#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "iter.h"
#include "series.h"
#include "utils.h" /**for init_matrix_zero, d_tensor**/
#include "vehicle.h" /**for print_command to debug**/
#include "local.h" /**for local_mean_01 in weight_rec_mean_01**/
/************** functions pointed to by cmd->weightfunc **********************/
/****************************** weight_hebb **********************************/
/* Updates dW_target of neuron 5) ct_n from cmd->area==n_from1[0]. */
/* Pre: cmd->S_from2; Post (here): cmd->S_from1[0]. (NICHT kommutativ!) */
/* Stepsize weighted by cmd->moment. */
void weight_hebb (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int inarea, ct_l, ct_in;
double *dW, *Pre;
const int area = cmd->area;
const double post = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n]; /**assumed as "here"**/
if ((cmd->anz_from1 != 1) || (cmd->n_from1[0] != cmd->area))
fprintf (stderr, "wrong use of weight_hebb");
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from2; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from2[ct_l];
dW = cmd->dW_target[inarea][ct_n];
/* W_delta = A[area].W_delta[inarea][ct_n]; */
Pre = cmd->S_from2[ct_l][ct_t];
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
dW[ct_in] += cmd->moment * Pre[ct_in] * post;
if (z->ch_Theta)
A[area].Theta_delta[ct_n] -= cmd->moment * post;
/****************************** weight_antihebb ******************************/
/* As above but different sign. */
void weight_antihebb (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int inarea, ct_l, ct_in;
double *dW, *Pre;
const int area = cmd->area;
const double post = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n]; /**assumed as "here"**/
if ((cmd->anz_from1 != 1) || (cmd->n_from1[0] != cmd->area))
fprintf (stderr, "wrong use of weight_hebb");
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from2; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from2[ct_l];
dW = cmd->dW_target[inarea][ct_n];
/* W_delta = A[area].W_delta[inarea][ct_n]; */
Pre = cmd->S_from2[ct_l][ct_t];
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
dW[ct_in] -= cmd->moment * Pre[ct_in] * post;
if (z->ch_Theta)
A[area].Theta_delta[ct_n] += cmd->moment * post;
/****************************** weight_kohonen *******************************/
/* Like weight_hebb, but Pre[] replaced by (Pre[]-W[]). */
/* Expects neighborhood function as post. */
void weight_kohonen (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int inarea, ct_l, ct_in;
double *dW, *W, *Pre;
const int area = cmd->area;
const double post = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n]; /**assumed as "here"**/
if ((cmd->anz_from1 != 1) || (cmd->n_from1[0] != area))
fprintf (stderr, "wrong use of weight_kohonen");
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from2; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from2[ct_l];
dW = cmd->dW_target[inarea][ct_n];
W = cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n];
Pre = cmd->S_from2[ct_l][ct_t];
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in) {
dW[ct_in] += cmd->moment * (Pre[ct_in] - W[ct_in]) * post;
if (W[ct_in] > 256.0) {
fprintf (stderr, "\nweight_kohonen exits because weights are presumably too large .. too large data?\n");
exit (1);
if (z->ch_Theta)
fprintf (stderr, "no thresholds for weight_kohonen, please");
/****************************** weight_heuristic *****************************/
void weight_heuristic (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int inarea, ct_l, ct_in;
double *dW, *Pre;
const double post = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n]; /**assumed as "here"**/
if ((cmd->anz_from1 != 1) || (cmd->n_from1[0] != cmd->area))
fprintf (stderr, "wrong use of weight_heuristic");
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from2; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from2[ct_l];
dW = cmd->dW_target[inarea][ct_n];
/* W_delta = A[area].W_delta[inarea][ct_n]; */
Pre = cmd->S_from2[ct_l][ct_t];
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
