/*******Cerebellar Golgi Cell Model **********
FILE: Golgi_template_CL.hoc
Developers: Sergio Solinas & Egidio D'Angelo
Code contributors: Thierry Neius, Shyam Diwakar, Lia Forti
Data Analysis: Sergio Solinas
Work Progress: April 2004 - May 2007
Developed At: Universit� Degli Studi Di Pavia
Dipartimento Di Scienze Fisiologiche
Pavia - Italia
Model Published in:
Sergio M. Solinas, Lia Forti, Elisabetta Cesana,
Jonathan Mapelli, Erik De Schutter and Egidio D`Angelo (2008)
Computational reconstruction of pacemaking and intrinsic
electroresponsiveness in cerebellar golgi cells
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 2:2
FILE: Golgi_template_CL.hoc
Adapted by Sungho Hong and Claus Lang
Computational Neuroscience Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Supervision: Erik De Schutter
Correspondence: Sungho Hong (shhong@oist.jp)
September 16, 2017
// In this configuration the ion channels
// were not corrected for the Liquid Junction potential.
// The ion reversal potential were corrected in agreement
// with the voltage shift.
// See Table 1 Solinas et al. 2008 Frontiers Neurosci 2:2
begintemplate Goc
public soma, axon, elec, seal, dend, PFdel, Axondel, GoCdel, AMPAGLid, AMPAMLid, vrest, nD
public GoCID, MFID, MFdel, synID, AMPAid, spiketime, spikecount, AP, GoC_VM, bandID, AAampa,AAnmda,PF_Fac
public ampa, gaba, PFampa, connect2target, AxonID, PFID, setv, PFampa1, Volvec,PFnmda,GLID,PFdend,PFseg,AAdend,AAseg,gabaML
external GoC_d_freq,GoC_d_lambda,numDendGolgi,sigmad,GoC_ApicalDendL,GoC_BasolateralDendL,GoC_AxonL,numAMPA,frate,numAMPAGolgiMF,numAMPAGolgiGC,numAMPAGolgiPF,numGABAGoC,numNMDAGolgiPF
create dend[1], soma, axon
objref netcon, nil, MFdel, PFdel, Axondel, spiketime, spikecount, AP
objref ampa, gaba, PFampa, MFID, synID, AMPAid, GoC_VM,PFnmda,dendlen_list,GLID, gabaML
objref alph, sigm, AxonID, PFID, AMPAGLid, AMPAMLid, bandID, PFampa1
objref GoCID, GoCdel, Volvec,AAampa,AAnmda,dendlen_list,PFdend,PFseg,AAdend,AAseg,PF_Fac
proc init() { local nD
PF_Fac=new Vector()
PFnmda=new List()
GLID = new Vector()
Volvec = new Vector()
PFampa1 = new List()
spikecount= new Vector()
AxonID=new Vector()
PFID=new Vector()
PFdend = new Vector()
PFseg = new Vector()
AAdend = new Vector()
AAseg = new Vector()
PFdel=new Vector()
Axondel=new Vector()
MFID=new Vector()
MFdel=new Vector()
AMPAid=new Vector()
AMPAGLid=new Vector()
AMPAMLid=new Vector()
synID=new Vector()
bandID=new Vector()
spiketime = new Vector()
GoC_VM = new Vector()
nD = numDendGolgi
eseed = $1
vrest = $2
ampa = new List()
gaba = new List()
PFampa = new List()
alph= new Random(eseed)
sigm=new Random()
AAampa = new List()
AAnmda = new List()
GoCID=new Vector()
GoCdel=new Vector()
gabaML = new List()
create soma
soma {
nseg = 1
diam = 27 // 22 pF Dieudonne98
L = 27
Ra = 100 // From Roth&Hausser2000
// dprob=alph.uniform(-diam*0.2, diam*0.2)
// diam =diam+dprob
AP = new APCount(0.5)
AP.thresh = -10
// stim=new SEClamp(0.5)
// stim.dur1 = 0
// stim.rs = 0.001
// stim.amp1= -70
// vec_curr=new Vector()
// vec_curr.record(&stim.i)
// Current clamp to introduce phase reset on GoC pop //
//CheckCurr = new IClamp(0.5)
//CheckCurr.amp = 0
//CheckCurr.del = 0
//CheckCurr.dur = 0
insert constant
insert Golgi_lkg
insert Golgi_Na
insert Golgi_NaR
insert Golgi_NaP
insert Golgi_Ca_HVA
insert Golgi_Ca_LVA
insert Golgi_KV
insert Golgi_KM
insert Golgi_KA
