objref netstims, netstim_netcons, netstim_randoms, netstim_syns
netstims = new List()
netstim_syns = new List()
netstim_netcons = new List()
netstim_randoms = new List()
netstim_random_seedoffset = ranseedbase + pnm.ncell // increment by number of Cells
splitbit = 2^28

func targetcomp_exists() {local spgid
	if (load_balance_phase == 3 || load_balance_phase == 7) {
		spgid = thishost_gid($1)
		if (spgid < 0) { return -1 }
		if (pc.gid_exists(spgid)) {
			if (section_exists("comp", $2, pc.gid2obj(spgid))) {
				return spgid
		if (pc.gid_exists($1)) {
			return $1
	return -1

func target_exists() {local spgid
	if (load_balance_phase == 3 || load_balance_phase == 7) {
		spgid = thishost_gid($1)
		if (spgid < 0) { return -1 }
		if (pc.gid_exists(spgid)) {
			return spgid
		if (pc.gid_exists($1)) {
			return $1
	return -1

proc par_netstim_create() {local gid  localobj cell, syn, nc, ns, r
	if (!use_ectopic) { return }
	if ((gid = targetcomp_exists($1, $2)) >= 0) {
		cell = pc.gid2obj(gid)
		cell.comp[$2] {syn = new PulseSyn(.5)}
		syn.amp = $3
		ns = new S_NetStim()
		ns.pp.interval = $4
		nc = new NetCon(ns.pp, syn)
		nc.delay = 0
		r = new Random()
//		r.Isaac64(netstim_random_seedoffset + netstim_base_)
		r.MCellRan4(netstim_random_seedoffset + 1000*netstim_base_)
	netstim_base_ += 1

begintemplate gGap
proc init() {
	execerror("gGap not available. use gGapPar instead.", "")
endtemplate gGap

objref par_gaps
par_gaps = new List()
gap_src_gid = 2

objref rangap
if (one_tenth_ncell) {
	rangap = new Random()

proc par_gap_create() { local gid
	if (!use_gap) { return }
	if (object_id(rangap)) {
		if (rangap.repick() > ranfrac) { return }
	gap_src_gid += 2
	if ((gid = targetcomp_exists($1, $2)) >= 0) {
		par_gap_create1(gid, $2, gap_src_gid + 1, gap_src_gid, $5)
	if ((gid = targetcomp_exists($3, $4)) >= 0) {
		par_gap_create1(gid, $4, gap_src_gid, gap_src_gid + 1, $5)
proc par_gap_create1() {localobj c, g
	c = pc.gid2obj($1)
	c.comp[$2] {
		g = new gGapPar(.5)
		pc.target_var(g, &g.vgap, $3)
		pc.source_var(&v(.5), $4)
		g.g = $5

icdel0_ = 0
cdel0_ = 0

func nc_append() {local targid, comp  localobj cell, syn, s
	targid = target_exists($2)
	if ($5 <= 0) {
//		if (targid >= 0) {
//			print pc.id, $1, $2, targid, $3, $4, $5, " ", pc.gid2obj(targid)
//		}
		if (icdel0_ == 0) if ((pc.gid_exists($1)!=0) != (targid != 0)) {
if (pmesg) print "Notice: Requesting an interprocessor connection delay of 0"
			icdel0_ = 1
		if (cdel0_ == 0) {
if (pmesg) print "Notice: Requesting a connection delay of 0. Setting those to 1ms."
			cdel0_ = 1
		$5 = 1
	if ($5 < mindelay_) if (pc.gid_exists($1) == 0) if (targid >= 0) {
		mindelay_ = $5

	if (targid >= 0) {
		cell = pc.gid2cell(targid)
		syn = cell.synlist.object($3)
		s = new String()
		classname(syn, s.s)
		if (strcmp(s.s, "GABAA") == 0) {
			syn.e = vgaba.x[cell.type]
		// for debugging :need to switch the debug lines in
		// ampa.mod, traub_nmda.mod, and gabaa.mod
	    if (0) {
		comp = -1
		sscanf(secname(), "%*[^0-9]%*d%*[^0-9]%d",&comp)
		syn.srcgid = $1
		syn.targid = $2
		syn.synid = $3
		syn.comp = comp
	if (targid >= 0) {
		return pnm.nc_append($1, targid, $3, $4, $5)
		return -1

proc set_const_curr_inj() {local i, gid  localobj c, clmp
	if (!use_inject) { return }
	for i = 1, $2 if ((gid = targetcomp_exists($1+i, 1)) >= 0) {
		c = pc.gid2obj(gid)
		c.comp[1] clmp = new IClamp_const(0.5)
		clmp.amp = $o3.x[i]