dW[ct_in] += cmd->moment * (cmd->quantum[0][0] * cmd->quantum[0][0] - Pre[ct_in] * post)
* fabs (cmd->quantum[0][0] * cmd->quantum[0][0] - Pre[ct_in] * post);
/****************************** weight_log ***********************************/
/* From weight_hebb, but rule is dW = log ... */
/* Relatively stupid idea without long-lasting trace ... to stop divergence */
/* through large growth below, small decay above the correct value. */
/* Trivial (i.e. no effect) if only two discrete activation values are used. */
/* ** dist = q[1][0]: negative distance of the log-singularity to the origin *
** in multiples of pp = q[0][1]^2. *
** dist=0: normal log; dist>>1: linear function like original Foldiak *
dist = 0.1
p = 0.03
pp = p*p
set xrange [0:2*pp]
plot 0, pp-x, -log((x+pp*dist)/(pp*(1+dist)))*pp*(1.0+dist)
void weight_log (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int inarea, ct_l, ct_in;
double *dW, *Pre;
const double post = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n]; /**assumed as "here"**/
if ((cmd->anz_from1 != 1) || (cmd->n_from1[0] != cmd->area))
fprintf (stderr, " wrong use of weight_log ");
if (cmd->anz_quantums != 2)
fprintf (stderr, " weight_log wants 2 parameters! ");
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 0.0)
fprintf (stderr, " weight_log wants the sign given ");
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from2; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from2[ct_l];
dW = cmd->dW_target[inarea][ct_n];
/* W_delta = A[area].W_delta[inarea][ct_n]; */
Pre = cmd->S_from2[ct_l][ct_t];
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in) {
double psquare = cmd->quantum[0][0] * cmd->quantum[0][0];
dW[ct_in] -= cmd->moment * log( (Pre[ct_in] * post + psquare * cmd->quantum[1][0]) /**<-- shift of the argument**/
/ (psquare * (1.0 + cmd->quantum[1][0]))) /**<-- move back the zero-point to psquare**/
* psquare * (1.0 + cmd->quantum[1][0]); /**<-- scale to have slope 1 at zero-point**/
/* **for comparison, the original Foldiak rule**
dW[ct_in] += cmd->moment * Pre[ct_in] * post - cmd->quantum[0][0] * cmd->quantum[0][0];
/* **like Foldiak, but parameter q[1][0] to increase positive growth (a bend in the linear function)**
if ((cmd->quantum[0][0] * cmd->quantum[0][0] - Pre[ct_in] * post) < 0.0)
dW[ct_in] += cmd->moment * (cmd->quantum[0][0] * cmd->quantum[0][0] - Pre[ct_in] * post); **negative growth**
dW[ct_in] += cmd->moment * (cmd->quantum[0][0] * cmd->quantum[0][0] - Pre[ct_in] * post) * cmd->quantum[1][0]; **(more) positive growth**
if (z->ch_Theta)
fprintf (stderr, " no theta rule for weight_log ");
/****************************** weight_ica ***********************************/
/* Updates dW_target of neuron 5) ct_n from cmd->area==n_from1[0]=n_from1[1]*/
/* Here: Post: cmd->S_from1[0] and all inner activation cmd->S_from1[1]. */
/* No use of cmd->S_from2 (but cmd->n_from2 as source area). */
/* Stepsize weighted by cmd->moment. */
/* Attention0: Works after use of transfer function "local_mean_01" only! */
/* Attention1: Do not use within the same sweep as functions for activations!*/
/* Attention2: Do not subtract CM of single image data point (turns vector!)!*/
void weight_ica (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
static int firsttime = 1;
static int d_here;
static int d_in;
static double *C;
static double *D;
double **Wmat, *dW;
int i, j;
const int inarea = cmd->n_from2[0];
const int area = cmd->area;
const double post = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n];
const double *U = cmd->S_from1[1][ct_t];
if (firsttime) {
d_here = z->d_a * z->d_b;
d_in = z->d_a * z->d_b;
C = d_vector (d_here);
D = d_vector (d_here);
firsttime = 0;
if (d_here != z->d_a * z->d_b)
fprintf (stderr, "\ncan't use weight_ica twice\n");
if (d_here != A[inarea].d_r)
fprintf (stderr, "\narea mismatch in weight_ica\n");
if (cmd->anz_from1 != 2)
fprintf (stderr, "\nwrong use of weight_ica\n");
if (cmd->anz_from2 != 1)
fprintf (stderr, "\nwrong use of weight_ica\n");
if ((cmd->n_from1[0] != area) || (cmd->n_from1[1] != area))
fprintf (stderr, "\nwrong areas in weight_ica\n");
Wmat = cmd->W_target[inarea];
