/* suppyrFRB/suppyrFRB_template.hoc
automatically written from f2nrn/neuron_code_writer.f
via subroutines that were inserted into the fortran
code e.g., suppyrFRB/integrate_suppyrFRB.hoc
The template's form was derived by
Tom Morse and Michael Hines
from a template, pyr3_template created
by Roger Traub and Maciej Lazarewicz when they ported
Traub RD, Buhl EH, Gloveli T, Whittington MA.
Fast Rhythmic Bursting Can Be Induced in Layer 2/3
Cortical Neurons by Enhancing Persistent Na(+)
Conductance or by Blocking BK Channels.J Neurophysiol.
2003 Feb;89(2):909-21.
begintemplate suppyrFRB
public type
public name
strdef name
// parts of the template were lifted from a default
// cell writing from Network Builder NetGUI[0]
public is_art
public init, topol, basic_shape, subsets
public geom, biophys
public synlist, x, y, z, position
public connect2target
public set_netcon_src_comp
// the above function added to set neton
// compartment source in the presyn cell
public comp, level, Soma, Dendrites
public Soma_Dendrites, Axon, all
public presyn_comp, top_level
// it is the responsibility of the calling
// program to set the above presynaptic
// compartment number
external traub_connect
objref this
create comp[ 74+1]
objref level[ 12+1], Soma, Dendrites
objref Soma_Dendrites, Axon
objref synlist
func type() {return 1 }
proc init() {
doubler = 1
comp[0] delete_section() // clean up for fortran code
traub_connect( 74+1)
presyn_comp = 72
// in Traub model;changed by calling prog.
objref Soma, Axon, Dendrites, Soma_Dendrites
objref level
geom() // the geometry and
subsets() // subsets and
biophys() // active currents
synlist = new List() // list of synapses
// NetGUI[0] stores synapses in the cell object, in
// Traub model it is easier to store them outside
set_doubler() // to double or not
if (doubler) {double_dend_cond()}
/* for taking
spine membrane area correction into account (the
method used doubles max cond's when spines present)
name = "suppyrFRB"
proc double_dend_cond() {
/* this function gets replaced later with
another one if double_dend_cond() is tacked on. */
proc titlePrint() {
/* print "
print "-----"
print "
print "suppyrFRB Neuron Model based on "
print "Traub RD et al (2005, 2003)"
print "
print "-----"
Remove title printing with this comment for now.
Printing otherwise repeats (for each cell)
-too voluminous for a network creation */
proc set_doubler() {doubler=1}
// this function gets replaced with one that
// sets doubler to 0 when there are no spines
// in the cell (for no spines the additional
// hoc code is written from integrate_cell.f
// where cell is nRT, TCR. Woops I just
// found that deepaxax, deepbask, deepLTS,
// supaxax, supbask, supLTS all use the script
// cell/run_fortran.sh to replace the =1's with
// =0's. I will change the fortran code to
// make it all run_fortran.sh replacements or
// not for uniformity.
proc topol() {
// create comp[ 75] // note one greater than numcomp due to fortran indicies
// last argument, parent location for connection
// is overwritten to 1 for parents with connected children
// in below traub_connect proc calls
traub_connect(this, 1, 69, 0.19978229, 0)
traub_connect(this, 1, 2, 0.012551651, 1)
traub_connect(this, 1, 3, 0.012551651, 1)
traub_connect(this, 1, 4, 0.012551651, 1)
traub_connect(this, 1, 5, 0.012551651, 1)
traub_connect(this, 1, 6, 0.012551651, 1)
traub_connect(this, 1, 7, 0.012551651, 1)
traub_connect(this, 1, 8, 0.012551651, 1)
traub_connect(this, 1, 9, 0.012551651, 1)
traub_connect(this, 1, 38, 0.748136781, 1)
traub_connect(this, 2, 14, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 3, 15, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 4, 16, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 5, 17, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 6, 18, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 7, 19, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 8, 20, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 9, 21, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 10, 38, 0.0123730314, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 10, 22, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 11, 38, 0.0123730314, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 11, 23, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 12, 38, 0.0123730314, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 12, 24, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 13, 38, 0.0123730314, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 13, 25, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 14, 26, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 15, 27, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 16, 28, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 17, 29, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 18, 30, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 19, 31, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 20, 32, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 21, 33, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 22, 34, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 23, 35, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 24, 36, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 25, 37, 0.00628318, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 38, 39, 0.359911659, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 39, 40, 0.287532183, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 40, 41, 0.144583738, 1)