insert Golgi_BK
insert Golgi_SK2
insert Golgi_hcn1
insert Golgi_hcn2
insert Golgi_CALC
insert Golgi_CALC_ca2
fix_celsius = 37
fix_celsius_Golgi_lkg = fix_celsius
fix_celsius_Golgi_Na = fix_celsius
fix_celsius_Golgi_NaR = fix_celsius
fix_celsius_Golgi_NaP = fix_celsius
fix_celsius_Golgi_Ca_HVA = fix_celsius
fix_celsius_Golgi_Ca_LVA = fix_celsius
fix_celsius_Golgi_KV = fix_celsius
fix_celsius_Golgi_KM = fix_celsius
fix_celsius_Golgi_KA = fix_celsius
fix_celsius_Golgi_BK = fix_celsius
fix_celsius_Golgi_SK2 = fix_celsius
fix_celsius_Golgi_hcn1 = fix_celsius
fix_celsius_Golgi_hcn2 = fix_celsius
fix_celsius_Golgi_CALC = fix_celsius
fix_celsius_Golgi_CALC_ca2 = fix_celsius
usetable_Golgi_BK = 1
usetable_Golgi_LVA = 1
usetable_Golgi_HVA = 1
usetable_Golgi_KA = 1
usetable_Golgi_KV = 1
usetable_Golgi_NaR = 1
usetable_Golgi_KM = 1
usetable_Golgi_Na = 1
usetable_Golgi_NaP = 1
cai0_ca_ion = 50e-6
ca2i0_ca2_ion = cai0_ca_ion
cai = cai0_ca_ion
ca2i = cai
ca2o = cao
cai0_Golgi_CALC = cai0_ca_ion
ca2i0_Golgi_CALC_ca2 = cai0_ca_ion
} // end soma
dendlen_list=new Vector()
// Create dendrites with unique morphology
create dend[nD]
for i=0,nD-1 {
dend[i] {
L = dendlen_list.x[i]
diam = 2.4 // was 3
Ra = 100
cm = 1
nseg = int((L/(GoC_d_lambda*lambda_f(GoC_d_freq))+0.9)/2)*2 + 1
insert constant
insert Golgi_lkg
fix_celsius = 37
fix_celsius_Golgi_lkg = fix_celsius
// GoC-GoC inhibitory synapses
for k=0,0 { //GABA synapse
gaba.append(new Exp2Syn(0.5))
gaba.object(i).tau2 = 14.1
//gaba.object(i).tau3 = 84
gaba.object(i).e = -80
if (i<2) { //MF AMPA
for k=0,0 {
ampa.append(new Exp2Syn(0.5))
ampa.object(i).tau1 = 0.13
ampa.object(i).tau2 = 1.1
for k=0,nseg-1 { //Basal Ampa for each seg
segpos = (2*(k+1)-1)/(2*nseg) //AAAMPA
AAampa.append(new Exp2Syn(segpos))
AAampa.object((i*nseg)+k).tau1 = 0.06
AAampa.object((i*nseg)+k).tau2 = 0.5
for k=0,nseg-1 { //Basal nmda for each segment
segpos = (2*(k+1)-1)/(2*nseg) //AANMDA
AAnmda.append(new GoCNMDAexp(segpos))
AAnmda.object((i*nseg)+k).tau1 = 4
AAnmda.object((i*nseg)+k).tau2 = 100
AAnmda.object((i*nseg)+k).tau3 = 255
for k =0,nseg-1 { //Apical ampa for all seg
segpos = (2*(k+1)-1)/(2*nseg) //PF AMPA
PFampa.append(new Exp2Syn(segpos))
PFampa.object(((i-2)*nseg)+k).tau1 = 0.06
PFampa.object(((i-2)*nseg)+k).tau2 = 0.6
for k=0,nseg-1 { //Apical nmda for all seg
segpos = (2*(k+1)-1)/(2*nseg) //PF NMDA
PFnmda.append(new GoCNMDAexp(segpos))
PFnmda.object(((i-2)*nseg)+k).tau1= 4
PFnmda.object(((i-2)*nseg)+k).tau2 = 100
PFnmda.object(((i-2)*nseg)+k).tau3 = 255
for k=0,nseg-1 {
segpos = (2*(k+1)-1)/(2*nseg)
gabaML.append(new Golgi_extraGABA(segpos))
gabaML.object(((i-2)*nseg)+k).g = 16*(5e-3)*(180e-6)*150/nseg/2 // f*5ms*180pS*150 in total
gabaML.object(((i-2)*nseg)+k).e = -80
connect dend[i](0), soma(1)
} // End dend for loop
create axon
axon {
nseg = 12 // 100
diam = 2.4 // gives 90 pF to get to the 145 pF Forti06
L = GoC_AxonL
Ra = 100
insert constant
insert Golgi_lkg
fix_celsius = 37
fix_celsius_Golgi_lkg = fix_celsius
connect axon(0), soma(0)
obfunc connect2target() {localobj nc // $o1 target point process, optinal $o2 returned Netcon
soma nc = new NetCon(&v(0.5),$o1)
nc.threshold = -10
if (numarg()==2) {$o2 = nc} // for backward compatibility
return nc
proc setv() {
forall v = $1
func lambda_f() { local i, x1, x2, d1, d2, lam, freq
freq = $1
return 1e5*sqrt(diam/(4*PI*freq*Ra*cm))
endtemplate Goc