// For each band of gaba background synapses, this function makes a file with the
// stimulation train and shifts the activation time (by temporal_offset)
// written by Yiota Poirazi, July 2001, poirazi@LNC.usc.edu
double iary_bg[1000]
objref vary_bg[1000], s_file, stimtmp, rpid
stimtmp = new Vector()
strdef shiftsyn_filename, syscmd, estr
proc gaba_shift() { local synapses, temporal_offset, hertz, gmax_default, PID, lo, hi
synapses = $1 // number of synapses in the band
tstop = $2 // stimulation end time
dt = $3
hertz = $4 // stimulation train frequency
synch = $5 // synchronous or a synchronous stimulation of synapses
perio = $6 // periodic or not periodic stimulation
PID = $7
PID = abs(PID) // only positive random seeds used for spike train generation
temporal_offset = $8 // shift stimulation time by temporal_offset
// Make the desired activation pattern file and
// Set GABA pointers to activation pattern
synapses,tstop,dt,hertz,synch,perio,PID,temporal_offset) // filename
sprint(syscmd,"newshiftsyn gaba_shiftsyn %d %g %g %g %g %g %d %g",\
synapses,tstop,dt,hertz,synch,perio,PID,temporal_offset) // use newshiftsyn to make
// stimulation train
system(syscmd) // Same as typing syscmd in DOS, execute above command
print syscmd
s_file = new File()
s_file.ropen(shiftsyn_filename) // open the stimulation train file
stimtmp.scanf(s_file) // read temporal stimulation pattern in a 1-d vector
items = int(tstop/dt) // number of stimuli (firing patterns) for each synapse
for i=0,synapses-1 {
// printf(" -- synapse %d\n", i)
vary_bg[i] = new Vector(items) // for each synapse, save firing pattern in this vector
// Put the firing patterns from stimtmp (1-d vector) to a 2-d vector for each synapse i
for j=0,items-1 {
vary_bg[i].x[j]=stimtmp.x[i + j*synapses]
// print "setpointer to each synapse"
for s=0, synapses-1 {
sprint(estr,"vary_bg[%d].play(&iary_bg[%d])", s,s)
// print estr
sprint(estr,"setpointer gabaa_bg[%d].pre, iary_bg[%d]", s,s)
// print estr
sprint(estr,"setpointer gabab_bg[%d].pre, iary_bg[%d]", s,s)
// print estr
sprint(econ.syscmd, "rm -f %s", shiftsyn_filename) // remove firing pattern file
sprint(econ.syscmd, "rm -f ERROR*") // if an error file is generated, remove it as well
system(econ.syscmd) // that don't affect the firing patterns generated
// if errors do happen, NEURON crashes