TITLE HH channel that includes both a sodium and a delayed rectifier channel 
: and accounts for sodium conductance attenuation
: Bartlett Mel-modified Hodgkin - Huxley conductances (after Ojvind et al.)
: Terrence Brannon-added attenuation 
: Yiota Poirazi-modified Kdr and Na threshold and time constants
: to make it more stable, 2000, poirazi@LNC.usc.edu
: Used in all BUT somatic and axon sections. The spike threshold is about -50 mV

	  SUFFIX hha_old
	  USEION na READ ena WRITE ina 
	  RANGE gnabar, gkbar, gl, el, gna, gk, gmax
	  RANGE ar2, vhalfs
	  RANGE inf, tau
	  RANGE taus
	  GLOBAL taumin

	  (mA) = (milliamp)
	  (mV) = (millivolt)
    FARADAY = (faraday) (coulomb)
    R = (k-mole) (joule/degC)

PARAMETER {                     :parameters that can be entered when function is called in cell-setup
    a0r = 0.0003 (/ms)
    b0r = 0.0003 (/ms)
    zetar = 12    
	  zetas = 12   
    gmr = 0.2   
	  ar2 = 1.0               :initialized parameter for location-dependent
    :Na-conductance attenuation, "s", (ar=1 -> zero attenuation)
	  taumin = 3   (ms)       :min activation time for "s" attenuation system
    vvs  = 2     (mV)       :slope for "s" attenuation system
    vhalfr = -60 (mV)       :half potential for "s" attenuation system
	  W = 0.016    (/mV)      :this 1/61.5 mV
    :	gnabar = 0.2 (mho/cm2)  :suggested conductance values
    :	gkbar = 0.12 (mho/cm2)
    :	gl = 0.0001  (mho/cm2)
    gnabar = 0   (mho/cm2)  :initialized conductances
	  gkbar = 0    (mho/cm2)  :actual values set in cell-setup.hoc
	  gl = 0       (mho/cm2)
	  el = -70.0   (mV)       :steady state 
	  v            (mV)
    gk           (mho/cm2)
    gna          (mho/cm2)
    gmax         (mho/cm2)
    celsius      (degC)

STATE {                         : the unknown parameters to be solved in the DEs
	  m h n s

ASSIGNED {			: parameters needed to solve DE
	  ena    (mV)       :Na reversal potential
	  ek     (mV)       :K reversal potential 
	  ina    (mA/cm2)
	  ik     (mA/cm2)
	  il     (mA/cm2)
	  tau[4] (ms)

	  SOLVE states METHOD cnexp
    gna = gnabar*m*m*h*s
	  ina = gna*(v - ena)                :Sodium current
    gk =  gkbar*n*n
	  ik = gk*(v - ek)                   :Potassium current
	  il = gl*(v - el)                    :leak current
    if (gna + gk + gl > gmax) {
        gmax = gna + gk + gl

INITIAL {			:initialize the following parameter using states()
    m = inf[0]
    h = inf[1]
    n = inf[2]
    gna = gnabar*m*m*h*s
	  ina = gna*(v - ena)                :Sodium current
    gk =  gkbar*n*n
	  ik = gk*(v - ek)                   :Potassium current
	  il = gl*(v - el)
    gmax = gk + gna + gl

	  m' = (inf[0] - m)/tau[0]  :Na activation variable
	  h' = (inf[1] - h)/tau[1]  :Na inactivation variable
	  n' = (inf[2] - n)/tau[2]  :K activation variable
	  s' = (inf[3] - s)/tau[3]  :Na attenuation variable

FUNCTION varss(v(mV), i) { :steady state values
	  if (i==0) {
		    varss = 1 / (1 + exp((v + 40(mV))/(-3(mV)))) :Na activation
	  else if (i==1) {
		    varss = 1 / (1 + exp((v + 45(mV))/(3(mV))))  :Na inactivation
	  else if (i==2) {	
		    varss = 1 / (1 + exp((v + 42(mV))/(-2(mV)))) :K activation
	  } else {
        :"s" activation system for spike attenuation - Migliore 96 model
		    varss = alpv(v,vhalfr)

FUNCTION alpv(v(mV),vh(mV)) {    :used in "s" activation system infinity calculation
    alpv = (1+ar2*exp((v-vh)/vvs))/(1+exp((v-vh)/vvs))

FUNCTION alpr(v(mV)) {       :used in "s" activation system tau
    alpr = exp((1.e-3)*zetar*(v-vhalfr)*FARADAY/(R*(273.16+celsius))) 

FUNCTION betr(v(mV)) {       :used in "s" activation system tau
    betr = exp((1.e-3)*zetar*gmr*(v-vhalfr)*FARADAY/(R*(273.16+celsius))) 

FUNCTION vartau(v(mV), i) (ms) { :estimate tau values
	  LOCAL tmp
	  if (i==0) {
	      vartau = 0.05      :Na activation tau
	  else if (i==1) {
        vartau = 0.5       :Na inactivation tau
	  else if (i==2) {
        vartau = 2.2      :K activation tau
    } else {
	      tmp = betr(v)/(a0r+b0r*alpr(v)) 
	      if (tmp<taumin) {tmp=taumin}
	      vartau = tmp      :s activation tau

PROCEDURE mhn(v(mV)) {
	  FROM i=0 TO 3 {
		    tau[i] = vartau(v,i)
		    inf[i] = varss(v,i)