function [TFmag, TFphase, faxis] = tfpreprocessing(Tdiscard, Tdiscardsup, in, out, t)
% [TFmag, TFphase, faxis] = tfpreprocessing(Tdiscard, Tdiscardsup, in, out, t)
% Returns the magnitude and the phase of the complex transfer function
% in the frequency domain, between the input 'in' and the output 'out'
% Tdiscard    : [ms] how much initial interval to discard
% Tdiscardsup : [ms] how much final interval to discard
% in          : input waveform
% out         : output waveform
% t           : [ms] time axis
% Michele Giugliano and Corrado Cali', 2006, EPFL - Lausanne.
dt = (t(21) - t(20)) * 1e-3; % sampling interval in [s]..
ind_cut     = max(find(t <= Tdiscard));
ind_cut_sup = max(find(t <= (t(end)-Tdiscardsup)));
i_input     = in(ind_cut:ind_cut_sup);
o_output    = out(ind_cut:ind_cut_sup);
clear in;   % frees some memory..
clear out;  % frees some memory..
%clear t;    % frees some memory..
i_input = i_input - mean(i_input);  % remove the DC offset..
o_output   = o_output   - mean(o_output);    % remove the DC offset..

Tstart  = t(ind_cut) * 1e-3;        % [s]
Tfinal  = t(ind_cut_sup) * 1e-3;    % [s]
time    = Tstart:dt:Tfinal';        % New time axis column..
N       = length(i_input);          % Total number of samples..
h       = hamming(N);               % symmetric Hamming window (FFT)
i_input = i_input.*h;               % windowing the input..
o_output= o_output.*h;              % windowing the output..
clear time;                         % frees some memory..
clear Tstart;                       % frees some memory..
clear Tfinal;                       % frees some memory..
NN      = 2^nextpow2(N);            % Next power of 2, for the FFT..
omega   = 1./(NN*dt);               % Frequency sampling interval (Hz)
faxis   = omega*(0:NN-1)';          % Frequency axis column..
Yin     = fft(i_input);             % Evaluating the FFT of the input
Yout    = fft(o_output);            % Evaluating the FFT of the output
Yin(1)  = nan;                      % Remove again the DC component..
Yout(1) = nan;                      % Remove again the DC component..
M       = NN / 2;                   % The FFT has a symmetry, you know..
faxis   = faxis(1:(M+1));           % Construct the frequency axis..
Mag_in  = abs(Yin(1:(M+1)));        % Evaluate the magnitude of the in
Mag_out = abs(Yout(1:(M+1)));       % Evaluate the magnitude of the out
Phase_in  = angle(Yin(1:(M+1)));    % Evaluate the phase of the in [rad]
Phase_out = angle(Yout(1:(M+1)));   % Evaluate the phase of the out [rad]
Phase_in  = Phase_in * (360./(2*pi)); % Convert it to degrees
Phase_out = Phase_out* (360./(2*pi)); % Convert it to degrees
TFmag     = Mag_out ./ Mag_in;      % By definition of trasfer funtion..
TFphase   = unwrap(mod(Phase_out-Phase_in, 360) - 360); % 
