create soma[nsoma]          // This creates a linear chain of neurons..
//if (sc == 0) { create priden[nsoma] }   // ..with a dendrite.

create priden[nsoma]    // ..with a dendrite.

for i = 0,nsoma-1{          // For each neuron, defined and created..

 if (sc == 0) { connect priden[i](0), soma[i](1) }
   // ---> SOMA <--- 
        soma[i] {             
        L     = 65          // [um] 
        diam  = 65          // [um] 
        nseg  = 1        

        surf  = diam * 3.14159265 * L   // [um^2]   
        surf2 = surf * 1e-8             // [cm^2]
        print "Cell surface:", surf, "um^2 (", surf2, "cm^2 )"

        insert pas          // inserts passive mechanisms
        g_pas = 0           // !! be later assigned..!!
                            // [S/cm^2]  - Leak currents, maximal specific conductance
        e_pas = -65.        // [mV]      - Leak currents, reversal potential
        cm    = 1.          // [uF/cm^2] - specific membrane capacitance
        Ra    = 35.4        // [ohm cm]  - axial/cytosolic resistivity

        insert hh2          // inserts Na+ and K+ currents responsible for APs
        gnabar  = 0.0516    // [S/cm^2]  - Na+ currents, maximal specific conductance
        gkbar   = 0.002     // [S/cm^2]  - K+ currents, maximal specific conductance

        ena     = 50        // [mV]  - Na+ currents, reversal potential
        ek      = -90       // [mV]  - K+ currents, reversal potential
        vtraub  = -63       // [mV]  - threshold shift potential

        } // end soma[i]

 if (sc == 0) {
      // ---> DENDRITE <---
        priden[i] {             
        L = 900
        //L = 350                     
        diam = 80                  
        nseg = 5        

        insert pas                  // insert passive mechanisms
        //g_pas = 4.52e-5
        g_pas = 24.6e-6 * 0.5 * ((i + 1)^2)
        e_pas = -65.
        cm = 1.
        //Ra = 600.
        Ra = 250.

        insert hh2          // inserts Na+ and K+ currents responsible for APs

        gnabar  = 0.0516    // [S/cm^2]  - Na+ currents, maximal specific conductance
        gkbar   = 0.002     // [S/cm^2]  - K+ currents, maximal specific conductance

        ena     = 50        // [mV]  - Na+ currents, reversal potential
        ek      = -90       // [mV]  - K+ currents, reversal potential
        vtraub  = -63       // [mV]  - threshold shift potential
      } //  end priden[i] 
    } // end  if (sc == 0)

 } // end for i