// Template for gap junctions
// Written by Shyam Kumar Sudhakar, Ivan Raikov, Tom Close, Rodrigo Publio, Daqing Guo, and Sungho Hong
// Computational Neuroscience Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
// Supervisor: Erik De Schutter
// Correspondence: Sungho Hong (shhong@oist.jp)
// September 16, 2017
begintemplate Gap
public src, target, g, valid, pr, set_gm, gm, cm
objref srcsec, targetsec, cm, gm, y, b, xvec, sl, lm, this, fih
strdef tstr
proc init(){
g_ = 10
valid_ = 0
cm = new Matrix(2,2,2)
gm = new Matrix(2,2)
y = new Vector(2)
b = new Vector(2)
xvec = new Vector(2)
func src() {
srcsec = new SectionRef()
xvec.x[0] = $1
valid_ = 0
return valid()
func target() {
targetsec = new SectionRef()
xvec.x[1] = $1
valid_ = 0
return valid()
func g() {
if (numarg() > 0) {
g_ = $1
if (valid_) {
return g_
proc set_gm() { local us, a// conductance in nanosiemens
if (valid_ == 0) { return }
us = .001*g_
srcsec.sec { a = 100/area(xvec.x[0]) }
gm.x[0][0] = us*a
gm.x[0][1] = -us*a
targetsec.sec { a = 100/area(xvec.x[1]) }
gm.x[1][1] = us*a
gm.x[1][0] = -us*a
func valid() {
if (valid_ == 0) {
if (object_id(srcsec) && object_id(targetsec)) {
return valid_
proc mkgap() {
sl = new SectionList()
srcsec.sec sl.append()
targetsec.sec sl.append()
valid_ = 1
lm = new LinearMechanism(cm, gm, y, b, sl, xvec)
// only necessary because we anticpate changes in diameter
// fih = new FInitializeHandler(0, "set_gm()")
// unfortunately up through the 5.6 2004/02/09 Main (44)
// version there is an error in parsing the third arg, so
sprint(tstr, "%s.set_gm()", this)
fih = new FInitializeHandler(0, tstr)
proc pr() {
if (valid_) {
srcsec.sec printf("%s %s(%g)", this, secname(), xvec.x[0])
targetsec.sec printf("---%s(%g) \tg = %g (ns)\n", secname(), xvec.x[1], g())
printf("%s not used\n", this)
endtemplate Gap