// parameters_ddi_baseline.hoc
// Olfactory bulb network model: parameters file
// for dendrodendritic inhibition.
// Andrew Davison, The Babraham Institute, 2000.
nmitx = 5 // 1st dimension of mitral cell array
nmity = 5 // 2nd dimension of mitral cell array
nglom = nmitx*nmity // total number of mitral cells
g2m = 10 //
ngranx = nmitx*g2m // 1st dimension of granule cell array
ngrany = nmity*g2m // 2nd dimension of granule cell array
mitsep = 1.0 // um // mitral cell separation
gransep = mitsep/g2m // granule cell separation
seed = 0 // seed for random number generator
rmax = ngranx*0.5 // maximum range of synaptic connections
synpermit = 200 // synapses per mitral cell
thresh = -10 // mV // threshold for detecting spikes
edelay = 1.8 // ms // time delay of mitral->granule synapses
conducdel = 0 // ms // conduction delay in secondary dendrites
idelay = 0.6 // ms // time delat of granule->mitral synapses
AMPAweight = 1e-3 // uS // }
NMDAweight = 7e-4 // uS // } synaptic conductances
iweight = 6e-4 // uS // }
maxinput = 1.0 // nA // measure of `odour intensity'
nof = 10 // number of `odour features'
diffglom = 0 // } 0 - cells are in the same glomerulus
// } 1 - cells are in different glomeruli
NMDArisetime = 30 // ms // rise-time of NMDA conductance
NMDAdecay = 343 // ms // NMDA decay time constant
NMDArise = 52 // ms // NMDA rise time constant
mgconc = 0 // mM // external magnesium ion concentration
strdef fileroot
sprint(fileroot,"ddi_baseline") // root for output filenames
odournumber = 1 // odour file
inputnumber = 1 // fixed input file
tstop = 1500 // ms // total simulation time
ttrans = 0 // ms // when calculating statistics, ignore
// spikes occuring before this time
dt = 0.05 //ms