#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> /**for total_four**/
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h> /**for phoneme2array**/
#include <time.h> /**for total_pause**/
#include <unistd.h> /**for total_pause; usleep**/
#include "../kernel/coco.h"
#include "../kernel/series.h"
#include "../kernel/utils.h"
#include "local.h" /**for local_atan_to_2pi used in total_retina_to_SC**/
/* This is to be used for all neurons together in a stay with mode total!*/
/****************************** total_cut_peaks ******************************/
/* Acts at a local max/min are cut to their next extreme neighbor's value. */
/* Inarea size must = target area size -- doesn't check! */
DOUBLE total_cut_peaks (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int area = cmd->area;
int d_b = A[area].d_b;
for (int X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++)
for (int Y = 0; Y < d_b; Y++) {
DOUBLE min_neigh = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X * d_b + Y] + 99.9;
DOUBLE max_neigh = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X * d_b + Y] - 99.9;
for (int XX = X-1; XX <= X+1; ++XX)
for (int YY = Y-1; YY <= Y+1; ++YY)
if ((XX >= 0) && (YY >= 0) && (XX < A[area].d_a) && (YY < d_b) && (XX != X) && (YY != Y)) {
min_neigh = (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][XX * d_b + YY] < min_neigh) ? cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][XX * d_b + YY] : min_neigh;
max_neigh = (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][XX * d_b + YY] > max_neigh) ? cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][XX * d_b + YY] : max_neigh;
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * d_b + Y] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X * d_b + Y]; /**default: just copy**/
if (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X * d_b + Y] > max_neigh)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * d_b + Y] = max_neigh;
if (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X * d_b + Y] < min_neigh)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * d_b + Y] = min_neigh;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_rectify_save ***************************/
/* Remembers values 1st time, then cuts values if higher (lower). */
/* q[0][0] = -1 don't allow higher; = 1 don't allow smaller; = 0 do nothing */
/* Could instead be done with local_biggerof, but found this more convenient */
DOUBLE total_rectify_save (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
static int firsttime = 1;
static DOUBLE *save_vals = NULL;
int area = cmd->area;
int dim = A[area].d_n;
if (firsttime) {
save_vals = d_vector (dim);
for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
save_vals[i] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
firsttime = 0;
} else {
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == -1)
for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
if (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] > save_vals[i])
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = save_vals[i];
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 1)
for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
if (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] < save_vals[i])
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = save_vals[i];
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_sub_mean *******************************/
/* S_target will equal S_from1 - mean (of all activations). */
DOUBLE total_sub_mean (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int area = cmd->area;
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
sub_mean_vector (cmd->S_target[ct_t], A[area].d_n);
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_sub_mean_col ***************************/
/* Partitions area into 3 subsections. For color retina. */
/* S_target will equal S_from1 - mean (of all activations). */
DOUBLE total_sub_mean_col (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int area = cmd->area;
int retina_size = A[area].d_n / 3;
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
sub_mean_vector (cmd->S_target[ct_t], retina_size);
sub_mean_vector (cmd->S_target[ct_t] + retina_size, retina_size);
sub_mean_vector (cmd->S_target[ct_t] + 2 * retina_size, retina_size);
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_average ****************************/
/* All activations on S_target are assigned the mean of acts on S_from1. */
/* May be different areas. */
DOUBLE total_average (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
int area = cmd->area;
DOUBLE sp = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < A[inarea].d_n; ++i)
sp += cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
sp /= (DOUBLE)(A[inarea].d_n);
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = sp;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_sub_min ********************************/
/* S_target will equal S_from1 - min (of all activations). */
DOUBLE total_sub_min (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int area = cmd->area;
DOUBLE min = 99999.9;
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
min = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] < min ? cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] : min;
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] - min;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_set_mean *******************************/
/* S_target will all be the mean of all neurons activations (fixed time). */
DOUBLE total_set_mean (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int i;
double mean = 0.0;
int area = cmd->area;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
for (i = 0; i < A[inarea].d_n; ++i)
mean += cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
mean /= (double)(A[inarea].d_n);
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = mean;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_time_mean ******************************/
/* S_target will be the local mean of last q[0][0] activations of the sweep. */
DOUBLE total_time_mean (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int i, t;
const int t_time = (int)(cmd->quantum[0][0]);
int area = cmd->area;
if (ct_t + 1 < t_time)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_time_mean: no start before mean-time\n");
if (cmd->S_target == cmd->S_from1[0])
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_time_mean: target must differ from source!");
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = 0.0;
for (t = ct_t + 1 - t_time; t < ct_t + 1; ++t)
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] += cmd->S_from1[0][t][i];
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] /= (double)t_time;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/******************************** all_time_mean ******************************/
/* S_target at all times will be the local mean of all act's of the sweep. */
/* (-> non causality by considering values of the future!) */
/* !alltime sweep only! */
DOUBLE all_time_mean (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int begin, int end) {
int i, t;
int area = cmd->area;
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[begin][i] = cmd->S_from1[0][begin][i];
for (t = begin + 1; t < end; ++t)
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[begin][i] += cmd->S_from1[0][t][i];
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[begin][i] /= (double)(end - begin);
for (t = begin + 1; t < end; ++t)
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[t][i] = cmd->S_target[begin][i];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_set_attime *****************************/
/* Set S_target to q[1][0] after q[0][0] invocations of this function. */
/* Use only once per script because of counter! */
DOUBLE total_set_attime (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
static int count = 0;
int area = cmd->area;
if (count == (int)(cmd->quantum[0][0])) {
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_set_time setting values to %f. ",
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = cmd->quantum[1][0];
count += 1;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_epoche_mean ****************************/
/* S_target will be the running mean over items of epoche; "decay" q[0][0]. */
/* Local on neurons and same time within each relaxation. */
/* ATTENTION: Don't use S_target anywhere else! */
DOUBLE total_epoche_mean (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int i;
double lambda = cmd->quantum[0][0];
int area = cmd->area;
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = (1.0 - lambda) * cmd->S_target[ct_t][i]
+ lambda * cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_epoche_x_square ************************/
/* S_target will be the running mean squared activation over items of epoche.*/
/* Local on neurons and same time within each relaxation. */
/* ATTENTION: Don't use S_target anywhere else! */
/* Used to compute the kurtosis. */
DOUBLE total_epoche_x_square (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int i;
double lambda = cmd->quantum[0][0];
int area = cmd->area;
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = (1.0 - lambda) * cmd->S_target[ct_t][i]
+ lambda * cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] * cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_epoche_x_fourth ************************/
/* S_target will be the running mean x^4 activation over items of epoche. */
/* Local on neurons and same time within each relaxation. */
/* ATTENTION: Don't use S_target anywhere else! */
/* Used to compute the kurtosis. */
DOUBLE total_epoche_x_fourth (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int i;
double lambda = cmd->quantum[0][0];
int area = cmd->area;
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = (1.0 - lambda) * cmd->S_target[ct_t][i]
+ lambda * cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] * cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] * cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] * cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_epoche_kurt ****************************/
/* Get kurtosis conveniently from averages: S_from1=fourth, S_from2=square. */
/* Assumes that mean is zero. */
DOUBLE total_epoche_kurt (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int i;
int area = cmd->area;
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] / (cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][i] * cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][i]);
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_import *********************************/
/* ct_t has to match the imported file size! Thus use at e.g. ct_t = rlen. */
/* q[0][0]=2: reads from pipe and writes feedback-pipe. */
DOUBLE total_import (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
char fullname[256];
static int firsttime = 1;
static char *tmp_uname;
if (firsttime) {
tmp_uname = get_tmp_uname ();
firsttime = 0;
if ((cmd->quantum[0][0] == 2) || (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 3)) {
FILE *pp;
sprintf (fullname, "%s/obs_%c_%d.pipe", tmp_uname, cmd->b_target, cmd->area);
importP36_matrix (cmd->S_target, 1, ct_t, A[area].d_a, A[area].d_b, fullname);
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 2) {
sprintf (fullname, "%s/obs_%c_%d.back", tmp_uname, cmd->b_target, cmd->area);
pp = fopen (fullname, "w");
fprintf (pp, "9");
fclose (pp);
} else {
sprintf (fullname, "%s/obs_%c_%d.pnm", tmp_uname, cmd->b_target, cmd->area);
importP36_matrix (cmd->S_target, 1, ct_t, A[area].d_a, A[area].d_b, fullname); **see vehicle.c for import of Theta's**
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_back_pipe ******************************/
/* q[0][0]=3: writes feedback-pipe. (When total_import does not do it.) */
/* q[0][0]=2: writes forward-pipe. (Don't use together with total_import!) */
DOUBLE total_back_pipe (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
char fullname[256], halfname[256];
FILE *pp;
static int firsttime = 1;
static char *tmp_uname;
if (firsttime) {
tmp_uname = get_tmp_uname ();
firsttime = 0;
if (cmd->anz_quantums != 2) {
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_back_pipe now wants 2 quantums\n");
exit (1);
if (cmd->quantum[1][0] == 0)
sprintf (halfname, "%s/obs_%c_%d", tmp_uname, cmd->b_target, cmd->area);
sprintf (halfname, "%s/tcl", tmp_uname);
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 3) {
sprintf (fullname, "%s.back", halfname);
pp = fopen (fullname, "w");
fprintf (pp, "9");
fclose (pp);
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 2) {
sprintf (fullname, "%s.pipe", halfname);
pp = fopen (fullname, "r");
fscanf (pp, "9");
fclose (pp);
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_copy_back ******************************/
/* Set S_target of all recent times to now-value of S_from1. */
DOUBLE total_copy_back (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int i, t;
int area = cmd->area;
for (t = 0; t <= ct_t; ++t)
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[t][i] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_embed **********************************/
/* Embeds one area's acts into the middle of another. "total_copy, _cut_at" */
/* If target area is larger, then zero padding at edge. */
/* " smaller, " cutoff of outer rim of S_from area. */
/* Size differences must be even, so that edge is same on either sides. */
/* (see also total_cut_at, below) */
DOUBLE total_embed (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int area = cmd->area;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
int edge_a = A[area].d_a - A[inarea].d_a;
int edge_b = A[area].d_b - A[inarea].d_b;
if ((edge_a % 2 != 0) || (edge_b % 2 != 0))
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_embed wants even size differences!\n");
if (edge_a * edge_b < 0)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_embed wants same-sign size differences!\n");
edge_a /= 2;
edge_b /= 2;
/**works for both, target area smaller or larger than input area**/
for (int X_area = 0; X_area < A[area].d_a; ++X_area)
for (int Y_area = 0; Y_area < A[area].d_b; ++Y_area) {
int X_inarea = X_area - edge_a;
int Y_inarea = Y_area - edge_b;
if ((X_inarea >= 0) && (X_inarea < A[inarea].d_a) && (Y_inarea >= 0) && (Y_inarea < A[inarea].d_b))
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X_area * A[area].d_b + Y_area] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X_inarea * A[inarea].d_b + Y_inarea];
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X_area * A[area].d_b + Y_area] = 0.0;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_embed_tiles ****************************/
/* Embeds one area's acts at (0,0) coord of another. */
/* If target area is larger, then repeats 2-dim act pattern (hence, tiles). */
/* " smaller " cutoff. */
/* (see also: _copy, _cut_at; total_set_all is special case, if unit 0 used) */
DOUBLE total_embed_tiles (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int area = cmd->area;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
for (int X_area = 0; X_area < A[area].d_a; ++X_area)
for (int Y_area = 0; Y_area < A[area].d_b; ++Y_area) {
int X_inarea = X_area % A[inarea].d_a;
int Y_inarea = Y_area % A[inarea].d_b;
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X_area * A[area].d_b + Y_area] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X_inarea * A[inarea].d_b + Y_inarea];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_spread_time ****************************/
/* Copys act's from a small area over t-times to a t-fold larger area at t=0.*/
DOUBLE total_spread_time (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int t, i, k;
const int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
const int t_time = (int)(cmd->quantum[0][0]);
int area = cmd->area;
if (A[area].d_n != A[inarea].d_n * t_time)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_spread_time: wrong area sizes!\n");
if (ct_t < t_time)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_spread_time: no start before integr-time\n");
k = 0;
for (t = ct_t - t_time; t < ct_t; ++t) {
for (i = 0; i < A[inarea].d_n; ++i) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][k] = cmd->S_from1[0][t][i];
k += 1;
/* for (t = 0; t < t_time; ++t) */
/* ... */
/* cmd->S_target[0][k] = cmd->S_from1[0][t][i]; */
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_spread_xy ******************************/
/* Spread act's from a 1-dim input area to the 2nd dim along target area. */
/* q[0][0] == 1: spread along x (d_a); then must d_b=A[inarea].d_n */
/* q[0][0] == 2: spread along y (d_b); then must d_a=A[inarea].d_n */
DOUBLE total_spread_xy (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
const int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
int i, j;
int area = cmd->area;
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_spread_xy wants your decision!\n");
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 1)
if (A[inarea].d_n != A[area].d_b)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_spread_xy: input dim must match d_b!\n");
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 2)
if (A[inarea].d_n != A[area].d_a)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_spread_xy: input dim must match d_a!\n");
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_a; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < A[area].d_b; ++j) {
int k = (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 1) ? j : i;
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i*A[area].d_b + j] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][k];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_set_all ********************************/
