// For compatibility with MS Notepad, set tabs to every 8 char.
// Set major run control parameters (0=False=No, 1=True=Yes)
isCC=0 // set CC mode (otherwise VC)
isInteractive=1 // run interactive vs in batch
runStim=0 // run the synaptic stimulation simulation
// Load the Neuron machinery
if (isInteractive) {
} else {
cvode.active(1) // use an adaptive method
// The following are set before this hoc file is invoked.
// Values shown are examples only.
// Define an orientation vector for locating layers.
// These component must be unit length and have
// point in the apical direction of the reoriented
// y coordinate for the cell.
// orientX=0 // No real orientation
// orientY=1 // so the unit vector is
// orientZ=0 // just the y axis direction.
// Locate the (reoriented) boundaries between layers
// PPy3d=350 // Minimum y-coord value for PP (PP-SR boundary)
// SRy3d=100 // Minimum Y-coord value for SR (SR-SL boundary)
// SOy3d=0 // Maximum y-coord value for SO
// Define input and output files (examples only)
// strdef cell // hoc file with cell geometry
// strdef outPath // Synaptic responses file name
// strdef avgPath // Overall average response file name
// cell="bar-cell1zr.CNG.hoc" // Cell geometry file
// outPath="out-temp.txt" // Synaptic responses output file
// Provide the path for the common axon segment definition
strdef axonPath
// Set a default path for saved response data vectors
strdef savePath
// Simulation parameters -----------------------------
addChannels=0 // Add active channels to the cell
useHemond2008=0 // Use conductances from the Hemond et al., 2008 model.
useSpine=0 // Use a spine for synapses in SR and SO
maxSegLen=10 // Maximum segment length in microns
tError=1000 // Maximum time after init before error declared (see runIt)
tInit=2000 // Initialization time to reach equilibrium
tCont=50 // Continue time (must be greater than time to peak)
tDelta=0.1 // Time step size for response simulation and averaging
randSeed=19720107 // Random number generator seed value
maxSecnum=1000 // maximum section number (see findLayer and onPPtrunk)
useAMPAR=1 // Run for AMPAR synapses (ie AMPAR not blocked)
useNMDAR=0 // Run for NMDAR synapses (ie NMDAR not blocked)
fastAMPAR=0 // use RC AMPAR synapse settings with same kinetics as PP
randomizeSyn=0 // make random variations to synaptic properties
maxDendDiam=5 // Maximum dendrite diameter (otherwise soma)
Vrest = -61 // Starting resting potential everywhere
// Vrest = -61 - 13.6 // Starting resting potential using LJP from Hemond et al.
// Vrest = -71 // Starting resting potential shifted by 10 mV
celsius = 32.0 // Temperature (needed for active channels)
synErev = 0 // Synaptic reversal potential (AMPAR and NMDAR)
lowExtMg = 50e-3 // External [Mg++] (mM) for low-Mg experiments
highExtMg = 1 // External [Mg++] (mM) for normal Mg experiments
VCvm = -80 // Voltage clamp potential at soma
CCvm = -60 // Current clamp holding potential - as per model paper predictions
// CCvm = -80 // Current clamp holding potential - more or less per experiments
// PP synapse parameters for AMPAR responses.
// Generally these are similar to values found in MF terminals
// and SC synapses in CA1 measured near the synapse.
ppAMPARSynTau1=0.4 // PP synaptic rising time constant
ppAMPARSynTau2=4.1 // PP synaptic falling time constant
ppAMPARSynWeight=0.9 // PP synapse gmax in nS
ppAMPARSynTsd=0.0 // PP synapse tau2 log-normal sd param
ppAMPARSynWsd=0.2 // PP synapse weight log-normal sd param
// RC synapse parameters for AMPAR responses.
// These values are similar to values from Williams & Johnston 1991.
// The slower kinetics may result from combined AMPA/KA synapses,
// from reduced neurotransmitter concentration in the cleft,
// or even from multi-quantal release, all of which are hypothetical.
rcAMPARSynTau1=3.3 // RC synaptic rising time constant
rcAMPARSynTau2=3.3 // RC synaptic falling time constant
rcAMPARSynWeight=0.5 // RC synapse gmax in nS
rcAMPARSynTsd=0.0 // RC synapse tau2 log-normal sd param
rcAMPARSynWsd=0.4 // RC synapse weight log-normal sd param
if (fastAMPAR) {
// Set RC AMPAR time constants to match fastest experimental pVC response
// rcAMPARSynTau1=1.3
// rcAMPARSynTau2=5.3
// Set RC AMPAR to match PP AMPAR or other faster AMPAR model
// PP and RC synapse parameters for NMDAR responses.
