if (name_declared("pkgversions") != 4 ) {  execute("strdef pkgversions") }
sprint(pkgversions,"%sbpap-graphics = $Revision: 1.7 $, ",pkgversions)


// The code in this file is a hotchpotch of code, dating from a time
// when I (DCS) was trying to get the interface to do exciting 
// point-and-click things and clean up the code by abstracting into objects.
// It hasn't quite happened yet...

// This object links up a ShapePlot with a VCaGraph, which contains plots
// of the voltage, calcium concentration, calcium currents and NMDA
// block values from a spine head
begintemplate ShapeActionHandler

public record_syn, handle_action, vcag, mark_synapses
objref sh                               // A shape plot 
objref vcag                             // VCaGraph
objref sf                               // Auxilliary things
strdef s1, s2                           // Auxilliary things

// ShapeActionHandler(ShapePlot sh)
// Initialise with a a ShapePlot
proc init() {
    sf = new StringFunctions()
    vcag = new VCaGraph(920, 0, 180, 720)
    sh = $o1
    colbase = 2                         
    col = colbase
    // Set action for when ShapePlot is clicked on

// handle_action()
// The action to perform when the ShapePlot is clicked on 
proc handle_action() {
    print secname()
    print (hoc_ac_)

// record_syn(NmdaAmpaSpineSynStim syn)
// Add features of the synapse syn to the VCaGraph
func record_syn() {
    vcag.addvar($o1, col, 1)
    sh.point_mark($o1.ampasyn, col)
    col = col + 1
    return col - 1

// mark_synapses(standard_inputs, rec_inputs)
// Mark standard_inputs with grey circles and rec_inputs with the coloured
// synapses
proc mark_synapses() { local i
    // Mark normal synapses
    for i = 0, $o1.count() - 1 {
        sh.point_mark($o1.object(i).ampasyn, 9) 
    // Mark coloured synapses
    for i = 0, $o2.count() - 1 {
        sh.point_mark($o2.object(i).ampasyn, colbase + i)

endtemplate ShapeActionHandler

objref basemark, apexmark
objref sah

// graphics_lineup_shapeplot()
// This twists the plot of the neuron around so that it is pointing in 
// the correct position and adds a scalebar
proc graphics_lineup_shapeplot() { localobj aold
    // It seemst to be necessary to run doNotify() here
    aold = new Vector(2)
    apex.secref.sec aold.x[0] =  x3d(apex.x) 
    apex.secref.sec aold.x[1] =  y3d(apex.x)
    base.secref.sec aold.x[0] =  aold.x[0]-x3d(base.x)
    base.secref.sec aold.x[1] =  aold.x[1]-y3d(base.x)
    // atan2(y,x). In our case we want angle to y-axis (not x-axis) so
    // we want atan2 (-x,y)
    theta = atan2(-aold.x[0],aold.x[1])
    print theta
    // Start from x-y plane
    // The rotate
    // Scale bar 100um long
    sah = new ShapeActionHandler(Shape[0])

// graphics_mark_synapses()
// Convenience function 
proc graphics_mark_synapses() {
    sah.mark_synapses(scall_inputs, screc_inputs)

proc graphics_mark_screc_synapses() { localobj l
    l = new List()
    sah.mark_synapses(l, screc_inputs)

// graphics_add_synrecs()
// Set up recordings to be displayed graphically from the special,
// coloured synapses, which are defined in screc_inputs
// Also prints a copy of the cell to neuron.eps - this should probably change

proc graphics_add_synrecs() {  local i localobj ppm
    for i = 0, screc_inputs.count() -1 {
    ppm = new PointProcessMark(0.5)
    Shape[0].view(-180, 200, 280, 30, 1150, 0, 400, 600)
    // FIXME: These are hacks to get rid of unwanted plots created by the 
    // Poirazi code