AMPA synapse with two decay time constants based on the exp2syn.mod
mechanism from the NEURON distribution.
We use the time constants measured by Andrasfalvy & Magee (2001) from
patches excised from different parts of the stratum radiatum at
22\degC. These are in broad agreement with the time constants measured
by Spruston &al (1995), epecially when the age-dependent change in
receptor properties (Hestrin &al., 1992) is taken into account.
Although they are considerably slower than the time constants measured
using whole-cell recordings from hippocampal cells (Hestrin & al., 1990),
this might be accounted for by the more depolarised potentials used in
these recordings. We corrected the time constants recorded at 22\degC
to 34\degC using a \Qten of 3 (Hestrin & al., 1990). This gave a
rise time of 1.7\ms and a dual exponential decay comprising a fast
component fast time constant of 67\ms and a slow component with a time
constant of 428\ms in the ratio 0.61 to 0.39.
B K Andr\'asfalvy & J C Magee 2001 "Distance-Dependent Increase in
AMPA Receptor Number in the Dendrites of Adult Hippocampal CA1
Pyramidal Neurons" J. Neurosci. 21, 9151-9159
S Hestrin & al. 1990 "Mechanisms Generating the time course of dual
component excitatory synaptic currents recorded in hippocampal
slices" Neuron 5, 247-253
S Hestrin 1992 "Developmental regulation of NMDA receptor-mediated
currents at a central synapse" Nature 357, 686-689
N Spruston & al. 1995 "Dendritic glutamate receptor channels in rat
hippocampal CA3 and CA1 neurons" J. Physiol. 482, 325-352
RANGE e, g, i, b, ica
USEION ca READ cai,cao WRITE ica
GLOBAL total, mg, q10, taurise, taufast, tauslow, taurise_exp, taufast_exp, tauslow_exp, afast, aslow, normfac, T_exp, K0, delta, fracca
: Time constants and afast from Andrasfalvy & Magee 01
taurise_exp = 6.46 (ms) <1e-9,1e9> : rise
taufast_exp = 252.5 (ms) <1e-9,1e9> : fast decay
tauslow_exp = 1660 (ms) <1e-9,1e9> : slow decay
afast = 0.61 <0,1>
e=0 (mV)
mg = 1 (mM) : external magnesium concentration
fracca= 0.13 : fraction of current that is ca ions; Srupuston &al 95
z = 2
celsius = 22 (degC)
T_exp = 22 (degC)
q10 = 3 : Hestrin 90
K0 = 4.1 (mM) : From Spruston &al 95
delta = 0.8 : From Spruston &al 95
v (mV)
i (nA)
ica (nA)
g (uS)
total (uS)
cai (mM)
cao (mM)
taurise (ms)
taufast (ms)
tauslow (ms)
SOLVE state METHOD cnexp
b = mgblock(v) : b is the block by magnesium at this voltage
g = (B + C - A) * b
i = g * (1-fracca) * (v - e)
ica = g * fracca * ghkg(v,cai,cao,z)
FUNCTION mgblock(v(mV)) {
DEPEND mg, K0, delta, celsius
FROM -140 TO 80 WITH 1000
: From Spruston &al 95
mgblock = 1/(1+(mg/K0)*exp(-delta*z*FARADAY*v*(0.001)/R/(celsius+273)))