// This is pure data fitting. The values are somewhat
// in line with Vicini et al. 1998 for HEK transfection,
// but there should be a larger correction for temperature.
// See also Dalby and Mody 2003 for NR2A in DG (similar).
// See Chen et al., 2001 Mol Pharamcol 59: 212-219 for one
// of the few (or only) experimental studies to consider
// both NMDAR subtypes and temperature effects together.
// Mean NMDAR experimental values from Chen et al. are
// 2.4 ms and 35 ms at 37 deg-C in outside-out patches.
// For the parameters below, 10%-90% rise time is 4.7 ms while
// 90%-10% decay time is 37.9 ms. There is no good reason to
// assume the same gmax for RC and PP since the synapses
// have morphological differences.
ppNMDARSynTau1=5 // PP synaptic rising time constant
ppNMDARSynTau2=16 // PP synaptic falling time constant
ppNMDARSynWeight=0.18 // PP synapse gmax in nS
ppNMDARSynTsd=0.0 // PP synapse tau2 log-normal sd param
ppNMDARSynWsd=0.0 // PP synapse weight log-normal sd param
rcNMDARSynTau1=5 // RC synaptic rising time constant
rcNMDARSynTau2=16 // RC synaptic falling time constant
rcNMDARSynWeight=0.16 // RC synapse gmax in nS
rcNMDARSynTsd=0.0 // RC synapse tau2 log-normal sd param
rcNMDARSynWsd=0.0 // RC synapse weight log-normal sd param
// Mean passive values estimated in Hemond et al. 2009 (Ih paper)
// RaAll is not a sensitive fit in that context but a
// more typical value is needed to fit synaptic responses.
// For justification of different spine factors in PP and RC
// see Megias et al. 2001 for results in CA1 as well as
// Matsuda et al. 2004 plus Ishizuka et al. 1995 for CA3.
// Axon properties are from Hemond et al. 2008
Cm=0.72 // Capacitivity in microF/cm^2 (1.44/2)
Rm=62996 // Membrane resistivity in ohm-cm^2 (31498*2)
RaAll=140 // Axial resistivity in ohm-cm
//RaAll=198 // Axial resistivity in ohm-cm
RaAxon=50 // Axon-only axial resistivity
RaSpine=140 // Spine-only axial resistivity
PPSpineAdj=1.0 // Cm,Rm adjustment for PP spines
RCSpineAdj=2.0 // Cm,Rm adjustment for RC spines
// Parameters for hypothetical K+ channels in spine
ekspine = -90 // K+ reversal for channels in spine (in mV)
// gkspine = 120e-3 // K+ density actived in spine (in S/cm^2)
// gkspine = 55e-3 // K+ density actived in spine (in S/cm^2)
gkspine =0 // K+ density actived in spine (in S/cm^2)
// Provide channel conductances. These are in S/cm^2.
// In the model from Hemond et al., 2008 fig 9, there is a shift
// of voltage sensitivity by 24 mV in most channels.
// These conductance settings go with figure 9d (non-delay case)
gna=22e-3 // Sodium channel conductivity (all but axon)
gnaAxon=110e-3 // Sodium channel conductivity for axon
gkdr=10e-3 // K-dr (delayed rectifier) channel conductivity
gkap=20e-3 // K-A channel conductivity
gc=0.01e-3 // Ca-L,N,T channel conductivity in soma (all the same)
ghd=0.00e-3 // Ih channel conductivity
gKc=0.05e-3 // K-C channel conductivity
gahp=0.0e-3 // K-ahp channel conductivity
gkm=0e-3 // K-M channel conductivity (adapting - soma only in this model)
gkd=0e-3 // Kd channel conductivity (delayed onset - soma only in this model)
sh=24 // Global voltage shift in mV for channels (Hemond et al. only)
gkaSlope=5.2/350 // Distance dependency for K-A (not used for Hemond et al.)
gkaSlopeMaxDist=9999 // Maximum distance for K-A dependency (not used for Hemond et al.)