/* Set all activations to that of unit q[0][0] of S_from1. */
DOUBLE total_set_all (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
const int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
int area = cmd->area;
int in_neuron = (int)(cmd->quantum[0][0]);
if (in_neuron >= A[inarea].d_n)
fprintf (stderr, "\n\ntotal_set_all: argument out of range\n\n");
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][in_neuron];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_collapse_xy ****************************/
/* Sum act's over 2nd dim of input area write to a 1-dim target area. */
/* q[0][0] == 1: collapse x (d_a); then must d_b=A[inarea].d_n */
/* q[0][0] == 2: collapse y (d_b); then must d_a=A[inarea].d_n */
/* q[1][0] == d_a(in_area) which is elsewise not available. d_b not needed. */
DOUBLE total_collapse_xy (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
const int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
int i = 0, j = 0, in_d_a, in_d_b;
int area = cmd->area;
if (cmd->anz_quantums != 2) {
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_collapse_xy wants 2 quantums\n");
exit (1);
if (cmd->anz_quant[1] != 2) {
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_collapse_xy wants 2 quant[1]\n");
exit (1);
in_d_a = (int)(cmd->quantum[1][0]);
in_d_b = (int)(cmd->quantum[1][1]);
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_collapse_xy wants your decision!\n");
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 1)
if (in_d_b != A[area].d_b)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_collapse_xy: d_b's must match\n");
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 2)
if (in_d_a != A[area].d_a)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_collapse_xy: d_a's must match\n");
if (in_d_a * in_d_b != A[inarea].d_n)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_collapse_xy got inconsistent dimensions\n");
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 1) /**sum over d_a**/
for (j = 0; j < A[area].d_b; ++j) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][j] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_a; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][j] += cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i * in_d_b + j];
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 2) /**sum over d_b**/
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_a; ++i) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = 0.0;
for (j = 0; j < in_d_b; ++j)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] += cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i * in_d_b + j];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_mean_to_one ****************************/
/* S_target will scaled so that mean=1. */
/* This is a useful equivalent of total_spherize if all acts are >= 0 */
/* From total_set_mean. */
DOUBLE total_mean_to_one (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int i;
double mean = 0.0;
int area = cmd->area;
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
mean += cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
mean /= (double)(A[area].d_n);
if (mean == 0.0)
mean = 0.0000001; /** !! UNBELIEVABLY DIRTY !! **/
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] /= mean;
if (cmd->anz_pointers == 1)
cmd->pointers[0]->float_val = mean; /**same function as "scale" in total_spherize**/
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_spherize *******************************/
/* Spherizes (make element-variance 1). Does NOT subtract mean. Do it first! */
/* cmd-pointer's float_val will be value by which elements have been divided.*/
/* q[0][0] threshold under which NOT to spherize. */
DOUBLE total_spherize (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int i;
int area = cmd->area;
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
DOUBLE scale = spherize_vector (cmd->S_target[ct_t], A[area].d_n);
/**don't spherize (reverse the effects) if |S_from1| < q[0][0]**/
if (quad_length (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t], A[area].d_n) < cmd->quantum[0][0])
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
if (cmd->anz_pointers == 1)
cmd->pointers[0]->float_val = scale;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_normalize *******************************/
/* Normalizes to length quantum[0][0]. Uses quad_length. Subtract mean first! */
DOUBLE total_normalize (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int i;
int area = cmd->area;
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
normalize (cmd->S_target[ct_t], A[area].d_n, cmd->quantum[0][0]);
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_scale_to_max ****************************/
/* Multiplies by a factor so that the maximum is q[0][0]. */
DOUBLE total_scale_to_max (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int i;
DOUBLE scale_factor, max = 0.0;
int area = cmd->area;
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
max = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] > max ? cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] : max;
scale_factor = cmd->quantum[0][0] / max;
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] * scale_factor;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_threshold *******************************/
/* Sets values <= (q[0][0] * max) to zero. */
DOUBLE total_threshold (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
DOUBLE max = 0.0;
int area = cmd->area;
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
max = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] > max ? cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] : max;
const DOUBLE threshold = cmd->quantum[0][0] * max;
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] > threshold)
? cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] : 0.0;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_true_softmax ****************************/
/* P(i=ON) = exp(beta a_i) / (sum_j exp(beta a_j)) */
/* Returns continuous values. (maybe use something such as local_as_rand) */
/* q[0][0] = beta */
DOUBLE total_true_softmax (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int i;
DOUBLE denominator = 0.0;
int area = cmd->area;
double beta = cmd->quantum[0][0];
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
denominator += exp (beta * cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i]);
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = exp (beta * cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i]) / denominator;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_true_softmax_row ************************/
/* q[0][0] = beta */
DOUBLE total_true_softmax_row (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int area = cmd->area;
double beta = cmd->quantum[0][0];
for (int X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++) {
DOUBLE denominator = 0.0;
for (int Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++)
denominator += exp (beta * cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y]);
for (int Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = exp (beta * cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y]) / denominator;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_four ***********************************/
/* Fourier-transforms source, overwrites target of this AND next time step! */
/* Attention: target must exist for rlen=2! */
DOUBLE total_four (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int i, j;
int OK = -1;
static int d_a_save;
static int d_b_save;
static int firsttime = 1;
static float *c_fl_field;
int direction;
int area = cmd->area;
if (ct_t != 0)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_four: rlen=0! Target must exist at 0,1!\n");
if ( (cmd->anz_arguments != 1)
|| (cmd->anz_from1 != 1)
|| (cmd->area != cmd->n_from1[0])
|| (cmd->anz_quantums != 1)
|| (cmd->anz_quant[0] != 1))
fprintf (stderr, "\nwrong arguments in total_four\n");
for (i = 1; i <= 2048; i *= 2) {
if (A[area].d_a == i)
OK += 1;
if (A[area].d_b == i)
OK += 1;
if (OK != 1)
fprintf (stderr, "\n\ntotal_four: check dimensions to be 2^n !\n\n");
if (firsttime) {
c_fl_field = (float *)malloc (2 * A[area].d_n * sizeof (float));
d_a_save = A[area].d_a;
d_b_save = A[area].d_b;
firsttime = 0;
fprintf (stderr, "\nReminder: total_four target must exist at rlen 0 and 1!\n");
if ((A[area].d_a != d_a_save) || (A[area].d_b != d_b_save))
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_four used with one dim for ever only\n");
if ((cmd->quantum[0][0] != -1) && (cmd->quantum[0][0] != 1))
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_four wants useful direction given\n");
direction = (int)(cmd->quantum[0][0]);
/**assume only real; fill complex with zero's**/
if (direction == 1)
// make_complex_do_fl (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t], c_fl_field, A[area].d_a, A[area].d_b);
/**assume real and complex in target[ct_t] and target[ct_t + 1]**/
if (direction == -1)
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < A[area].d_n; i+=1, j+=2) {
/**real values for the transform**/
c_fl_field[j] = (float)(cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i]);
/**real values for the transform**/
c_fl_field[j + 1] = (float)(cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t + 1][i]);
// do_fft (c_fl_field, A[area].d_a, A[area].d_b, direction);
/**write real and complex into target[ct_t] and target[ct_t + 1]**/
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < A[area].d_n; i+=1, j+=2) {
/**real values of the transform**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = (double)(c_fl_field[j]);
/**complex values of the transform**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t + 1][i] = (double)(c_fl_field[j + 1]);
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_mult_compl *****************************/
/* Complex multiplication. */
/* act[ct_t=0]=real, act[ct_t+1]=imaginary in both target and sources. */
DOUBLE total_mult_compl (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int area = cmd->area;
int i;
int dim = A[area].d_n;
DOUBLE **one = cmd->S_from1[0];
DOUBLE **two = cmd->S_from2[0];
if ( (cmd->anz_arguments != 2)
|| (cmd->anz_from1 != 1)
|| (cmd->anz_from2 != 1)
|| (cmd->area != cmd->n_from1[0])
|| (ct_t != 0))
fprintf (stderr, "\nwrong arguments in total_mult_compl\n");
/**real result**/
for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
cmd->S_target[0][i] = one[0][i] * two[0][i] - one[1][i] * two[1][i];
/**complex result**/
for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
cmd->S_target[1][i] = one[1][i] * two[0][i] + one[0][i] * two[1][i];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_absq_compl *****************************/
/* Absolute square value of complex. Target is real, act[ct=0] only. */
/* act[ct_t=0]=real, act[ct_t+1]=imaginary in source. */
DOUBLE total_absq_compl (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int area = cmd->area;
int i;
int dim = A[area].d_n;
DOUBLE **one = cmd->S_from1[0];
if ( (cmd->anz_arguments != 1)
|| (cmd->anz_from1 != 1)
|| (cmd->area != cmd->n_from1[0])
|| (ct_t != 0))
fprintf (stderr, "\nwrong arguments in total_absq_compl\n");
/**result (real)**/
for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
cmd->S_target[0][i] = one[0][i] * one[0][i] + one[1][i] * one[1][i];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/*************************** total_geom_vector_sum ***************************/
/* Computes, e.g. weighted mean orientation in area. Adds all vectors in 2D. */
/* S_from1 = ori (0..2PI) (scale from 0..PI to 0..2PI first!) */
/* S_from2 = strength */
/* q[0][0] = 0: returns orientation of vector sum */
/* q[0][0] = 1/2: returns length/average of vector sum */
DOUBLE total_geom_vector_sum (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int area = cmd->area;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
if ( (cmd->anz_from2 != 1)
|| (cmd->n_from2[0] != inarea))
fprintf (stderr, "\nwrong arguments in total_geom_vector_sum\n");
DOUBLE sumX = 0.0;
DOUBLE sumY = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < A[inarea].d_n; ++i) {
DOUBLE ori = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
DOUBLE len = cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][i];
DOUBLE X = len * cos(ori);
DOUBLE Y = len * sin(ori);
sumX += X;
sumY += Y;
if ((int)(cmd->quantum[0][0]) == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = local_atan_to_2pi (&dum, sumY, sumX);
if ((int)(cmd->quantum[0][0]) == 1)
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = sqrt (sumX*sumX + sumY*sumY);
if ((int)(cmd->quantum[0][0]) == 2)
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = sqrt (sumX*sumX + sumY*sumY) / (DOUBLE)(A[inarea].d_n);
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_zhang_m_fix ****************************/
/* Solves x = w * f(x) where w is determined as the mean of cmd->W_from1. */
/* Parameters are the same as for local function f, here local_zhang. */
DOUBLE total_zhang_m_fix (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
double xl = 0.0, xh = 0.0, xm, yl, yh, ym;
double sum_w = 0.0, dumm = 0.0;
double (*func)(double *, double, double);
int i;
func = local_zhang;
if (cmd->anz_quantums == 2)
if (cmd->quantum[1][0] == 2)
func = local_zhang2;
**get mean(W); use only first neurons, as all fields are equal (neglecting the shift)**
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
sum_w += cmd->W_from1[0][0][i];
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_zhang_m_fix: sum_w=%f meanW=%f", sum_w, sum_w / (double)(A[area].d_n));
**get two starting points, f(xl) < 0 and f(xh) > 0**
do {
xl -= 1.0;
xh += 1.0;
yl = sum_w * func (cmd->quantum[0], xl, dumm) - xl;
yh = sum_w * func (cmd->quantum[0], xh, dumm) - xh;
} while (yl * yh > 0.0);
**confine the interval**
do {
xm = 0.5 * (xl + xh);
ym = sum_w * func (cmd->quantum[0], xm, dumm) - xm;
if (yl * ym > 0.0) {
xl = xm;
yl = sum_w * func (cmd->quantum[0], xl, dumm) - xl;
if (yh * ym > 0.0) {
xh = xm;
yh = sum_w * func (cmd->quantum[0], xh, dumm) - xh;
} while (xh - xl > 0.0000001);
fprintf (stderr, " mean act: %f -> mean out: %f", 0.5 * (xl + xh), func (cmd->quantum[0], 0.5 * (xl + xh), dumm));
if ((fabs (yl) > 0.000001) || (fabs (yh) > 0.000001))
fprintf (stderr, "\nWarning: yl=%f yh=%f are too large\n\n", yl, yh);
**write the x-value into all S_target entries**
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[0][i] = 0.5 * (xl + xh);
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/******************************* total_orange ********************************/
/* From init_orange, but data-func didn't know inarea, move was impossible. */
/* cmd->S_target (t=0 .. ct_t) initialized with orange, pasted into S_from1. */
/* Color area assumed if orange, i.e.: d_a 3x long and range: 0 .. 255. */
/* q[0][0] == 1: new rand locat. == 2: location from last according to input.*/
/* q[1][0] == radius of orange / sigma of Gaussian. */
/* q[2][0] == 0: Gaussian (greyscale); == 1: orange (RGB format). */
DOUBLE total_orange (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int a, b, count, d_r, height;
static double ho_center;
static double br_center;
double radius = cmd->quantum[1][0];
static double red;
static double green;
static double blue;
int area = cmd->area;
double C[39][3] = {/*R G B orange-likeliness from file **/
{253, 133, 80}, /**brighter fruit_02.jpg**/
{247, 122, 30}, /**brighter**/
{244, 126, 39}, /**brighter**/
{241, 109, 24}, /**prototype**/
{238, 144, 106}, /**bright shiny spot**/
{230, 88, 16}, /**nice prototype**/
{227, 86, 14}, /**nice medium**/
{221, 92, 26}, /**nice prototype**/
{206, 69, 14}, /**darker**/
{203, 59, 25}, /**darker, reddish**/
{175, 66, 33}, /**darker**/
{161, 39, 34}, /**dark red-brown**/
{254, 182, 72}, /**pale orangegrapefruitgiftbox.jpg**/
{242, 147, 55}, /**brighter, prototype region**/
{240, 175, 0}, /**grapefruit?**/
{234, 146, 36}, /**prototype**/
{199, 86, 8}, /**darker region**/
{195, 124, 20}, /**darker pale**/
{ 89, 48, 37}, /**shadow snap1.ppm**/
{136, 57, 27}, /** to **/
{203, 102, 36}, /** .. **/
{238, 130, 41}, /**bright**/
{115, 54, 34}, /**shadow snap2.ppm**/
{129, 57, 12}, /** to **/
{180, 85, 35}, /** .. **/
{231, 124, 53}, /**bright**/
{110, 47, 30}, /**shadow snap3.ppm**/
{144, 66, 28}, /** to **/
{158, 77, 40}, /** .. **/
{202, 91, 46}, /**bright (not brightest)**/
{ 85, 40, 19}, /**shadow snap6.ppm**/
{153, 105, 39}, /** to **/
{198, 151, 60}, /**bright**/
{ 77, 35, 15}, /**shadow snap7.ppm**/
{125, 64, 35}, /** to **/
{194, 126, 69}, /**bright**/
{106, 56, 28}, /**shadow, other orange**/
{170, 119, 70}, /** to **/
{222, 177, 128} /**bright**/
if (cmd->anz_quantums != 3)
fprintf (stderr, "\n3 parameters for init_orange, please!\n");
d_r = A[area].d_n; /**true also for color**/
if (cmd->quantum[2][0] == 1)
height = A[area].d_a / 3; /**because color**/
height = A[area].d_a; /**will only be used for coose location, next line**/
/**choose new random orange location**/
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 1.0) {
ho_center = radius + drand48 () * ((double)(height) - radius - radius); /**d_a || hoehe: langsamer index**/
br_center = radius + drand48 () * ((double)(A[area].d_b) - radius - radius); /**d_b || breite: schneller index**/
/**choose orange location according to input area**/ /**<-- cannot be done with a data-function, that's why it is here**/
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 2.0) {
int inarea;
if (cmd->anz_from2 != 1) {
fprintf (stderr, "Dirty function total_orange wants here anz_from2 = 1!\n");
exit (1);