dW = cmd->dW_target[inarea][ct_n];
for (j = 0; j < d_in; ++j) {
D[j] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < d_here; ++i)
D[j] += U[i] * Wmat[i][j]; /*rueck-summierte Ausgabe von Quelle j*/
D[j] *= 1.0 - 2.0 * post; /*multipl. mit Erschoepfung des Ziels i*/
dW[j] += cmd->moment * (Wmat[ct_n][j] + D[j]);
if (z->ch_Theta)
A[area].Theta_delta[ct_n] -= cmd->moment * (1.0 - 2.0 * post);
/* * A[area].Theta[ct_n] * A[area].Theta[ct_n]*/
/****************************** weight_rec_mean_01 ***************************/
/* For recurrent lateral weights; recursive rule like recurrent backprop. */
/* 1:o {W; weight_rec_mean_01;, ; (U^mu-U^l), U(t-1); $onemineta, 8+1+0+0+1} */
/* inputs: weights (as target), difference, u(t), (1-eta), transfkt params */
/* sideff: weights changed, static r[i][k][l] := d/dw_kl u^l[i](t) changed */
/* Uses fixed transfer function: local_mean_01, and its derivative! */
/* ATTENTION: Use me only in one context! */
/* k <-> ct_n ; l <-> ct_in */
void weight_rec_mean_01 (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int i, j, ct_in;
int inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
int d_r = A[cmd->area].d_r;
double *dW = cmd->dW_target[inarea][ct_n];
double *W = cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n];
double (*func)(double *, double, double) = local_mean_01;
double (*func_diff)(double *, double, double) = local_mean_01_diff;
double par[5];
static double *w_ftick_oneminuseta;
static double ***r;
static double ***r_new;
static int firsttime = 1;
static int OK = 0;
if (firsttime) {
r = d_tensor (d_r, d_r, d_r);
r_new = d_tensor (d_r, d_r, d_r);
w_ftick_oneminuseta = d_vector (d_r);
firsttime = 0;
par[0] = cmd->quantum[1][0];
par[1] = cmd->quantum[1][1];
par[2] = cmd->quantum[1][2];
par[3] = cmd->quantum[1][3];
par[4] = cmd->quantum[1][4];
if (inarea != cmd->area)
fprintf (stderr, "\narea error in weight_rec_mean_01!\n");
if (ct_t == cmd->quantum[2][0]) { /**!!!**/
for (i = 0; i < d_r; ++i)
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < d_r; ++ct_in)
r[i][ct_n][ct_in] = /* (i == ct_n)
? func (par, cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t][ct_in], 0.0)
: */ 0.0;
OK = 1;
if (ct_n == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "\nweight_rec_mean_01: 1-eta=%.2f, par=%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f, rset=%d",
cmd->quantum[0][0], par[0], par[1], par[2], par[3], par[4], (int)cmd->quantum[2][0]);
if (!OK)
fprintf (stderr, "\ncould not init r in weight_rec_mean_01 !\n");
for (j = 0; j < d_r; ++j)
w_ftick_oneminuseta[j] = W[j]
* func_diff (par, cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t - 1][j], 0.0)
* cmd->quantum[0][0];
/**loop over target neurons (k) is outside of this function, in a stay**/
/**all ingoing weights (l)**/
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < d_r; ++ct_in) {
/**"output" neurons where later will be the error (i)**/
for (i = 0; i < d_r; ++i) {
r_new[i][ct_n][ct_in] = 0.0;
for (j = 0; j < d_r; ++j)
r_new[i][ct_n][ct_in] += w_ftick_oneminuseta[j]
* r[j][ct_n][ct_in];
if (i == ct_n)
r_new[i][ct_n][ct_in] += func (par, cmd->S_from2[0][ct_t - 1][ct_in], 0.0);
if (ct_t > cmd->quantum[2][0]) /**!!!**/
dW[ct_in] += cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][i] * r_new[i][ct_n][ct_in];
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < d_r; ++ct_in)
for (i = 0; i < d_r; ++i)
r[i][ct_n][ct_in] = r_new[i][ct_n][ct_in];
/****************************** weight_copy_topo *****************************/
/* Copies activation vector to the lateral weights receptive fields. */
void weight_copy_topo (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int a, b, a_eff, b_eff, ct_a, ct_b;
double *W, *Act;
if ((cmd->anz_from1 != 1) || (cmd->anz_from2 != 0))
fprintf (stderr, "\nweight_copy_topo: too many areas\n");
if (cmd->n_from1[0] != cmd->area)
fprintf (stderr, "\nweight_copy_topo: only self-connections!\n");
W = cmd->W_target[0][ct_n];
Act = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t];
ct_a = ct_n / z->d_b;
ct_b = ct_n % z->d_b;
for (a = 0; a < z->d_a; ++a) {
