if (name_declared("pkgversions") != 4 ) {  execute("strdef pkgversions") }
sprint(pkgversions,"%sbpap-dendburst = $Revision: 1.22 $, ",pkgversions)


// Synapses on the SC input to the apical dendrite.  This is a similar
// situation to Spruston et al. (1995).  We would like the inputs to 
// be distributed within 100 to 450 um measured perpendicular from the
// pyramidal cell layer (Megias et al. 2001).  To do this we have to use
// the routines of Poirazi, perhaps coupled with my PointProcessDistributor 
// object

objref ppd
ppd = new PointProcessDistributor(1)
strdef tmpstr

objref screc_inputs_sr
// These objrefs will be lists that contain NmdaAmpaSpineSynStim (syn) objects 
objref screc_inputs                        // SC "Recorded"       
objref scthin_inputs                       // SC thin dendrites   
objref scthickprox_inputs                  // Proximal SC         
objref scthickmed_inputs                   // Medial SC           
objref scthickdist_inputs                  // Distal SC           
objref scall_inputs                        // All SC              

// These objrefs will be vectors that contain the indicies of the segrefs
// on which the NmdaAmpaSpineSynStim are located
objref screc_inputs_sri                    // SC "Recorded"       
objref scthin_inputs_sri                   // SC thin dendrites   
objref scthickprox_inputs_sri              // Proximal SC         
objref scthickmed_inputs_sri               // Medial SC           
objref scthickdist_inputs_sri              // Distal SC           
objref scall_inputs_sri                    // All SC              

// create_and_distribute_synapses(List synstim, int nsyn, Vector segrefs)
// Function to create the NmdaAmpaSpineSynStim objects, set their parameters
// and distribute them using the ppd PointProcessDistributor object.
// The list of NmdaAmpaSpineSynStim objects is placed in SYNSTIM, NSYN is the number 
// of synapses to create, and the indicies of the segment references 
// in which the NmdaAmpaSpineSynStim objects are located are placed in SEGREFS.
proc create_inputs() { local n, i
    n = int($2)
    // Create the synapses
    for i=$o1.count(), $o1.count() + n - 1 {
        $o1.append(new NmdaAmpaSpineSynStim(-1)) // -ve arg prevents location
        $o1.object(i).spine.head {
            insert cacum
            insert car_mag

proc destroy_inputs() { local nsyn, i
    nsyn = int($2)
    // Destroy the synapses
    for i=0, nsyn-1 {
        $o1.object($o1.count()-1).destroy() // Destructor method
        $o1.remove($o1.count()-1)  // Remove ref from list

// Functions to set parameters
proc set_spine_pars() {
    $o1.spine.head tau_cacum = tauca
    $o1.spine.head cai0_cacum = cai0
    $o1.spine.head kappa_cacum = kappa
    // Assuming uniform concentration in the entire spine head is 
    // equivalent to a shell of depth diam/4. The 1E3 is to convert
    // into nm from um
    $o1.spine.head.diam = headdiam
    $o1.spine.head.L =    headL
    $o1.spine.neck.diam = neckdiam
    $o1.spine.neck.L    = neckL
    $o1.spine.head depth_cacum = ($o1.spine.head.diam/4) * 1E3
    $o1.spine.head gmax_car_mag = gmax_car_spine*1E-12/(area(0.5)*1E-8)

proc set_stim_pars() {
    $o1.netstim.noise = noise
    if (dendburst_state) {
        $o1.netstim.start = start
    } else {
        $o1.netstim.start = tstop + 1
    $o1.netstim.interval = interval

proc set_syn_pars() {
    $o1.ampasyn.e = e_ampa
    $o1.netcon.weight = gsbar_ampa 
    $o1.nmdasyn.e = e_nmda
    $o1.nmdanetcon.weight = gsbar_nmda 

proc set_input_pars() {

proc disable_synapses() {
    for i=0, scall_inputs.count()-1 {
        scall_inputs.object(i).netstim.start = tstop + 1

// Enable first nsyn synapses 
proc enable_synapses() { local i 
    for i=0, scall_inputs.count()-1 {
        scall_inputs.object(i).netstim.number = tstop/interval * 100

objref scalefac
proc set_all_input_pars() { local i
    for i=0, scall_inputs.count()-1 {
        set_input_pars(scall_inputs.object(i))        // Schaffer collateral synapses
    scalefac = new Vector(scall_inputs_sri.size())
    if (ampa_scaled) {
        cell_measure_impedance()             // Make sure the transimp exists
        for i=0, scall_inputs.count()-1 {
            scall_inputs.object(i).netcon.weight *= scalefac.x(i)
    } else {

// At one point (rev 1.18 and under), the idea was to create a number
// of synapses and then activate a certain number (nsynmax) of them to
// change the number of active synapses. However, now we want to
// create a different distribution of synapses over the dendritic tree
// for each simulation.  This means that we will create all the
// synapses required on each simulation run, and destroy them
// afterwards. This is not as efficient, but it removes the need to do
// the permuations which served to randomise the synapses in the rev
// 1.18 and under.