inarea = cmd->n_from2[0];
if (A[inarea].d_n != 2) {
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_orange with q[0][0]=2 wants two units in inarea, area %d!\n", inarea);
exit (1);
ho_center -= cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][0];
br_center -= cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][1];
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_orange: ho_center moved minus %f, br_center moved minus %f ",
cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][0], cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][1]);
if (ho_center < radius) {
ho_center = radius;
fprintf (stderr, " upper out ");
if (br_center < radius) {
br_center = radius;
fprintf (stderr, " left out ");
if (ho_center >= height - radius) {
ho_center = height - 1 - radius;
fprintf (stderr, " lower out ");
if (br_center >= A[area].d_b - radius) {
br_center = A[area].d_b - 1 - radius;
fprintf (stderr, " right out ");
/**draw orange**/
if (cmd->quantum[2][0] == 1.0) {
/**choose color only if new _random_ orange location**/
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 1.0) {
int proto1 = (int)(drand48() * 39);
int proto2 = (int)(drand48() * 39);
double colmix = drand48();
red = colmix * C[proto1][0] + (1.0 - colmix) * C[proto2][0];
green = colmix * C[proto1][1] + (1.0 - colmix) * C[proto2][1];
blue = colmix * C[proto1][2] + (1.0 - colmix) * C[proto2][2];
/**draw orange disc (for all times) and maintain other background**/
for (count = 0; count <= ct_t; ++count) {
for (a = 0; a < height; ++a)
for (b = 0; b < A[area].d_b; ++b)
if (((double)(a)-ho_center)*((double)(a)-ho_center) + ((double)(b)-br_center)*((double)(b)-br_center) < (radius*radius))
cmd->S_target[count][a*A[area].d_b + b] = red;
cmd->S_target[count][a*A[area].d_b + b] = cmd->S_from1[0][count][a*A[area].d_b + b];
for (a = height; a < 2 * height; ++a)
for (b = 0; b < A[area].d_b; ++b)
if (((double)(a-height)-ho_center)*((double)(a-height)-ho_center) + ((double)(b)-br_center)*((double)(b)-br_center)
< (radius*radius))
cmd->S_target[count][a*A[area].d_b + b] = green;
cmd->S_target[count][a*A[area].d_b + b] = cmd->S_from1[0][count][a*A[area].d_b + b];
for (a = 2 * height; a < 3 * height; ++a)
for (b = 0; b < A[area].d_b; ++b)
if (((double)(a-2*height)-ho_center)*((double)(a-2*height)-ho_center) + ((double)(b)-br_center)*((double)(b)-br_center)
< (radius*radius))
cmd->S_target[count][a*A[area].d_b + b] = blue;
cmd->S_target[count][a*A[area].d_b + b] = cmd->S_from1[0][count][a*A[area].d_b + b];
} else { /**draw greyscale(!) Gaussian**/
for (count = 0; count <= ct_t; ++count) {
for (a = 0; a < A[area].d_a; ++a)
for (b = 0; b < A[area].d_b; ++b)
cmd->S_target[count][a*A[area].d_b + b]
= 1.0 * exp (- (((double)a-ho_center)*((double)a-ho_center)+((double)b-br_center)*((double)b-br_center))
/ (2.0 * radius * radius));
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_cosinus ********************************/
/* Sine waves, one centered (_in), one surround (_out). Later: move in time. */
/* $cmx+$cmy, 100 1.0+0, $freq+0 $phase+0 $ori+0 0.0+0.0 1 */
/* center diameter amplitude frequency phase(t=0) angle velocity sphere */
/* See init_image_cos for a wrapper function that randomises some parameters */
DOUBLE total_cosinus (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
double cm_x, amplitude_in, frequency_in, phase_in, angle_in, velocity_in,
cm_y, amplitude_out, frequency_out, phase_out, angle_out, velocity_out;
double sq_diameter, sphere, sq_dist, directed_dist, diffA, diffB,
e_A_in, e_B_in, e_A_out, e_B_out;
int X, Y;
int area = cmd->area;
if (cmd->anz_quantums != 8)
fprintf (stderr, "\nwrong no of quantums in total_cosinus");
cm_x = cmd->quantum[0][0];
cm_y = cmd->quantum[0][1];
sq_diameter = cmd->quantum[1][0] * cmd->quantum[1][0];
amplitude_in = cmd->quantum[2][0];
amplitude_out = cmd->quantum[2][1];
frequency_in = cmd->quantum[3][0];
frequency_out = cmd->quantum[3][1];
phase_in = cmd->quantum[4][0];
phase_out = cmd->quantum[4][1];
angle_in = cmd->quantum[5][0];
angle_out = cmd->quantum[5][1];
velocity_in = cmd->quantum[6][0];
velocity_out = cmd->quantum[6][1];
sphere = (int)(cmd->quantum[7][0]); /**not implemented**/
/**Einheitsvektor in Richtung der Welle**/
e_A_in = cos (angle_in);
e_B_in = sin (angle_in);
e_A_out = cos (angle_out);
e_B_out = sin (angle_out);
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++) {
/**for periodic boundary**/
diffA = (double)(X) - cm_x;
diffB = (double)(Y) - cm_y;
sq_dist = (double)(diffA * diffA + diffB * diffB);
if (sq_dist < sq_diameter) {
directed_dist = (double)diffA * e_A_in + (double)diffB * e_B_in;
directed_dist += velocity_in * (double)ct_t; /**for inside**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y]
= amplitude_in
* cos (directed_dist * 2.0 * M_PI * frequency_in + phase_in); /**"+ phase_in" changed recently from "- phase_in"**/
} else {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = 0.0;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
#define ANZ_PAR 4
/******************************* gabor ***************************************/
/* Returns Gabor fkt at pos (2,3) x,y. Parameters in (1) par */
/* Exactly taken from gabor_analyze.c */
/* r[0], r[1] = cm_x, cm_y */
/* r[2] = height */
/* r[3] = sigma of gaussian */
/* r[4] = frequency */
/* r[5] = ori (between -pi/2 and pi/2) */
/* r[6] = phase */
/* XXX = offset here assumed zero OUT-COMMENTED! */
DOUBLE gabor (DOUBLE *par, double x, double y) {
return (par[2] * exp (-0.5 * ((x-par[0])*(x-par[0]) + (y-par[1])*(y-par[1]))
/ (par[3]*par[3])
/* * cos (2.0 * M_PI * par[4] * ( (x-par[0]) * cos (par[5])
+ (y-par[1]) * sin (par[5]))
+ par[6]
/*+ par[7]*/
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_gabor **********************************/
DOUBLE total_gabor (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int X, Y;
int area = cmd->area;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
if ((cmd->anz_quant[0] != ANZ_PAR) && (A[inarea].d_n != ANZ_PAR))
fprintf (stderr, "total_gabor: rethink how to communicate parameters!");
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++) {
/**non-periodic boundary**/
double diffA = (double)(X) - cmd->quantum[0][0];
double diffB = (double)(Y) - cmd->quantum[0][1];
if (cmd->anz_quant[0] == ANZ_PAR)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = gabor (cmd->quantum[0], diffA, diffB);
if (A[inarea].d_n == ANZ_PAR)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = gabor (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t], (DOUBLE)X, (DOUBLE)Y);
return (DOUBLE)(0);
#undef ANZ_PAR
#define ANZ_PAR 6
/******************************* gauss_elliptic ******************************/
/* Returns Gauss fkt at pos (2,3) x,y. Parameters in (1) par */
/* p[0], p[1] = cm_x, cm_y */
/* p[2] = height */
/* p[3], p[4] = sigma along one, and other half-axis; "a", "b" */
/* p[5] = orientation of half-axis "a" (not necessarily longer axis) */
DOUBLE gauss_elliptic (DOUBLE *par, double x, double y) {
double phi_xy = (x-par[0] == 0.0) ? 0.5*M_PI : atan ((y-par[1])/(x-par[0]));
double phi_a = par[5];
double dist = sqrt ((x-par[0])*(x-par[0]) + (y-par[1])*(y-par[1]));
DOUBLE diff_a = dist * cos (phi_xy - phi_a);
DOUBLE diff_b = dist * sin (phi_xy - phi_a);
return (par[2] * exp (-0.5 * (diff_a*diff_a) / (par[3]*par[3]))
* exp (-0.5 * (diff_b*diff_b) / (par[4]*par[4])));
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_gauss_elliptic *************************/
/* Takes six parameters either from q[0] or S_from1. Calls gauss_elliptic. */
DOUBLE total_gauss_elliptic (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int X, Y;
int area = cmd->area;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
if ((cmd->anz_quant[0] != ANZ_PAR) && (A[inarea].d_n != ANZ_PAR))
fprintf (stderr, "total_gauss_elliptic: rethink how to communicate parameters!");
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++) {
/**non-periodic boundary double diffA = (double)(X) - cmd->quantum[0][0];
double diffB = (double)(Y) - cmd->quantum[0][1]; <-- was previously used in first version for some reason ... !!!**/
if (cmd->anz_quant[0] == ANZ_PAR)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = gauss_elliptic (cmd->quantum[0], (DOUBLE)X, (DOUBLE)Y);
if (A[inarea].d_n == ANZ_PAR)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = gauss_elliptic (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t], (DOUBLE)X, (DOUBLE)Y);
return (DOUBLE)(0);
#undef ANZ_PAR
#define ANZ_PAR 3
/******************************* my_cos **************************************/
/* p[0] = orientation (angle to the line that crosses the waves) */
/* p[1] = frequency */
/* p[2] = phase */
/* "center" is the origin (X=0,Y=0) of the area. */
DOUBLE my_cos (DOUBLE *par, int X, int Y) {
double angle = par[0];
double freq = par[1];
double phase = par[2];
/**Einheitsvektor in Richtung der Welle**/
double e_A_in = cos (angle);
double e_B_in = sin (angle);
/**Projektion auf Einheitsvektor**/
double directed_dist = (double)X * e_A_in + (double)Y * e_B_in;
return (cos (directed_dist * 2.0 * M_PI * freq + phase));
/****************************** total_cos ************************************/
/* Takes parameters from q[0] or S_from1 (must be at least ANZ_PAR units). */
DOUBLE total_cos (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int X, Y;
int area = cmd->area;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
if ((cmd->anz_quant[0] != ANZ_PAR) && (A[inarea].d_n < ANZ_PAR))
fprintf (stderr, "total_cos: rethink how to communicate parameters!");
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++) {
if (cmd->anz_quant[0] == ANZ_PAR)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = my_cos (cmd->quantum[0], X, Y);
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = my_cos (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t], X, Y);
return (DOUBLE)(0);
#undef ANZ_PAR
/******************************** total_gauss_color **************************/
DOUBLE total_gauss_color (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int X, Y;
int area = cmd->area;
double sigma = A[area].d_b / 3.0;
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a / 3; ++X)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; ++Y) {
double diffA = X - (double)(A[area].d_a / 3) / 2;
double diffB = X - (double)A[area].d_b / 2;
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = exp (-0.5 * (diffA*diffA+diffB*diffB)/(sigma*sigma))
- exp (-0.5 * (A[area].d_b*A[area].d_b)/(sigma*sigma));
if (cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] < 0.0)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = 0.0;
/*gnuplot range=3.0; set xrange [-range:range]; plot exp(-0.5*x**2) - exp(-0.5*range**2)*/
/**green -- just copy**/
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a / 3; ++X)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; ++Y)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][(X + A[area].d_a / 3) * A[area].d_b + Y] = cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y];
/**blue -- just copy**/ /*^^^^^^^^^^*/
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a / 3; ++X)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; ++Y)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][(X + 2 * A[area].d_a / 3) * A[area].d_b + Y] = cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/******************************** total_torus_shift_color ********************/
/* Adapted from torus_shift in data.digits.c. */
/* S_target must be different from S_from1! */
DOUBLE total_torus_shift_color (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int X, Y;
int area = cmd->area;
int sh_a = (int)(drand48() * A[area].d_a);
int sh_b = (int)(drand48() * A[area].d_b);
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a / 3; ++X)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; ++Y)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][((X+sh_a)%(A[area].d_a / 3)) * A[area].d_b + (Y+sh_b)%A[area].d_b];
/**green -- just copy**/
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a / 3; ++X)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; ++Y)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][(X + A[area].d_a / 3) * A[area].d_b + Y] = cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y];
/**blue -- just copy**/ /*^^^^^^^^^^*/
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a / 3; ++X)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; ++Y)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][(X + 2 * A[area].d_a / 3) * A[area].d_b + Y] = cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/******************************** total_cut_at *******************************/
/* Cut out a patch from S_from1 of size as S_target at position S_from2[0/1] */
/* S_target must be different from S_from1! */
/* q[0][0] = 1: cut out w.r.t. middle of areas; else w.r.t. (0,0)-corner. */
/* (see also total_embed, above, and total_shift_torus, below) */
DOUBLE total_cut_at (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int X, Y;
int area = cmd->area;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
int inarea2 = cmd->n_from2[0];
int at_a;
int at_b;
if (cmd->anz_from2 != 1)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_cut_at needs a S_from2!\n");
if (A[inarea2].d_n < 2)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_cut_at: 2nd inarea must have 2 units for useful function!");
if (A[area].d_n > A[inarea].d_n)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_cut_at: target area should be smaller (or maybe equal) than input area!");
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 1) { /**take w.r.t. middles of areas**/
at_a = (int)(cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][0] + A[inarea].d_a / 2.0 - A[area].d_a / 2.0);
at_b = (int)(cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][1] + A[inarea].d_b / 2.0 - A[area].d_b / 2.0);
} else { /**take w.r.t. origin (0,0) of areas**/
at_a = (int)cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][0];
at_b = (int)cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][1];
/**check whether out of boundaries**/
if (at_a < 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_cut_at: at_a=%d, set to zero ", at_a);
at_a = 0;
if (at_b < 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_cut_at: at_b=%d, set to zero ", at_b);
at_b = 0;
if (at_a + A[area].d_a >= A[inarea].d_a) {
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_cut_at: at_a=%d, set to %d ", at_a, A[inarea].d_a - A[area].d_a - 1);
at_a = A[inarea].d_a - A[area].d_a - 1;
if (at_b + A[area].d_b >= A[inarea].d_b) {
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_cut_at: at_b=%d, set to %d ", at_b, A[inarea].d_b - A[area].d_b - 1);
at_b = A[inarea].d_b - A[area].d_b - 1;
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; ++X)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; ++Y)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][(X+at_a) * A[inarea].d_b + (Y+at_b)];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/******************************** total_shift_torus **************************/
/* Shift the whole S_from1 act vector *randomly* along the 2-dim grid. */
/* S_target must have same size as S_from1. */
/* ! Target act must be different from source act (may be same area) ! */
/* Used in order to present toroidally-shifted images. */
/* (see also total_cut_at and total_embed, above) */
DOUBLE total_shift_torus (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int X, Y;
int area = cmd->area;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
int d_a = A[area].d_a;
int d_b = A[area].d_b;
if ((d_a != A[inarea].d_a) || (d_b != A[inarea].d_b))
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_shift_torus: target area must match input area!");
if (cmd->ch_target == cmd->ch_from1[0])
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_shift_torus: target act must NOT be inarea act!");
/**random shift**/
int shift_a = (int)(drand48() * d_a);
int shift_b = (int)(drand48() * d_b);
for (X = 0; X < d_a; ++X)
for (Y = 0; Y < d_b; ++Y) {
int X_from = (X + shift_a) % d_a;
int Y_from = (Y + shift_b) % d_b;
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * d_b + Y] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X_from * d_b + Y_from];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_winner *********************************/
/* Simplified from total_neigh_winner. Normal mode: activate only the winner.*/
/* q[0][0] = 1: find winner; = -1: find looser */
/* q[1][0] = 2: Write x,y-coord of winning unit to two target area units. */
/* Extra service: returns cmd->pointers[0] = 1 if maximum at edge of area. */
DOUBLE total_winner (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int X, Y, X_winner = 0, Y_winner = 0;
double max_act = 0.0;
double min_act = 9999999.9;
int area = cmd->area;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
if ((cmd->quantum[0][0] != -1.0) && (cmd->quantum[0][0] != 1.0))
fprintf (stderr, "\nfirst quant in total_winner wrong!\n");
/**find winner: highest activation**/
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 1.0)
for (X = 0; X < A[inarea].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[inarea].d_b; Y++)
if (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][Y + A[inarea].d_b * X] > max_act) {
max_act = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][Y + A[inarea].d_b * X];
X_winner = X;
Y_winner = Y;
/**find winner: lowest activation**/
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == -1.0)
for (X = 0; X < A[inarea].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[inarea].d_b; Y++)
if (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][Y + A[inarea].d_b * X] < min_act) {
