function traces = preprocess_remove_bleaching(rawtraces)
crv_tc = {1:100 801:900 1301:1400 1751:1850 2201:2300}; %spaces in between bouts
crv_t = cellfun(@mean,crv_tc); %[crv_tc{:}];
[numrows, trlen] = size(rawtraces);
traces = rawtraces;
threshes = zeros(1,numrows);
baselines = zeros(1,numrows);
for row = 1:numrows
dec = rawtraces(row,:);%deconvolve(dec',100,0.325);
dec(1) = dec(2); %first point usually shows filtering artifact
dec(end-25:end) = dec(end-25); %because it's easier to just do it this way
%remove bleaching:
%calc exp. fit to inter-bout intervals:
%expcfit = fit(crv_t',dec(crv_t)','exp2'); %going directly doesn't work all the time
crv_binned = cellfun(@mean,subscell(dec,crv_tc));
[min1hz_y, min1hz_t] = min(dec(250:650));
min1hz_t = min1hz_t + 250;
fit_t = [crv_t(1) min1hz_t crv_t(2:end)];
fit_y = [crv_binned(1) min1hz_y crv_binned(2:end)];
opt = optimset('Display','off','DiffMinChange',1.0e-8,'DiffMaxChange',0.1,'MaxFunEvals',600,'MaxIter',400);
expcfit = lsqcurvefit(@expcurve,[0.001 0.002 0 0], fit_t, fit_y, [0 0 -Inf -Inf], [Inf Inf Inf Inf], opt);
%figure(row),plot(dec),hold all, plot(expcurve(expcfit,1:trlen))
decf = dec - expcurve(expcfit,1:trlen); %subtract fit
decf = smooth(decf')';
threshes(row) = mean(decf([crv_tc{:}])) + std(decf([crv_tc{:}])) .* 1;
baselines(row) = mean(decf([crv_tc{:}]));
%decf(decf < threshes(row)) = baselines(row);
%decf([crv_tc{:}]) = baselines(row);
decf = smooth(decf',15)';
decf = deconvolve(decf,100,0.325);
decf(1:100) = decf(100);
decf(decf < 0) = 0;
decf = hpf(decf,100,2,0.01); %this doesn't work?
traces(row,:) = decf;
function out = subscell(c,inds)
out = inds;
for n = 1:length(inds)
out{n} = c(inds{n});
function y = expcurve(A,x)
y = A(1) .* exp(-A(2).*x + A(3)) + A(4);