a_eff = (a - ct_a + z->d_a) % z->d_a;
for (b = 0; b < z->d_b; ++b) {
b_eff = (b - ct_b + z->d_b) % z->d_b;
W[a * z->d_b + b] = Act[a_eff * z->d_b + b_eff];
/****************************** weight_add_diag ******************************/
/* Adds activation vector to the diagonal of the (square) weight matrix. */
void weight_add_diag (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
double *W, *Act;
static int firstcount = 0;
int inarea;
if ((cmd->anz_from1 != 1) || (cmd->anz_from2 != 0))
fprintf (stderr, "\nweight_add_diag: too many areas\n");
if (cmd->n_from1[0] != cmd->area)
fprintf (stderr, "\nweight_add_diag now no self-connections!\n");
inarea = cmd->n_from1[0];
W = cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n]; /**inarea was previously 0**/
Act = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t]; /**first index like ct_l**/
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 1)
if (firstcount < z->d_a * z->d_b) {
W[ct_n] += Act[ct_n];
if (cmd->quantum[0][0] == 0)
W[ct_n] += Act[ct_n];
/****************************** dweight_self_set *****************************/
/* Set self-connections of dW to q[0][0] (init learn value of autapses). */
void dweight_self_set (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
if ((cmd->anz_from1 != 1) || (cmd->anz_from2 != 1))
fprintf (stderr, "\ndweight_self_set: too many areas\n");
if ((cmd->n_from1[0] != cmd->area) || (cmd->n_from2[0] != cmd->area))
fprintf (stderr, "\ndweight_self_set: only self-connections!\n");
cmd->dW_target[cmd->area][ct_n][ct_n] = cmd->quantum[0][0];
/****************************** weight_self_zero *****************************/
/* Sets diagonal of self-connecting weight matrix (autapses) to zero. */
void weight_self_zero (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
if ((cmd->anz_from1 != 1) || (cmd->anz_from2 != 0))
fprintf (stderr, "\nweight_self_zero: too many areas\n");
if (cmd->n_from1[0] != cmd->area)
fprintf (stderr, "\nweight_self_zero: only self-connections!\n");
cmd->W_target[cmd->area][ct_n][ct_n] = 0.0;
/****************************** weight_seung *********************************/
/* Updates dW_target of neuron 5) ct_n from cmd->area==n_from1[0]. */
/* Pre: cmd->S_from2; Post (here): cmd->S_from1[0]. (NICHT kommutativ!) */
/* Stepsize weighted by cmd->moment. */
void weight_seung (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int inarea, ct_l, ct_in;
double *dW, *W, *Pre;
const double post = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n]; /**assumed as "here"**/
if ((cmd->anz_from1 != 1) || (cmd->n_from1[0] != cmd->area))
fprintf (stderr, "wrong use of weight_hebb");
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from2; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from2[ct_l];
dW = cmd->dW_target[inarea][ct_n];
W = cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n];
Pre = cmd->S_from2[ct_l][ct_t];
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
dW[ct_in] += W[ct_in] * (cmd->moment * Pre[ct_in] * post - 1.0); /**originally batch: w->Pre*post*w now additive: w->w + (Pre*post - 1)*w**/
if (z->ch_Theta)
fprintf (stderr, "\nweight_seung: cannot deal with Theta's\n");
/****************************** weight_respcorr ******************************/
/* Linear response correction for mean-field BM (additive to Hebb). */
void weight_respcorr (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int inarea, ct_l, ct_in;
double *dW, *W, *Pre;
const double post = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n]; /**assumed as "here"**/
if ((cmd->anz_from1 != 1) || (cmd->n_from1[0] != cmd->area))
fprintf (stderr, "wrong use of weight_respcorr");
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from1; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from1[ct_l];
dW = cmd->dW_target[inarea][ct_n];
W = cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n];
Pre = cmd->S_from1[ct_l][ct_t];
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
dW[ct_in] += W[ct_in] * (1.0 - Pre[ct_in] * Pre[ct_in])
* cmd->moment * (1.0 - post * post);
/****************************** weight_antirespcorr **************************/
