TITLE HH channel that includes both a sodium and a delayed rectifier channel 
: and accounts for sodium conductance attenuation
: Bartlett Mel-modified Hodgkin - Huxley conductances (after Ojvind et al.)
: Terrence Brannon-added attenuation 
: Yiota Poirazi-modified Kdr and Na threshold and time constants to make it more stable
: Yiota Poirazi-modified threshold for soma/axon spike initiation (threshold about -57 mV),
: USC Los Angeles 2000, poirazi@LNC.usc.edu
: This file is used only in soma and axon sections

	  SUFFIX hha2
	  USEION na READ ena WRITE ina
	  RANGE gnabar, gkbar, gl, el, gna, gk, gmax
	  RANGE ar2, vhalfs
	  RANGE inf, tau
	  RANGE taus
	  GLOBAL taumin

	  (mA) = (milliamp)
	  (mV) = (millivolt)
    FARADAY = (faraday) (coulomb)
    R = (k-mole) (joule/degC)

PARAMETER {                     :parameters that can be entered when function is called in cell-setup
    a0r = 0.0003 (/ms)
    b0r = 0.0003 (/ms)
    zetar = 12    
	  zetas = 12   
    gmr = 0.2   
	  ar2 = 1.0               :initialized parameter for location-dependent
    :Na-conductance attenuation, "s", (ar=1 -> zero attenuation)
	  taumin = 3   (ms)       :min activation time for "s" attenuation system
    vvs  = 2     (mV)       :slope for "s" attenuation system
    vhalfr = -60 (mV)       :half potential for "s" attenuation system
	  W = 0.016    (/mV)      :this 1/61.5 mV
    :	gnabar = 0.2 (mho/cm2)  :suggested conductance values
    :	gkbar = 0.12 (mho/cm2)
    :	gl = 0.0001  (mho/cm2)
    gnabar = 0   (mho/cm2)  :initialized conductances
	  gkbar = 0    (mho/cm2)  :actual values set in cell-setup.hoc
	  gl = 0       (mho/cm2)
	  ena = 60     (mV)       :Na reversal potential (also reset in
	  ek = -77     (mV)       :K reversal potential  cell-setup.hoc)
	  el = -70.0   (mV)       :steady state 
	  celsius = 34 (degC)
	  v            (mV)
    gk           (mho/cm2)
    gna          (mho/cm2)
    gmax         (mho/cm2)

STATE {                         : the unknown parameters to be solved in the DEs
	  m h n s

ASSIGNED {			: parameters needed to solve DE
	  ina    (mA/cm2)
	  ik     (mA/cm2)
	  il     (mA/cm2)
	  tau[4] (ms)

	  SOLVE states METHOD cnexp
    gna = gnabar*m*m*h*s
	  ina = gna*(v - ena)                :Sodium current
    gk =  gkbar*n*n
	  ik = gk*(v - ek)                   :Potassium current
	  il = gl*(v - el)                    :leak current
    if (gna + gk + gl > gmax) {
        gmax = gna + gk + gl

INITIAL {			:initialize the following parameter using states()
    m = inf[0]
    h = inf[1]
    n = inf[2]
    gna = gnabar*m*m*h*s
	  ina = gna*(v - ena)                :Sodium current
    gk =  gkbar*n*n
	  ik = gk*(v - ek)                   :Potassium current
	  il = gl*(v - el)
    gmax = gk + gna + gl

	  m' = (inf[0] - m)/tau[0]  :Na activation variable
	  h' = (inf[1] - h)/tau[1]  :Na inactivation variable
	  n' = (inf[2] - n)/tau[2]  :K activation variable
	  s' = (inf[3] - s)/tau[3]  :Na attenuation variable

FUNCTION varss(v(mV), i) { :steady state values
	  if (i==0) {
        varss = 1 / (1 + exp((v + 44(mV))/(-3(mV))))    :Na activation
	  else if (i==1) {
        varss = 1 / (1 + exp((v + 49(mV))/(3.5(mV))))   :Na inactivation 
	  else if (i==2) {	
        varss = 1 / (1 + exp((v + 46.3(mV))/(-3(mV)))) :K activation
	  } else {
        :"s" activation system for spike attenuation - Migliore 96 model
		    varss = alpv(v,vhalfr)

FUNCTION alpv(v(mV),vh(mV)) {    :used in "s" activation system infinity calculation
    alpv = (1+ar2*exp((v-vh)/vvs))/(1+exp((v-vh)/vvs))

FUNCTION alpr(v(mV)) {       :used in "s" activation system tau
    alpr = exp((1.e-3)*zetar*(v-vhalfr)*FARADAY/(R*(273.16+celsius))) 

FUNCTION betr(v(mV)) {       :used in "s" activation system tau
    betr = exp((1.e-3)*zetar*gmr*(v-vhalfr)*FARADAY/(R*(273.16+celsius))) 

FUNCTION vartau(v(mV), i) (ms) { :estimate tau values
	  LOCAL tmp
	  if (i==0) {
	      vartau = 0.05  :Na activation tau
	  else if (i==1) {
        vartau = 1     :Na inactivation tau
	  else if (i==2) {
        vartau = 3.5   :K activation
    } else {
	      tmp = betr(v)/(a0r+b0r*alpr(v)) 
	      if (tmp<taumin) {tmp=taumin}
	      vartau = tmp      :s activation tau

PROCEDURE mhn(v(mV)) {
    TABLE inf, tau  DEPEND celsius FROM -100 TO 100 WITH 200
	  FROM i=0 TO 3 {
		    tau[i] = vartau(v,i)
		    inf[i] = varss(v,i)