#include "NNsimObject.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
NNsimObject::NNsimObject(const int _analyze,
const std::string & _tmp_uname,
const std::string & _language_file,
const std::string & _name) :
tmp_uname((char *)_tmp_uname.c_str()),
language_file((char *)_language_file.c_str()),
name((char *)_name.c_str())
char wovon[512];
char tmp_uname_filename[512];
char *NNSIM_ROOT = getenv ("NNSIM_ROOT");
FILE *fp;
std::cout << "Constructing NNsimObject." << std::endl;
fprintf (stderr, "\nParameters: tmp_uname = %s", tmp_uname);
fprintf (stderr, "\n language_file = %s\n", language_file);
fprintf (stderr, "\n name = %s\n", name);
fprintf (stderr, "\n\nyou have to set the NNSIM_ROOT environment variable!\n\n");
// pre-process the language file
sprintf (wovon, "%s/prae.exe %s > %s/vonprae", NNSIM_ROOT, language_file, tmp_uname);
fprintf (stderr, "\nExecuting system call (prae-processor): %s\n", wovon);
system (wovon);
// open the pre-processed file
sprintf (tmp_uname_filename, "%s/vonprae", tmp_uname);
fprintf (stderr, "opening to read: %s\n", tmp_uname_filename);
fp = fopen (tmp_uname_filename, "r");
if (fp == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "\ncould not open %s!\n", tmp_uname_filename);
{/**for debugging**/
char kommentarzeile[256];
fgets (kommentarzeile, 256, fp);
fprintf (stderr, "NNsimObject.cpp reads first line: %s\n", kommentarzeile);
fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
// import and allocate x, Z, s using yacc
x = alloc_x (fp);
fclose (fp);
Z = alloc_z ();
si = alloc_si ();
printparams (x, Z, si, stderr);
A = alloc_a (x, Z, si);
init_a (x, Z, A, tmp_uname);
choose_functions (x, si);
choose_pointers (si, A);
check_vehicle (si);
if ((d = (DATA *)malloc (sizeof (DATA))) == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "\nallocation failure for d\n");
if (x->data_import != NULL) {
fprintf (stderr, "\nimport data: ");
(*x->data_import)(x, d);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "\nno data imported; hope you init data within series\n");
if (si->anz_se > 1) {
if ((si->se->elen == 1) && (si->se->ilen == 1))
do_series (x, Z, A, si->se+0, d, analyze, tmp_uname);
fprintf (stderr, "\n\nFirstSeries Warning: elen or ilen aren't 1 |||\n\n");
if (si->anz_se == 1) do_series (x, Z, A, si->se+0, d, analyze, tmp_uname);
if (si->anz_se > 1) do_series (x, Z, A, si->se+1, d, analyze, tmp_uname);
static int epoche = 0;
SERIES *series = (si->anz_se == 1) ? si->se+0 : si->se+1;
fprintf (stderr, "\nMainSeries: epoche=%d ", epoche);
if (epoche < series->elen)
do_epoche (x, Z, A, series, d, analyze, tmp_uname, epoche);
epoche += 1;
if (epoche % series->elen == 0) {
ThirdSeries ();
epoche = 0;
return 1;
return 0;
if (si->anz_se > 2) {
do_series (x, Z, A, si->se+2, d, analyze, tmp_uname);