if (name_declared("pkgversions") != 4 ) {  execute("strdef pkgversions") }
sprint(pkgversions,"%sPointProcessDistributor = $Revision: 1.5 $, ",pkgversions)


ppd = new PointProcessDistributor(double seed)

Initialises the PointProcessDistributor ppd with seed for random
number generation.

ppd.setup_probs_from_seglist_with_refaxis() (SegmentList seglist, ReferenceAxis ra String expr)

Assigns relative probabilities of placement to each segement in the
SegmentList seglist on the basis of the expression expr which can
contain the following variables:

H - projection of segment onto reference axis ra
d - mean diameter of segment
l - length of segment.  

ppd.distribute_pps_from_list(List pplist)

Distribute point processes from the list pplist over the segments
contained in the seglist argument given to the setup function.


begintemplate PointProcessDistributor

// Public variables

public total_length, dist, lengths, relprob

// Public functions

public setup_probs_from_seglist_with_refaxis
public distribute_pps_from_list

public loc, distribute_array, setup     // obselete?

// Private variables

objectvar seclist, ran, seglist, refaxis
strdef distexpr                         // The expression of the distribution as a string
objref lengths                          // Lengths of each segment
objref relprob                          // Relative probability of pp in segment
objref RP                               // Vector to store culumulative relative prob
objref pplist                           // List of point processes to add

objref this                             // Self-pointer
strdef tmpstr

// Function declarations

proc init() { 
    ran = new Random($1)
    d = 0
    l = 0 
    rp = 0
    i = 0                               // Index must be visible in this

proc setup_probs_from_seglist_with_refaxis() { 
    seglist = $o1
    refaxis = $o2
    distexpr = $s3
    lengths = new Vector()
    relprob = new Vector()
    for i=0, seglist.srl.count()-1 {
        // Path distance
        // We could get the path distance with 
        // seglist.srl.object(i).secref.sec s = distance(seglist.srl.object(i).x)
        // but we wouldn't be able to incorporate it into expressions with 
        // h, l and d.  This will require a change to ReferenceAxis.hoc to fix
        // Calculate and store the relative probability
        sprint(tmpstr,"rp = refaxis.apply_expr_to_segref(seglist.srl.object(i),\"%s\")",distexpr)

// distribute_pps_from_list(List pplist)
func distribute_pps_from_list() { local  i, N
    if ( relprob.sum() == 0 ) { 
        print "PointProcessDistributor: Warning: No Point processes fall in the range specified"
        return 0
    // Read in the point process list
    pplist = $o1
    N = pplist.count()
    if (numarg()==2) { $o2 = new Vector(N) }
    if (N == 0) { return(1) }
    // Set up uniform distribution between 0 and relprob.sum()
    ran.uniform(0, relprob.sum() )
    // Sample from the distribution
    RP = new Vector(N)
    RPind = 0
    culmrelprob = 0 
    // Look at all the segments
    for i = 0, seglist.srl.count()-1 {
        // Add the probablilty for this segment to the culumuative 
        // probability distribution and increment the counter 
        //            print relprobind, relprob.size()
        culmrelprob = culmrelprob + relprob.x(i)
        // Has the culmulative distribution exceeded the 
        // culmulative values for any synapses we want to add?
        //            print "1:", RPind, RP.size()
        while ( RP.x(RPind) < culmrelprob ) {
            // Locate the point process
            seglist.srl.object(i).secref.sec pplist.object(RPind).loc(seglist.srl.object(i).x)
            if (numarg()==2) { $o2.x(RPind)=i }
            RPind = RPind + 1 
            if (RPind == N) { break }
        if (RPind == N) { break }

proc setup() { local ltot, a
    seclist = $o1
    distexpr = $s1

    lengths = new Vector()
    relprob = new Vector()

    total_length = 0

    // Traverse the tree
    forsec seclist { 
        l = 0
        ltot = 0
        // Look at each segment in the section
        for ( x ) {
            // Don't look at the beginning or end of the section 
            if ( (x == 0) || (x == 1) ) {
            // Otherwise, the relative length is given by 
            l = 2 * ( x*L - ltot ) 
            ltot = ltot + l

            // Store for future reference
            d = distance(x)
            // Calculate and store the relative 
            sprint(tmpstr,"rp = (%s)*l",distexpr)
            // print tmpstr
            // sprint(tmpstr,"rp = d")
            // a = ((d<500) && (d>100))
            // print a
            //            if (d > 500) { print d, rp}

            // print rp
//            if (!strcmp("apical[72]",secname())){  
//                print x, distance(x), rp, (relprob.size() -1)
//            }


// distribute_array("array_name",array_size)
func distribute_array () { local  i, N
    N = $2
    if ( relprob.sum() == 0 ) { 
        print "PointProcessDistributor: Warning: No synapses fall in the range specified"
        return 0
    ran.uniform(0, relprob.sum() )
    RP = new Vector($2)
    RPind = 0
    relprobind = 0
    culmrelprob = 0 
    // Traverse the tree
    forsec seclist { 
        // Look at each segment in the section
        for ( x ) {
            // Don't look at the beginning or end of the section 
            if ( (x == 0) || (x == 1) ) {
            // Add the probablilty for this segment to the culumuative 
            // probability distribution and increment the counter 
//            print relprobind, relprob.size()
            culmrelprob = culmrelprob + relprob.x(relprobind)
            relprobind = relprobind + 1
            // Has the culmulative distribution exceeded the 
            // culmulative values for any synapses we want to add?
//            print "1:", RPind, RP.size()
            while ( RP.x(RPind) < culmrelprob ) {
                d = distance(x)
//                print tmpstr, secname(), relprobind-1, relprob.x(relprobind-1)
                // if (RPind < (N-1)) {
                RPind = RPind + 1 
//                print "2:", RPind, RP.size()
                if (RPind == N) { break }
//                print "2a:", RPind, RP.size()
//            print "3a:", RPind, RP.size()
            if (RPind == N) { break }
//            print "3:", RPind, RP.size()
        if (RPind == N) { break }        

//ppd.loc(PointProcess p)

//relocates the PointProcess to a random location with respect to
//uniform distribution based on position.
//SectionList defines the set of sections to sample.
//PointProcess must have a loc() member function.
//There must be a default section declared to measure distance from.

endtemplate PointProcessDistributor