To simulate the electrode we add a small section to
serve as the electrode resistance and capacitance
watch out when changing Ra in the model since this
electrode.Ra is used for the series resistance!
begintemplate Electrode
public electrode
create electrode
// c (pf) = cm*area = PI*L*diam*(.01) * cm
// rs (MOhm) = Ra*L/2 / (PI*diam^2/4) = 2*L/PI/diam^2 * (.01) * Ra
// so it is nice to have
// PI*L*diam*.01 = 1
// 2*L/PI/diam^2*.01 = 1
// diam = (2/PI^2)^(1/3)
// L = 1/.01/PI/diam
proc init_electrode() {
electrode {
diam = (2/PI^2)^(1/3)
L = 1/.01/PI/diam
insert pas
g_pas = 0
e_pas = 0
proc init() {
electrode Ra = 0.001 //(Ohm*cm)
electrode cm = 0 //(uF/cm2)
connect electrode(0), $1
//electrode makeppm()
endtemplate Electrode