// Misc working variables (global) ----------------------------------
objref ns // Common network stimulation
objref amparNC, nmdarNC // Network connections
objref amparSyn, nmdarSyn // Synapses
objref hold, seClamp // Clamps
objref tvec, ivec, vvec // Recording vectors for time, current, and voltage
objref dvec // Recording vector for dendrite Vm
objref iampar,inmdar // Recording vector for AMPAR and NMDAR currents
objref outfile // Output file
objref impedance // For figuring out CC input impedance
objref saveFile // File to save individual traces to (see saveSynResp below)
objref rand // Random number generator
objref strFun // StringsFunction object
objref adOnPPpath // flags lookup vector for apical_dendrites
objref secRef // temporary section reference
objref nil // NULL object (so we can test for NULL, WTG hoc)
isError=0 // global error indicator
strdef curSecname // Name part of the current section (see parseSecname)
curSecnum=0 // Number part of the current section (see parseSecname)
nSomaSec=0 // Number of sections making up the soma
somaMidSec=0 // Index to section at the middle of the soma (roughly speaking)
strdef layer // layer of current segment as string
layerId=0 // layer as number: 0=SOMA, 1=AXON, 2=SO, 3=SL, 4=SR, 5=LM, -1=ERROR
ory3d=0 // reoriented y3d value for current segment
synLoc=0 // location of synapse in current section
segLen=0 // length of the current segment
ivec = new Vector() // record of soma current injection
vvec = new Vector() // record of soma voltage
tvec = new Vector() // record of time
dvec = new Vector() // record of voltage at the synapse
iampar = new Vector() // record AMPAR current
inmdar = new Vector() // record NMDAR current
adOnPPpath = new Vector(maxSecnum) // vector for onPPpath lookup by section number
strFun = new StringFunctions() // functional instance for string functions
// We will accumulate some stats by layer etc.
// Trunk segments are those in SR that have a PP connection in their subtree.
totSomaLen=0 // Total length of all soma segments
totSomaArea=0 // Total area of all soma segments
totAxonLen=0 // Total length of all axon segments
totAxonArea=0 // Total area of all axon segments
totLMlen=0 // Total length of all segments in LM
totLMarea=0 // Total area of all segments in LM
totSRlen=0 // Total length of all segments in SR
totSRarea=0 // Total area of all segments in SR
totSRTlen=0 // Total length of trunk segments in SR
totSRTarea=0 // Total area of all trunk segments in SR
totSOlen=0 // Total length of all segments in SO
totSOarea=0 // Total area of all segments in SO
// Create spine sections
create spineHead // area will be roughly 1 micron^2
create spineNeck // resistance will be roughly 500 mega-ohm
spineHead {L=0.5 diam=0.6 nseg=1}
spineNeck {L=1 diam=0.06 nseg=1}
spineNeck connect spineHead(0),1
// Load the cell topology, otherwise
// Neuron gets confused about sections.
// A common axon segment is added below.
// Remove any type 10 (marker) segments
if (section_exists("user10")) {
print "Removing user 10 segments"
forsec "user10" {
// Remove any axon segments
if (section_exists("axon")) {
print "Removing axon segments"
forsec "axon" {
// Now load a replacement axon segment
// ========================================================
// Subroutines (defined before they are referenced)
// ========================================================
// Utility routines for min/max of two values.
// Note that the documentation for proc even provides
// the code for this but there is no such min or max
// function outside of vectors.
func minVal() {if ($1<$2) { return $1 } else { return $2} }
func maxVal() {if ($1>$2) { return $1 } else { return $2} }
// Get the name and number of the current section. The
// section name is assumed to be in the form: name[num]
// Results are in globals curSecname and curSecnum.
proc parseSecname() {local n
strdef stemp
n = strFun.substr(stemp,"[")
if (n>=0) {
// Find the layer associated with the current segment.
// xseg is the relative location within the section (0 to 1).
// ory3d is set based on segment location in the reoriented
// cell morphology using orientX, orientY, and orientZ.
// layer is set to one of "SOMA", "AXON", "SO", "SL", "SR",
// "LM", or "ERROR" with layerId set accordingly (0-5,-1).
// layerId is returned because you can set string values
// in hoc but cannot test their values except via strcmp.
// onPPpath is set to 1 if the current section is an
// apical_dendrite with a PP segment in its subtree.
// Otherwise onPPpath is 0. curSecname and curSecnum are
// set as a side-effect of calling parseSecname.
proc findLayer() {local xseg,xarc,ipt3d,al0,al1,sx3d,sy3d,sz3d
xseg = $1
layer = "ERROR" // no matching layer found (so far)
// Determine if the current section is an
// apical_dendrite with a PP segment in its
// subtree. adTrunk vector is assumed to
// already be set with the appropriate values
if (strcmp(curSecname,"apical_dendrite")==0) {
// If the current section is a spineHead or spineNeck,
// assign an (so far unused) layer and id and stop
if (strcmp(curSecname,"spineNeck")==0 || strcmp(curSecname,"spineHead")==0) {
layerId = 999
// Check for maximum allowed diameter.
