// Generation of the Golgi cell population
// Written by Shyam Kumar Sudhakar, Ivan Raikov, Tom Close, Rodrigo Publio, Daqing Guo, and Sungho Hong
// Computational Neuroscience Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
// Supervisor: Erik De Schutter
// Correspondence: Sungho Hong (shhong@oist.jp)
// September 16, 2017

begintemplate GoCPop

public Cell, make, nCells, numGoC, pc
public GoCcoordinates, Adendcoordinates, Bdendcoordinates
public startindex, endindex

external GoCxrange, GoCyrange, GoCzrange, GoCdensity, MLdev, gseed, PCLdepth, loadtop, VLOW, VHIGH
external GoC_ApicalDendL,GoC_BasolateralDendL,numDendGolgi,GoC_nDendML,bandwidth,round,Golgi_den_con

//external GoC_Aphi_min, GoC_Aphi_max,GoC_Bphi_min,GoC_Bphi_max
external GoC_Btheta_min, GoC_Btheta_max,GoC_Atheta_min,GoC_Atheta_max

external numGABAGoC

objref pc,Cell,GoCcoordinates,Adendcoordinates,Bdendcoordinates,r,vdesty,vdestz,filewidthz,filewidthy,vol,cumsum,rs,ranlist

proc make() { local i, srcgid, xr, yr, zr,theta, phi localobj alocalGoC, nc, nil, netcon

    r     = new Random($1)
    pc    = new ParallelContext()
    nDend = numDendGolgi
    xr    = GoCxrange
    yr    = GoCyrange
    zr    = GoCzrange

    numGoC = int(xr*yr*zr*GoCdensity*1e-9)

    nCells = numGoC

    // The start index of Golgi cells
    startindex = $2

    // The end index of Golgi cells
    endindex = startindex+numGoC-1

    print "Creating Golgi cells. This may take some time."

    printf ("TotalGoC = %4g\t, %4g GoCs on host =%4g \n",numGoC,int(numGoC/pc.nhost),pc.id)

    Cell = new List()
    GoCcoordinates  = new Matrix(numGoC,3)
    Adendcoordinates = new Matrix(numGoC,3*(GoC_nDendML))
    Bdendcoordinates = new Matrix(numGoC,3*(nDend-GoC_nDendML))
    ranlist = new List()

    for (i=pc.id; i < numGoC; i +=pc.nhost) {

        rs = new Random(gseed+1000*i)
        vre = rs.repick()
	alocalGoC = new Goc(gseed+1000*i,vre)
	pc.set_gid2node(i+startindex,pc.id)  // associate gid i with this host
	nc = alocalGoC.connect2target(nil) // attach spike detector to cell
	pc.cell(i+startindex,nc) // associate gid i with spike detector

    printf("Golgi cell pop created\n")

    for srcgid = 0, numGoC-1 { // loop over all cells


	if (loadtop==1) {
    	    val1 = (r.uniform(0,1)*cumsum.max())

   	    for i=0, cumsum.size()-1 {
		cvalue= (val1-cumsum.x(i))

   		if (cvalue<0) {

	} else {


	bandnumber = round(GoCcoordinates.x[srcgid][0]/bandwidth) // Return the band associated with the neuron

	if (Golgi_den_con ==1) {


            // Dendrites x,y,z coordinates defined by spherical coordinates
            // nDend-nDendML dendrites connecting to the GL and nDendML connecting to ML

            for i=0, GoC_nDendML-1 {

               	theta=(PI/180)*r.uniform(GoC_Atheta_min, GoC_Atheta_max)
               	phi=(PI/180)*r.uniform(GoC_Aphi_min, GoC_Aphi_max)

               	Adendcoordinates.x[srcgid][count] = GoC_ApicalDendL*cos(phi)*sin(theta) + GoCcoordinates.x[srcgid][0]
               	Adendcoordinates.x[srcgid][count+1] = GoC_ApicalDendL*sin(phi)*sin(theta) + GoCcoordinates.x[srcgid][1]
               	Adendcoordinates.x[srcgid][count+2] = GoC_ApicalDendL*cos(theta) + GoCcoordinates.x[srcgid][2]



            for i=0, numDendGolgi-GoC_nDendML-1 {

               	theta=(PI/180)*r.uniform(GoC_Btheta_min, GoC_Btheta_max)
               	phi=(PI/180)*r.uniform(GoC_Bphi_min, GoC_Bphi_max)

               	Bdendcoordinates.x[srcgid][count] = GoC_BasolateralDendL*cos(phi)*sin(theta) + GoCcoordinates.x[srcgid][0]
               	Bdendcoordinates.x[srcgid][count+1] = GoC_BasolateralDendL*sin(phi)*sin(theta) + GoCcoordinates.x[srcgid][1]
               	Bdendcoordinates.x[srcgid][count+2] = GoC_BasolateralDendL*cos(theta) + GoCcoordinates.x[srcgid][2]




endtemplate GoCPop

objref GolgiPop
GolgiPop = new GoCPop()