if (name_declared("pkgversions") != 4 ) {  execute("strdef pkgversions") }
sprint(pkgversions,"%sNmdaAmpaSpineSynStim = $Revision: 1.6 $, ",pkgversions)



NmdaAmpaSpineSynStim - NMDA-AMPA synapse on spine with netstim stimulus

s = new NmdaAmpaSpineSynStim()  - creates NmdaAmpaSpineSynStim s
s.loc(x)              - locates at x on the current section
s.get_distance()      - returns distance from origin specified by distance()


begintemplate NmdaAmpaSpineSynStim

public loc,  get_distance, event, destroy
public ampasyn, nmdasyn, netcon, nmdanetcon, netstim, spine
objref ampasyn, nmdasyn, netcon, nmdanetcon, netstim, spine 

proc init() {
    spine = new Spine($1) 
    spine.head {
        ampasyn = new AmpaSyn(0.5)
        nmdasyn = new NmdaSyn(0.5)
        netstim = new NetStim(0.5)
        netcon     = new NetCon(netstim,ampasyn)
        nmdanetcon = new NetCon(netstim,nmdasyn)

proc event() {

proc loc() {

func get_distance() {
    dist = distance(ampasyn.get_loc()) // Seems to work, though not documented
    pop_section()                 // needed to keep the stack in order
    return dist

proc destroy() {
    objref ampasyn
    objref nmdasyn
    objref netstim
    objref netcon
    objref nmdanetcon

endtemplate NmdaAmpaSpineSynStim