min_act = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][Y + A[inarea].d_b * X];
X_winner = X;
Y_winner = Y;
if ((cmd->anz_quantums == 2) && (cmd->quantum[1][0] == 2)) {
/**write winner coordinates**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = (DOUBLE)X_winner;
cmd->S_target[ct_t][1] = (DOUBLE)Y_winner;
} else {
/**here activate only the winner**/
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++)
if ((X == X_winner) && (Y == Y_winner))
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = 1;
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = 0;
/**if winner at border, return pointer's int_val as 1**/
if (cmd->anz_pointers == 1) {
if ((X_winner == 0) || (Y_winner == 0) || (X_winner == A[inarea].d_a-1) || (Y_winner == A[inarea].d_b-1))
cmd->pointers[0]->int_val = 1;
cmd->pointers[0]->int_val = 0;
/**ABUSE OF FUNCTION, for square area: if winner is outside of a circle of diameter of area, then also, return pointer's int_val as 1**/
if (cmd->anz_pointers == 1)
if (A[inarea].d_a == A[inarea].d_b) {
float half = (A[inarea].d_a - 1.0) * 0.5;
float dist = sqrt ((X_winner-half)*(X_winner-half)+(Y_winner-half)*(Y_winner-half));
if (dist > half)
cmd->pointers[0]->int_val = 1;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_winner_per_row *************************/
/* Now with Gaussian along corresponding row around each winner per row. */
/* q[0][0] = sigma of Gaussian */
DOUBLE total_winner_per_row (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int X, Y;
int area = cmd->area;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
static int firsttime = 1;
static int *winners = NULL;
if (firsttime) {
winners = (int *) malloc (A[inarea].d_a * sizeof (int));
firsttime = 0;
/**find winner: highest activation**/
for (X = 0; X < A[inarea].d_a; X++) {
double max_act = 0.0;
for (Y = 0; Y < A[inarea].d_b; Y++)
if (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][Y + A[inarea].d_b * X] > max_act) {
max_act = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][Y + A[inarea].d_b * X];
winners[X] = Y;
/**activate only the winner in each row**/
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++) {
if (Y == winners[X])
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = 1;
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = 0;
double diff = (double)(Y - winners[X]);
double sigma = cmd->quantum[0][0];
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = exp (-0.5 * (diff*diff) / (sigma*sigma));
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_neigh_winner ***************************/
/* Finds winner and sets Gaussian (non-periodic boundary) around. (Kohonen). */
/* q[0][0] = 1: find winner; = -1: find looser (good for min euclid distance)*/
/* q[1][0] = sigma at beginning */
/* q[1][1] = sigma at first lap */
/* q[1][2] = sigma from second lap on (then const until end) */
/* q[2][0] = time of first lap */
/* q[2][1] = " second " */
/* q[3][0]: scale of time, if function used 2ce !! TIME COUNTS INTERNALLY !! */
DOUBLE total_neigh_winner (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int X, Y, X_winner = 0, Y_winner = 0;
double max_act = 0.0;
double min_act = 9999999.9;
double sigma = 0.0, timefactor = 0.0;
static double time = 0.0;
int area = cmd->area;
if (cmd->anz_quantums != 4)
fprintf (stderr, "\n3 quants in total_neigh_winner!");
if ((cmd->quantum[0][0] != -1.0) && (cmd->quantum[0][0] != 1.0))
fprintf (stderr, "\nfirst quant in total_neigh_winner wrong!\n");
double sigma0 = cmd->quantum[1][0];
double sigma1 = cmd->quantum[1][1];
double sigma2 = cmd->quantum[1][2];
double time1 = cmd->quantum[2][0];
double time2 = cmd->quantum[2][1];
time += cmd->quantum[3][0];
if (time <= time1) {
timefactor = time / time1;
sigma = sigma0 + timefactor * (sigma1 - sigma0);
if ((time > time1) && (time <= time2)) {
timefactor = (time - time1) / (time2 - time1);
sigma = sigma1 + timefactor * (sigma2 - sigma1);
if (time > time2)
sigma = sigma2;
if ((int)time % 100 == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_neigh_winner: time=%.1f sigma=%.2f ", time, sigma);
/**find winner: highest activation**/
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 1.0)
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++)
if (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][Y + A[area].d_b * X] > max_act) { /***was wrong (A[area].d_a instead A[area].d_b) !!!***/
max_act = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][Y + A[area].d_b * X]; /***was wrong (A[area].d_a instead A[area].d_b) !!!***/
X_winner = X;
Y_winner = Y;
/**find winner: lowest activation**/
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == -1.0)
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++)
if (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][Y + A[area].d_b * X] < min_act) {
min_act = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][Y + A[area].d_b * X];
X_winner = X;
Y_winner = Y;
/**Gaussian around the winner**/
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++) {
/**non-periodic boundary**/
double diffA = (double)(X - X_winner);
double diffB = (double)(Y - Y_winner);
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y]
= exp (-0.5 * (diffA*diffA + diffB*diffB) / (sigma*sigma));
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_neigh_winner_3D ************************/
/* Finds winner and sets 3D-Gaussian (non-periodic boundary) around.(Kohonen)*/
/* q[0][0] = 1: find winner; = -1: find looser (good for min euclid distance)*/
/* q[1][0] = sigma at beginning */
/* q[1][1] = sigma at first lap */
/* q[1][2] = sigma from second lap on (then const until end) */
/* q[2][0] = time of first lap */
/* q[2][1] = " second " */
/* q[3][0]: scale of time, if function used 2ce !! TIME COUNTS INTERNALLY !! */
/* q[4][0/1/2]: dimensions of area <-- only difference to total_neigh_winner */
DOUBLE total_neigh_winner_3D (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int X, Y, X_winner = 0, Y_winner = 0;
double max_act = 0.0;
double min_act = 9999999.9;
double sigma = 0.0, timefactor = 0.0;
static double time = 0.0;
int area = cmd->area;
if (cmd->anz_quantums != 5)
fprintf (stderr, "\nneed 5 quants in total_neigh_winner_3D!");
if ((cmd->quantum[0][0] != -1.0) && (cmd->quantum[0][0] != 1.0))
fprintf (stderr, "\nfirst quant in total_neigh_winner wrong!\n");
double sigma0 = cmd->quantum[1][0];
double sigma1 = cmd->quantum[1][1];
double sigma2 = cmd->quantum[1][2];
double time1 = cmd->quantum[2][0];
double time2 = cmd->quantum[2][1];
time += cmd->quantum[3][0];
if (time <= time1) {
timefactor = time / time1;
sigma = sigma0 + timefactor * (sigma1 - sigma0);
if ((time > time1) && (time <= time2)) {
timefactor = (time - time1) / (time2 - time1);
sigma = sigma1 + timefactor * (sigma2 - sigma1);
if (time > time2)
sigma = sigma2;
if ((int)time % 100 == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_neigh_winner: time=%.1f sigma=%.2f ", time, sigma);
/**find winner: highest activation**/
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 1.0)
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++)
if (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][Y + A[area].d_b * X] > max_act) {
max_act = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][Y + A[area].d_b * X];
X_winner = X;
Y_winner = Y;
/**find winner: lowest activation**/
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == -1.0)
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++)
if (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][Y + A[area].d_b * X] < min_act) {
min_act = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][Y + A[area].d_b * X];
X_winner = X;
Y_winner = Y;
int xdim = (int)cmd->quantum[4][0];
int ydim = (int)cmd->quantum[4][1]; /**should be the width A[area].d_b of the area**/
int zdim = (int)cmd->quantum[4][2]; /**should be: xdim*zdim=A[area].d_a**/
if (ydim != A[area].d_b) {
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_neigh_winner_3D: y-dimension doesn't fit to d_b\n");
exit (1);
if (xdim*zdim != A[area].d_a) {
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_neigh_winner_3D: x,z-dimensions don't fit to d_a\n");
exit (1);
/**3D-Gaussian around the winner**/
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++) {
/**non-periodic boundary**/
double diffx = (double)(X % (ydim) - X_winner % (ydim));
double diffy = (double)(Y - Y_winner);
double diffz = (double)((X*ydim + Y) / (xdim*ydim) - (X_winner*ydim + Y_winner) / (xdim*ydim));
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y]
= exp (-0.5 * (diffx*diffx + diffy*diffy + diffz*diffz) / (sigma*sigma));
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_fit_gauss ******************************/
/* Finds softmax and sets Gaussian (both(!) non-periodic boundary) around it.*/
/* q[0][0]/[1]/[2] = softmax sigma at beginning / first lap / then till end */
/* q[1][0]/[1]/[2] = replace sigma at beginning / first lap / then till end */
/* q[2][0]/[1] = end of first / second lap, with linear progression between */
/* q[3][0]: scale of time, if function used 2ce !! TIME COUNTS INTERNALLY !! */
/* q[4][0] < 0.0: normalize to (pos) volume, > 0.0: "sat" <- replace-gaussian*/
/* q[5][0] cut softmax-gauss beyond this range (in x and y, thus on square) */
DOUBLE total_fit_gauss (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int i, j, X, Y, X_winner = 0, Y_winner = 0;
double max_act = 0.0;
double timefactor, normfactor;
static double time = 0.0;
static int firsttime = 1;
static int cut = 0;
static DOUBLE **G;
static int ct_t_old = ct_t;
int area = cmd->area;
if (cmd->anz_quantums != 6)
fprintf (stderr, "\nwrong no of quants in total_fit_gauss");
if ((cmd->anz_quant[2] != 2) || (cmd->anz_quant[0] != 3) || (cmd->anz_quant[1] != 3))
fprintf (stderr, "\n\ntotal_fit_gauss: please update parameters to new version!\n\n");
if (firsttime) {
cut = (int)(cmd->quantum[5][0]);
G = d_matrix (cut+1, cut+1);
firsttime = 0;
/**timefactor increases from 0 to 1 at the beginning of each new relaxation**/
if (ct_t_old > ct_t)
time += 1.0;
timefactor = time / (cmd->quantum[2][0] * cmd->quantum[3][0]); /**need not be multiplied by rlen because line above**/
double sigmasoft = 0, sigmarepl = 0;
double sigmasoft0 = cmd->quantum[0][0];
double sigmasoft1 = cmd->quantum[0][1];
double sigmasoft2 = cmd->quantum[0][2];
double sigmarepl0 = cmd->quantum[1][0];
double sigmarepl1 = cmd->quantum[1][1];
double sigmarepl2 = cmd->quantum[1][2];
double time1 = cmd->quantum[2][0];
double time2 = cmd->quantum[2][1];
time += cmd->quantum[3][0];
if (time <= time1) {
timefactor = time / time1;
sigmasoft = sigmasoft0 + timefactor * (sigmasoft1 - sigmasoft0);
sigmarepl = sigmarepl0 + timefactor * (sigmarepl1 - sigmarepl0);
if ((time > time1) && (time <= time2)) {
timefactor = (time - time1) / (time2 - time1);
sigmasoft = sigmasoft1 + timefactor * (sigmasoft2 - sigmasoft1);
sigmarepl = sigmarepl1 + timefactor * (sigmarepl2 - sigmarepl1);
if (time > time2) {
sigmasoft = sigmasoft2;
sigmarepl = sigmarepl2;
if ((int)time % 100 == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_fit_gauss: time=%.1f sigmasoft=%.2f sigmarepl=%.2f ", time, sigmasoft, sigmarepl);
/**set up Gaussian for softmax (normfactor wouldn't play a role for softmax-finding!)**/
for (i = 0; i <= cut; ++i)
for (j = 0; j <= cut; ++j)
G[i][j] = exp (-0.5 * (double)(i*i+j*j) / (sigmasoft * sigmasoft));
/**find winner**/
max_act = 0.0;
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; ++X)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; ++Y) {
double sum = 0.0;
for (i = X-cut; i <= X+cut; ++i)
if ((i >= 0) && (i < A[area].d_a))
for (j = Y-cut; j <= Y+cut; ++j)
if ((j >= 0) && (j < A[area].d_b))
sum += G[abs(i-X)][abs(j-Y)] * cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][j + A[area].d_b * i];
if (sum > max_act) {
max_act = sum;
X_winner = X;
Y_winner = Y;
/**Gaussian around the winner**/
if (cmd->quantum[4][0] >= 0)
normfactor = cmd->quantum[4][0];
normfactor = -cmd->quantum[4][0] / (sqrt (2.0 * M_PI) * sigmarepl);
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++) {
/**non-periodic boundary**/
double diffA = (double)(X - X_winner);
double diffB = (double)(Y - Y_winner);
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y]
= normfactor * exp (-0.5 * (diffA*diffA + diffB*diffB) / (sigmarepl*sigmarepl));
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_gauss_at *******************************/
/* Sets Gaussian (non-periodic boundary) on a 1-, 2- or "3"-dim area. */
/* Place where to set is given in S_from1. Dimension given in anz_quant[0]. */
/* q[0][0,1,2] = sigmas */
/* q[1][0,1,2] = resolutions; where q11*q12 must be d_b if "3"-dim */
/* q[2][0,1,2] = lower bounds of inputs */
/* q[3][0,1,2] = upper bounds of inputs */
DOUBLE total_gauss_at (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int i, X, Y;
int area = cmd->area;
double sigma[3];
double res[3];
double cm[3];
double d[3];
if (cmd->anz_quantums != 4)
fprintf (stderr, "\nwrong no of quantums in total_gauss_at");
int dim = cmd->anz_quant[0];
if ((dim < 1) || (dim > 3))
fprintf (stderr, "\nwrong dim in total_gauss_at");
for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
sigma[i] = cmd->quantum[0][i];
res[i] = cmd->quantum[1][i];
double lower = cmd->quantum[2][i];
double upper = cmd->quantum[3][i];
cm[i] = (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] - lower) / (upper - lower) * res[i];
if (dim == 1) {
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_a * A[area].d_b; Y++) {
d[0] = (double)(Y - cm[0]);
cmd->S_target[ct_t][Y] = exp (-0.5 * (d[0]*d[0]) / (sigma[0]*sigma[0]));
if (dim == 2) {
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++) {
d[0] = (double)(X - cm[0]);
d[1] = (double)(Y - cm[1]);
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y]
= exp (-0.5 * (d[0]*d[0]) / (sigma[0]*sigma[0]))
* exp (-0.5 * (d[1]*d[1]) / (sigma[1]*sigma[1]));
if (dim == 3) {
int xdim = (int)res[0];
int ydim = (int)res[1]; /**should be the width A[area].d_b of the area**/
int zdim = (int)res[2]; /**should be: xdim*zdim=A[area].d_a**/
if (ydim != A[area].d_b) {
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_gauss_at: y-dimension doesn't fit to d_b\n");
exit (1);
if (xdim*zdim != A[area].d_a) {
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_gauss_at: x,z-dimensions don't fit to d_a\n");
exit (1);
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++) {
d[0] = (double)(X % (ydim) - cm[0]);
d[1] = (double)(Y - cm[1]);
d[2] = (double)((X*ydim + Y) / (xdim*ydim) - cm[2]);
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y]
= exp (-0.5 * (d[0]*d[0]) / (sigma[0]*sigma[0]))
* exp (-0.5 * (d[1]*d[1]) / (sigma[1]*sigma[1]))
* exp (-0.5 * (d[2]*d[2]) / (sigma[2]*sigma[2]));
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_softmax ********************************/
/* Finds softmax and writes x,y position to 1st two units of another area. */
/* q[0][0] = sigma of Gaussian */
/* q[1][0] cut softmax-gauss beyond this range (in x and y, thus on square) */
DOUBLE total_softmax (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int i, j, X, Y, X_winner = 0, Y_winner = 0;
double max_act = 0.0;
double sigma;
static int firsttime = 1;
static int cut = 0;
static DOUBLE **G;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
if (cmd->anz_quantums != 2)
fprintf (stderr, "\nwrong no of quants in total_softmax");
if (firsttime) {
cut = (int)(cmd->quantum[1][0]);
G = d_matrix (cut+1, cut+1);
firsttime = 0;
sigma = cmd->quantum[0][0];
/**set up Gaussian for softmax (normfactor wouldn't play a role for softmax-finding!)**/
for (i = 0; i <= cut; ++i)
for (j = 0; j <= cut; ++j)
G[i][j] = exp (-0.5 * (double)(i*i+j*j) / (sigma*sigma));
/**find winner**/
max_act = 0.0;
for (X = 0; X < A[inarea].d_a; ++X)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[inarea].d_b; ++Y) {
double sum = 0.0;
for (i = X-cut; i <= X+cut; ++i)
if ((i >= 0) && (i < A[inarea].d_a))
for (j = Y-cut; j <= Y+cut; ++j)
if ((j >= 0) && (j < A[inarea].d_b)) {
int dist_i = (i-X >= 0) ? i-X : X-i;
int dist_j = (j-Y >= 0) ? j-Y : Y-j;
sum += G[dist_i][dist_j] * cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][j + A[inarea].d_b * i];
if (sum > max_act) {
max_act = sum;
X_winner = X;
Y_winner = Y;
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = X_winner;
cmd->S_target[ct_t][1] = Y_winner;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_error_at *******************************/
/* At the x,y-position given by the values of S_from2[0][t][0,1], */
/* write the value S_from2[0][t][x/y] - S_from2[1][t][x/y]. Where x^=0 y^=1. */ /*ATTENTION! NO DIFFERENCE TAKEN; INCOMPATIBLE WITH OLDER PROG!*/
/* At all other positions write 0. */
/* Used in conjunction with total_softmax in order to show the deviation of */
/* two softmax hills w.r.t. two different activity patterns. */
/* i.e.: where one softmax is placed, how far away is the other from there. */
/* q[0][0] = 0: write x-error; = 1: write y-error; =2: counter to normalise. */
DOUBLE total_error_at (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int d_a = A[cmd->area].d_a;
int d_b = A[cmd->area].d_b;
for (int X = 0; X < d_a; X++)
for (int Y = 0; Y < d_b; Y++)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * d_b + Y] = 0.0;
int target_pos_x = (int)(cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][0]); /**both S_from2 input areas have two units denoting x,y pos**/
int target_pos_y = (int)(cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][1]);
int attrac_pos_x = (int)(cmd->S_from2[1][ct_t][0]);
int attrac_pos_y = (int)(cmd->S_from2[1][ct_t][1]);
/**error in x-direction**/
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 0)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][target_pos_x * d_b + target_pos_y] = /*** !!! target_pos_x - !!! ***/ attrac_pos_x;