traub_connect(this, 40, 42, 0.144583738, 1)
traub_connect(this, 41, 42, 0.10053088, 1)
traub_connect(this, 41, 43, 0.10053088, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 42, 44, 0.10053088, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 43, 45, 0.0277326566, 1)
traub_connect(this, 43, 46, 0.0277326566, 1)
traub_connect(this, 43, 47, 0.0277326566, 1)
traub_connect(this, 43, 48, 0.0277326566, 1)
traub_connect(this, 44, 49, 0.0277326566, 1)
traub_connect(this, 44, 50, 0.0277326566, 1)
traub_connect(this, 44, 51, 0.0277326566, 1)
traub_connect(this, 44, 52, 0.0277326566, 1)
traub_connect(this, 45, 53, 0.0160849408, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 45, 46, 0.0160849408, 1)
traub_connect(this, 45, 47, 0.0160849408, 1)
traub_connect(this, 45, 48, 0.0160849408, 1)
traub_connect(this, 46, 54, 0.0160849408, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 46, 47, 0.0160849408, 1)
traub_connect(this, 46, 48, 0.0160849408, 1)
traub_connect(this, 47, 55, 0.0160849408, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 47, 48, 0.0160849408, 1)
traub_connect(this, 48, 56, 0.0160849408, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 49, 57, 0.0160849408, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 49, 50, 0.0160849408, 1)
traub_connect(this, 49, 51, 0.0160849408, 1)
traub_connect(this, 49, 52, 0.0160849408, 1)
traub_connect(this, 50, 58, 0.0160849408, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 50, 51, 0.0160849408, 1)
traub_connect(this, 50, 52, 0.0160849408, 1)
traub_connect(this, 51, 59, 0.0160849408, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 51, 52, 0.0160849408, 1)
traub_connect(this, 52, 60, 0.0160849408, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 53, 61, 0.0160849408, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 54, 62, 0.0160849408, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 55, 63, 0.0160849408, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 56, 64, 0.0160849408, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 57, 65, 0.0160849408, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 58, 66, 0.0160849408, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 59, 67, 0.0160849408, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 60, 68, 0.0160849408, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 69, 70, 0.0472757183, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 70, 71, 0.0208024203, 1)
traub_connect(this, 70, 73, 0.0208024203, 1)
traub_connect(this, 71, 72, 0.01570795, 1.)
traub_connect(this, 71, 73, 0.01570795, 1)
traub_connect(this, 73, 74, 0.01570795, 1.)
access comp[1] // handy statement if want to start gui's from nrnmainmenu
proc geom() {
// the "traub level" subsets are created and defined below
top_level = 12
objref level[top_level+1]
for i=0,top_level { level[i] = new SectionList() }
comp[ 1] { level[ 1].append() L= 15. diam = 2* 8. }
comp[ 2] { level[ 2].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 3] { level[ 2].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 4] { level[ 2].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 5] { level[ 2].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 6] { level[ 2].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 7] { level[ 2].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 8] { level[ 2].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 9] { level[ 2].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 10] { level[ 2].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 11] { level[ 2].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 12] { level[ 2].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 13] { level[ 2].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 14] { level[ 3].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 15] { level[ 3].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 16] { level[ 3].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 17] { level[ 3].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 18] { level[ 3].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 19] { level[ 3].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 20] { level[ 3].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 21] { level[ 3].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 22] { level[ 3].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 23] { level[ 3].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 24] { level[ 3].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 25] { level[ 3].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 26] { level[ 4].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 27] { level[ 4].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 28] { level[ 4].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 29] { level[ 4].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 30] { level[ 4].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 31] { level[ 4].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 32] { level[ 4].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 33] { level[ 4].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 34] { level[ 4].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 35] { level[ 4].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 36] { level[ 4].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 37] { level[ 4].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 38] { level[ 5].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 4. }
