa
  strdef command, forpre, forpost, preaddrs, postaddrs, args
  strdef connrule, command2, preaddrs1, postaddrs1
  strdef forprepost, addrs, watype, label, pname, fmt
  strdef source, target, prefmt, postfmt, sourcesec, randopen, randclose
  proc init() { local i // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    // initialize various parameters and objects -------------------------------
    connected = 0
    threshold = 1
    stdpset = 0
    usepointer = 0
    p = 0
    w = 0
    wmax = 0.1 //
    wmin = 0
    n_conn = 0
    strobj = new StringFunctions()
    weights_snapshot = new Vector() // } used by
    weight_hist = new Vector()      // } print_weight_hist()
    coordpre = new Vector(3)        // }
    coordpost = new Vector(3)       // } used by dist()
    vdist = new Vector(3)           // }
    // Assign variables/references from arguments ------------------------------
    prelayer = $o1
    source = $s2
    if (strobj.len(source) > 0) {  // if there is a source string
      if (strobj.substr(source,"&") != -1) { // if we are watching a variable for threshold crossings
	usepointer = 1
	sprint(sourcesec,".%s",sourcesec)    //    (adds a `.' to the front of the section)
      } else {                               // if the source emits events
	sprint(source,".%s",source)          //    (adds a `.' to the front of the source)
    postlayer = $o3
    target = $s4
    if (strobj.len(target) > 0) {  // if there is a target string,
      sprint(target,".%s",target)  // add a `.' to the front.
    m_pre  = prelayer.dimensions()
    m_post = postlayer.dimensions()
    n_pre = prelayer.size()
    n_post = postlayer.size()
    method = -1
    if (numarg() > 4) {
      method = $5
    pconnect = 1  // default value
    if (numarg() == 6 && method == 4) { // if method=4
      fileobj = $o6
    if (numarg() == 7) { // next 2 arguments only required if pconnect < 1
      pconnect = $6 
      random = $o7
    // Declare the objref with appropriate dimensions --------------------------
    // and write some frequently-used strings.
    command = "objref nc"
    preaddrs = ""      // Will become, e.g., "[i1][i2][i3]"
    postaddrs = ""     //                    "[j1][j2]"
    forpre = ""        //                    "for i1 = 1,n_pre for i2 = 1,n_pre"
    forpost = ""       //                    "for j1 = 1,n_post"
    args = ""          //                    "i1,i2,j1,j2,j3"
    prefmt = ""        //                    "%g\t%g\t%g\t%g" 
    postfmt = ""
    randopen = ""      //                    "{r = random.repick()} { if (r < pconnect) {"
    randclose = ""     //                    "}}"
    for i = 0, m_pre-1 {
      sprint(forpre,"%s for i%d = 0,n_pre-1 ",forpre,i)
    for i = 0, m_post-1 {
      sprint(forpost,"%s for j%d = 0, n_post-1 ",forpost,i)
    execute1(command,this) // declare the objref nc
    strobj.left(args,strobj.len(args)-1) // take off the last comma
    if (pconnect < 1) {
      sprint(randopen,"{r = random.repick()} { if (r < pconnect) {")
    // Create connections ------------------------------------------------------
    if (method == 0) { // 1:1, 1:row, etc. Currently assumes that n_pre == n_post
      if (m_pre == m_post) {
	if (usepointer) {
	  sprint(command,"%s { %s prelayer.cell%s%s nc%s%s = new NetCon(%s,postlayer.cell%s%s,0,0,0) %s }",forpre,randopen,preaddrs,sourcesec,preaddrs,preaddrs,source,preaddrs,target,randclose)
	} else {
	  sprint(command,"%s { %s nc%s%s = new NetCon(prelayer.cell%s%s,postlayer.cell%s%s,0,0,0) %s }",forpre,randopen,preaddrs,preaddrs,preaddrs,source,preaddrs,target,randclose)
	connected = execute1(command,this)
      if (m_pre > m_post) {
	postaddrs1 = preaddrs
	if (usepointer) {
	  sprint(command,"%s { %s prelayer.cell%s%s nc%s%s = new NetCon(%s,postlayer.cell%s%s,0,0,0) n_conn += 1 %s }",forpre,randopen,preaddrs,sourcesec,preaddrs,postaddrs1,source,postaddrs1,target,randclose)
	} else {
