function out = mycost(pars)
% Cost function for the ANNEAL nonlinear optimization (anneal.m).
% out = mycost(pars)
% Copyright 2006 Michele Giugliano, PhD
% $Revision: 1.00 $ $Date: 2006/12/12 19:35:29 $
% All what follows is problem-dependent..
% This is computing the magnitude of a complex rational polynomial function
% by accumulation and multiplications (e.g. F(s) = G * (s + so) * (s + s1):
% F = G, F = F * (s + so), F = F * (s + s1),...
global faxis % solutions of the characteristic polynomial of a I/O
global TFmag % relationship or eigenvalues of the system.
global freqs2fit;
Np = length(pars) - 1; % Hypothesis choice for the number of 'poles', which are
% Np : number of transmission 'poles' of the system,
% visible at high-frequency..
% faxis : frequency axis, to speed up the function evaluations..
% TFmag : evaluation of the function across all the frequencies.
ffaxis = [freqs2fit];
G0 = pars(1); % Gain/Attenuation - careful on the normalization!
p = sort(pars(2:end)); % Poles are sorted for illustration purpouses only..
num = G0; % The accumulation begins.. (for the numerator)
den = 1; % The accumulation begins.. (for the numerator)
for ii = 1:Np % Let's accumulate,
num = num * abs(p(ii)); % (normalization factor)..
den = den .* (sqrt(-1).*ffaxis + p(ii)); % terms like (s + p_i)
func = abs(num ./ den);
%for kk = 1:length(TFmag), % The cost is a measure
%%for kk =[(fix(0.5*length(TFmag))):length(TFmag)],
% err(kk) = (TFmag(kk) - func(kk)).^2; % of the error and here
%end % we chose the m.s.e.
%out = 1000000.*sqrt(norm(TFmag(2:end) - func(2:end)))/length(TFmag); % (arbitrarily scaled)
%out = 1000000.*sqrt(sum(err))/length(TFmag); % (arbitrarily scaled)
tmp = 0;
for kn=1:length(freqs2fit),
tmq = find(faxis <= freqs2fit(kn));
tmq = tmq(end);
tmp = tmp + (TFmag(tmq) - func(kn)).^2;
out = 10000.*sqrt(tmp)/length(freqs2fit);