// The goal of this experiment is to insure that our cell responses
// are reasonably similar to the data on back propagating action potentials
// where the site of current injection is either at the soma or the apical trunk

//load_proc("nrnmainmenu")             // load main NEURON library
//load_template("ExperimentControl")   // load a custom made library function that centralizes parameters so as to 
load_file("nrngui.hoc")             // load main NEURON library
strdef accstr                                                // not confuse experimental variable bindings with neurophysiological variable bindings
objref econ                          // Create an experiment object
econ=new ExperimentControl(show_errs,debug_lev)
econ.self_define(econ) // points the object at itself
econ.morphology_dir = "CA1_multi/morphology/old20100922cell2"                             // Setup morphology directory
econ.generic_dir = "CA1_multi/experiment/"                                    // Setup directory with cell-setup file
econ.add_lib_dir("Terrence","CA1_multi/lib")                                  // Setup directory with library functions 

if (unix_mac_pc() ==1 ) {
	econ.data_dir       = "CA1_multi/data"                       // Define directory to save produced data 
	sprint(econ.syscmd, "mkdir -p %s", econ.data_dir)  // make the data directory

// Setup cell

econ.xopen_geometry_dependent("old20100922cell2_topadj")  // load the raw cell morphology
econ.xopen_geometry_dependent("cell-analysis")     // load user-defined semantics on morphology 

printf("Opening cell setup\n")
econ.xopen_generic("cell-setup")                   // load the cell-setup file (define specific 
printf("Opened. Setting up cell\n")                // channels, membrane properties etc)

// Set simulation parameters for the experiment 

econ.defvar("Simulation Control", "tstop", "750", "Defines when the simulation stops.")
econ.defvar("Simulation Control", "dt", "0.1", "Timestep")
econ.defvar("Simulation Control", "steps_per_ms", "10", "How many points are plotted per ms")

// Define directories for different cases tested
strdef data_dir
//data_dir       = "data/BPAP/Soma"             // Define directory to save produced data for somatic stimulation 
//data_dir       = "data/BPAP/Dend62"          // Define directory to save produced data for dendrite 62 stimulation
data_dir       = "data/BPAP/Dend64"          // Define directory to save produced data for dendrite 64 stimulation

if (unix_mac_pc() ==1 ) {
	sprint(econ.syscmd,  "mkdir -p %s", data_dir)                               // make directory

// Insert current clamp into soma or dendritic section
somaind = 0
//access soma[somaind] // uncomment this for poirazi who has multiple somatic compartments
access soma

proc usetables() { local usetab
    usetab = $1
    usetable_mykca = usetab
    usetable_calH = usetab
    usetable_cal = usetab
    usetable_car = usetab
    usetable_cat = usetab
    usetable_hha2 = usetab
    usetable_hha_old = usetab
    usetable_kad = usetab
    usetable_kap = usetab
    usetable_km = usetab
    usetable_nap = usetab
    usetable_somacar = usetab

// This function is used to override the function 
// apical_caR_calH_insert()in CA1_multi/experiment/cell-setup.hoc
// The only difference is that the density of the HVA L-type channel is 
// the same throughout the dendritic tree
proc cell_mods_apical_caR_caLH_insert() {
    forsec apical_trunk_list {
        for (x) {  
            xdist = find_vector_distance_precise(secname(),x)
            insert car
            gcabar_car(x) = 0.1*soma_car
            insert calH
            // if (xdist > 50) {            
            gcalbar_calH(x) = 4.6*soma_caLH
            // } else {
            //    gcalbar_calH(x) = 0.1*soma_caLH
            // }

proc cell_mods_original_apical_caR_caLH_insert() {
    forsec apical_trunk_list {


// Set up the reference axis
// The base is suppose to be the end of the cell body layer
apical_dendrite[7]  base = new SegmentRef(0)
// The apex is around the bifurcation of the apical dendritic tree
apical_dendrite[40] apex = new SegmentRef(0.5)
// This is an adjustment for the distance of the true soma location 
ra_adjustment = adjustment