/**error in y-direction**/
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 1)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][target_pos_x * d_b + target_pos_y] = /*** !!! target_pos_y - !!! ***/ attrac_pos_y;
/**count if this point is a target**/
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 2)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][target_pos_x * d_b + target_pos_y] = 1;
return (DOUBLE)0;
/****************************** gnuplot_error_at *****************************/
/* To be used after total_softmax and total_error_at. Inputs (on each unit): */
/* S_from1[0]/[1]: x/y-deviations, S_from1[2]: count for normalisation. */
/* Prints out commands to draw a gnuplot flowfield via cut&paste. */
/* Can be used more generally, with just x/y inputs (without normalisation). */
/* Can be used in "total" or "alltime" sweep, where it then uses only "begin"*/
/* q[0][0] = scaling factor for the difference */
DOUBLE gnuplot_error_at (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
if (cmd->anz_from1 < 2) {
fprintf (stderr, "\n\nwrong use of gnuplot_error_at\n\n");
exit (1);
int d_a = A[cmd->area].d_a;
int d_b = A[cmd->area].d_b;
float scale = cmd->quantum[0][0];
char fullname[512];
FILE *fp;
sprintf (fullname, "%s/gnuplot.dat", cmd->pointers[0]->words[0]); /**first pointer gives the directory!**/
if ((fp = fopen (fullname, "w")) == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "\n\n\nError opening file %s/gnuplot.dat", cmd->pointers[0]->words[0]);
fprintf (fp, "set xrange [-0.5:%d.5]\n", d_a-1);
fprintf (fp, "set yrange [-0.5:%d.5]\n", d_b-1);
for (int X = 0; X < d_a; X++)
for (int Y = 0; Y < d_b; Y++) {
float X_dev = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X * d_b + Y];
float Y_dev = cmd->S_from1[1][ct_t][X * d_b + Y];
float norm = 1.0;
if (cmd->anz_from1 == 3)
norm = cmd->S_from1[2][ct_t][X * d_b + Y];
if (norm == 0.0)
norm = 1.0;
fprintf (fp, "set arrow from %d,%d to %f,%f\n", X, Y, X + scale * X_dev / norm, Y + scale * Y_dev / norm);
fprintf (fp, "set size 0.721,1.0\n");
fprintf (fp, "set nokey\n");
fprintf (fp, "plot -1\n");
fclose (fp);
fprintf (stderr, "\ngnuplot\n");
fprintf (stderr, "load \"%s/gnuplot.dat\"\n", cmd->pointers[0]->words[0]);
return (DOUBLE)0;
/****************************** total_dist_xy_middle *************************/
/* Returns the x,y-deviation (with sign) of the max act neuron to the middle.*/
/* q[0][0]/[1] scaling factor, vertical/horizontal along d_a/d_b */
DOUBLE total_dist_xy_middle (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int X, Y, X_winner = 0, Y_winner = 0;
double max_act = 0.0;
int d_a, d_b;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
if (cmd->anz_quantums != 1)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_dist_middle needs only q[0][0/1] - are you sure the input area sizes need to be given in addition? ");
if (cmd->anz_quant[0] != 2)
fprintf (stderr, "\nwrong no of quant in total_dist_middle");
if (A[cmd->area].d_n != 2) {
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_dist_middle must give values to 2 neurons!");
exit (1);
d_a = A[inarea].d_a;
d_b = A[inarea].d_b;
/**find winner**/
for (X = 0; X < d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < d_b; Y++)
if (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][Y + d_b * X] > max_act) {
max_act = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][Y + d_b * X];
X_winner = X;
Y_winner = Y;
/*fprintf (stderr, "\ndist %c: X_winner=%d dist=%.2f Y_winner=%d dist=%.2f ", cmd->b_target, X_winner, d_a*0.5 - X_winner, Y_winner, d_b*0.5 - Y_winner);*/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = ((double)(d_a)*0.5 - (double)(X_winner))
* cmd->quantum[0][0];
cmd->S_target[ct_t][1] = ((double)(d_b)*0.5 - (double)(Y_winner))
* cmd->quantum[0][1];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_rand ***********************************/
/* Like local rand but all neurons get same activation. */
DOUBLE total_rand (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int X, Y;
DOUBLE val, *par;
int area = cmd->area;
if (cmd->anz_quant[0] != 2)
fprintf (stderr, "\nwrong no of quant[0] in total_rand");
par = cmd->quantum[0];
val = par[0] + (par[1] - par[0]) * drand48();
for (X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = val;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/******************************* total_as_rand *******************************/
/* Like local_as_rand, but continues until at least one neuron is ON. */
/* par[0] scales input */
/* par[1] scales output (like sat) */
/* q[0][2]=2: per row, i.e. make sure that one in each row is ON */
/* Requires different output vector than input! */
DOUBLE total_as_rand (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int area = cmd->area;
int counter = 0;
int is_set = 0;
if (cmd->ch_target == cmd->ch_from1[0])
fprintf (stderr, "\n\n total_as_rand needs other target vector than source vector!\n");
if ((cmd->anz_quant[0] > 2) && (cmd->quantum[0][2]) == 2) {
/**make sure at least one unit _per_row_ is ON**/
for (int X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++) { /**for each row**/
is_set = 0;
counter = 0;
do {
for (int Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++)
if (drand48() < (cmd->quantum[0][0] * cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y])) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = cmd->quantum[0][1];
is_set += 1;
} else {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = 0.0;
counter += 1;
} while ((is_set == 0) && (counter < 1000)); /**until a unit is ON**/
/**swich random ones OFF _per_row_ until only one unit is ON**/
int on;
for (on = is_set; on > 1; ) {
int off = X * A[area].d_b + (int)(drand48() * A[area].d_b);
if (cmd->S_target[ct_t][off] == cmd->quantum[0][1]) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][off] = 0.0;
on -= 1;
} else {
/**make sure at least one unit is ON**/
is_set = 0;
counter = 0;
do {
for (int X = 0; X < A[area].d_a; X++)
for (int Y = 0; Y < A[area].d_b; Y++)
if (drand48() < (cmd->quantum[0][0] * cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y])) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = cmd->quantum[0][1];
is_set += 1;
} else {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X * A[area].d_b + Y] = 0.0;
counter += 1;
} while ((is_set == 0) && (counter < 1000));
/**swich random ones OFF until only one unit is ON
int on;
for (on = is_set; on > 1; ) {
int off = (int)(drand48() * A[area].d_n);
if (cmd->S_target[ct_t][off] == cmd->quantum[0][1]) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][off] = 0.0;
on -= 1;
if (counter > 500)
fprintf (stderr, "\n total_as_rand tried %d times and got %d result\n", counter, is_set);
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_any_nonzero ****************************/
/* Returns a cmd->pointer where int_val is 1 if any input unit is active. */
DOUBLE total_any_nonzero (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int nonzero = 0;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
for (int i = 0; i < A[inarea].d_n; ++i)
if (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] != 0.0)
nonzero = 1;
if (nonzero)
cmd->pointers[0]->int_val = 1;
cmd->pointers[0]->int_val = 0;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_pause **********************************/
/* wait / sleep / halt / continue after time cmd->quantum[0][0] milliseconds.*/
DOUBLE total_pause (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
//time_t now = time (NULL);
//do { *** nothing *** } while (time (NULL) < now + cmd->quantum[0][0]);
usleep ((long)(1000 * cmd->quantum[0][0]));
return (DOUBLE)(0);
MirrorBot Phonemes Phonemes
Word Sphinx/Festival CEDEX
======= ======================= ===========
BACKWARD B AE K W AXR D b & k w @ d
BALL B AO L b O: l
BLACK B L AE K b l & k
BLUE B L UW b l u:
BOT B AA T b O t
BROWN B R AW N b r a U n
CAT K AE T k & t
CUP K AH P k V p
DESK D EH S K d E s k
DOG D AO G d O g
DOWN D AW N d a U n
DROP D R AA P d r O p
DROP(2) D R AO P d r O p
GO G OW g @ U
LEFT L EH F T l E f t
LIFT L IH F T l I f t
MOVE M UW V m u: v
NUT N AH T n V t
PLUM P L AH M p l V m
PUT P UH T p U t
RIGHT R AY T r a I t
SAM S AE M s & m
STOP S T AA P s t O p
TURN T ER N t 3: n
WALL W AO L w O: l
WHITE HH W AY T h w a I t
WHITE(2) W AY T w a I t
#define word_length 4 /**4 or 6 undefined after total_behaviour !!! **/
/****************************** phoneme2array ********************************/
/* not a simulator function */
/* used in total behaviour, for language input as Andreas Knoblauch does */
DOUBLE phoneme2array (char *first, char *second, char *third,
char *fourth, char *fifth, char *sixth, DOUBLE *target) {
#define num_phonemes 39
char *phonemes[num_phonemes] = {"AA", "AE", "AH", "AO", "AW", "AY",
"B", "CH", "D", "DH", "EH", "ER", "EY", "F", "G", "HH", "IH", "IY",
"JH", "K", "L", "M", "N", "NG", "OW", "OY", "P", "R", "S", "SH",
"T", "TH", "UH", "UW", "V", "W", "Y", "Z", "ZH"};
int j;
for (j = 0; j < num_phonemes; ++j) {
if (! strcmp (first, phonemes[j]))
target[j] = 1.0;
target[j] = 0.0;
if (! strcmp (second, phonemes[j]))
target[j + num_phonemes] = 1.0;
target[j + num_phonemes] = 0.0;
if (! strcmp (third, phonemes[j]))
target[j + 2 * num_phonemes] = 1.0;
target[j + 2 * num_phonemes] = 0.0;
if (! strcmp (fourth, phonemes[j]))
target[j + 3 * num_phonemes] = 1.0;
target[j + 3 * num_phonemes] = 0.0;
if (word_length > 4) {
if (! strcmp (fifth, phonemes[j]))
target[j + 4 * num_phonemes] = 1.0;
target[j + 4 * num_phonemes] = 0.0;
if (! strcmp (sixth, phonemes[j]))
target[j + 5 * num_phonemes] = 1.0;
target[j + 5 * num_phonemes] = 0.0;
#undef num_phonemes
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/******************************* CEDEX2array *********************************/
/* not a simulator function */
/* used in total behaviour, for language input as Fermin / Andreas does */
DOUBLE CEDEX2array (char *first, char *second, char *third,
char *fourth, char *fifth, char *sixth, DOUBLE *target) {
#define num_phonemes 46
#define phoneme_dim 20
char *phonemes[num_phonemes] = {"p", "b", "t", "d", "k", "g", "N", "m",
"n", "l", "r", "f", "v", "T", "D", "s", "z", "S", "Z", "j", "x", "h", "w",
"tS", "dZ", "N,", "m,", "n,", "l,", "r*", "I", "E", "&", "V", "O", "U",
"@", "i", "A", "u", "3", "e", "a", "&~", "O~", "A~"};
int ivector[num_phonemes][phoneme_dim] = {
int i, j, k;
/**init with zero**/
for (i = 0; i < word_length * phoneme_dim; ++i)
target[i] = 0.0;
for (j = 0; j < num_phonemes; ++j) {
if (! strcmp (first, phonemes[j]))
for (k = 0; k < phoneme_dim; ++k)
target[0 * phoneme_dim + k] = ivector[j][k];
if (! strcmp (second, phonemes[j]))
for (k = 0; k < phoneme_dim; ++k)
target[1 * phoneme_dim + k] = ivector[j][k];
if (! strcmp (third, phonemes[j]))
for (k = 0; k < phoneme_dim; ++k)
target[2 * phoneme_dim + k] = ivector[j][k];
if (! strcmp (fourth, phonemes[j]))
for (k = 0; k < phoneme_dim; ++k)
target[3 * phoneme_dim + k] = ivector[j][k];
if (word_length > 4) {
if (! strcmp (fifth, phonemes[j]))
for (k = 0; k < phoneme_dim; ++k)
target[4 * phoneme_dim + k] = ivector[j][k];
if (! strcmp (sixth, phonemes[j]))
for (k = 0; k < phoneme_dim; ++k)
target[5 * phoneme_dim + k] = ivector[j][k];
#undef num_phonemes
#undef phoneme_dim
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** settargetangle *******************************/
/* not a simulator function */
/* used in total behaviour, for wander/carry to bounce off walls */
double settargetangle (double a, double b) {
double randval = drand48();
double prob_to_turn_randomly = 0.0; /**see also below!**/
if (randval < prob_to_turn_randomly)
return (a + drand48() * (b - a));
return b;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_behaviour ******************************/
DOUBLE total_behaviour (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int area = cmd->area;
double x = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][0];
double y = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][1];
double phi = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][2];
double gripopen = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][3];
double gripheight = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][4];
double proximity;
const double pi = 3.1415926535;
double newphi = (180/pi) * phi;
const double epsangle = 0.11 * 180 / pi;
if (fabs(newphi) > 180)
fprintf (stderr, "\nwarning: phi has unexpected values!\n");
double d = sqrt (x*x + y*y); /**distance to target (also == a*a + b*b)**/
double theta = atan (y/x) - phi; /**seen angle to target in visual field**/
double a = (double)(16) - d * cos (theta);
double b = (double)(24) / 2.0 + d * sin (theta);
int motor = cmd->quantum[0][0] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
int vision = cmd->quantum[0][0] == 2 ? 1 : 0;
int gripper = cmd->quantum[0][0] == 3 ? 1 : 0;
int language = cmd->quantum[0][0] == 4 ? 1 : 0;
int reinforce = cmd->quantum[0][0] == 5 ? 1 : 0;
static int counter = 0;
enum Behaviour {wander, docking, grasp, carry, put, release};
static Behaviour behaviour = wander;
static Behaviour behavioursuggestion = wander;
/* non-static used for performance test in 32.EpiRob04_testperformance.enr:
Behaviour behaviour = docking;
Behaviour behavioursuggestion = docking;
const double avoidancedistance = 5.0;
const double ywall = 28 - 1; /*16;*/ /**if values change then**/
const double xwall = 56 + 10; /*48;*/ /**check also above and below!**/
/**new: second argument restricts the selection of allowed behaviours**/
int num_allowed_behaviours = (cmd->anz_quantums == 1) ? 6 : cmd->anz_quant[1];
int allowed_behaviours[6];
for (int i = 0; i < num_allowed_behaviours; ++i) {
if (num_allowed_behaviours < 6)
allowed_behaviours[i] = (int)(cmd->quantum[1][i]);
allowed_behaviours[i] = i;
/**set output to zero as default**/
for (int ct_n = 0; ct_n < A[area].d_n; ++ct_n)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][ct_n] = 0.0;
if (gripper)
if ((A[area].d_n != 5) && (A[area].d_n != 0)) /**correct target area size?**/
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_behaviour: gripper area has incorrect size!\n");
if (motor) {
/**two areas as input? (second is motor for copying)**/
if (cmd->anz_from1 != 2)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_behaviour: need 2 anz_from1!\n");
/**second input area == target area?**/
if (cmd->n_from1[1] != cmd->area)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_behaviour: different areas! (wrong here)\n");
/**size of current (target) area == size of (second) input area?**/
if ((A[area].d_n) != (A[cmd->n_from1[1]].d_n))
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_behaviour: incompatible area sizes!\n");
if (behaviour == docking) { /**coordinate origin visible AND angle in interval -45...45 deg <-- consider somehow !!!**/
int timeout = 200;
static int total_time = 0;
total_time += 1;
if (motor) {
if (total_time < timeout)
for (int ct_n = 0; ct_n < A[area].d_n; ++ct_n)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][ct_n] = cmd->S_from1[1][ct_t][ct_n]; /**overtake docking wheel motor command**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = 1.0; /**turn for a while if timeout**/
if (gripper) {
if (gripopen == 0.0)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][1] = 1.0; /**open gripper if closed**/
if (gripheight > 0.5)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = 1.0; /**lower gripper to table height**/
if (language) {
if (A[area].d_n == word_length * 39)
phoneme2array ("P", "IH", "K", "-", "-", "-", cmd->S_target[ct_t]);
if (A[area].d_n == word_length * 20)
CEDEX2array ("p", "I", "k", "-", "-", "-", cmd->S_target[ct_t]);
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_b; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][1 * A[area].d_b + i] = 1.0; /**behaviour report to language**/
} /**low level action reports are same for all behaviours -- see below**/
if ((x < 3) && (fabs(y) < 4)) { /**at fruit, analogeously to break-beam**/
if (gripper)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][5] = 1.0; /**break-beam sensor, just at last time step**/
behavioursuggestion = grasp;
total_time = 0;
if (x < 1) { /**avoid robot catastrophe**/
behavioursuggestion = grasp;
total_time = 0;
if (a < 0 || b < 0 || a >= 16 || b >= 24) { /**orange is not visible**/
behavioursuggestion = wander;
total_time = 0;
if (total_time > timeout + 20) { /**if timeout**/
behavioursuggestion = wander;
total_time = 0;
fprintf (stderr, "\ntimeout in docking; x=%f, y=%f, phi=%f ", x, y, phi);
else if (behaviour == grasp) {
if (gripper) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = 1.0; /**close gripper**/
if (gripheight < 1.0)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] = 1.0; /**lift gripper**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][5] = 1.0; /**break-beam sensor**/
if (motor) {
static int dotime = 0;
static int dotimemax = 20 + (int)(drand48() * 10.0); /**changed to 10 from 20 !!!**/
double prob_to_turn_randomly = 0.0; /**see also above!**/
//go backward 30cm (10 pixels)
/* if (dotime < 16) { */
if (x < 14) { /**new: start turning at a certain distance, not after certain time !!!**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][1] = 1.0; /**go backward**/
} else {
if (newphi > 0)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] = 1.0; /**turn right**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = 1.0; /**turn left**/
dotime += 1;
if (dotime >= dotimemax) {
behavioursuggestion = carry; /**transition to carrybehaviour**/
if (num_allowed_behaviours == 3)
behavioursuggestion = wander; /*** !!! THIS OVERRIDES THE SIX BEHAVIOURS SO THAT ONLY THREE ARE USED !!! ***/