comp[ 39] { level[ 6].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 3.6 }
comp[ 40] { level[ 7].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 3.2 }
comp[ 41] { level[ 8].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 2. }
comp[ 42] { level[ 8].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 2. }
comp[ 43] { level[ 9].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 2. }
comp[ 44] { level[ 9].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 2. }
comp[ 45] { level[ 10].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 46] { level[ 10].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 47] { level[ 10].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 48] { level[ 10].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 49] { level[ 10].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 50] { level[ 10].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 51] { level[ 10].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 52] { level[ 10].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 53] { level[ 11].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 54] { level[ 11].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 55] { level[ 11].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 56] { level[ 11].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 57] { level[ 11].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 58] { level[ 11].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 59] { level[ 11].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 60] { level[ 11].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 61] { level[ 12].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 62] { level[ 12].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 63] { level[ 12].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 64] { level[ 12].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 65] { level[ 12].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 66] { level[ 12].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 67] { level[ 12].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 68] { level[ 12].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.8 }
comp[ 69] { level[ 0].append() L= 25. diam = 2* 0.9 }
comp[ 70] { level[ 0].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.7 }
comp[ 71] { level[ 0].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 72] { level[ 0].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 73] { level[ 0].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
comp[ 74] { level[ 0].append() L= 50. diam = 2* 0.5 }
// Here are some commonly used subsets of sections
objref all
proc subsets() { local i
objref Soma, Dendrites, Soma_Dendrites, Axon
objref all
Soma = new SectionList()
Dendrites = new SectionList()
Soma_Dendrites = new SectionList()
Axon = new SectionList()
for i=1,top_level {
forsec level[i] { // recall level 0 is axon, 1 is soma, higher are dends
if (i>1) {Dendrites.append()}
forsec level[1] {
forsec level[0] { Axon.append() }
all = new SectionList()
for i=1, 74 comp[i] all.append()
proc shape() {
comp[1] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 16.0) pt3dadd(0.0, 7.5, 0.0, 16.0)}
comp[1] {pt3dadd(-0.0, 15.0, 0.0, 16.0)}
comp[69] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.8) pt3dadd(-0.0, -12.5, 0.0, 1.8)}
comp[69] {pt3dadd(-0.0, -25.0, 0.0, 1.8)}
comp[38] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 15.0, 0.0, 8.0) pt3dadd(-0.0, 40.0, 0.0, 8.0)}
comp[38] {pt3dadd(-0.0, 65.0, 0.0, 8.0)}
comp[9] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 15.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(-0.0, -5.0, -15.0, 1.0)}
comp[9] {pt3dadd(0.0, -25.0, -30.0, 1.0)}
comp[8] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 15.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(15.0, -5.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[8] {pt3dadd(30.0, -25.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[7] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 15.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(-0.0, -5.0, 15.0, 1.0)}
comp[7] {pt3dadd(0.0, -25.0, 30.0, 1.0)}
comp[6] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 15.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(-15.0, -5.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[6] {pt3dadd(-30.0, -25.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[5] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 15.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(17.320509, 10.0, -17.320509, 1.0)}
comp[5] {pt3dadd(34.641018, 5.0, -34.64101, 1.0)}
comp[4] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 15.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(17.320509, 10.0, 17.320509, 1.0)}
comp[4] {pt3dadd(34.640957, 5.0, 34.640995, 1.0)}
comp[3] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 15.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(-17.320509, 10.0, -17.320509, 1.0)}