// Larger dendrites are most likely to be
// really part of the soma regardless of type.
if (diam(xseg)>maxDendDiam || issection("soma.*")) {
layer = "SOMA"
layerId = 0
// Also look for any axon segments just in case
if (issection("axon.*")) {
layer = "AXON"
layerId = 1
// Locate 3D points for the current segment
// to get a Y-coordinate value.
while (ipt3d<n3d() && arc3d(ipt3d)<xarc) { ipt3d += 1 }
if (ipt3d<n3d()) {
// Estimate the segment center location
// from a linear interpolation of points
// before and after it in arc length.
// Get the distance along the reoriented y-coord
// orientX,Y,Z form a unit vector in the proper
// direction with the apical direction up (>0).
// Classify layer based on oriented y-coord
if (ory3d>=PPy3d) {
} else if (ory3d>=SRy3d) {
layer = "SR"
} else if (ory3d>SOy3d) {
layer = "SL"
layerId = 3
} else {
layer = "SO"
layerId = 2
} else {
print "arc3d mismatch at ",secname(),"(",xseg,")"
// Do initializations.
// This is repeated for each simulation pass,
// that is, once per synapse location simulated.
proc init() {
// Run a simulation pass for a single synapse.
// Results of the synaptic stimulation are analyzed
// and summary data is written to a file.
proc runIt() {
// Set clamps as appropriate for the recording mode.
// Note that CCinj is not recomputed here since impedance is
// a complicated procedure and the value should not change
// from one synapse to the other. Other redundant initializations
// contained here are to allow command line invocations with
// different parameters.
seClamp.dur1 = tError+tInit
seClamp.amp1 = VCvm
hold.amp=0 // set to CCinj in runIt()
hold.del=10 // a short delay for visualization
if (isCC) {
} else {
// Stimulated the synapse and record the
// results. For this, small time steps
// are need to get the respone kinetics.
cvode.maxstep(tDelta) // Set sample rate
if (stoprun) {
print "Stopped by request"
// Look at the response and extract peak value,
// time to peak, and half-height width. If the
// the initial recording did not capture enough
// data for the analysis, more run time is allowed
// in the loop below. First we get time to peak.
// Find the index of the end of the initialization period
// Note the soma equilibrium values for voltage
// and current. These are the baselines for EPSP/C.
for (k=0;k<tvec.size() && tvec.x[k]<=tInit; k+=1) {}
iRest=ivec.x[kInit] // rest soma current for VC
vRest=vvec.x[kInit] // rest soma voltage for CC
dRest=dvec.x[kInit] // rest synapse voltage
// Make sure that we have passed a peak. If not, keep running
// until there is an apparent peak or else we have reached the
// maximum allowed time.
while (!isDone) {
if (k<0) {
print "Initial tvec is empty at ",secname(),synLoc
print "This should never occur"
} else if (isCC==0) {
for (j=k;!isDone && j>kInit;j=j-1) {
if (ivec.x[j-1]<=ivec.x[j]) {
isDone = 1
} else if (isCC==1) {
for (j=k;!isDone && j>kInit;j=j-1) {
if (vvec.x[j-1]<=vvec.x[j]) {
isDone = 1
if (isDone) {
} else if (tvec.x[k]<tInit+tError) {
print "Continuing simulation at ",secname(),"(",synLoc,")"
if (stoprun) {
print "Stopped by request"
} else {
print "Failed to detect response peak for ",secname(),synLoc
// Get peak response voltage at synapse
for (k=kInit; k<tvec.size(); k+=1) {
if (dvec.x[k]>dMax) {
// For VC, get EPSC peak time, value, and rise time
if (isCC==0) {
// Locate the peak (negative relative to rest for EPSC)
for (k=kInit; k<tvec.size(); k+=1) {
if (ivec.x[k]<iMin) { // EPSC<0
// Get the 20% and 80% or peak rising time values
for (k=kInit; k<=kPeak; k+=1) {
if (ivec.x[k]>=0.8*iRest+0.2*iMin) {
if (ivec.x[k]>=0.2*iRest+0.8*iMin) {
// Adjust rise time based on actual values at granular time values
if (iRise2<iRise1) {
// For CC, get EPSP peak time, rise time, and value
if (isCC==1) {
// Locate the peak (postive relative to rest for EPSP)
for (k=kInit; k<tvec.size(); k+=1) {
if (vvec.x[k]>vMax) { // Note EPSP>0
// Get the 20% and 80% or peak rising time values
for (k=kInit; k<=kPeak; k+=1) {
if (vvec.x[k]<=0.8*vRest+0.2*vMax) {
if (vvec.x[k]<=0.2*vRest+0.8*vMax) {
// Adjust rise time based on actual values at granular time values
if (vRise2>vRise1) {
if (tPeak==0) {
print "Failed to detect response peak for ",secname(),synLoc
print iMin,vMax,tPeak
// Get the rising (pre-peak) half-height time
if (isCC==0) for (k=kInit;k<=kPeak && !isDone;k+=1) {
if (ivec.x[k]<=(iMin+iRest)/2) {
if (isCC==1) for (k=kInit;k<tvec.size() && !isDone;k+=1) {
if (vvec.x[k]>=(vMax+vRest)/2) {
if (!isDone) {
print "Failed to detect half-rise time for ",secname(),synLoc
// Now get the falling (post-peak) half-height time.