	  sprint(command,"%s { %s nc%s%s = new NetCon(prelayer.cell%s%s,postlayer.cell%s%s,0,0,0) n_conn += 1%s }",forpre,randopen,preaddrs,postaddrs1,preaddrs,source,postaddrs1,target,randclose)
	connected = execute1(command,this)
      if (m_pre < m_post) {
	preaddrs1 = postaddrs
	if (usepointer) {
	  sprint(command,"%s { %s prelayer.cell%s%s nc%s%s = new NetCon(%s,postlayer.cell%s%s,0,0,0) %s }",forpost,randopen,preaddrs1,sourcesec,preaddrs1,postaddrs,source,postaddrs,target,randclose)
	} else {
	  sprint(command,"%s { %s nc%s%s = new NetCon(prelayer.cell%s%s,postlayer.cell%s%s,0,0,0) %s }",forpost,randopen,preaddrs1,postaddrs,preaddrs1,source,postaddrs,target,randclose)
	connected = execute1(command,this)
    if (method == 1) { // all-to-all
      if (usepointer) {
	sprint(command,"%s { %s prelayer.cell%s%s nc%s = new NetCon(%s,postlayer.cell%s%s,0,0,0) n_conn += 1 %s }",forprepost,randopen,preaddrs,sourcesec,addrs,source,postaddrs,target,randclose)
      } else {
	sprint(command,"%s { %s nc%s = new NetCon(prelayer.cell%s%s,postlayer.cell%s%s,0,0,0) n_conn += 1 %s }",forprepost,randopen,addrs,preaddrs,source,postaddrs,target,randclose)
      connected = execute1(command,this)
    if (method == 2) { // connection probability based on distance
      //print "Warning: connections not yet created. Please call"
      //print "the procedure make_connections() to set connectivity parameters."
    if (method == 3) { // fixed number of synapses per pre- or post-synaptic cell.
                       // User provides rule for deciding where they go
      print "Not yet implemented."
    if (method == 4) { // read connections/weights from file
      while (!fileobj.eof()) {
  //// Procedures for creating connections
  proc make_connections() { // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    if (!connected) { // if connections have already been created, leave them as they are.
      print "make_connections() called"
      mapto = -1      // default
      wraparound = 0  //  values
      connrule = $s1
      random = $o2
      if (numarg() > 2) {
	wraparound = $3
	if (numarg() > 3) {
	  mapto = $4
      sprint(command,"%s { make_connection(dist(%s),%s) }",forprepost,args,args)
      connected = execute1(command,this)
    } else {
      print "Connections have already been created."
  proc make_connection() { local i  // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    r = random.repick() // should be uniform distribution
    if (r < pconnect) {
      r = random.repick()
      d = $1
      sprint(command2,"p = %s",connrule)
      preaddrs1 = ""
      postaddrs1 = ""
      for i = 2, m_pre+1 {
      for i = m_pre+2, m_post+m_pre+1 {
      if (usepointer) {
	sprint(command2,"if (r < p) { prelayer.cell%s%s nc%s%s = new NetCon(%s,postlayer.cell%s%s,0,0,0)}",preaddrs1,sourcesec,preaddrs1,postaddrs1,source,postaddrs1,target)
      } else {
	sprint(command2,"if (r < p) { nc%s%s = new NetCon(prelayer.cell%s%s,postlayer.cell%s%s,0,0,0)}",preaddrs1,postaddrs1,preaddrs1,source,postaddrs1,target)
  proc remove_self_connections() {  // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    // calling a procedure is not the most elegant way
    // of getting rid of connections from a cell to
    // itself -- it would be better not to create them
    // in the first place if not wanted -- but it is
    // certainly the simplest.
    sprint(command,"%s { if(object_id(this.nc%s%s)) { this.nc%s%s.weight = 0 }}",forpre,preaddrs,preaddrs,preaddrs,preaddrs)
    sprint(command,"%s { if(object_id(this.nc%s%s)) { this.nc%s%s.active(0) }}",forpre,preaddrs,preaddrs,preaddrs,preaddrs)
  func wrap() { local d // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    d = $1
    if (d > n_post/2) { d = n_post-d }
    if (d < -1*n_post/2) { d = n_post+d }
    return abs(d)
  func min() { if ($1 < $2) { return $1 } else { return $2 } }
  func max() { if ($1 < $2) { return $2 } else { return $1 } }
  func dist() { local i, j, d, a, scaling // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    // Calculates the distance between two cells.