dotime = 0;
if (drand48() < prob_to_turn_randomly)
dotimemax = 20 + (int)(drand48() * 20.0);
dotimemax = 40;
if (language) {
if (A[area].d_n == word_length * 39)
phoneme2array ("L", "IH", "F", "T", "-", "-", cmd->S_target[ct_t]);
if (A[area].d_n == word_length * 20)
CEDEX2array ("l", "I", "f", "t", "-", "-", cmd->S_target[ct_t]);
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_b; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2 * A[area].d_b + i] = 1.0; /**behaviour report to language**/
else if (behaviour == put) {
//(coordinate origin visible AND angle in zone)
static int total_time = 0;
total_time += 1;
if (motor) {
if (total_time < 1000)
for (int ct_n = 0; ct_n < A[area].d_n; ++ct_n)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][ct_n] = cmd->S_from1[1][ct_t][ct_n]; /**overtake docking wheel motor command**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = 1.0; /**turn for a while if timeout**/
if (gripper) {
if (gripheight > 0.5)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = 1.0; /**lower gripper to table height**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][5] = 1.0; /**break-beam sensor**/
if (language)
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_b; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][4 * A[area].d_b + i] = 1.0; /**behaviour report to language**/
/**grasping at coordinate origin**/
if ((x < 3) && (fabs(y) < 4)) { /*at fruit, analogeously to break-beam*/
behavioursuggestion = release;
if (x < 1) { /**avoid robot catastrophe**/
behavioursuggestion = release;
if (a < 0 || b < 0 || a >= 16 || b >= 24) { /**target is not visible**/
behavioursuggestion = carry;
if (total_time > 1020) { /**if timeout**/
behavioursuggestion = carry;
total_time = 0;
fprintf (stderr, "\ntimeout in put; x=%f, y=%f, phi=%f ", x, y, phi);
else if (behaviour == release) {
if (gripper) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][1] = 1.0; /**open gripper**/
if (gripheight < 1.0)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] = 1.0; /**lift gripper**/
if (motor) {
static int dotime = 0;
static int dotimemax = 20 + (int)(drand48() * 40.0);
//go backward 30cm (10 pixels)
if (dotime < 16)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][1] = 1.0; /**go backward**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] = 1.0;
dotime += 1;
if (dotime >= dotimemax) {
behavioursuggestion = wander; /**transition to carrybehaviour**/
dotime = 0;
dotimemax = 20 + (int)(drand48() * 40.0);
if (language)
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_b; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][5 * A[area].d_b + i] = 1.0; /**behaviour report to language**/
else if (behaviour == wander || behaviour == carry) {
if (motor) {
int flag = 0;
if ((x < avoidancedistance) && ((ywall - fabs(y)) < avoidancedistance) && (y < 0.0)) { /**robot near front wall and near right wall**/
/* fprintf (stderr, "\n near front wall and near right wall"); */
static double targetangle = -135;
static int turning = 0;
if (newphi > 0 && newphi < 180)
turning = 1;
else if (newphi > -90 && newphi <= 0)
turning = -1;
if (fabs (newphi - targetangle) < epsangle) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = 1.0; /**go forward **/
turning = 0;
if (turning == 1) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] = 1.0; /**turn right**/
flag = 1;
if (turning == -1) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = 1.0; /**turn left**/
flag = 1;
/* fprintf (stderr, "\nturning=%d, flag=%d, targetangle=%.2f x=%f, y=%f, phi=%f", turning, flag, targetangle, x, y, phi); */
else if ((x < avoidancedistance) && ((ywall - fabs (y)) < avoidancedistance) && (y > 0.0)) { /**robot near front wall and left wall**/
/* fprintf (stderr, "\n near front wall and left wall"); */
static double targetangle = 135; /** Turn until reach 135 degrees **/
static int turning = 0;
if (newphi > 0 && newphi < 90)
turning = 1;
else if (newphi > -180 && newphi <= 0)
turning = -1;
if (fabs (newphi - targetangle) < epsangle) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = 1.0; /**go forward **/
turning = 0;
if (turning == 1) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] = 1.0; /**turn right**/
flag = 1;
if (turning == -1) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = 1.0; /**turn left**/
flag = 1;
/* fprintf (stderr, "\nturning=%d, flag=%d, targetangle=%.2f x=%f, y=%f, phi=%f", turning, flag, targetangle, x, y, phi); */
else if (((xwall - x) < avoidancedistance) && ((ywall - fabs(y)) < avoidancedistance) && (y < 0.0)) { /**robot near end wall and right wall**/
/* fprintf (stderr, "\n near end wall and right wall"); */
static double targetangle = 45;
static int turning = 0;
if ((newphi <= -90.0) && (newphi >= -180.0))
turning = 1;
else if ((newphi >= 0) && (newphi <= 180.0))
turning = -1;
if (fabs (newphi - targetangle) < epsangle) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = 1.0; /** go forward **/
turning = 0;
if (turning == 1) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] = 1.0; /**turn right once**/
flag = 1;
if (turning == -1) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = 1.0; /**turn left**/
flag = 1;
else if (((xwall - x) < avoidancedistance) && ((ywall - fabs (y)) < avoidancedistance) && (y > 0.0)){ /**robot near end wall and left wall**/
/* fprintf (stderr, "\n near end wall and left wall"); */
static double targetangle = -45;
static int turning = 0;
if ((newphi <= 0) && (newphi >= -180.0))
turning = 1;
else if ((newphi >= 90.0) && (newphi <= 180.0))
turning = -1;
if (fabs (newphi - targetangle) < epsangle) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = 1.0; /** go forward **/
turning = 0;
if (turning == 1) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] = 1.0; /**turn right once**/
flag = 1;
if (turning == -1) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = 1.0; /**turn left**/
flag = 1;
else if (x < avoidancedistance) { /**robot near front wall**/
/* fprintf (stderr, "\n near front wall "); */
static double targetangle; /* = (drand48() > 0.5) ? 95.0 + drand48() * 85.0 : -95.0 - drand48() * 85.0; */
static int turning = 0;
if (newphi > 0 && newphi < 90) {
turning = 1;
targetangle = settargetangle (90, 120);
else if (newphi > -90 && newphi <= 0) {
turning = -1;
targetangle = settargetangle (-90, -120);
if (fabs (newphi - targetangle) < epsangle) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = 1.0; /**go forward **/
turning = 0;
if (turning == 1) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] = 1.0; /**turn right**/
flag = 1;
if (turning == -1) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = 1.0; /**turn left**/
flag = 1;
/* fprintf (stderr, "\nturning=%d, flag=%d, targetangle=%.2f x=%f, y=%f, phi=%f", turning, flag, targetangle, x, y, phi); */
else if ((xwall - x) < avoidancedistance ){ /**robot near end wall**/
/* fprintf (stderr, "\n near end wall "); */
static double targetangle; /* = -85.0 + 170.0 * drand48(); */
static int turning = 0;
if ((newphi <= -90.0) && (newphi >= -180.0)) {
turning = 1;
targetangle = settargetangle (-90, -60);
else if ((newphi >= 90.0) && (newphi <= 180.0)) {
turning = -1;
targetangle = settargetangle (90, 60);
if (fabs (newphi - targetangle) < epsangle) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = 1.0; /** go forward **/
turning = 0;
if (turning == 1) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] = 1.0; /**turn right once**/
flag = 1;
if (turning == -1) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = 1.0; /**turn left**/
flag = 1;
else if (((ywall - fabs(y)) < avoidancedistance) && (y < 0.0)) { /**robot near right wall**/
/* fprintf (stderr, "\n near right wall "); */
static double targetangle; /* = -5.0 - 170.0 * drand48(); */
static int turning = 0;
if ((newphi >= 0.0) && (newphi < 90.0)) {
turning = -1;
targetangle = settargetangle (0, -30);
else if ((newphi >= 90.0) && (newphi <= 180.0)) {
turning = 1;
targetangle = settargetangle (-180, -150);
if (fabs (newphi - targetangle) < epsangle) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = 1.0; /** go forward **/
turning = 0;
if (turning == 1) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] = 1.0; /**turn right**/
flag = 1;
if (turning == -1) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = 1.0; /**turn left**/
flag = 1;
else if (((ywall - fabs (y)) < avoidancedistance) && (y > 0.0)) { /**robot near left wall**/
/* fprintf (stderr, "\n near left wall "); */
static double targetangle; /* = 5.0 + 170.0 * drand48(); */
static int turning = 0;
if ((newphi < -90.0) && (newphi >= -180.0)) {
turning = -1;
targetangle = settargetangle (180, 150);
if ((newphi >= -90.0) && (newphi <= 0.0)) {
turning = 1;
targetangle = settargetangle (0, 30);
if (fabs (newphi - targetangle) < epsangle) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = 1.0; /** go forward **/
turning = 0;
if (turning == 1) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] = 1.0; /**turn right**/
flag = 1;
if (turning == -1) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = 1.0; /**turn left**/
flag = 1;
if (flag == 0)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = 1.0; /** go forward **/
/**don't allow forward AND turn -- then only turn**/
if (cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] == 1.0 && (cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] == 1.0 || cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] == 1.0))
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = 0.0;
if (gripper) {
if (behaviour == carry){
cmd->S_target[ct_t][4] = 1.0; /**set break-beam sensor**/
if (behaviour == wander) {
/** if (fabs (newphi) < 45 && a >= 0 && a < 16 && b >= 0 && b < 24) **/ /**for normal mode, i.e. goto docking if orange visible**/
/** !!! CHANGE THIS BACK !!! **/
/**/ if ((x > ywall - y) || (x > y + ywall) || (x > xwall / 2)) /**/ /**for "jump" mode, i.e. goto docking if gone away from wall (no physical coherence)**/
/**front wall is NOT closest anymore**/
behavioursuggestion = docking;
if (language) {
if (A[area].d_n == word_length * 39)
phoneme2array ("G", "OW", "-", "-", "-", "-", cmd->S_target[ct_t]);
if (A[area].d_n == word_length * 20)
CEDEX2array ("g", "@", "U", "-", "-", "-", cmd->S_target[ct_t]);
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_b; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0 * A[area].d_b + i] = 1.0; /**behaviour report to language**/
if (behaviour == carry) {
if (fabs (newphi) < 45 && a >= 0 && a < 16 && b >= 0 && b < 24)
behavioursuggestion = put;
if (language) {
if (A[area].d_n == word_length * 39)
phoneme2array ("G", "OW", "-", "-", "-", "-", cmd->S_target[ct_t]);
if (A[area].d_n == word_length * 20)
CEDEX2array ("g", "@", "U", "-", "-", "-", cmd->S_target[ct_t]);
else {
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_b; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3 * A[area].d_b + i] = 1.0; /**behaviour report to language**/
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_b; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0 * A[area].d_b + i] = 1.0; /** !!! !!! TEMPORARY !!! CARRY == WANDER + CARRY !!! !!! **/
/**vision is outside of any behaviour**/
if (vision) {
/**orange-proximity, approach-speed, depart-speed, x, y_left, y_right**/
static double old_distance = d;
proximity=(-1.0/16.0)*d+1.0; /** proximity will be between 0 and 1**/
double speed = d - old_distance;
old_distance = d;
if (proximity<0.0)
proximity = 0.0; /** if orange cannot be seen proximity will be set again to 0 **/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = proximity; /** proximity **/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][1] = (d / 16.0) > 1.0 ? 1.0 : (d / 16.0); /** scaled and cut distance **/
if (speed > 0)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] = speed;
else if (speed < 0)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = -speed;
cmd->S_target[ct_t][4] = x / xwall; /** scale x between 0 and 1 **/
if (y > 0)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][5] = y / ywall; /** scale y between 0 and 1 **/
else if (y < 0)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][6] = -y / ywall; /** scale y between 0 and 1 **/
/**low level action reports -- outside of any behaviour**/
if (language) {
if ((A[area].d_a > 6) && (A[area].d_n != word_length * 39) && (A[area].d_n != word_length * 20)) { /**don't write low-level action reports if phoneme coding!!!**/
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][6 + i] = cmd->S_from1[1][ct_t][i]; /**the 4 wheel motor actions**/
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][10 + i] = cmd->S_from1[2][ct_t][i]; /**the 4 gripper actions**/
/**for the "reinforcement signal", value area; notify that a transition is made by giving a "reward"**/
if (reinforce) {
if (behavioursuggestion != behaviour) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = 1.0;
fprintf (stderr, "setting reinforcement");
} else {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = 0.0;
if (counter == 4) {
/**exit if escape from arena**/
if ((fabs (x) > xwall) || (fabs (y) > ywall))
fprintf (stderr, "\nRobot escaped! behaviour=%d behavioursuggestion=%d, x=%f, y=%f, phi=%f", behaviour, behavioursuggestion, x, y, phi);
if ((fabs (x) > xwall + avoidancedistance) || (fabs (y) > ywall + avoidancedistance))
exit (1);
/**for restricted list of behaviours -- here only allow transitions between wander and docking**/
int behaviour_is_allowed = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_allowed_behaviours; ++i)
if (behavioursuggestion == allowed_behaviours[i])
behaviour_is_allowed = 1;
if (num_allowed_behaviours == 2)
if (behaviour_is_allowed == 0) {
if (behaviour == docking)
behavioursuggestion = wander;
if (behaviour == wander)
behavioursuggestion = docking;
if (num_allowed_behaviours == 1)
if (allowed_behaviours[0] == 0)
behavioursuggestion = wander;
if (allowed_behaviours[0] == 1)
behavioursuggestion = docking;
if (behavioursuggestion != behaviour)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntransition from behav %d to behav %d", behaviour, behavioursuggestion);
behaviour = behavioursuggestion;
counter = 0;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
#undef word_length
/****************************** total_real_world *****************************/
DOUBLE total_real_world (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
double x = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][0];
double y = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][1];
double phi = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][2];
double gripperheight = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][4];
double advance = 0.0;
double phi_advance = 0.0;
const double pi = 3.1415926535;
/**change the position randomly to avoid deadlocks during docking**/
x += -0.05 * drand48() * 0.1;
y += -0.05 * drand48() * 0.1;
fprintf (stderr, "\nt_r_w: x=%.2f y=%.2f phi=%.2f ", x, y, phi);
fprintf (stderr, "f=%.2f b=%.2f l=%.2f r=%.2f ", cmd->S_from1[1][ct_t][0], cmd->S_from1[1][ct_t][1], cmd->S_from1[1][ct_t][2], cmd->S_from1[1][ct_t][3]);
if (cmd->S_from1[1][ct_t][0] == 1.0)
advance = cmd->quantum[0][0];
if (cmd->S_from1[1][ct_t][1] == 1.0)
advance = -1.0 * cmd->quantum[0][0];
if (cmd->S_from1[1][ct_t][2] == 1.0)
phi_advance = cmd->quantum[0][1];
if (cmd->S_from1[1][ct_t][3] == 1.0)
phi_advance = -1.0 * cmd->quantum[0][1];
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = x - cos (phi) * advance; /**distance to table**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][1] = y - sin (phi) * advance; /**lateral offset **/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] = phi + phi_advance; /**angle **/
if (cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] > pi)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] -= 2.0 * pi;
if (cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] < -pi)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] += 2.0 * pi;
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][3];
if (cmd->S_from1[2][ct_t][0] == 1.0) /**closing gripper action**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = 0.0; /**gripperopen = 0**/
if (cmd->S_from1[2][ct_t][1] == 1.0) /**opening gripper action**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = 1.0; /**gripperopen = 1**/
if (cmd->S_from1[2][ct_t][2] == 1.0) /**lifting gripper action**/
gripperheight += 0.1; /**lifting speed**/
if (cmd->S_from1[2][ct_t][3] == 1.0) /**lowering gripper action**/
gripperheight -= 0.1; /**lowering speed (relevant only whether 0.5)**/
/**just in case ...; should never be executed**/
if (gripperheight > 1.1) {
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_real_world finds too high gripperheight!\n");
gripperheight = 1.0;
cmd->S_target[ct_t][4] = gripperheight;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_init_behaviour *************************/
/* initialize in the real world */
DOUBLE total_init_behaviour (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = 15.0; /**x**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][1] = -5.0 + drand48() * 10.0; /**y**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] = 0.0; /**phi**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = 1.0; /**gripperopen**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][4] = 0.75; /**0.75**/
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_high_vision ****************************/
/* From total_imag_coord; Compute high-level vision input given (x,y,phi). */
DOUBLE total_high_vision (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
double x = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][0];