comp[3] {pt3dadd(-34.641, 5.0, -34.641014, 1.0)}
comp[2] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 15.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(-17.320509, 10.0, 17.320509, 1.0)}
comp[2] {pt3dadd(-34.64103, 5.0, 34.64107, 1.0)}
comp[70] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, -25.0, 0.0, 1.4) pt3dadd(-0.0, -50.0, 0.0, 1.4)}
comp[70] {pt3dadd(-0.0, -75.0, 0.0, 1.4)}
comp[39] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 65.0, 0.0, 7.2) pt3dadd(-0.0, 90.0, 0.0, 7.2)}
comp[39] {pt3dadd(-0.0, 115.0, 0.0, 7.2)}
comp[13] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(-0.0, 65.0, -25.0, 1.0)}
comp[13] {pt3dadd(-0.0, 65.0, -50.0, 1.0)}
comp[12] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(25.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[12] {pt3dadd(50.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[11] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(-0.0, 65.0, 25.0, 1.0)}
comp[11] {pt3dadd(0.0, 65.0, 50.0, 1.0)}
comp[10] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(-25.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[10] {pt3dadd(-50.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[21] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(0.0, -25.0, -30.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(0.0, -45.0, -45.0, 1.0)}
comp[21] {pt3dadd(0.0, -65.0, -60.0, 1.0)}
comp[20] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(30.0, -25.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(45.0, -45.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[20] {pt3dadd(60.0, -65.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[19] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(0.0, -25.0, 30.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(0.0, -45.0, 45.0, 1.0)}
comp[19] {pt3dadd(0.0, -65.0, 60.0, 1.0)}
comp[18] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-30.0, -25.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(-45.0, -45.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[18] {pt3dadd(-60.0, -65.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[17] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(34.641018, 5.0, -34.64101, 1.0) pt3dadd(51.961525, 0.0, -51.961517, 1.0)}
comp[17] {pt3dadd(69.28174, -5.0, -69.28177, 1.0)}
comp[16] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(34.640957, 5.0, 34.640995, 1.0) pt3dadd(51.961487, 0.0, 51.961525, 1.0)}
comp[16] {pt3dadd(69.28227, -5.0, 69.2822, 1.0)}
comp[15] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-34.641, 5.0, -34.641014, 1.0) pt3dadd(-51.961494, 0.0, -51.961517, 1.0)}
comp[15] {pt3dadd(-69.2822, -5.0, -69.282326, 1.0)}
comp[14] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-34.64103, 5.0, 34.64107, 1.0) pt3dadd(-51.961548, 0.0, 51.961563, 1.0)}
comp[14] {pt3dadd(-69.281975, -5.0, 69.282005, 1.0)}
comp[73] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, -75.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(-9.735465, -98.0265, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[73] {pt3dadd(-19.470894, -121.05301, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[71] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, -75.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(9.735455, -98.0265, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[71] {pt3dadd(19.470905, -121.05301, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[40] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 115.0, 0.0, 6.4) pt3dadd(0.0, 140.0, 0.0, 6.4)}
comp[40] {pt3dadd(-0.0, 165.0, 0.0, 6.4)}
comp[25] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 65.0, -50.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(0.0, 65.0, -75.0, 1.0)}
comp[25] {pt3dadd(-0.0, 65.0, -100.0, 1.0)}
comp[24] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(50.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(75.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[24] {pt3dadd(100.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[23] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(0.0, 65.0, 50.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(0.0, 65.0, 75.0, 1.0)}
comp[23] {pt3dadd(0.0, 65.0, 100.0, 1.0)}
comp[22] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-50.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(-75.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[22] {pt3dadd(-100.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[33] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(0.0, -65.0, -60.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(0.0, -85.0, -75.0, 1.0)}
comp[33] {pt3dadd(0.0, -105.0, -90.0, 1.0)}
comp[32] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(60.0, -65.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(75.0, -85.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[32] {pt3dadd(90.0, -105.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[31] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(0.0, -65.0, 60.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(0.0, -85.0, 75.0, 1.0)}
comp[31] {pt3dadd(0.0, -105.0, 90.0, 1.0)}