// If the current recording does not contain it,
// extend the simulation for additional time.
while (t<tError+tInit && !isDone) {
if (isCC==0) for (k=kInit;k<tvec.size() && isDone==0;k+=1) {
if (tvec.x[k]>=tPeak && ivec.x[k]>=(iMin+iRest)/2) {
if (isCC==1) for (k=kInit;k<tvec.size() && isDone==0;k+=1) {
if (tvec.x[k]>=tPeak && vvec.x[k]<=(vMax+vRest)/2) {
// See if we have detected the falling half-height point.
// If not, run the simulation further to try and locate it.
if (!isDone) {
print "Continuing simulation at ",secname(),"(",synLoc,")"
if (stoprun) {
print "Stopped by request"
if (!isDone) {
print "Failed to detect half-fall time for ",secname(),synLoc
// If error found, do not continue here
if (isError) return
// Write the results in summary form to the output file
// and also print some values on the console log to distract any
// large semi-aquatic primates watching for their reward cue.
if (outfile!=nil) {
if (isCC) {
print "EPSP (mV) = ",vMax-vRest
if (outfile!=nil) outfile.printf(",CC,%g",vMax-vRest)
} else {
print "EPSC (pA) = ",(iMin-iRest)*1e3
if (outfile!=nil) outfile.printf(",VC,%g",(iMin-iRest)*1e3)
print "Rise time (ms) = ",tRise
print "Peak time (ms) = ",tPeak-tInit
print "Half-height width (ms) = ",thw2-thw1
print "Peak synaptic Vm (mV) = ",dMax
if (outfile!=nil) {
outfile.printf("\r\n") // Windows (and html) end of line
// Run just one synapse in the current section.
proc getSynResp() {local xseg
xseg = $1
// See where this segment is located
// Skip if this is soma, axon, SL,
// or otherwise an error.
if (layerId<=1 || layerId==3 || layerId>=100) { // SOMA, AXON, SL, Spine etc.
// Customize the synapse to the layer and apply
// any randomization rules to synapse properties.
// Even though Neuron provides normal and log-normal
// distributions, we do our own conversion from
// the default distribution for efficiency and
// in the general interest of knowing exactly what
// the results will be. Note that exp(x) where
// x~N(0,s^2) does not have a mean of 1. In general
// if we want exp(x) to have a mean of 1 we need to
// have x~N(-0.5*s^2,s^2). In this case the median
// of exp(x) is not the same as the mean.
rwm = 1
rtm = 1
if (layerId==2 || layerId==4) { // SO and SR
if (randomizeSyn) {
rwm = exp(rand.repick()*rcAMPARSynWsd-0.5*rcAMPARSynWsd^2)
rtm = exp(rand.repick()*rcAMPARSynTsd-0.5*rcAMPARSynTsd^2)
if (randomizeSyn) {
rwm = exp(rand.repick()*rcNMDARSynWsd-0.5^rcNMDARSynWsd^2)
rtm = exp(rand.repick()*rcNMDARSynTsd-0.5*rcNMDARSynTsd^2)
} else if (layerId==5) { // LM
if (randomizeSyn) {
rwm = exp(rand.repick()*ppAMPARSynWsd-0.5*ppAMPARSynWsd^2)
rtm = exp(rand.repick()*ppAMPARSynTsd-0.5*ppAMPARSynTsd^2)
if (randomizeSyn) {
rwm = exp(rand.repick()*ppNMDARSynWsd-0.5*ppNMDARSynWsd^2)
rtm = exp(rand.repick()*ppNMDARSynTsd-0.5*ppNMDARSynTsd^2)
} else {
print "Bad layerId value=",layerId
// Reset synapse conductance and [Mg++] based on
// types of synapses not blocked.
