TITLE K-A channel from Klee Ficker and Heinemann
: modified by Brannon and Yiota Poirazi (poirazi@LNC.usc.edu)
: to account for Hoffman et al 1997 proximal region kinetics
: used only in soma and sections located < 100 microns from the soma

	  (mA) = (milliamp)
	  (mV) = (millivolt)
    FARADAY = (faraday) (coulomb)
    R = (k-mole) (joule/degC)

PARAMETER { :parameters that can be entered when function is called in cell-setup
   	v               (mV)
    ek = -77        (mV) :K reversal potential  (reset in cell-setup.hoc)
  	celsius = 24	  (degC)
   	gkabar = 0      (mho/cm2)           :initialized conductance
    vhalfn = 11     (mV)                :activation half-potential
    vhalfl = -56    (mV)                :inactivation half-potential
    a0n = 0.05      (/ms)               :parameters used
    zetan = -1.5    (1)                 :in calculation of
    zetal = 3       (1)                 :steady state values
    gmn = 0.55      (1)                 :and time constants
    gml = 1         (1)
	  lmin = 2        (ms)
  	nmin = 0.1      (ms)
  	pw = -1         (1)
  	tq = -40        (mV)
  	qq = 5          (mV)
  	q10 = 5                             :temperature sensitivity

	  SUFFIX kap
    RANGE gkabar,gka, gmax
    GLOBAL ninf,linf,taul,taun,lmin

STATE {          :the unknown parameters to be solved in the DEs 
	  n l

ASSIGNED {       :parameters needed to solve DE
	  ik   (mA/cm2)
    taul (ms)
    taun (ms)
    gka  (mho/cm2)
    gmax (mho/cm2)

INITIAL {		:initialize the following parameter using rates()
	  n = ninf
	  l = linf
	  gka = gkabar*n*l
	  ik = gka*(v-ek)	
    gmax = gka

	  SOLVE states METHOD cnexp
	  gka = gkabar*n*l
	  ik = gka*(v-ek)
    if (gka > gmax) {
        gmax = gka

FUNCTION alpn(v(mV)) { LOCAL zeta
    zeta = zetan+pw/(1+exp((v-tq)/qq))
    alpn = exp((1.e-3)*zeta*(v-vhalfn)*FARADAY/(R*(273.16(degC)+celsius))) 

FUNCTION betn(v(mV)) { LOCAL zeta
    zeta = zetan+pw/(1+exp((v-tq)/qq))
    betn = exp((1.e-3)*zeta*gmn*(v-vhalfn)*FARADAY/(R*(273.16(degC)+celsius))) 

FUNCTION alpl(v(mV)) {
    alpl = exp((1.e-3)*zetal*(v-vhalfl)*FARADAY/(R*(273.16(degC)+celsius))) 

FUNCTION betl(v(mV)) {
    betl = exp((1.e-3)*zetal*gml*(v-vhalfl)*FARADAY/(R*(273.16(degC)+celsius))) 

:if state_borgka is called from hoc, garbage or segmentation violation will
:result because range variables won't have correct pointer.  This is because
: only BREAKPOINT sets up the correct pointers to range variables.
DERIVATIVE states {     : exact when v held constant; integrates over dt step
    n' = (ninf - n)/taun
    l' = (linf - l)/taul

PROCEDURE rates(v (mV)) {                  :callable from hoc
    LOCAL a,qt
    TABLE ninf, taun, linf, taul  DEPEND celsius, vhalfn, vhalfl, a0n, zetan,  zetal, gmn, gml, lmin, nmin,	pw,	tq,	qq,	q10 FROM -100 TO 100 WITH 200
    qt = q10^((celsius-24(degC))/10(degC))         : temprature adjastment factor
    a = alpn(v)
    ninf = 1/(1 + a)                   : activation variable steady state value
    taun = betn(v)/(qt*a0n*(1+a))      : activation variable time constant
	  if (taun<nmin) {taun=nmin}         : time constant not allowed to be less than nmin
    a = alpl(v)
    linf = 1/(1+ a)                    : inactivation variable steady state value
	  taul = 0.26(ms/mV)*(v+50(mV))                 : inactivation variable time constant
	  if (taul<lmin) {taul=lmin}         : time constant not allowed to be less than lmin