comp[30] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-60.0, -65.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(-75.0, -85.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[30] {pt3dadd(-90.0, -105.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[29] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(69.28174, -5.0, -69.28177, 1.0) pt3dadd(86.602905, -10.0, -86.60286, 1.0)}
comp[29] {pt3dadd(103.923355, -15.0, -103.92326, 1.0)}
comp[28] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(69.28227, -5.0, 69.2822, 1.0) pt3dadd(86.60222, -10.0, 86.60239, 1.0)}
comp[28] {pt3dadd(103.923, -15.0, 103.92307, 1.0)}
comp[27] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-69.2822, -5.0, -69.282326, 1.0) pt3dadd(-86.602486, -10.0, -86.60253, 1.0)}
comp[27] {pt3dadd(-103.92276, -15.0, -103.922714, 1.0)}
comp[26] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-69.281975, -5.0, 69.282005, 1.0) pt3dadd(-86.60266, -10.0, 86.6028, 1.0)}
comp[26] {pt3dadd(-103.92302, -15.0, 103.92299, 1.0)}
comp[74] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-19.470894, -121.05301, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(-29.206394, -144.08, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[74] {pt3dadd(-38.94189, -167.106, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[72] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(19.470905, -121.05301, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(29.206406, -144.08, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[72] {pt3dadd(38.941807, -167.106, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[42] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 165.0, 0.0, 4.0) pt3dadd(9.734937, 188.02641, 0.0, 4.0)}
comp[42] {pt3dadd(19.470385, 211.05298, 0.0, 4.0)}
comp[41] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 165.0, 0.0, 4.0) pt3dadd(-9.735199, 188.0264, 0.0, 4.0)}
comp[41] {pt3dadd(-19.471302, 211.05292, 0.0, 4.0)}
comp[37] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-0.0, 65.0, -100.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(-0.0, 65.0, -125.0, 1.0)}
comp[37] {pt3dadd(-0.0, 65.0, -150.0, 1.0)}
comp[36] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(100.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(125.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[36] {pt3dadd(150.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[35] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(0.0, 65.0, 100.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(0.0, 65.0, 125.0, 1.0)}
comp[35] {pt3dadd(0.0, 65.0, 150.0, 1.0)}
comp[34] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-100.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0) pt3dadd(-125.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[34] {pt3dadd(-150.0, 65.0, 0.0, 1.0)}
comp[44] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(19.470385, 211.05298, 0.0, 4.0) pt3dadd(29.20583, 234.07956, 0.0, 4.0)}
comp[44] {pt3dadd(38.94128, 257.10614, 0.0, 4.0)}
comp[43] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-19.471302, 211.05292, 0.0, 4.0) pt3dadd(-29.20599, 234.07948, 0.0, 4.0)}
comp[43] {pt3dadd(-38.942097, 257.106, 0.0, 4.0)}
comp[52] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(38.94128, 257.10614, 0.0, 1.6) pt3dadd(56.875668, 274.52423, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[52] {pt3dadd(74.809364, 291.94165, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[51] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(38.94128, 257.10614, 0.0, 1.6) pt3dadd(38.94128, 274.52423, -17.934387, 1.6)}
comp[51] {pt3dadd(38.940094, 291.94177, -35.86782, 1.6)}
comp[50] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(38.94128, 257.10614, 0.0, 1.6) pt3dadd(38.94128, 274.52423, 17.934387, 1.6)}
comp[50] {pt3dadd(38.941246, 291.94193, 35.868366, 1.6)}
comp[49] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(38.94128, 257.10614, 0.0, 1.6) pt3dadd(38.94185, 282.1057, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[49] {pt3dadd(38.9417, 307.10605, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[48] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-38.942097, 257.106, 0.0, 1.6) pt3dadd(-38.941532, 282.10562, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[48] {pt3dadd(-38.941692, 307.10593, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[47] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-38.942097, 257.106, 0.0, 1.6) pt3dadd(-38.94128, 274.52423, 17.934387, 1.6)}
comp[47] {pt3dadd(-38.941307, 291.94186, 35.868286, 1.6)}
comp[46] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-38.942097, 257.106, 0.0, 1.6) pt3dadd(-38.94128, 274.52423, -17.934387, 1.6)}
comp[46] {pt3dadd(-38.94071, 291.94235, -35.868736, 1.6)}
comp[45] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-38.942097, 257.106, 0.0, 1.6) pt3dadd(-56.876, 274.52368, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[45] {pt3dadd(-74.809875, 291.94135, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[60] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(74.809364, 291.94165, 0.0, 1.6) pt3dadd(92.743034, 309.35907, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[60] {pt3dadd(110.67742, 326.77716, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[59] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(38.940094, 291.94177, -35.86782, 1.6) pt3dadd(38.93914, 309.36, -53.801983, 1.6)}
comp[59] {pt3dadd(38.937958, 326.7775, -71.7354, 1.6)}
