// InjectChirp()
// Zap current injection procedure
// This defines a user-function InjectChirp(), taking 7 input parameters..
// C. Cali' & M. Giugliano, Brain Mind Institute, EPFL, Apr 2006
objref fl
proc InjectChirp() {
f1 = $1 // initial frequency of the chirp
f2 = $2 // final frequency of the chirp
Astart = $3 // initial amplitude of the chirp
Astop = $4 // final amplitude of the chirp
Offset = $5 // offset level
ChirpDuration = $6 // duration of the chirp stimulation
Location = $7 // location in the neuronal morphology
fl = new Izap(Location) // "Chirp" or ZAP waveform
fl.Ioff = Offset
fl.Astart = Astart
fl.Astop = Astop
fl.ttstart = 200. // The chirp starts at t = 200 ms
fl.ttstop = fl.ttstart + ChirpDuration
fl.Fstart = f1
fl.Fstop = f2
} // end InjectChirp()