nmdarSyn.mg=lowExtMg // Assume low [Mg++] as the default
if (useAMPAR && useNMDAR) { // Both types of responses together
} else if (useAMPAR) { // Only AMPAR
} else if (useNMDAR) { // Only NMDAR
} else {
print "Both AMPAR and NMDAR are blocked"
// Finish up with the synapses (this is redundant but safety first)
// Connect synapses with their postsynaptic element
// For LM synapses go directly on the dendrite while
// elsewhere, they are on the spine head if useSpine=1
if (useSpine!=1 || layerId==5) {
} else {
// Customize the spine head for the equivalent of
// a K+ conductance of resistivity gspine.
// Also, make sure that the spine has an Ra
// to give a net 500 M-ohm axial resistance.
spineHead {
e_pas = (vRest/Rm + gkspine*ekspine)/(1/Rm+gkspine)
spineNeck { Ra=RaSpine }
// Connect synapse to the spine head and then
// connect the spine neck with the dendrite
spineHead{ amparSyn.loc(0.5) nmdarSyn.loc(0.5) }
spineNeck disconnect()
connect spineNeck(0),synLoc
soma[somaMidSec] distance(0,0.5)
// If AOK, go run something useful
if (!isError) {
// Indicate where the synapse is located
printf("\n%s(%g) ",secname(),synLoc)
printf("layer=%s ory3d=%g dist=%g\n",layer,ory3d,distance(synLoc))
// If using spines, disconnect the spine and
// restore distances to the original values.
if (useSpine==1) {
spineNeck disconnect()
soma[somaMidSec] distance(0,0.5)
// Simulate synaptic responses with a synapse
// placed in each segment, one at a time for all
// segments in SO, SR, or LM layers.
proc sampleSynResps() {
outfile = new File()
// Write a header line to outfile
outfile.printf("\r\n") // Windows (and html) end of line
// Loop through all sections
forall {
// Loop through segments placing the synapse in
// appropriate segments and recording the synaptic
// response at that location.
for (xseg,0) {
// Get (and write) the response for a synapse
// at location xseg in the current section.
// Simulate a single synaptic activation and write the results
// to a file. This function would normally only be invoked manually.
// Invocation is saveSynResp(xseg). The path name of the file to save
// to is taken from global string savePath. Voltages are saved as mV
// and currents as pA. Time is in units of ms.
proc saveSynResp() {local xseg
saveFile = new File()
tCont=200 // make sure whole response is captured
// Write a CSV header line
// Write the appropriate data values.
if (isCC) { // save time and voltage, etc.
for(k=0; k<tvec.size(); k+=1) {
} else { // save time and current, etc.
for(k=0; k<tvec.size(); k+=1) {
// ================================
// End Subroutines
// ================================
// Find out how many sections make up the soma.
// Then look for the one with the largest diameter
// and designate it as the middle section.
forsec "soma" {nSomaSec=nSomaSec+1}
for (k=0;k<nSomaSec;k=k+1) soma[k] {
if (maxDiam<=diam) {
print "nSomaSec=",nSomaSec," somaMidSec=",somaMidSec
// In Neuromorpho SWC files, the soma is sometimes
// represented by a single point with the radius being
// the radius of a sphere of equivalent area. When
// CVAPP converts these files to HOC, the single point
// becomes two points with a small (0.01) difference in
// Z coordinates. Detect this problem and change the
// soma to a cylinder with area equivalent to the
// sphere intended in the SWC file. The cylinder is
// arbitrarily aligned along the Y axis.
access soma[somaMidSec]
if (nSomaSec==1) {
if (n3d()==2) {
if (abs(z3d(0)-z3d(1))<0.02) {
if (diam3d(0)==diam3d(1)) {
if (y3d(0)==y3d(1)) {
if (x3d(0)==x3d(1)) {
r = diam3d(0)/2
print "Soma area changed to ",4*PI*r^2
// Set nseg so that each segment is at most seglen long.
// For this purpose, an odd number of segments is not
// important since we are not going to change nseg again.
// soma area(0.5) // from fixnseg.hoc -- what does it do?
forall {
nseg = int(1-1e-8+L/maxSegLen)
// Initialize the lookup table for detecting apical_dendrites
// that connect somewhere into PP. Each section in LM is found
// and that section and all parents in turn are flagged in adOnPPpath.