comp[58] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(38.941246, 291.94193, 35.868366, 1.6) pt3dadd(38.941235, 309.3596, 53.802303, 1.6)}
comp[58] {pt3dadd(38.94122, 326.77725, 71.736244, 1.6)}
comp[57] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(38.9417, 307.10605, 0.0, 1.6) pt3dadd(38.942265, 332.10565, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[57] {pt3dadd(38.94211, 357.10596, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[56] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-38.941692, 307.10593, 0.0, 1.6) pt3dadd(-38.941853, 332.1062, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[56] {pt3dadd(-38.94127, 357.1058, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[55] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-38.941307, 291.94186, 35.868286, 1.6) pt3dadd(-38.94136, 309.3595, 53.80219, 1.6)}
comp[55] {pt3dadd(-38.941402, 326.77713, 71.73609, 1.6)}
comp[54] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-38.94071, 291.94235, -35.868736, 1.6) pt3dadd(-38.939907, 309.35983, -53.802338, 1.6)}
comp[54] {pt3dadd(-38.939095, 326.77734, -71.73598, 1.6)}
comp[53] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-74.809875, 291.94135, 0.0, 1.6) pt3dadd(-92.74378, 309.35907, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[53] {pt3dadd(-110.67767, 326.77673, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[68] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(110.67742, 326.77716, 0.0, 1.6) pt3dadd(128.6111, 344.19458, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[68] {pt3dadd(146.5448, 361.61197, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[67] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(38.937958, 326.7775, -71.7354, 1.6) pt3dadd(38.936993, 344.1957, -89.66957, 1.6)}
comp[67] {pt3dadd(38.935814, 361.61322, -107.60299, 1.6)}
comp[66] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(38.94122, 326.77725, 71.736244, 1.6) pt3dadd(38.941196, 344.19492, 89.67018, 1.6)}
comp[66] {pt3dadd(38.941177, 361.6126, 107.604164, 1.6)}
comp[65] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(38.94211, 357.10596, 0.0, 1.6) pt3dadd(38.941936, 382.10623, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[65] {pt3dadd(38.942516, 407.10583, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[64] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-38.94127, 357.1058, 0.0, 1.6) pt3dadd(-38.941452, 382.10614, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[64] {pt3dadd(-38.941593, 407.1064, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[63] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-38.941402, 326.77713, 71.73609, 1.6) pt3dadd(-38.940933, 344.19424, 89.66936, 1.6)}
comp[63] {pt3dadd(-38.94098, 361.61185, 107.60323, 1.6)}
comp[62] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-38.939095, 326.77734, -71.73598, 1.6) pt3dadd(-38.938526, 344.19547, -89.67031, 1.6)}
comp[62] {pt3dadd(-38.937725, 361.6129, -107.60391, 1.6)}
comp[61] {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(-110.67767, 326.77673, 0.0, 1.6) pt3dadd(-128.61156, 344.1944, 0.0, 1.6)}
comp[61] {pt3dadd(-146.54546, 361.6121, 0.0, 1.6)}
proc biophys() {
// insert the mechanisms and assign max conductances
forsec all { insert pas
insert extracellular
e_extracellular } // g_pas has two values; soma-dend,axon
forsec level[ 0] {
insert naf
gbar_naf = 0.4
insert kdr
gbar_kdr = 0.4
insert ka
gbar_ka = 0.002
insert k2
gbar_k2 = 0.0001
forsec level[ 1] {
insert naf
gbar_naf = 0.1875
insert nap
gbar_nap = 0.00048
insert kdr
gbar_kdr = 0.125
insert kc
gbar_kc = 0.0045
insert ka
gbar_ka = 0.03
insert km
gbar_km = 0.0075
insert k2
gbar_k2 = 0.0001
insert kahp
gbar_kahp = 0.0001
insert cal
gbar_cal = 0.001
insert cat
gbar_cat = 0.0001
insert ar
gbar_ar = 0.00025
insert cad
// *** ca diffusion: beta=1/tau
beta_cad = 0.01
// cafor(I) (FORTRAN) converted to phi (NEURON)
phi_cad = 26000.
forsec level[ 2] {
insert naf
gbar_naf = 0.09375
insert nap
gbar_nap = 0.00024
insert kdr
gbar_kdr = 0.09375
insert kc
gbar_kc = 0.0045
insert ka
gbar_ka = 0.002
insert km
gbar_km = 0.0075
insert k2
gbar_k2 = 0.0001
insert kahp
gbar_kahp = 0.0001
insert cal
gbar_cal = 0.001
insert cat
gbar_cat = 0.0001
insert ar
gbar_ar = 0.00025
insert cad
// *** ca diffusion: beta=1/tau
beta_cad = 0.05
// cafor(I) (FORTRAN) converted to phi (NEURON)
phi_cad = 52000.
forsec level[ 3] {
insert naf
gbar_naf = 0.0125
insert nap
gbar_nap = 3.2e-05
insert kdr
gbar_kdr = 0.00625
insert kc
gbar_kc = 0.0045
insert ka
gbar_ka = 0.002
insert km
gbar_km = 0.0075
insert k2
gbar_k2 = 0.0001
insert kahp
gbar_kahp = 0.0001
insert cal
gbar_cal = 0.001
insert cat
gbar_cat = 0.0001
insert ar
gbar_ar = 0.00025
insert cad
// *** ca diffusion: beta=1/tau
beta_cad = 0.05
// cafor(I) (FORTRAN) converted to phi (NEURON)
phi_cad = 52000.
forsec level[ 4] {
insert naf
gbar_naf = 0.0125
insert nap
gbar_nap = 3.2E-05
insert kdr
gbar_kdr = 0.00625
insert kc
gbar_kc = 0.0045
insert ka
gbar_ka = 0.002
insert km
gbar_km = 0.0075
insert k2
gbar_k2 = 0.0001
insert kahp
gbar_kahp = 0.0001
insert cal
gbar_cal = 0.001
insert cat
gbar_cat = 0.0001
insert ar
gbar_ar = 0.00025
insert cad
// *** ca diffusion: beta=1/tau
beta_cad = 0.05
// cafor(I) (FORTRAN) converted to phi (NEURON)
phi_cad = 52000.
