% Markovian model for wild-type cardiac KERG K+ current. Written by Dr. Sheng-Nan Wu, Han-Dong Chang and Jiun-Shian Wu %Clancy CE and Rudy Y. Cellular consequences of HERG mutations in the long QT syndrome: % precursors to sudden cardiac death. Cardiovasc Res 2001;50:301-313. % Simulations (i.e., macroscopic erg current) can reproduce the result shown at Fig. 4B in this paper. % Constants R=8.314 F=96.485 Temp=310 % Initial values ini c3=1 ini c2=0 ini c1=0 ini o=0.06 ini i=0 % Values of the model parameters par ko=5.4 par ki=140 par vhold=-40, vtest=0 par ton=50, toff=300 v=vhold+heav(t-ton)*heav(toff-t)*(vtest-vhold) % Activation functions vk=((R*Temp)/F)*ln(ko/ki) Gk=1.35e-2*ko^0.59 a=5.55e-2* exp(0.05547153*(v-12)) b=2.357e-3* exp(-0.036588*(v)) ain=2.172 bin=1.077 aa=6.55e-2* exp(0.05547153*(v-36)) bb=2.9357e-3* exp(-0.02158*(v)) ai=0.439*exp(-0.02352*(v+25))*4.5/ko bi=0.656*exp(0.000942*(v))*(4.5/ko)^0.3 u=(ai*bb*aa)/(aa*bin) % Gating functions dc3/dt=b*c2-a*c3 dc2/dt=bin*c1+a*c3-(ain+b)*c2 dc1/dt=ain*c2+bb*o+u*i-(bin+2*aa)*c1 do/dt=ai*i+aa*c1-(bi+bb)*o di/dt=aa*c1+bi*o-(u+ai)*i aux ik=Gk*o*(v-vk) % Numerical and plotting parameters for xpp @ meth=Euler, dt=.1, total=800 @ yp=ik, yhi=1.0, ylo=-0.1, xlo=0, xhi=800, bound=100 done