from util import *
from all2all import all2all
import heapq

def lpt(cx, npart):
  ''' from the list of (cx, gid) return a npart length list with each partition
      being a total_cx followed by a list of (cx, gid).
  cx.sort(key=lambda x:x[0], reverse=True)
  # initialize a priority queue for fast determination of current
  # partition with least complexity. The priority queue always has
  # npart items in it. At this time we do not care which partition will
  # be associated with which rank so a partition on the heap is just
  # (totalcx, [list of (cx, gid)]
  h = []
  for i in range(npart):
    heapq.heappush(h, (0.0, []))
  #each cx item goes into the current least complex partition
  for c in cx:
    lp = heapq.heappop(h) # least partition
    heapq.heappush(h, (lp[0]+c[0], lp[1]))
  parts = [heapq.heappop(h) for i in range(len(h))]
  return parts

def statistics(parts):
  npart = len(parts)
  total_cx = 0
  max_part_cx = 0
  ncx = 0
  max_cx = 0
  for part in parts:
    ncx += len(part[1])
    total_cx += part[0]
    if part[0] > max_part_cx:
      max_part_cx = part[0]
    for cx in part[1]:
      if cx[0] > max_cx:
        max_cx = cx[0]
  avg_part_cx =total_cx/npart
  loadbal = 1.0
  if max_part_cx > 0.:
    loadbal = avg_part_cx/max_part_cx
  s = "loadbal=%g total_cx=%g npart=%d ncx=%d max_part_cx=%g max_cx=%g"%(loadbal,total_cx,npart,ncx,max_part_cx, max_cx)
  return s

if __name__ == '__main__':
  from util import serialize, finish
  for cx in ([(i, i) for i in range(10)],[]):
    print len(cx), ' complexity items ', cx
    pinfo = lpt(cx, 3)
    print len(pinfo), ' lpt partitions ', pinfo
    print statistics(pinfo)