// Set up the probability distributions of synapses The dendritic tree
// is divided into four different zones: Thin branches, and thick
// proximal, medial and distal branches. The fraction of synapses in
// each zone are given by thinfrac, thickproxfrac, thickmedfrac, and
// thickdistfrac.

scall_inputs = new List()
objref nsyn_zone, ratio
objref screc_inputs, screc_inputs_sri
proc create_and_distribute_inputs() { local n, i
    // We may need to create inputs
    if (nsyn > scall_inputs.count()) {
        create_inputs(scall_inputs, nsyn - scall_inputs.count())
    // Or delete excess inputs
    if (nsyn < scall_inputs.count()) {
        destroy_inputs(scall_inputs, scall_inputs.count() - nsyn)
    // create_and_distribute_screc_inputs() 
    // screc_inputs_sr is a list of the SegmentRefs of the synapses which we wish to record from
    // it has been created  elsewhere (perhaps bpap-interactive.hoc) with commands like
    // objref screc_inputs_sr
    // screc_inputs_sr = new SegRefList()
    // apical_dendrite[57] screc_inputs_sr.append_segements_from_section(0.3)
    // apical_dendrite[62] screc_inputs_sr.append_segements_from_section(0.5)
    // Get index of screc_inputs_sr in segfreflist
    //    segreflist.find_ind(screc_inputs_sri, screc_inputs_sr)
    // Then locate them on the tree 
    n = screc_inputs_sr.count()
    for i=0, (n - 1) {
        screc_inputs_sr.srl.object(i).secref.sec scall_inputs.object(i).loc(screc_inputs_sr.srl.object(i).x)
    utils.list_copy(screc_inputs, scall_inputs, 0, n - 1)
    // Find the number of synapses per zone, nsyn_per_zone, given the fraction of synapses in each zone and 
    // the total number of synapses 
    ratio = new Vector(4)
    ratio.x(0) = thinfrac
    ratio.x(1) = thickproxfrac
    ratio.x(2) = thickmedfrac
    ratio.x(3) = thickdistfrac
    utils.mul_ratio_round(nsyn_zone, nsyn - n, ratio)
    // Synapses on thin dendrites
    sprint(tmpstr, "((d<1.5) && (H<%f))*l" , apexdist)
    ppd.setup_probs_from_seglist_with_refaxis(segreflist, ra, tmpstr)
    //    create_inputs(scthin_inputs, nsyn_zone.x(0))
    utils.list_copy(scthin_inputs, scall_inputs, n, n  + nsyn_zone.x(0) - 1)
    ppd.distribute_pps_from_list(scthin_inputs, scthin_inputs_sri)
    n = n + nsyn_zone.x(0)
    // Synapses on thick proximal dendrites
    sprint(tmpstr, "((d>=1.5) && (H<%f))*l" , apexdist * 100/450)
    ppd.setup_probs_from_seglist_with_refaxis(segreflist, ra, tmpstr)
    utils.list_copy(scthickprox_inputs, scall_inputs, n, n + nsyn_zone.x(1) - 1)
    ppd.distribute_pps_from_list(scthickprox_inputs, scthickprox_inputs_sri)
    n = n + nsyn_zone.x(1)
    // Synapses on thick medial dendrites
    sprint(tmpstr, "((d>=1.5) && (H>=%f) && (H<%f))*l" , apexdist * 100/450, apexdist* 250/450)
    ppd.setup_probs_from_seglist_with_refaxis(segreflist, ra, tmpstr)
    utils.list_copy(scthickmed_inputs, scall_inputs, n, n + nsyn_zone.x(2) - 1)
    ppd.distribute_pps_from_list(scthickmed_inputs, scthickmed_inputs_sri)
    n = n + nsyn_zone.x(2)
    // Synapses on thick medial dendrites
    sprint(tmpstr, "((d>=1.5) && (H>=%f) && (H<%f))*l" , apexdist * 250/450, apexdist)
    ppd.setup_probs_from_seglist_with_refaxis(segreflist, ra, tmpstr)
    utils.list_copy(scthickdist_inputs, scall_inputs, n, n + nsyn_zone.x(3) - 1)
    ppd.distribute_pps_from_list(scthickdist_inputs, scthickdist_inputs_sri)
    // Make federated list
    scall_inputs_sri = new Vector()
    scall_inputs_sri.append(screc_inputs_sri, scthin_inputs_sri, scthickprox_inputs_sri, scthickmed_inputs_sri,  scthickdist_inputs_sri)
    // Set input parameters
    // Turn on synapses