/* As above but different sign. */
void weight_antirespcorr (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int inarea, ct_l, ct_in;
double *dW, *W, *Pre;
const double post = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n]; /**assumed as "here"**/
if ((cmd->anz_from1 != 1) || (cmd->n_from1[0] != cmd->area))
fprintf (stderr, "wrong use of weight_antirespcorr");
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from1; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from1[ct_l];
dW = cmd->dW_target[inarea][ct_n];
W = cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n];
Pre = cmd->S_from1[ct_l][ct_t];
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
dW[ct_in] -= W[ct_in] * (1.0 - Pre[ct_in] * Pre[ct_in])
* cmd->moment * (1.0 - post * post);
/****************************** weight_decay *********************************/
/* Decrease W_delta. */
/* q[0][.] decay parameters (individual for each input area n_from2[..]). */
/* q[1][0] =0 pos&neg together; =1 only pos; else(=-1) only neg weights. */
/* q[2][0] =0 global; =1 local. */
/* q[3][0] =0 no act; =1 mult by S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n]. */
/* q[4][0] =0 normal equation; =1 quad; =2 decay is just -w. */
void weight_decay (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int inarea, ct_l, ct_in;
double *dW, *W, dec_W;
double tot_square = 0.0;
const int sign_only = cmd->quantum[1][0] == 0.0 ? 0 :
(cmd->quantum[1][0] == 1.0 ? 1 : -1);
const int nonglob = cmd->quantum[2][0] == 0.0 ? 0 : 1;
const double post = cmd->quantum[3][0] == 0.0 ? 1.0
: cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n]; /**assumed as "here"**/
const int select = (int)(cmd->quantum[4][0]);
if (cmd->anz_quantums != 5)
fprintf (stderr, "\n5 parameters for weight_decay, please!\n");
if (cmd->anz_quant[0] != cmd->anz_from2)
fprintf (stderr, "\none weight_decay strength for each input area!\n");
if ((cmd->anz_from1 != 1) || (cmd->n_from1[0] != cmd->area))
fprintf (stderr, "wrong use of weight_decay");
if (! nonglob)
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from2; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from2[ct_l];
W = cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n];
if (sign_only != 0) {
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
if (sign_only * W[ct_in] > 0)
tot_square += W[ct_in] * W[ct_in];
} else {
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
tot_square += W[ct_in] * W[ct_in];
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from2; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from2[ct_l];
dW = cmd->dW_target[inarea][ct_n];
W = cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n];
/* W_delta = A[cmd->area].W_delta[inarea][ct_n]; */
/* W = A[cmd->area].W [inarea][ct_n]; */
if (nonglob) {
tot_square = 0.0;
if (sign_only != 0) {
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
if (sign_only * W[ct_in] > 0)
tot_square += W[ct_in] * W[ct_in];
} else {
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
tot_square += W[ct_in] * W[ct_in];
dec_W = cmd->quantum[0][ct_l];
/**here stood inarea instead of ct_l**/
/**the normal term**/
if (select == 0) {
if (sign_only != 0) {
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
if (sign_only * W[ct_in] > 0)
dW[ct_in] -= cmd->moment * W[ct_in] * tot_square * post
* dec_W;
} else {
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
/** ^ must not be ct_l**/
dW[ct_in] -= cmd->moment * W[ct_in] * tot_square * post
* dec_W;
/**the quadratic term**/
if (select == 1) {
if (sign_only != 0) {
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
if (sign_only * W[ct_in] > 0)
dW[ct_in] -= cmd->moment * W[ct_in] * tot_square * post
* dec_W /** fabs(W[ct_in]) * fabs(W[ct_in]) !!!*/;
} else {
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
dW[ct_in] -= cmd->moment * W[ct_in] * tot_square * post
* dec_W /** fabs(W[ct_in]) * fabs(W[ct_in]) !!!*/;
/**decay is just: -w ; can also be activity dependent (*post)**/
if (select == 2) {
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