forsec level[ 5] {
insert naf
gbar_naf = 0.125
insert nap
gbar_nap = 0.00032
insert kdr
gbar_kdr = 0.125//jkc
insert kc
gbar_kc = 0.0045
insert ka
gbar_ka = 0.03
insert km
gbar_km = 0.0075
insert k2
gbar_k2 = 0.0001
insert kahp
gbar_kahp = 0.0001
insert cal
gbar_cal = 0.001
insert cat
gbar_cat = 0.0001
insert ar
gbar_ar = 0.00025
insert cad
// *** ca diffusion: beta=1/tau
beta_cad = 0.05
// cafor(I) (FORTRAN) converted to phi (NEURON)
phi_cad = 52000.
forsec level[ 6] {
insert naf
gbar_naf = 0.09375
insert nap
gbar_nap = 0.00024
insert kdr
gbar_kdr = 0.09375
insert kc
gbar_kc = 0.0045
insert ka
gbar_ka = 0.002
insert km
gbar_km = 0.0075
insert k2
gbar_k2 = 0.0001
insert kahp
gbar_kahp = 0.0001
insert cal
gbar_cal = 0.001
insert cat
gbar_cat = 0.0001
insert ar
gbar_ar = 0.00025
insert cad
// *** ca diffusion: beta=1/tau
beta_cad = 0.05
// cafor(I) (FORTRAN) converted to phi (NEURON)
phi_cad = 52000.
forsec level[ 7] {
insert naf
gbar_naf = 0.0125
insert nap
gbar_nap = 3.2E-05
insert kdr
gbar_kdr = 0.00625
insert kc
gbar_kc = 0.0045
insert ka
gbar_ka = 0.002
insert km
gbar_km = 0.0075
insert k2
gbar_k2 = 0.0001
insert kahp
gbar_kahp = 0.0001
insert cal
gbar_cal = 0.001
insert cat
gbar_cat = 0.0001
insert ar
gbar_ar = 0.00025
insert cad
// *** ca diffusion: beta=1/tau
beta_cad = 0.05
// cafor(I) (FORTRAN) converted to phi (NEURON)
phi_cad = 52000.
forsec level[ 8] {
insert naf
gbar_naf = 0.0125
insert nap
gbar_nap = 3.2E-05
insert kdr
gbar_kdr = 0.00625
insert kc
gbar_kc = 0.0045
insert ka
gbar_ka = 0.002
insert km
gbar_km = 0.0075
insert k2
gbar_k2 = 0.0001
insert kahp
gbar_kahp = 0.0001
insert cal
gbar_cal = 0.001
insert cat
gbar_cat = 0.0001
insert ar
gbar_ar = 0.00025
insert cad
// *** ca diffusion: beta=1/tau
beta_cad = 0.05
// cafor(I) (FORTRAN) converted to phi (NEURON)
phi_cad = 52000.
forsec level[ 9] {
insert naf
gbar_naf = 0.0125
insert nap
gbar_nap = 3.2E-05
insert kdr
gbar_kdr = 0.00625
insert kc
gbar_kc = 0.0045
insert ka
gbar_ka = 0.002
insert km
gbar_km = 0.0075
insert k2
gbar_k2 = 0.0001
insert kahp
gbar_kahp = 0.0001
insert cal
gbar_cal = 0.001
insert cat
gbar_cat = 0.0001
insert ar
gbar_ar = 0.00025
insert cad
// *** ca diffusion: beta=1/tau
beta_cad = 0.05
// cafor(I) (FORTRAN) converted to phi (NEURON)
phi_cad = 52000.
forsec level[ 10] {
insert naf
gbar_naf = 0.0125
insert nap
gbar_nap = 3.2E-05
insert kdr
gbar_kdr = 0.00625
insert kc
gbar_kc = 0.0045
insert ka
gbar_ka = 0.002
insert km
gbar_km = 0.0075
insert k2
gbar_k2 = 0.0001
insert kahp
gbar_kahp = 0.0001
insert cal
gbar_cal = 0.001
insert cat
gbar_cat = 0.0001
insert ar
gbar_ar = 0.00025
insert cad
// *** ca diffusion: beta=1/tau
beta_cad = 0.05
// cafor(I) (FORTRAN) converted to phi (NEURON)
phi_cad = 52000.
forsec level[ 11] {
insert naf
gbar_naf = 0.0125
insert nap
gbar_nap = 3.2E-05
insert kdr
gbar_kdr = 0.00625
insert kc
gbar_kc = 0.0045
insert ka
gbar_ka = 0.002
insert km
gbar_km = 0.0075
insert k2
gbar_k2 = 0.0001
insert kahp
gbar_kahp = 0.0001
insert cal
gbar_cal = 0.001
insert cat
gbar_cat = 0.0001
insert ar
gbar_ar = 0.00025
insert cad
// *** ca diffusion: beta=1/tau
beta_cad = 0.05
// cafor(I) (FORTRAN) converted to phi (NEURON)
phi_cad = 52000.
