// Generation of the granule cell population
// Written by Shyam Kumar Sudhakar, Ivan Raikov, Tom Close, Rodrigo Publio, Daqing Guo, and Sungho Hong
// Computational Neuroscience Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
// Supervisor: Erik De Schutter
// Correspondence: Sungho Hong (shhong@oist.jp)
// September 16, 2017

begintemplate GCPop

public Cell, nCells, pc,make, prtPos,numGC,cumsum,vdestz,vdesty,ma,vic
public  GCcoordinates, Tcoordinates,PFpoints
public startindex, endindex,GLID
external GCxrange, GCyrange, GCzrange,GCtoGoCratio,GoCdensity,MLdepth,GLdepth
external RandomPF,gseed,PCLdepth, nband,bandwidth,round,loadtop,PFlength,PFstep
external MF_GC_con

/* numMF is the number of Mossy Fibers
   dx,dy is the fine-grained spatial resolution of the network in micrometers
   xrange is the x dimension of the network in micrometers
   yrange is the y dimension of the network in micrometers
   nX, nY are the number of MFs spread over each dimension such that
   numMF ~ nX*nY
   Rodrigo Publio - 17/08/09

objref Cell, pc,r, GCcoordinates,Tcoordinates, vdesty,vdestz, filewidthz,filewidthy, vol, cumsum,vdy,GLID,PFpoints

proc make(){ local i, srcgid, xr, yr, zr localobj alocalGC, nc, nil,vic

    GLID = new Vector()
    pc = new ParallelContext()
    r  = new Random($1)
    xr = GCxrange
    yr = GCyrange
    zr = GCzrange

    numGC = int(GCtoGoCratio*xr*yr*zr*GoCdensity*1e-9)

    nCells = numGC

    printf("TotalGC = %4g\t, %4g GCs on host =%4g \n",nCells,int(numGC/pc.nhost),pc.id)

    // The start index of granule cells
    startindex = $2

    // The end index of granule cells
    endindex = startindex+numGC-1

    // Create the list of Cells for the Granule population
    // unique generator for each cell to ensure variability

    Cell = new List()
    GCcoordinates = new Matrix(numGC,3)
    Tcoordinates = new Matrix(numGC,3)

    for (i=pc.id; i < numGC; i +=pc.nhost) {

    alocalGC = new GC_cl(gseed+1000*i,-100)


    nc = alocalGC.connect2target(nil) // attach spike detector to cell
    pc.cell(i+startindex,nc) // associate gid i with spike detector

    //ra = 0

    for srcgid = 0, numGC-1 {


    nPFpoints = int(PFlength/PFstep)
    PFpoints = new Matrix(numGC*nPFpoints,4)

    for srcgid = 0, numGC-1 { // loop over all cells

	bandnumber = round(GCcoordinates.x[srcgid][0]/bandwidth) //Return the band associated with the neuron

        // Trunk in the same x,y plane
        Tcoordinates.x[srcgid][2]= GCcoordinates.x[srcgid][2]+GLdepth+PCLdepth // if Gldepth==MLdepth
        PFstartpoint = Tcoordinates.x[srcgid][0]-PFlength

        for l=0,nPFpoints-1 {

        PFpoints.x[k][0] = PFstartpoint+(PFstep*l)
        PFpoints.x[k][1] = Tcoordinates.x[srcgid][1]
        PFpoints.x[k][2] = Tcoordinates.x[srcgid][2]
        PFpoints.x[k][3] = srcgid


endtemplate GCPop

objref GranulePop
GranulePop = new GCPop()