dW[ct_in] -= cmd->moment * W[ct_in] * dec_W * post;
/**decay is a constant ; (note the sign!; may be act dependent)**/
if (select == 3) {
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
dW[ct_in] -= cmd->moment * dec_W * post;
/****************************** weight_decay_topo ****************************/
/* Decrease W_delta propto topographic act-scaffold S_from1 on _this_ area. */
/* Scaffold function must be 0-centered and includes all parameters. */
/* q[0][0] =0 pos&neg together; =1 only pos; else(=-1) only neg weights. */
void weight_decay_topo (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int inarea, ct_in, diff;
double *dW, *W;
double *scaffold;
const int sign_only = cmd->quantum[0][0] == 0.0 ? 0 :
(cmd->quantum[0][0] == 1.0 ? 1 : -1);
if (cmd->anz_quantums != 1)
fprintf (stderr, "\none parameter for weight_decay_topo, please!\n");
if ((cmd->anz_from1 != 1) || (cmd->n_from1[0] != cmd->area))
fprintf (stderr, "wrong use of weight_decay_topo");
scaffold = cmd->S_from1[0][0]; /**assumed: here, now**/
inarea = cmd->area;
dW = cmd->dW_target[inarea][ct_n];
W = cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n];
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in) {
diff = abs (ct_n - ct_in);
if (sign_only == 0)
dW[ct_in] -= cmd->moment * W[ct_in] * scaffold[diff];
if (sign_only == 1)
if (W[ct_in] > 0.0)
dW[ct_in] -= cmd->moment * W[ct_in] * scaffold[diff];
if (sign_only == -1)
if (W[ct_in] < 0.0)
dW[ct_in] -= cmd->moment * W[ct_in] * scaffold[diff];
/****************************** weight_incr_glob *****************************/
/* Anti weight decay. */
void weight_incr_glob (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int inarea, ct_l, ct_in;
double tot_square = 0.0;
double *dW, *W, dec_W;
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from1; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from1[ct_l];
tot_square += quad_length (cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n], A[inarea].d_r);
if (tot_square != 0.0)
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from1; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from1[ct_l];
dW = cmd->dW_target[inarea][ct_n];
W = cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n];
dec_W = cmd->quantum[0][inarea];
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
dW[ct_in] += dec_W * W[ct_in] / tot_square;
fprintf (stderr, " not yet weight_incr ");
dW = 0.0002; dV = 0.1
f(x,y) = dW * x * y * y * abs(x); g(x,y) = dV * x / (y * y)
set xrange [ 0.0:1.0]; set yrange [ 1.0:10.0]; set isosamples 25, 25
set cntrparam levels discrete 0.0;; set contour;; splot -f(x,y) + g(x,y)
/****************************** weight_incr_pos_glob *************************/
/* Anti weight decay for positive weights only: */
/* neglect negative weights, also in calculating length. */
void weight_incr_pos_glob (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int inarea, ct_l, ct_in;
double tot_square = 0.0;
double *dW, *W, dec_W;
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from1; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from1[ct_l];
W = cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n];
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
if (W[ct_in] > 0.0)
tot_square += W[ct_in] * W[ct_in];
if (tot_square != 0.0)
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from1; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from1[ct_l];
dW = cmd->dW_target[inarea][ct_n];
W = cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n];
dec_W = cmd->quantum[0][inarea];
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
if (W[ct_in] >= 0.0)
dW[ct_in] += dec_W * W[ct_in] / tot_square;
fprintf (stderr, " not yet weight_incr_pos ");
/****************************** weight_act_decay *****************************/
/* Decrease all dW dependent on the activation of a cell. */
/* Parameters z->dec_W can, however, be chosen individually for each inarea. */
/* Stepsize weighted by cmd->moment. */
void weight_act_decay (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int inarea, ct_l, ct_in;
double *dW, *W, dec_W;
