; -*- Hen -*- (require-extension lalr) (define brep-parser (lalr-parser ;; --- Options ;; output a parser, called brep-parser, in a separate file - brep.yy.scm, (output: brep-parser "brep.yy.scm") ;; output the LALR table to brep.grm.out (out-table: "brep.grm.out") ;; there should be no conflict (expect: 5) ;; --- token definitions (ID NUM = LPAREN RPAREN NEWLINE COMMA STRING FUNCTION (left: + -) (left: * /) (nonassoc: uminus)) ;; --- rules (line (assign NEWLINE) : $1 (expr NEWLINE) : $1 (NEWLINE) : #f (error NEWLINE) : #f) (assign (ID = expr) : (add-binding $1 $3)) ;; (defn (FUNC LPAREN args RPAREN LBRACE expr RBRACE) : (add-binding $1 $3)) (expr (expr + expr) : (+ $1 $3) (expr - expr) : (- $1 $3) (expr * expr) : (* $1 $3) (expr / expr) : (/ $1 $3) (- expr (prec: uminus)) : (- $2) (ID) : (get-binding $1) (ID LPAREN args RPAREN) : (invoke-func $1 $3) (NUM) : $1 (LPAREN expr RPAREN) : $2) (args () : '() (expr arg-rest) : (cons $1 $2) (STRING arg-rest) : (cons $1 $2)) (arg-rest (COMMA expr arg-rest) : (cons $2 $3) (COMMA STRING arg-rest) : (cons $2 $3) () : '()) ))