// This assumes that the most distal part of a section is in LM
// if any part of the section is (this should always be true).
forsec "apical_dendrite" {
findLayer(1) // test most distal part of the section
if (layerId==5) {
while (curSecnum>=0) {
apical_dendrite[curSecnum] {
secRef = new SectionRef()
secRef.parent parseSecname()
if (strcmp(curSecname,"apical_dendrite")!=0) break
// Create any special mechanisms. The soma is the
// context for the clamps, but the synapse is
// later relocated to different places as needed.
soma[somaMidSec] {
// Set up a voltage clamp to mimic experimental
// conditions prior to stimulation.
seClamp = new SEClamp(0.5)
seClamp.dur1 = tError+tInit
seClamp.amp1 = VCvm
// Just for fun, benchmark how long it takes for VC
// to propagate from the soma into dendrites.
// seClamp.dur1 = 500
// seClamp.amp1 = -65
// seClamp.dur2 = 500
// seClamp.amp2 = -80
hold = new IClamp(0.5)
hold.amp=0 // set to CCinj in runIt()
hold.del=10 // a short delay for visualization
// Adjust for (initial) recording mode
// This starts things out right when
// running in interactive mode.
if (isCC) {
} else {
// Initialize the stimulation and synapse
ns = new NetStim(.5)
ns.start=0 // start time will be reset later
ns.number=1 // only a single spike is simulated
ns.interval=1e9 // not really used here
// Create a synapse that will be moved around.
// Even though AMPAR and NMDAR actually coexist
// in one synapse, for the present purpose they
// are treated separately. Note that this is not
// entirely valid if a spine neck is involved
// since the membrane potential at the spine
// head, where the receptors are located, is not
// the same as on the main dendrite membrane. Hence
// AMPAR induced depolarizations are off a bit.
// However, the parameters to accurately model
// the spine are not well determined experimentally.
amparSyn = new Exp2Syn(0.5)
nmdarSyn = new Exp2NMDAR(0.5)
soma[somaMidSec] distance(0,0.5) // sets soma midpoint as origin
// Set up to record from the soma
// Create network connections. These are customized
// based on location in getSynResp().
amparNC = new NetCon(ns, amparSyn, 0, 0, 0)
nmdarNC = new NetCon(ns, nmdarSyn, 0, 0, 0)
// Insert normal mechanisms including any active channels
if (addChannels && useHemond2008) { // Mimic the Hemond et al. model
// Add channels to different types of sections
// For conducances known to be 0, channels are not added.
// Note that gKc and gahp are both dependent on internal
// calcium concentration. The use of cacum here is from
// the Hemond et al. 2008 model and is used AS IS. It is
// not intended to be highly accurate with respect to
// the underlying biophysics of calcium dynamics.
forsec "dendrite" { // both apical and basal dendrites
if (gna>0) {insert na3 gbar_na3=gna sh_na3=sh}
if (ghd>0) {insert hd ghdbar_hd=ghd sh_hd=sh}
if (gc>0 || gKc>0) {insert cacum depth_cacum=diam/2}
if (gc>0) {
insert cal gcalbar_cal=gc
insert can gcanbar_can=gc
insert cat gcatbar_cat=gc
if (gkdr>0) {insert kdr gkdrbar_kdr=gkdr sh_kdr=sh}
if (gkap>0) {insert kap gkabar_kap=gkap sh_kap=sh}
if (gKc>0) {insert cagk gbar_cagk=gKc}
if (gahp>0) {insert KahpM95 gbar_KahpM95=gahp}
forsec "soma" {
insert na3 gbar_na3=gna sh_na3=sh
insert hd ghdbar_hd=ghd sh_hd=sh
insert cacum depth_cacum=diam/2
insert cal gcalbar_cal=gc
insert can gcanbar_can=gc
insert cat gcatbar_cat=gc
insert kdr gkdrbar_kdr=gkdr sh_kdr=sh
insert kap gkabar_kap=gkap sh_kap=sh
insert km gbar_km=gkm sh_km=sh
insert kd gkdbar_kd=gkd sh_kd=sh
insert cagk gbar_cagk=gKc
insert KahpM95 gbar_KahpM95=gahp
forsec "axon" {
insert na3 gbar_na3=gnaAxon sh_na3=sh
insert kdr gkdrbar_kdr=gkdr sh_kdr=sh
insert kap gkabar_kap=gkap sh_kap=0 // Note 0 mV shift
if (addChannels && !useHemond2008) { // Only Kdr and K-A with no shifts
forsec "dendrite" { // both apical and basal dendrites
insert kdr gkdrbar_kdr=0 sh_kdr=0
insert kap gkabar_kap=0
forsec "soma" {
insert kdr gkdrbar_kdr=gkdr sh_kdr=0
insert kap gkabar_kap=gkap sh_kap=0
forsec "axon" {
insert kdr gkdrbar_kdr=gkdr sh_kdr=0
insert kap gkabar_kap=gkap sh_kap=0
// Customize each compartment as needed
forall {
insert pas // Add passive conductances
// Set passive params section variables. Ra is special and
// unlike pas properties, cannot change within a section.
