xpanel("Combe et al 2022")
xlabel("Choose a simulation to run by clicking on a button below")
xlabel("Quit and restart if desired to run the other simulation")
xbutton("Soma 2s ramp control; used in figures 7, 8, 9","{control()}")
xbutton("Soma 2s ramp original CCh; used in figures 7, 8, 9","{cch()}")
xlabel("Figure 9 simulations:")
xbutton("Carbachol simulation removed voltage dependence of TRPM4; figure 9 blue","{blue()}")
xlabel("The calcium concentration in the nanodomain from each segment in the model must be saved first")
xlabel("Before the model that reads that concentration can be run, to do this make a folder nanodomain_data and run the simulation below")
xbutton("Regenerate calcium nanodomain files from original Carbachol simulation","{save()}")
xbutton("Model without voltage dependence but with original model's calcium concentrations; figure 9 purple","{purple()}")
xlabel("See the readme for instructions on how to create the other pairs of graphs and more.")
proc control() {
proc cch() {
proc blue() {
proc purple() {
proc save() {