double y = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][1];
double d = sqrt (x*x + y*y);
double d_max = sqrt (12*12 + 16*16);
double phi = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][2];
double theta = atan (y/x) - phi;
int area = cmd->area;
if (A[area].d_b == 1) {
if ((A[area].d_n != 7) && (A[area].d_n != 10) && (A[area].d_n != 12))
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_high_vision: wrong dimensions!\n\n\n");
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = 1.0 - d / d_max; /**orange-proximity**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][1] = d / d_max; /**orange-distance**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][2] = 0.0; /**approach-speed**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][3] = 0.0; /**leaving-speed**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][4] = x / 16.0; /**x/xwall**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][5] = (y > 0) ? y / 12.0 : 0.0; /**y/ywall**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][6] = (y < 0) ? -y / 12.0 : 0.0; /**-y/ywall**/
if (A[area].d_n == 10) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][7] = 1.0 - cmd->S_target[ct_t][4]; /**next also first: 1-x/xwall**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][8] = 1.0 - cmd->S_target[ct_t][5]; /**1-y/ywall**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][9] = 1.0 - cmd->S_target[ct_t][6]; /**1--y/ywall**/
if (A[area].d_n == 12) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][10] = (theta < 0.0) ? -theta / 1.5707963 : 0.0; /**orange-to-left**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][11] = (theta > 0.0) ? theta / 1.5707963 : 0.0; /**orange-to-right**/
if ((A[area].d_b == 2) || (A[area].d_b == 3) || (A[area].d_b == 4)) {
double sigma = 3.0; /** !!! was 1.0 !!! **/
for (int a = 0; a < A[area].d_a; a++) {
double diffA = 999;
double diffB = 999;
double x_max = 16;
double y_max = 24;
double theta_max = 1.5707963;
/**all non-periodic boundary**/
/**absolute x-coordinate**/
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 2) {
diffA = (double)(a) - (x/x_max * (double)(A[area].d_a)); /**using x_max designed after retina for docking**/
diffB = (double)(a) - ((y+y_max)/(2.0*y_max) * (double)(A[area].d_a));
} else {
/**relative x-coordinate to nearest wall**/
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] != 3)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_high_vision wants proper paramter\n");
const double ywall = 28 - 1; /*16;*/ /**if values change then**/
const double xwall = 56 + 10; /*48;*/ /**check also 2 occurrences above!**/
/**front wall is closest**/
if ((x < ywall - y) && (x < y + ywall) && (x < xwall / 2)) {
diffA = (double)(a) - (x/xwall * 2.0) * (double)(A[area].d_a); /**using xwall designed after arena for wander; x < xwall/2 in this part of the arena**/
diffB = (double)(a) - ((y/ywall)/2.0+0.5) * (double)(A[area].d_a);
/**end wall is closest**/
if ((xwall - x < ywall - y) && (xwall - x < y + ywall) && (x > xwall / 2)) {
diffA = (double)(a) - (1.0 - (x/xwall - 0.5) * 2.0) * (double)(A[area].d_a); /**x > xwall/2 in end half of arena**/
diffB = (double)(a) - (1.0 - ((y/ywall)/2.0+0.5)) * (double)(A[area].d_a);
/**left wall is closest**/
if ((x > ywall - y) && (xwall - x > ywall - y) && (y > 0.0)) {
diffA = (double)(a) - (ywall - y)/ywall * (double)(A[area].d_a); /**y/Xwall makes sense only if xwall>2ywall! Use y/Ywall to use all neurons**/
diffB = (double)(a) - (x/xwall) * (double)(A[area].d_a);
/**right wall is closest**/
if ((x > y + ywall) && (xwall - x > y + ywall) && (y < 0.0)) {
diffA = (double)(a) - (ywall + y)/ywall * (double)(A[area].d_a); /**y < 0 in this part of the arena**/
diffB = (double)(a) - (1.0 - x/xwall) * (double)(A[area].d_a);
if (diffA == 999)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_high_vision warning: diffA not set!");
cmd->S_target[ct_t][a * A[area].d_b + 0] = exp (-0.5 * (diffA*diffA) / (sigma*sigma));
cmd->S_target[ct_t][a * A[area].d_b + 1] = exp (-0.5 * (diffB*diffB) / (sigma*sigma));
if (A[area].d_b >= 3) {
diffA = (double)(a) - (d/d_max * (double)(A[area].d_a));
cmd->S_target[ct_t][a * A[area].d_b + 2] = exp (-0.5 * (diffA*diffA) / (sigma*sigma));
/**theta (visually perceived angle)**/
if (A[area].d_b == 4) {
diffA = (double)(a) - ((theta+theta_max)/(2.0*theta_max) * (double)(A[area].d_a));
cmd->S_target[ct_t][a * A[area].d_b + 3] = exp (-0.5 * (diffA*diffA) / (sigma*sigma));
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_mult_const_if **************************/
/* Multiply by q[0][0] if any activation in input area is non-zero. */
DOUBLE total_mult_const_if (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int scale_condition = 0;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
int comparea = cmd->n_from2[0];
if (inarea != cmd->area)
fprintf (stderr, "\nwrong use of total_mult_const_if!\n");
for (int i = 0; i < A[comparea].d_n; ++i)
if (cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][i] != 0.0)
scale_condition = 1;
if (scale_condition)
fprintf (stderr, "s");
if (scale_condition)
for (int i = 0; i < A[inarea].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] * cmd->quantum[0][0];
for (int i = 0; i < A[inarea].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i]; /**NOT YET TESTED!!!**/
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_set_nth ********************************/
/* Set the q[0][j] units to q[1][0] or q[1][j]. */
/* E.g. quantums like: "3+5, 1.0" sets units indexed 3 and 5 to 1.0. */
/* or: "3+5, 1.0+0.5" sets unit 3 to 1.0 and unit 5 to 0.5. */
DOUBLE total_set_nth (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int area = cmd->area;
for (int j = 0; j < cmd->anz_quant[0]; ++j)
if ((int)(cmd->quantum[0][j]) >= A[area].d_n)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_set_nth: n larger than area size!\n");
if ((cmd->anz_quant[1] != 1) && (cmd->anz_quant[1] != cmd->anz_quant[0]))
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_set_nth: anz_quant[1,0] inconsistent!\n");
/**does NOT anymore init (the others) to zero**/
/**set values**/
if (cmd->anz_quant[1] == 1) /**all get same value**/
for (int j = 0; j < cmd->anz_quant[0]; ++j)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][(int)(cmd->quantum[0][j])] = cmd->quantum[1][0];
else /**each gets indiviual value**/
for (int j = 0; j < cmd->anz_quant[0]; ++j)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][(int)(cmd->quantum[0][j])] = cmd->quantum[1][j];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_swap_nth *******************************/
/* Swap the indeces from S_from1 and write result to S_target. */
/* Act's with index q[j][0] and q[j][1] are swapped. */
/* E.g. quantums: "0+3, 1+2" swaps the act's of unit 0 with 3 and 1 with 2. */
DOUBLE total_swap_nth (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int area = cmd->area;
for (int j = 0; j < cmd->anz_quantums; ++j) {
if ((int)(cmd->anz_quant[j]) != 2)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_swap_nth: wrong usage!\n");
if (((int)(cmd->quantum[j][0]) >= A[area].d_n) || ((int)(cmd->quantum[j][1]) >= A[area].d_n))
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_swap_nth: n larger than area size!\n");
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
/**swap values -- use temporary values so that same source and target is possible**/
for (int j = 0; j < cmd->anz_quantums; ++j) {
int left_idx = (int)(cmd->quantum[j][0]);
int right_idx = (int)(cmd->quantum[j][1]);
DOUBLE left_val = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][left_idx];
DOUBLE right_val = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][right_idx];
cmd->S_target[ct_t][left_idx] = right_val;
cmd->S_target[ct_t][right_idx] = left_val;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_copy_nth *******************************/
/* Copies acts with indeces given from S_from1 to S_target. */
/* E.g. quantums "0+3" copys act's of units 0,3 from S_from1 to S_target. */
/* In special mode, e.g. quantums "0+3, 1+2" copies acts 0->1 and 3->2. */
DOUBLE total_copy_nth (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int area = cmd->area;
/**normal mode: unit indexes are the same for source and target**/
if (cmd->anz_quantums == 1) {
for (int j = 0; j < cmd->anz_quant[0]; ++j) {
if ((int)(cmd->quantum[0][j]) >= A[area].d_n)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_copy_nth: n larger than area size!\n");
/**copy values**/
for (int j = 0; j < cmd->anz_quant[0]; ++j)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][(int)(cmd->quantum[0][j])] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][(int)(cmd->quantum[0][j])];
/**special mode: individual indexes for source and target**/
if (cmd->anz_quantums == 2) {
/**no checking at all!**/
/**copy values**/
for (int j = 0; j < cmd->anz_quant[0]; ++j)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][(int)(cmd->quantum[1][j])] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][(int)(cmd->quantum[0][j])];
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_rand_nth *******************************/
/* Set units q[0][j] to rand between q[1][j] .. q[2][j], all others to zero. */
/* E.g. quantums like: "0+2, 0+-3.1415, 1+3.1415" */
/* sets unit 0 between 0 .. 1 and unit 2 between -PI .. PI (and unit 1 to 0).*/
DOUBLE total_rand_nth (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int area = cmd->area;
for (int j = 0; j < cmd->anz_quant[0]; ++j)
if ((int)(cmd->quantum[0][j]) >= A[area].d_n)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_rand_nth: n larger than area size!\n");
if ((cmd->anz_quant[1] != cmd->anz_quant[0]) || (cmd->anz_quant[2] != cmd->anz_quant[0]))
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_rand_nth: anz_quant[1,0] or anz_quant[2,0] inconsistent!\n");
/**init to zero**/
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = 0.0;
/**set values**/
for (int j = 0; j < cmd->anz_quant[0]; ++j)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][(int)(cmd->quantum[0][j])] = cmd->quantum[1][j]
+ drand48() * (cmd->quantum[2][j] - cmd->quantum[1][j]);
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_compare_with ***************************/
/* Tests whether S_from1[0] and S_from1[1] match the same of S_from1[1..n]. */
/* (Used to check whether behaviours are recognised correctly by language.) */
/* Writes to stderr every then and when. Dummy target. */
DOUBLE total_compare_with (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
if (cmd->anz_from1 != 2)
fprintf (stderr, "\nwrong use of total_compare_with\n");
int area = cmd->area;
double dist_min;
int best_match_0 = 999, best_match_1 = 998;
static int matches[10] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
static int mismatches[10][10] = {{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
static int count = 0;
dist_min = 999999999.0;
for (int ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from2; ++ct_l) {
double dist = 0.0;
for (int ct_n = 0; ct_n < A[area].d_n; ++ct_n) {
dist += (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n] - cmd->S_from2[ct_l][ct_t][ct_n])
* (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n] - cmd->S_from2[ct_l][ct_t][ct_n]);
if (dist < dist_min) {
dist_min = dist;
best_match_0 = ct_l;
dist_min = 999999999.0;
for (int ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from2; ++ct_l) {
double dist = 0.0;
for (int ct_n = 0; ct_n < A[area].d_n; ++ct_n) {
dist += (cmd->S_from1[1][ct_t][ct_n] - cmd->S_from2[ct_l][ct_t][ct_n])
* (cmd->S_from1[1][ct_t][ct_n] - cmd->S_from2[ct_l][ct_t][ct_n]);
if (dist < dist_min) {
dist_min = dist;
best_match_1 = ct_l;
for (int ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from2; ++ct_l) {
if (best_match_0 == ct_l) {
if (best_match_1 == ct_l)
matches[ct_l] += 1;
mismatches[ct_l][best_match_1] += 1;
if (count % 100 == 0)
for (int ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from2; ++ct_l) {
fprintf (stderr, "\nbehav %d: matches=%d, mismatches", ct_l, matches[ct_l]);
for (int i = 0; i < cmd->anz_from2; ++i)
fprintf (stderr, " to %d = %d ", i, mismatches[ct_l][i]);
count += 1;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_compare_count **************************/
/* Tests whether S_from1[0] and S_from2[0] are the same. */
/* (Used to check whether behaviours are performed correctly by learner.) */
/* Writes to stderr every then and when. Dummy target. */
DOUBLE total_compare_count (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int area = cmd->area;
static int count = 0;
static int total_count = 0;
double max_dist_threshold = 0.0001;
double dist = 0.0;
for (int ct_n = 0; ct_n < A[area].d_n; ++ct_n)
dist += (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n] - cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][ct_n])
* (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n] - cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][ct_n]);
dist = sqrt (dist);
if (dist > max_dist_threshold)
count += 1;
total_count += 1;
if (total_count % 100 == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_count = %d (examples); count = %d (errors) ", total_count, count);
static int pluserrors[4] = {0,0,0,0};
static int minuserrors[4] = {0,0,0,0};
static int onleft[4] = {0,0,0,0};
static int onright[4] = {0,0,0,0};
for (int ct_n = 0; ct_n < 4; ++ct_n) {
if (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n] - cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][ct_n] > max_dist_threshold)
pluserrors[ct_n] += 1;
if (cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][ct_n] - cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n] > max_dist_threshold)
minuserrors[ct_n] += 1;
for (int ct_n = 0; ct_n < 4; ++ct_n) {
if (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n] > max_dist_threshold)
onleft[ct_n] += 1;
if (cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][ct_n] > max_dist_threshold)
onright[ct_n] += 1;
if (total_count % 100 == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "\npluserrors = %d %d %d %d, minuserrors = %d %d %d %d ",
pluserrors[0], pluserrors[1], pluserrors[2], pluserrors[3],
minuserrors[0], minuserrors[1], minuserrors[2], minuserrors[3]);
if (total_count % 100 == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "\nonleft = %d %d %d %d, onright = %d %d %d %d ",
onleft[0], onleft[1], onleft[2], onleft[3],
onright[0], onright[1], onright[2], onright[3]);
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_retina_to_SC ***************************/
/* Projects retina image log-polar-like to SC. */
/* Averages between 4 pixels -- BAD INTERPOLATION -- needs more care: */
/* Difficult: e.g. one SC cell might receive input from just one foveal cell,*/
/* while another might receive input from dozens of peripheral cells. */
/* Rudimentary weight-matrix needed. Do that in weight_list.c? */
DOUBLE total_retina_to_SC (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
float s = 0.25;
float q_rc = 5.0 / log(s*90+1); /*=1.5837819*/
float q_ml = 5.0 / 180.0;
int area = cmd->area;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
static int *apixels_a = NULL, *apixels_b = NULL; /**anchor pixels of all SC neurons on the retina**/
static int *aunits_a = NULL, *aunits_b = NULL; /**anchor units of all retina neurons in the SC**/
static int firsttime = 1;
static int *scaffold_SC;
static DOUBLE *push_act_SC;
if (firsttime) {
/**Method 1: for each SC cell, define an anchor pixel in the retina**/
apixels_a = (int *)malloc (A[area].d_a * A[area].d_b * sizeof (int));
apixels_b = (int *)malloc (A[area].d_a * A[area].d_b * sizeof (int));
for (int a = 0; a < A[area].d_a; ++a)
for (int b = 0; b < A[area].d_b; ++b) {
/**get point position on SC**/
float SC_rc = 5.0 * (float)a / (float)(A[area].d_a-0.000001); /**range 0..5 [mm]**/
float SC_ml = -5.0 + 10.0 * (float)b / (float)(A[area].d_b-0.000001); /**range -5..5 [mm]**/
/**map from SC to retina**/
float ret_r = 1 / s * (exp(SC_rc / q_rc) - 1.0); /**range 0..90 [deg]**/
float ret_t = SC_ml / q_ml; /**range -180..180 [deg]**/
/**convert to cartesian coordinates**/
float ret_x = ret_r * cos (ret_t / 180.0 * M_PI);
float ret_y = ret_r * sin (ret_t / 180.0 * M_PI);
/**determine anchor points**/
float point_a = (ret_x + 90.0) / 180.0 * (float)(A[inarea].d_a-0.000001);
float point_b = (ret_y + 90.0) / 180.0 * (float)(A[inarea].d_b-0.000001);
/**determine anchor pixels**/
apixels_a[a * A[area].d_b + b] = (int)point_a;
apixels_b[a * A[area].d_b + b] = (int)point_b;
/** ... vice versa ... **/
/**Method 2: for each retina cell, determine a target unit on SC**/
aunits_a = (int *)malloc (A[inarea].d_a * A[inarea].d_b * sizeof (int));
aunits_b = (int *)malloc (A[inarea].d_a * A[inarea].d_b * sizeof (int));
scaffold_SC = (int *)calloc (A[area].d_n, sizeof (int));
for (int a = 0; a < A[inarea].d_a; ++a)
for (int b = 0; b < A[inarea].d_b; ++b) {
/**get point position on retina**/
float ret_x = -90.0 + 180.0 * (float)a / (float)(A[inarea].d_a-1); /**range -90..90 [deg]**/
float ret_y = -90.0 + 180.0 * (float)b / (float)(A[inarea].d_b-1); /**range -90..90 [deg]**/
/**convert to polar coordinates**/
float ret_r = sqrt (ret_x*ret_x + ret_y*ret_y); /**range 0..90 [deg]**/
/*float ret_t = atan (ret_y/ret_x) / M_PI * 2.0 * 180.0;*/ /**range -180..180 [deg]**/
float ret_t = local_atan_to_2pi (dummy, ret_y, ret_x) / M_PI * 180.0;
if (ret_t >= 180.0)
ret_t -= 360.0;
/**determine target position**/
float sc_rc = q_rc * log (s * ret_r + 1.0); /**range 0..5 [mm]**/
float sc_ml = q_ml * ret_t; /**range -5..5 [mm]**/
sc_rc = sc_rc / 5.0 * (float)(A[area].d_a-1); /**range 0..A[area].d_a ("-1" despite cast at next step?!)**/ /** !!! hampered with !!! **/
sc_ml = (5.0 + sc_ml) / 10.0 * (float)(A[area].d_b-0.000001); /**range 0..A[area].d_b " **/