const double post = cmd->S_from1[0][ct_t][ct_n]; /**assumed as "here"**/
if ((cmd->anz_from1 != 1) || (cmd->n_from1[0] != cmd->area))
fprintf (stderr, "wrong use of weight_act_decay");
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from1; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from1[ct_l];
dW = cmd->dW_target[inarea][ct_n];
W = cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n];
dec_W = cmd->quantum[0][inarea];
if (post != 0.0)
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
dW[ct_in] -= dec_W * W[ct_in] /* W[ct_in]*W[ct_in]*/
* post * cmd->moment;
if (z->ch_Theta)
fprintf (stderr, "\nno decay for A[area].Theta_delta[ct_n]!\n\n");
/****************************** weight_norm_glob *****************************/
/* Normalize total (all areas) input of weight vector A->W of neuron 5) ct_n */
/* to length z->dec_W. All dec_W for this area must better be equal! */
void weight_norm_glob (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int ct_l, inarea, ct_in;
double *W, dec_W, tot_square = 0.0;
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from1; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from1[ct_l];
tot_square += quad_length (cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n], A[inarea].d_r);
if (tot_square != 0.0) {
tot_square = sqrt (tot_square);
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from1; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from1[ct_l];
dec_W = cmd->quantum[0][ct_l]; /**was cmd->quantum[0][inarea which is wrong!**/
W = cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n];
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
W[ct_in] *= dec_W / tot_square;
} else {
fprintf (stderr, " tot_square=0 in weight_norm_glob ");
/****************************** weight_norm_each *****************************/
/* Normalize each area input of weight vector A->W of neuron 5) ct_n */
/* to its length z->dec_W[inarea]. Thus, different inputs are "independent". */
void weight_norm_each (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int ct_l, inarea;
double dec_W;
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from1; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from1[ct_l];
dec_W = cmd->quantum[0][inarea];
normalize (cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n], A[inarea].d_r, dec_W);
/**nasty bug here ^ (was ct_l) and here ^ **/
/****************************** weight_rectify *******************************/
/* If parameters 0,1: set all negative weights A->W/V/X/Y of neuron 5) to 0. */
void weight_rectify (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int ct_l, inarea, in_n;
if (cmd->anz_quantums != 2)
fprintf (stderr, "\nuse weight_rectify e.g. like 0, 1\n");
if (cmd->quantum[1][0] == 0.0)
fprintf (stderr, "\nweight rectify wants 1 or -1\n");
if (cmd->anz_arguments != 2)
fprintf (stderr, "\nweight rectify wants area and inarea (like local)");
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from2; ++ct_l) { /**<-- was n_from1[ct_l] error!!!**/
inarea = cmd->n_from2[ct_l]; /**<-- was n_from1[ct_l] error!!!**/
for (in_n = 0; in_n < A[inarea].d_r; ++in_n)
if (cmd->quantum[1][0] == 1.0) {
if (cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n][in_n] < cmd->quantum[0][0])
cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n][in_n] = cmd->quantum[0][0];
} else { /**-1.0**/
if (cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n][in_n] > cmd->quantum[0][0])
cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n][in_n] = cmd->quantum[0][0];
/****************************** weight_rect_eps ******************************/
/* Set all negative weights A->W/V/X/Y of neuron 5) to small random values. */
void weight_rect_eps (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int ct_l, inarea, in_n;
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from1; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from1[ct_l];
for (in_n = 0; in_n < A[inarea].d_r; ++in_n)
if (cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n][in_n] < 0.0)
cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n][in_n] = 0.000001 * drand48();