    // For a fuller explanation of this function, see the file distance.hoc
    scaling = n_post/n_pre
    i = 1
    a = mapto
    while (i <= 3) {
      if (i <= m_pre) {
	coordpre.x[i-1] = $i*scaling
      } else {
	coordpre.x[i-1] = int(a/n_pre^(m_post-i))
	a = a%n_pre
      i += 1
    j = 1
    a = mapto
    while (j <= 3) {
      if (j <= m_post) {
	i = j+m_pre
	coordpost.x[j-1] = $i
      } else {
	coordpost.x[j-1] = int(a/n_post^(m_pre-j))*scaling
	a = a%n_post
      j += 1
    vdist = coordpre.sub(coordpost)
    if (wraparound) { 
    if (mapto < 0) {
      d = vdist.sum(0,min(m_pre,m_post)-1)
    } else {
      d = vdist.sum(0,max(m_pre,m_post)-1)
    return sqrt(d)
  //// Procedures for setting NetCon parameters.
  // It might well be preferable to maintain a list of netcons, and iterate through
  // this, rather than iterate through the whole array and test which objrefs
  // actually point to netcons. On the other hand, these procedures are called
  // infrequently, so don't perhaps need to be highly optimized.
  proc randomize_weights() {  // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    // ensure random has been appropriately initialised before passing it to
    // this procedure, e.g. random.uniform(wmin,wmax)
    random = $o1
    if (numarg() == 1) {
      sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.nc%s)) { this.nc%s.weight = random.repick() } }",forprepost,addrs,addrs)
    } else { // weight setting is conditional on existing weight
      sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.nc%s)) { if (this.nc%s.weight %s) {this.nc%s.weight = random.repick()} } }",forprepost,addrs,addrs,$s2,addrs)
  proc set_weights() {  // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.nc%s)) { this.nc%s.weight = %g } }",forprepost,addrs,addrs,$1)
  proc randomize_delays() { // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    random = $o1
    sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.nc%s)) { this.nc%s.delay = random.repick() } }",forprepost,addrs,addrs)
  proc set_delays() { // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    del = $1
    sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.nc%s)) { this.nc%s.delay = del } }",forprepost,addrs,addrs)
  proc set_threshold() {  // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    thr = $1
    sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.nc%s)) { this.nc%s.threshold = thr } }",forprepost,addrs,addrs)
    if (stdpset) {
      sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.pre2wa%s) { pre2wa%s.threshold = thr } }",forprepost,addrs,addrs)
  //// Procedures for implementing STDP
  proc make_objref_array() { local i  // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    // Used by stdp()
    sprint(command,"objref %s",$s1)
    for i = 0, m_pre-1 {
    for i = 0, m_post-1 {
  proc stdp() { local i   // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    // Creates `weight adjusters' for each connection.
    watype = $s1
    sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.nc%s)) { this.wa%s = new %s(0.5) } }",forprepost,addrs,addrs,watype)
    if (usepointer) { // this next line not tested yet
      sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.wa%s)) { prelayer.cell%s%s pre2wa%s = new NetCon(%s,this.wa%s,this.nc%s.threshold,this.nc%s.delay,1) }",forprepost,addrs,preaddrs,sourcesec,addrs,source,addrs,addrs,addrs)
    } else {
      sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.wa%s)) { pre2wa%s = new NetCon(prelayer.cell%s%s,this.wa%s,this.nc%s.threshold,this.nc%s.delay,1) } }",forprepost,addrs,addrs,preaddrs,source,addrs,addrs,addrs)
    if (numarg() > 1) { // for the case where we need a pointer to the post-synaptic membrane potential.
      sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.wa%s)) { postlayer.cell%s.%s post2wa%s = new NetCon(%s,this.wa%s,1,0,-1) } }",forprepost,addrs,postaddrs,$s2,addrs,$s3,addrs)
    } else {
      sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.wa%s)) { post2wa%s = new NetCon(postlayer.cell%s.source,this.wa%s,1,0,-1) } }",forprepost,addrs,addrs,postaddrs,addrs,addrs)
    sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.wa%s)) { setpointer this.wa%s.wsyn, this.nc%s.weight } }",forprepost,addrs,addrs,addrs)
    stdpset = 1
  proc set_max_weight() { // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    wmax = $1
    sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.wa%s)) { this.wa%s.wmax = wmax } }",forprepost,addrs,addrs)
  proc set_min_weight() { // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    wmin = $1
    sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.wa%s)) { wa%s.wmin = wmin } }",forprepost,addrs,addrs)
  proc wa_set() { // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    pname  = $s1
    pval   = $2
    sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.wa%s)) { this.wa%s.%s = %g } }",forprepost,addrs,addrs,pname,pval)
  //// Procedures for writing/reading information to/from file.
  proc save_connections() { // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    // saves connections in the form of nc[][] = new NetCon(...) commands
    // for loading using method=4
    // This is more efficient than print_weights for sparse connections and 
    // allows negative weights (I was using w=-1 to represent no connection).
    fileobj = $o1
    if (usepointer) {
      sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.nc%s)) { fileobj.printf(\"prelayer.cell%s nc%s = new NetCon(%s,postlayer.cell%s%s,%s\",%s,%s,this.nc%s.threshold,this.nc%s.delay,this.nc%s.weight) } }",forprepost,addrs,prefmt,fmt,source,postfmt,target,"%g,%g,%g)\\n",args,args,addrs,addrs,addrs)
    } else {
      sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.nc%s)) { fileobj.printf(\"nc%s = new NetCon(prelayer.cell%s%s,postlayer.cell%s%s,%s\",%s,%s,this.nc%s.threshold,this.nc%s.delay,this.nc%s.weight) } }",forprepost,addrs,fmt,prefmt,source,postfmt,target,"%g,%g,%g)\\n",args,args,addrs,addrs,addrs)
  proc print_weights() {  // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    if (numarg() > 0) {
      // print weights to file in a matrix format suitable for plotting.
      fileobj = $o1
      sprint(command,"%s { %s { if(object_id(this.nc%s)) { fileobj.printf(\"%s\",this.nc%s.weight) } else { fileobj.printf(\"%s\",0) } } fileobj.printf(\"\\n\")}",forpre,forpost,addrs,"%g\t",addrs,"%g\t")
      if (numarg() > 1) { // print one line per postsynaptic cell, rather than per presynaptic cell
	if ($2 == 1) {
          sprint(command,"%s { %s { if(object_id(this.nc%s)) { fileobj.printf(\"%s\",this.nc%s.weight) } else { fileobj.printf(\"%s\",0) } } fileobj.printf(\"\\n\")}",forpost,forpre,addrs,"%g\t",addrs,"%g\t")
    } else {
      // print weights to the screen
      sprint(command,"%s { %s { if(object_id(this.nc%s)) { printf(\"%s\",this.nc%s.weight) } else { printf(\"%s\",0) } } printf(\"\\n\")}",forpre,forpost,addrs,"%g\t",addrs,"%g\t")
  proc print_weight_hist() { local histbins, i, colflag, usefile  // =-=-=-=-=-=
    // Calculates a histogram of weight values and writes it to file.
    usefile = 0
    maxw    = wmax
    if (numarg() > 2) {
      usefile  = 1
      fileobj  = $o1
      histbins = $2
      colflag  = $3
      if (numarg() > 3) {
	maxw = $4
    } else {
      histbins = $1
      if (numarg() > 1) {
	maxw = $2
    if (maxw > wmin) {
      sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.nc%s)) { weights_snapshot.append(this.nc%s.weight) } }",forprepost,addrs,addrs)
      if (usefile) {
	if (colflag == 1) {       //print on a single line
	} else {
	  for i = 0, histbins-1 { //print in a column
      } else {
	for i = 0, histbins-1 {   //print in a column to the screen
    } else {
      print "Warning: Weight histogram cannot be calculated as maxw <= wmin. Writing empty file."
  // N.B. if a LayerConn is removed, are all the constituent NetCons
  // removed automatically, or do I need to clean up with unref() ?
  func count() {
    nconn = 0
    sprint(command,"%s { if (object_id(this.nc%s)) { nconn += 1 } }",forprepost,addrs)
    return nconn
endtemplate LayerConn