int ct_in = a * A[inarea].d_b + b;
/**determine anchor pixels**/
if (ret_r <= 90.0)
aunits_a[ct_in] = (int)sc_rc;
aunits_a[ct_in] = -1; /**round retina; at corners set "-1" as flag**/
aunits_b[ct_in] = (int)sc_ml;
if (aunits_a[ct_in] != -1)
scaffold_SC[ aunits_a[ct_in] * A[area].d_b + aunits_b[ct_in] ] += 1;
if (((int)sc_rc >= A[area].d_a) && (aunits_a[a * A[inarea].d_b + b] != -1))
fprintf (stderr, "\n(int)sc_rc=%d out of bounds d_a=%d\n", (int)sc_rc, A[area].d_a);
if (((int)sc_ml >= A[area].d_b) || ((int)sc_ml < 0))
fprintf (stderr, "\n(int)sc_ml=%d out of bounds d_b=%d\n", (int)sc_ml, A[area].d_b);
push_act_SC = (DOUBLE *)malloc (A[area].d_n * sizeof (DOUBLE));
firsttime = 0;
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 1) {
/**Method 1: for all SC units, get one pixel from retina <-- not all retinal pixels are used**/
for (int ct_n = 0; ct_n < A[area].d_n; ++ct_n)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][ct_n] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ apixels_a[ct_n] * A[inarea].d_b + apixels_b[ct_n] ];
} else {
/**Method 2: for all retinal pixels, push activation to one SC unit <-- not all SC units are used**/
for (int ct_n = 0; ct_n < A[area].d_n; ++ct_n)
push_act_SC[ct_n] = 0.0;
/**push retinal activations to matching SC cells**/
for (int ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_n; ++ct_in)
if (aunits_a[ct_in] != -1)
push_act_SC[ aunits_a[ct_in] * A[area].d_b + aunits_b[ct_in] ] += cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_in];
for (int ct_n = 0; ct_n < A[area].d_n; ++ct_n) {
if (scaffold_SC[ct_n] != 0)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][ct_n] = push_act_SC[ct_n] / (double)(scaffold_SC[ct_n]) ;
if (push_act_SC[ct_n] != 0.0)
fprintf (stderr, "\n inconsistency with scaffold_SC in total_retina_to_SC");
/**Method 3: average between Methods 1 and 2**/
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 0) {
for (int ct_n = 0; ct_n < A[area].d_n; ++ct_n) {
if (scaffold_SC[ct_n] == 0) { /**use only Method 1 if Method 2 doesn't fill the unit**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][ct_n] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ apixels_a[ct_n] * A[inarea].d_b + apixels_b[ct_n] ];
} else { /**average between both Methods**/
cmd->S_target[ct_t][ct_n] += cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ apixels_a[ct_n] * A[inarea].d_b + apixels_b[ct_n] ];
cmd->S_target[ct_t][ct_n] *= 0.5;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_population_motor_row *******************/
/* Get population response from each row and send to one target neuron each. */
/* Hence, #rows must be #target neurons. */
/* q[0][i] - q[1][i] = motor- (output-) ranges for each row. */
DOUBLE total_population_motor_row (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int X, Y;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
int d_n = A[cmd->area].d_n;
if ((cmd->anz_quantums != 2) && (cmd->anz_quantums != 3))
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_population_motor_row: wrong no of quant ");
if (d_n != cmd->anz_quant[0])
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_population_motor_row: wrong no of quant[0] ");
if (d_n != cmd->anz_quant[1])
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_population_motor_row: wrong no of quant[1] ");
if (cmd->anz_quantums == 2)
if (d_n != A[inarea].d_a)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_population_motor_row: no of inarea's rows must be no target neurons ");
/**standard version -- every target neuron and every row**/
if (cmd->anz_quantums == 2)
for (X = 0; X < d_n; X++) {
DOUBLE response = 0.0;
DOUBLE tot_act = 0.0;
for (Y = 0; Y < A[inarea].d_b; Y++) {
float value = cmd->quantum[0][X] + (cmd->quantum[1][X] - cmd->quantum[0][X]) * (float)Y / (float)(A[inarea].d_b - 1);
response += cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X * A[inarea].d_b + Y] * value;
tot_act += fabs (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][Y]);
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X] = response / tot_act;
/**do this only for one target neuron and one row**/
if (cmd->anz_quantums == 3)
{ X = (int)cmd->quantum[2][0];
DOUBLE response = 0.0;
DOUBLE tot_act = 0.0;
for (Y = 0; Y < A[inarea].d_b; Y++) {
float value = cmd->quantum[0][X] + (cmd->quantum[1][X] - cmd->quantum[0][X]) * (float)Y / (float)(A[inarea].d_b - 1);
response += cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X * A[inarea].d_b + Y] * value;
tot_act += fabs (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][Y]);
cmd->S_target[ct_t][X] = response / tot_act;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_population_motor_2D ********************/
/* */
DOUBLE total_population_motor_2D (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int X, Y;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
if (cmd->anz_quantums != 2)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_population_motor_2D: wrong no of quant ");
if (cmd->anz_quant[0] != 2)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_population_motor_2D: wrong no of quant[0] ");
if (cmd->anz_quant[1] != 2)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_population_motor_2D: wrong no of quant[1] ");
if (A[cmd->area].d_n != 2)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_population_motor_2D: must be 2 target units ");
DOUBLE response_x = 0.0;
DOUBLE response_y = 0.0;
DOUBLE tot_act = 0.0;
for (X = 0; X < A[inarea].d_a; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < A[inarea].d_b; Y++) {
float value_x = cmd->quantum[0][0] + (cmd->quantum[1][0] - cmd->quantum[0][0]) * (float)X / (float)(A[inarea].d_a - 1);
float value_y = cmd->quantum[0][1] + (cmd->quantum[1][1] - cmd->quantum[0][1]) * (float)Y / (float)(A[inarea].d_b - 1);
response_x += cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X * A[inarea].d_b + Y] * value_x;
response_y += cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X * A[inarea].d_b + Y] * value_y;
tot_act += cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X * A[inarea].d_b + Y];
if (tot_act != 0.0) {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = response_x / tot_act;
cmd->S_target[ct_t][1] = response_y / tot_act;
} else {
cmd->S_target[ct_t][0] = 0.0;
cmd->S_target[ct_t][1] = 0.0;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/**************************** total_scalar_mult **************************/
/* Scalar multiply (S_from1,S_from2) and write to unit q00 of S_target. */
DOUBLE total_scalar_mult (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int inarea1 = cmd->n_from1[0];
int inarea2 = cmd->n_from2[0];
int area = cmd->area;
int target_neuron = (int)cmd->quantum[0][0];
if (A[inarea1].d_n != A[inarea2].d_n)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_scalar_mult wants two input areas of same size!\n");
if (target_neuron >= A[area].d_n)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_scalar_mult: parameter exceeds target area size!\n");
DOUBLE sp = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < A[inarea1].d_n; ++i)
sp += cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] * cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][i];
cmd->S_target[ct_t][target_neuron] = sp;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/************************** total_change_active_by ***********************/
/* At the positions where S_from1 is active (should be blobs on SC area) */
/* do modifications of the saccadic gain/offset represented in S_target. */
/* S_target is for vertical if q00=1 and S_from2 unit 0 or 1 is active. */
/* S_target is for horiz'al if q00=2 and S_from2 unit 2 or 3 is active. */
DOUBLE total_change_active_by (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int inarea1 = cmd->n_from1[0];
int inarea2 = cmd->n_from2[0];
int area = cmd->area;
float scale_factor = cmd->quantum[1][0];
if (A[area].d_n != A[inarea1].d_n)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_change_active_by: target area should be same as the 1st input area!\n");
if (A[inarea2].d_n != 4)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_change_active_by: 2nd input area must have 4 units!\n");
if (cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][0] + cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][1] + cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][2] + cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][3] != 1.0)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_change_active_by: wrong activation %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f on second input!\n",
cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][0], cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][1], cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][2], cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][3]);
/**change vertical saccade offset**/
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 1.0) {
if (cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][0] == 1.0)
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] += cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] * scale_factor;
if (cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][1] == 1.0)
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] -= cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] * scale_factor;
/**change horizontal saccade offset**/
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 2.0) {
if (cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][2] == 1.0)
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] += cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] * scale_factor;
if (cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][3] == 1.0)
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] -= cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] * scale_factor;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/**************************** total_converge_to **************************/
/* */
DOUBLE total_converge_to (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int inarea1 = cmd->n_from1[0];
int inarea2 = cmd->n_from2[0];
int area = cmd->area;
if (A[area].d_n != A[inarea1].d_n)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_converge_to wants all areas of same size!\n");
if (A[area].d_n != A[inarea2].d_n)
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_converge_to wants all areas of same size!\n");
if ((cmd->quantum[0][0] < 0) || (cmd->quantum[0][0] > 3))
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_converge_to allows occurrences 0-3 only!\n");
static int firsttime[4] = {1,1,1,1};
static DOUBLE *values[4];
static int *refresh[4];
static int counter[4] = {0,0,0,0};
int occurrence = (int)(cmd->quantum[0][0]);
if (firsttime[occurrence]) {
values[occurrence] = (DOUBLE *)calloc(A[area].d_n, sizeof (DOUBLE));
refresh[occurrence] = (int *)calloc(A[area].d_n, sizeof (int));
firsttime[occurrence] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
if (refresh[occurrence][i] == 1) {
/**first time per unit always update with 0 (formerly with the new activations)**/
values[occurrence][i] = 0.0; /* !! cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i]; !! */
refresh[occurrence][i] = 0;
} else {
/**store values if decreasing and smallest so far**/
if (cmd->quantum[1][0] == -1) {
if ((cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] < cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][i]) && (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] < values[occurrence][i]))
values[occurrence][i] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
/**store values if increasing and largest so far**/
if (cmd->quantum[1][0] == 1) {
if ((cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] > cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][i]) && (cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] > values[occurrence][i]))
values[occurrence][i] = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i];
if (counter[occurrence] % (int)(cmd->quantum[2][0]) == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
refresh[occurrence][i] = 1;
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_converge_to: resetting counter %d ", occurrence);
for (int i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = values[occurrence][i];
counter[occurrence] ++;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/************************** total_mean_left_min_right ************************/
/* S_target will all be the mean of all neurons activations (fixed time). */
DOUBLE total_mean_left_min_right (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
double mean_left = 0.0, mean_right = 0.0;
int ct_left = 0, ct_right = 0;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
int d_b = A[inarea].d_b;
for (int X = 0; X < A[inarea].d_a; X++) {
for (int Y = 0; Y < d_b; Y++) {
if (Y < d_b / 2) {
mean_left += cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X * d_b + Y];
ct_left ++;
if (Y > d_b / 2) {
mean_right += cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][X * d_b + Y];
ct_right ++;
mean_left /= (double)(ct_left);
mean_right /= (double)(ct_right);
for (int i = 0; i < A[cmd->area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = mean_left - mean_right;
return (DOUBLE)(0);
/****************************** total_topo_gibbs_01 **************************/
/* inits act's with gaussian distributed random ON's */
/* over time, center remains constant, but different draws */
/* q[0][0] sparseness; if < 0 then exact negative number of ON units */
/* q[0][1] saturation */
/* q[1][0] a-axis of gaussian (ori is random) */
/* q[1][1] b-axis of gaussian */
/* q[2][0] mean number of gaussians according to poiss; -1: exactly 1 */
/* q[3][0] radius at corners to limit act-blobs (retry until near center) */
/**aux function 1**/
DOUBLE gauss_distr () {
DOUBLE dist, rand_1, rand_2;
do {
rand_1 = -1.0 + 2.0 * drand48();
rand_2 = -1.0 + 2.0 * drand48();
dist = rand_1*rand_1 + rand_2*rand_2;
} while ((dist >= 1.0) || (dist == 0.0));
dist = sqrt (-2.0 * log(dist) / dist);
return (dist * rand_1);
/**aux function 2**/
int is_at_corner (int x_pos, int y_pos, int radius, int d_a, int d_b, int RGB) {
int d_a_eff = d_a;
if (RGB == 3) {
d_a_eff = d_a / 3;
while (x_pos >= d_a_eff)
x_pos -= d_a_eff;
/**upper left corner**/
if ((x_pos < radius) && (y_pos < radius))
if ( (x_pos - radius) * (x_pos - radius)
+ (y_pos - radius) * (y_pos - radius) > radius * radius)
return 1;
/**upper right corner**/
if ((x_pos < radius) && (d_b - 1 - y_pos < radius))
if ( (x_pos - radius) * (x_pos - radius)
+ (d_b - 1 - radius - y_pos) * (d_b - 1 - radius - y_pos) > radius * radius)
return 1;
/**lower left corner**/
if ((d_a_eff - 1 - x_pos < radius) && (y_pos < radius))
if ( (d_a_eff - 1 - radius - x_pos) * (d_a_eff - 1 - radius - x_pos)
+ (y_pos - radius) * (y_pos - radius) > radius * radius)
return 1;
/**lower right corner**/
if ((d_a_eff - 1 - x_pos < radius) && (d_b - 1 - y_pos < radius))
if ( (d_a_eff - 1 - radius - x_pos) * (d_a_eff - 1 - radius - x_pos)
+ (d_b - 1 - radius - y_pos) * (d_b - 1 - radius - y_pos) > radius * radius)
return 1;
return 0;
DOUBLE total_topo_gibbs_01 (PARAMS *g, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int dummy) {
int anz_pix, i, ct_g, pos_x, pos_y;
/**determine center and angle**/
static double cm_x[32];
static double cm_y[32];
static double angle[32];
static int anz_gauss;
const int area = cmd->area;
if ( (cmd->anz_quantums < 3)
|| (cmd->anz_quant[0] != 2) || (cmd->anz_quant[1] != 2))
fprintf (stderr, "\nwrong use of total_topo_gibbs_01!\n");
int radius = 0; /**this is to disallow act-blob centers to be at corners**/
if (cmd->anz_quantums == 4)
radius = (int)(cmd->quantum[3][0]);
/* if (ct_t == 0) */ /**originally the same CM was used in all relaxation steps**/
anz_gauss = (cmd->quantum[2][0] == -1.0) ? 1 : (int)(cmd->quantum[2][0]);
if (anz_gauss > 32) {
anz_gauss = 32;
fprintf (stderr, "\ntotal_topo_gibbs_01: gaussians limited to 32 ");
for (ct_g = 0; ct_g < anz_gauss; ++ct_g) {
int isinside = 0;
do {
cm_x[ct_g] = drand48() * (double)(A[area].d_a);
cm_y[ct_g] = drand48() * (double)(A[area].d_b);
/**while act-blob center is at corner try again**/
if (! is_at_corner ((int)(cm_x[ct_g]), (int)(cm_y[ct_g]), radius, A[area].d_a, A[area].d_b, 1))
isinside = 1;
} while (! isinside);
angle[ct_g] = drand48() * 2.0 * M_PI;
/**init act's zero**/
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
cmd->S_target[ct_t][i] = 0.0;
for (ct_g = 0; ct_g < anz_gauss; ++ct_g) {
/**determine number of ON's**/
anz_pix = 0;
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_n; ++i)
if (drand48() < (1.0 / (1.0 + cmd->quantum[0][0])))
anz_pix += 1;
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] < 0.0)
anz_pix = (int)(-cmd->quantum[0][0]);
/**set act's ON independently for all times**/
/**kind of reflecting (no absorbing or periodic) boundary conditions**/
for (i = 0; i < anz_pix; ++i) {
/* int one_was_out = -1; */
do {
double dist_long = gauss_distr() * cmd->quantum[1][0];
double dist_short = gauss_distr() * cmd->quantum[1][1];
pos_x = (int)(cm_x[ct_g] + dist_long * cos (angle[ct_g]) + dist_short * sin (angle[ct_g]));
pos_y = (int)(cm_y[ct_g] + dist_long * sin (angle[ct_g]) + dist_short * cos (angle[ct_g]));
/* one_was_out += 1; */
} while ((pos_x < 0) || (pos_x >= A[area].d_a) || (pos_y < 0) || (pos_y >= A[area].d_b));
if (one_was_out > 0)
if (drand48() > 0.5) **the edges now get only a little more pixels ON !!! heuristic !!!** did'nt make much difference
i += 1;
cmd->S_target[ct_t][pos_x * A[area].d_b + pos_y] = cmd->quantum[0][1]; /**experience says: this should not be additive for topo-HM**/
return (DOUBLE)(0);