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% As part of our efforts to improve published figure quality, we
% recommend that you size your figures to fit one of three widths;
% 8.3cm, 12.35cm, or 17.35cm wide (maximum figure height is 23.35 cm),
% as detailed in our Figure Guidelines at
% http://www.ploscompbiol.org/static/figureGuidelines.action#quickref.

% \section{Main plots}
% \label{plots:sec:main-plots}

\figtitle{Figure 1}
% : Experimental and model responses to somatic current
% injection.


\includegraphics{\dg ca1_poirazi-somainj-Ra050-cv1-synrecs}

%  \textbf{A} Experimnentally-measured calcium fluorescence
% traces from the apical trunk. \textbf{B} Height of fluorescnece peak
% versus distance from the soma. \textbf{C} Top trace: time course of
% membrane potential at coloured spines and soma (black). Middle trace:
% time course of calcium concentration in the dendritic tree next to the
% coloured spines. Bottom trace: time course of calcium concentration in
% coloured spine heads. \textbf{D} peak value of the membrane potential
% throughout the tree. \textbf{E} Peak value of calcium concentration
% throughout the tree.


\figtitle{Figure 2}
% : Response to Schaffer collateral stimulation by 240
% synchronously-activated synapses.


  \includegraphics{\dg ca1_poirazi-dendburst-s240-j00t1-a200-n45-bv-r170-sc0-Ra050-nr0100-cv1-synrecs}  
\noindent\includegraphics{\dg ca1_poirazi-dendburst-s240-j00t1-a200-n45-bv-r170-sc0-Ra050-nr0100-cv1}

 % \textbf{A} Morphology of simulated
 %  cell, including positions of synapses (in gray). Panels
 %  \textbf{B--E} show representative traces of membrane potential
 %  (\textbf{B}), calcium concentration (\textbf{C}), NMDA current
 %  (\textbf{D}) and AMPA current (\textbf{E}). Panels \textbf{F-I} show
 %  statistics of the membrane potential and calcium traces, averaged
 %  over 100 runs. On each run, the locations of all spines apart from
 %  the coloured reference spines was generated randomly according to
 %  the realistic statistics (see Methods). In each case, the black line
 %  shows the regression of path distance on the quantity in question,
 %  and the $R^2$ value for the fit is quoted. Vertical lines indicate
 %  the standard deviation.  \textbf{F} Amplitude of membrane potential
 %  at peak. \textbf{G} Amplitude of calcium concentration at peak. In
 %  both the amplitude plots there is very little variability in
 %  amplitude between trials. \textbf{H} Delay from stimulation to peak
 %  membrane potential.  \textbf{I} Delay from stimulation to peak
 %  calcium concentration. In both the delay plots, the grey vertical
 %  lines indicate significant variability.


Figure 3


\noindent\figtitle{Figure 4}

% : \textbf{(A-D)}~The effect of asynchronous inputs on
% features of voltage and calcium signals. \textbf{(E-L)}~The effect of
% subthreshold input on features of voltage and calcium signals.


\noindent\includegraphics{\dg ca1_poirazi-dendburst-s240-j10t1-a200-n45-bv-r170-sc0-Ra050-nr0100-cv1}\\
\noindent\includegraphics{\dg ca1_poirazi-dendburst-s190-j00t1-a200-n45-bv-r170-sc0-Ra050-nr0100-cv1}

    % (A-D) The effect of asynchronous inputs on features of voltage and
    % calcium signals. In each of 100 simulations, the cell was
    % presented with synaptic inputs whose activation times were
    % randomly drawn from a 10ms window. The average values of the
    % features plotted against distance. (E-L) The effect of
    % subthreshold input on features of voltage and calcium signals. In
    % this simulation 190 synapses were activated, which was not
    % sufficient to bring the neuron to its firing threshold. In all
    % other respects the simulation was the same as that shown in Fig
    % 2. (E-H) Traces of membrane potential, calcium concentration,
    % calcium current and block factor from the coloured synapses in
    % Figure 2A. (I-L) Peak value and delay to peak of voltage and
    % calcium signals.


Figure 5


\figtitle{Figure 6}
% : Features of calcium and voltage signals as
% predictors of attenuation.


\noindent\includegraphics{\dg att-dist}
\includegraphics{\dg ca1_poirazi-dendburst-s240-j00t1-a200-n45-bv-r170-sc0-Ra050-nr0100-cv1-att}

  % Features of calcium and voltage signals as predictors of
  % attenuation. (A) Path distance between soma and synapse versus EPSP
  % attenuation at the soma. (B-E) With synchronous Schaffer Collateral
  % input, features of the time course of the voltage and calcium
  % signals plotted against attenuation rather than distance as in
  % Figure 2F-I.


\figtitle{Figure 7}

\includegraphics{\dg ca1_poirazi-dendburst-s240-j00t1-a200-n45-bv-r170-sc1-Ra050-nr0100-cv1}


Figure 8

\figtitle{Figure S1}



Figure S2


\figtitle{Figure S3}

  \includegraphics{\dg ca1_poirazi-dendburst-s240-j00t1-a200-n45-bv-r000-sc0-Ra050-nr0100-cv1-synrecs}  
\noindent\includegraphics{\dg ca1_poirazi-dendburst-s240-j00t1-a200-n45-bv-r000-sc0-Ra050-nr0100-cv1}


Figure S4


% LocalWords:  NMDA AMPA EPSP