forsec level[ 12] {
insert naf
gbar_naf = 0.0125
insert nap
gbar_nap = 3.2E-05
insert kdr
gbar_kdr = 0.00625
insert kc
gbar_kc = 0.0045
insert ka
gbar_ka = 0.002
insert km
gbar_km = 0.0075
insert k2
gbar_k2 = 0.0001
insert kahp
gbar_kahp = 0.0001
insert cal
gbar_cal = 0.001
insert cat
gbar_cat = 0.0001
insert ar
gbar_ar = 0.00025
insert cad
// *** ca diffusion: beta=1/tau
beta_cad = 0.05
// cafor(I) (FORTRAN) converted to phi (NEURON)
phi_cad = 52000.
forsec all {
cm = 0.9 // assign global specific capac.
// passive membrane resistance (leak) and axial resistance
forsec Soma_Dendrites {
g_pas = 2.E-05
Ra = 250.
forsec Axon {
g_pas = 0.001
Ra = 100.
ceiling_cad = 1e6 // nearly unlimited Ca concentration
// print "made it to end of initialization from SCORTMAJ_FRB()"
} // end of biophys
// Compartment Area: Dendritic.spines double area of
// dend. membrane, which in Traubs method is equivalent to
// only multiplying all dend. max conductances by two
// (the area is doubled but the volume is const.)
proc double_dend_cond() {
spine_area_multiplier = 2
forsec Dendrites {
if (ismembrane("nap")) { gbar_nap *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("napf")) { gbar_napf *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("napf_tcr")) { gbar_napf_tcr *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("naf")) { gbar_naf *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("naf_tcr")) { gbar_naf_tcr *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("naf2")) { gbar_naf2 *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("kc")) { gbar_kc *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("kc_fast")) { gbar_kc_fast *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("kahp")) { gbar_kahp *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("km")) { gbar_km *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("kdr")) { gbar_kdr *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("kdr_fs")) { gbar_kdr_fs *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("ka")) { gbar_ka *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("ka_ib")) { gbar_ka_ib *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("k2")) { gbar_k2 *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("cal")) { gbar_cal *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("cat")) { gbar_cat *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("cat_a")) { gbar_cat_a *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("ar")) { gbar_ar *= spine_area_multiplier }
if (ismembrane("pas")) { g_pas *= spine_area_multiplier }
cm = cm * spine_area_multiplier
// double_dend_cond() // run for cells w/ spines
proc position() { local i
// comp switched to comp[1] since 0 deleted
forsec all { for i = 0, n3d()-1 {
pt3dchange(i, $1-x+x3d(i), \
$2-y+y3d(i), $3-z+z3d(i),diam3d(i))
x=$1 y=$2 z=$3
proc connect2target() {
// $o1 targ point process, $o2 returned NetCon
comp[presyn_comp] $o2 = new NetCon(&v(1),$o1)
$o2.threshold = 0
objref syn_
proc synapses() {
// place for each compartment that has input
// statements like
//comp[3] syn_=new AlphaSynKinT(1) synlist.append(syn_)
//comp[4] syn_=new NMDA(1) synlist.append(syn_)
// is not an artificial cell:
func is_art() { return 0 }
proc more_adjustments() {
forsec all {
// global reversal potentials
ek = -95.
e_pas = -70.
ena = 50.
vca = 125.
forsec all if (ismembrane("ar")) erev_ar = -35.
e_gaba_a = -81.
forsec all if (ismembrane("naf")) {fastNa_shift_naf=-3.5} // extended initializations from integrate_suppyrFRB()
// forsec all if (ismembrane("nap")) {Na_shift_naf=10} // extended initializations from integrate_suppyrFRB()
// forsec all { if (ismembrane("km")) {gbar_km = 2*gbar_km}}
// forsec Soma_Dendrites {
// gbar_naf = 1.25*gbar_naf
// gbar_kdr = 1.25*gbar_kdr
// }
// forsec all if (ismembrane("nap")) { gbar_nap *= 0.2 }
// forsec all if (ismembrane("kc")) { gbar_kc *= 1.6 }
// forsec all if (ismembrane("kahp")) { gbar_kahp *= 0.4 }
// forsec all if (ismembrane("km")) { gbar_km *= 1. }
endtemplate suppyrFRB