// Template for connections from cerebellar granule to Golgi cells
// Written by Shyam Kumar Sudhakar, Ivan Raikov, Tom Close, Rodrigo Publio, Daqing Guo, and Sungho Hong
// Computational Neuroscience Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
// Supervisor: Erik De Schutter
// Correspondence: Sungho Hong (shhong@oist.jp)
// September 16, 2017

begintemplate GCtoGoC
external GranulePop,GolgiPop, step_time,numDendGolgi,numAMPAGolgiPF,numAMPAGolgiGC,gseed,CV_gmax,GoC_Ad_nseg,GoC_Bd_nseg,AA_GoC_con
objref  excNCelem,pc

proc init() { local i,j,count,axonid,pfid localobj nc,ncm,cell,dendrite,nc1,dendritenmda,r

    print "Connecting GCtoGoC"
    r=new Random(gseed)
    numGC  = GranulePop.nCells
    numGoC = GolgiPop.nCells

    mAMPA= 200e-6 //uS
    mNMDA=(800e-6)/2 //uS
    SDAMPA  = mAMPA*CV_gmax
    SDNMDA  = mNMDA*CV_gmax
    mAMPA1  = 240e-6
    SDAMPA1  = mAMPA1*CV_gmax

    del = 20
    thresh = -10

    pc = new ParallelContext()
    objref excNCelem
    excNCelem = new List()

    // Connect ascending axons to dendrites at the GL

    for (i=pc.id; i < numGoC; i +=pc.nhost) {

    cell = pc.gid2cell(i+GolgiPop.startindex)

    if(cell.AxonID.size()>1){ // At least 1 PF connection

        for j=0, cell.AxonID.size()-1 {

           axonid        = cell.AxonID.x(j)

           if (AA_GoC_con == 1) { //for brep connectivity
           dendno        = cell.AAdend.x(j)
           segno         = cell.AAseg.x(j)

           if (dendno<3) { //Ascending axons to Basal dendrites

           objpos        = ((dendno-1)*GoC_Bd_nseg)+segno-1
           dendrite	 = cell.AAampa.object(objpos)
           dendritenmda  = cell.AAnmda.object(objpos)

           }else{  // Ascending axons to apical
           objpos        = ((dendno-3)*GoC_Ad_nseg)+segno-1
           dendrite      = cell.PFampa.object(objpos)
           dendritenmda  = cell.PFnmda.object(objpos)
           }else{ //for hoc connectivity
           dendno        = r.discunif(1,2) // pick a random dendrite
           segno         = r.discunif(1,GoC_Bd_nseg) // pick a random segment no
           objpos        = ((dendno-1)*GoC_Bd_nseg)+segno-1 // pick the object position from the list
           dendrite	 = cell.AAampa.object(objpos)
           dendritenmda  = cell.AAnmda.object(objpos)

           nc            = pc.gid_connect(axonid,dendrite)
           //nc1         = pc.gid_connect(axonid,dendritenmda)

           if (cell.Axondel.x(j)<=step_time){
                nc.delay =  step_time + step_time/10
             // nc1.delay = step_time + step_time/10
                nc.delay = cell.Axondel.x(j)
             // nc1.delay = cell.Axondel.x(j)


            wAMPA        = r.normal(mAMPA,SDAMPA*SDAMPA)
            wNMDA        = r.normal(mNMDA,SDNMDA*SDNMDA)

            nc.weight    = wAMPA
            // nc1.weight = wNMDA
            // excNCelem.append(nc1)


    // Connect PF to dendrites at the ML

    for (i=pc.id; i < numGoC; i +=pc.nhost) {

    cell = pc.gid2cell(i+GolgiPop.startindex)

    if (cell.PFID.size()>1) { // At least 1 MF connection

        for j=0, cell.PFID.size()-1 {
        pfid          = cell.PFID.x(j)
        dendno        = cell.PFdend.x(j)
        segno         = cell.PFseg.x(j)
        objpos        = ((dendno-3)*GoC_Ad_nseg)+segno-1

        dendrite      = cell.PFampa.object(objpos)
        dendritenmda  = cell.PFnmda.object(objpos)

        nc = pc.gid_connect(pfid,dendrite)
        // nc1 = pc.gid_connect(pfid,dendritenmda)

        if (cell.PFdel.x(j)<=step_time) {
           nc.delay   = step_time + step_time/10
        // nc1.delay  = step_time + step_time/10

           nc.delay   = cell.PFdel.x(j)
        // nc1.delay  = cell.PFdel.x(j)


            wAMPA     = r.normal(mAMPA,SDAMPA*SDAMPA)
            wNMDA     = r.normal(mNMDA,SDNMDA*SDNMDA)

            if (cell.PFID.size()>5800) { // Extra scaling for some dangerously over-connected cells
                nc.weight = wAMPA*(4750/6200)
            } else {
                nc.weight = wAMPA

         // nc1.weight= wNMDA
         // excNCelem.append(nc1)


} // end init
endtemplate GCtoGoC

objref ncGCtoGoC[1]
ncGCtoGoC[0] = new GCtoGoC()