function [TFmag TFphase faxis] = loadme
[filename, pathname, filterindex] = uigetfile('*', 'PREsynaptic membrane potential..');
if (filename == 0), return; end;
fullfname = sprintf('%s%s', pathname, filename);
pre = load(fullfname);
cwd = pwd;
[filename, pathname, filterindex] = uigetfile('*', 'POSTsynaptic membrane potential..');
if (filename == 0), return; end;
post = load(sprintf('%s%s', pathname, filename));
Lpre = length(pre); Lpost = length(post);
if (Lpre ~= Lpost), f = warndlg('Lengths of waveforms do not coincide', 'Error!');
name = 'Fourier Domain Preprocessing';
prompt = 'Enter the Sampling Rate [kHz]';
numlines = 1;
defaultanswer = {'10'};
answer = inputdlg(prompt,name,numlines,defaultanswer);
dt = 1./str2num(answer{1}); % ms --> 10kHz
time = 0:dt:((Lpre * dt) - dt);
pre(1) = pre(2);
post(1) = post(2);
subplot(2,1,1); plot(time(2:end)./1000., 1000*pre(2:end), 'k');
ylabel('pre [mV]', 'FontName', 'Arial', 'FontSize', 20);
set(gca, 'FontName', 'Arial', 'FontSize', 15, 'Box', 'on', 'XTickLabel', '');
%title('Data loaded');
set(gca, 'FontName', 'Arial', 'FontSize', 15, 'Box', 'on');
subplot(2,1,2); plot(time(2:end)./1000., 1000*post(2:end), 'r');
ylabel('post [mV]', 'FontName', 'Arial', 'FontSize', 20);
xlabel('time [s]', 'FontName', 'Arial', 'FontSize', 20);
set(gca, 'FontName', 'Arial', 'FontSize', 15);
rev = questdlg('Do you want to reverse pre <--> post ?', 'Reverse', 'Yes', 'No', 'Yes');
if (strcmp(rev, 'Yes')), tmp = post;, post = pre; pre = tmp; end;
TFmag = []; TFphase = []; faxis = [];
[TFmag TFphase faxis] = tfpreprocessing(0., 0., pre, post, time);
function [TFmag, TFphase, faxis] = tfpreprocessing(Tdiscard, Tdiscardsup, in, out, t)
% [TFmag, TFphase, faxis] = tfpreprocessing(Tdiscard, Tdiscardsup, in, out, t)
% Returns the magnitude and the phase of the complex transfer function
% in the frequency domain, between the input 'in' and the output 'out'
% Tdiscard : [ms] how much initial interval to discard
% Tdiscardsup : [ms] how much final interval to discard
% in : input waveform
% out : output waveform
% t : [ms] time axis
% Michele Giugliano and Corrado Cali', 2006, EPFL - Lausanne.
dt = (t(21) - t(20)) * 1e-3; % sampling interval in [s]..
ind_cut = max(find(t <= Tdiscard));
ind_cut_sup = max(find(t <= (t(end)-Tdiscardsup)));
i_input = in(ind_cut:ind_cut_sup);
o_output = out(ind_cut:ind_cut_sup);
clear in; % frees some memory..
clear out; % frees some memory..
%clear t; % frees some memory..
i_input = i_input - mean(i_input); % remove the DC offset..
o_output = o_output - mean(o_output); % remove the DC offset..
Tstart = t(ind_cut) * 1e-3; % [s]
Tfinal = t(ind_cut_sup) * 1e-3; % [s]
time = Tstart:dt:Tfinal'; % New time axis column..
N = length(i_input); % Total number of samples..
%h = hamming(N); % symmetric Hamming window (FFT)
h = 1.;
i_input = i_input.*h; % windowing the input..
o_output= o_output.*h; % windowing the output..
clear time; % frees some memory..
clear Tstart; % frees some memory..
clear Tfinal; % frees some memory..
NN = 2^nextpow2(N); % Next power of 2, for the FFT..
omega = 1./(NN*dt); % Frequency sampling interval (Hz)
faxis = omega*(0:NN-1)'; % Frequency axis column..
Yin = fft(i_input); % Evaluating the FFT of the input
Yout = fft(o_output); % Evaluating the FFT of the output
Yin(1) = nan; % Remove again the DC component..
Yout(1) = nan; % Remove again the DC component..
M = NN / 2; % The FFT has a symmetry, you know..
faxis = faxis(1:(M+1)); % Construct the frequency axis..
Mag_in = abs(Yin(1:(M+1))); % Evaluate the magnitude of the in
Mag_out = abs(Yout(1:(M+1))); % Evaluate the magnitude of the out
Phase_in = angle(Yin(1:(M+1))); % Evaluate the phase of the in [rad]
Phase_out = angle(Yout(1:(M+1))); % Evaluate the phase of the out [rad]
Phase_in = Phase_in * (360./(2*pi)); % Convert it to degrees
Phase_out = Phase_out* (360./(2*pi)); % Convert it to degrees
TFmag = Mag_out ./ Mag_in; % By definition of trasfer funtion..
TFphase = unwrap(mod(Phase_out-Phase_in, 360) - 360); %