// Set reversal potentials based on what channels are found
if (ismembrane("na3")) {
ena=55 // Na+ reversal
if (ismembrane("kdr") || ismembrane("kap") || ismembrane("kad")) {
ek=-90 // K+ reversal
// Handle segments one at a time to allow for any
// distance or layer dependencies.
for (xx,0) {
// Accumulate membrane area based on layerId
if (layerId==0) {
totSoma += area(xx)
} else if (layerId==2) {
totBasal += area(xx)
} else if (layerId>=3) {
totApical += area(xx)
// Get spine adjustment factors for this location
if (layerId==5) { spineAdj=PPSpineAdj }
if (layerId==2 ||layerId==4) { spineAdj=RCSpineAdj }
// Start with baseline values
cmHere = Cm
gmHere = 1/Rm
if (layerId>1) { // not soma or axon
// Adjust membrane capacitance
cmHere *= spineAdj
// Adjust membrane conductance
gmHere *= spineAdj
if (layerId==1) { // Axon
raHere = RaAxon
// Set location dependent passive params
e_pas(xx) = Vrest
cm(xx) = cmHere
g_pas(xx) = gmHere
// Set any active channel conductances that are dependent
// on layer or distance from soma. This is not used for
// the Hemond et al. 2008 model.
if (addChannels && !useHemond2008) {
if (layerId==2 || layerId==4 || layerId==5) { // SO or SR or LM
if (ismembrane("kap")) {
gkabar_kap(xx) = gkap*(1+gkaSlope*minVal(xx,gkaSlopeMaxDist))
if (ismembrane("kad")) {
gkabar_kad(xx) = gkap*(1+gkaSlope*minVal(xx,gkaSlopeMaxDist))
gkdrbar_kdr(xx) = gkdr
// If CC, get the input impedance of the cell
// so that we can inject the right amount of current
// to get to the correct holding potential.
if (isCC) {
init() // Set initial voltages
impedance=new Impedance(0)
soma[somaMidSec] {
// impedance.compute(0,1) // this fails in Neuron 7.1
impedance.compute(0) // good enough for now
print "Input impedance = ",rinput
// Gather some morphology statistics
forall for (xseg,0) {
if (layerId==0) {
totSomaLen += segLen
totSomaArea += area(xseg)
if (layerId==1) {
totAxonLen += segLen
totAxonArea += area(xseg)
if (layerId==2) {
totSOlen += segLen
totSOarea += area(xseg)
if (layerId==4) {
totSRlen += segLen
totSRarea += area(xseg)
if (onPPpath) {
totSRTlen += segLen
totSRTarea += area(xseg)
if (layerId==5) {
totLMlen += segLen
totLMarea += area(xseg)
// Initialize the random number generator with a seed.
// Even though this is not needed for Random, explicitly
// start with a normal distribution N(0,1).
// The total membrane area is included in the seed
// to allow each cell some distinctiveness.
rand = new Random(randSeed+totSomaArea+totLMarea+totSRarea+totSOarea)
// Run the simulation if requested.
if (runStim) {
// Remind us again what we were running when all this
// started (in some cases, a long long time ago).
print " "
print "Cell = ",cell
print "Out = ",outPath
print "Maximum segment length = ",maxSegLen
if (useAMPAR) print "AMPAR responses are simulated"
if (useNMDAR) print "NMDAR responses are simulated"
// Show morphology statistics
print " "
print "Total Soma length and area = ",totSomaLen," ",totSomaArea
print "Total Axon length and area = ",totAxonLen," ",totAxonArea
print "Total LM length and area = ",totLMlen," ",totLMarea
print "Total SR length and area = ",totSRlen," ",totSRarea
print "Total SR trunk length and area = ",totSRTlen," ",totSRTarea
print "Total SR non-trunk length and area = ",totSRlen-totSRTlen," ",totSRarea-totSRTarea
print "Total SO length and area = ",totSOlen," ",totSOarea
print " "