/****************************** weight_add_rand ******************************/
/* Add random value to weights A->W/V/X/Y of neuron 5). */
void weight_add_rand (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int ct_l, inarea, in_n;
const double fac = cmd->quantum[0][0];
if (cmd->anz_quantums != 1)
fprintf (stderr, "\n1 parameter for weight_add_rand, please!\n");
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from1; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from1[ct_l];
for (in_n = 0; in_n < A[inarea].d_r; ++in_n)
cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n][in_n] += (drand48() - 0.5) * fac;
/****************************** weight_bound *********************************/
/* Set bound for each weight of A->W/V/X/Y of neuron 5). */
void weight_bound (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
fprintf (stderr, "\nuse weight_rectify instead of weight_bound!\n");
int ct_l, inarea, in_n;
double dec_W;
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from1; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from1[ct_l];
dec_W = cmd->quantum[0][ct_l];
*here stood inarea instead of ct_l!*
for (in_n = 0; in_n < A[inarea].d_r; ++in_n)
if (cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n][in_n] > dec_W)
cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n][in_n] = dec_W;
if (cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n][in_n] < -dec_W)
cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n][in_n] = -dec_W;
/****************************** weight_copy **********************************/
/* Copies A->W going to inarea(s) to here inputs. For symmetric weights. */
void weight_copy (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int inarea, ct_l, ct_in;
double *W_area, **W_inarea;
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from1; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from1[ct_l];
/**point to inputs from inarea to here: ct_n**/
W_area = cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n];
/* = A[area].W[inarea][ct_n]; */
/**point to toinarea-fromthisarea-weightmatrix**/
W_inarea = cmd->W_from1[ct_l];
/* = A[inarea].W[area]; */
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
W_area[ct_in] = W_inarea[ct_in][ct_n];
/****************************** weight_hack_init *****************************/
/* Multiplies W_target of neuron 5) ct_n from cmd->area==n_from1[0] */
/* by a factor given by q[0][0] | q[0][1]; all weighted by cmd->moment. */
/* Attention: Can only be called once!! */
void weight_hack_init (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int inarea, ct_l, ct_in;
double *W;
const int area = cmd->area;
const double factor = (ct_n < z->d_a * z->d_b / 3) /**!!!**/
? cmd->quantum[0][0] : cmd->quantum[0][1];
static int firsttime = 1;
static int *first_this;
if (firsttime) {
int i;
first_this = i_vector (A[area].d_r);
for (i = 0; i < A[area].d_r; ++i)
first_this[i] = 1;
firsttime = 0;
if (first_this[ct_n] == 0)
first_this[ct_n] = 0;
fprintf (stderr, " %d ", ct_n);
if ((cmd->anz_from1 != 1) || (cmd->n_from1[0] != cmd->area))
fprintf (stderr, "wrong use of weight_hack_slow");
if (cmd->moment != 1.0) {
fprintf (stderr, "weight_hack_init: cmd->moment must be 1!");
fprintf (stderr, " But ct_t does not play a role");
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from2; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from2[ct_l];
W = cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n];
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
W[ct_in] *= factor;
if (z->ch_Theta)
A[area].Theta[ct_n] *= factor;
/****************************** weight_hack_slow *****************************/
/* Multiplies dW_target of neuron 5) ct_n from cmd->area==n_from1[0] */
/* by a factor given by q[0][0] | q[0][1]; All devided by cmd->moment. */
void weight_hack_slow (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int inarea, ct_l, ct_in;
double *dW;
const int area = cmd->area;
const double factor = (ct_n < z->d_a * z->d_b / 3) /**!!!**/
? cmd->quantum[0][0] : cmd->quantum[0][1];
if ((cmd->anz_from1 != 1) || (cmd->n_from1[0] != cmd->area))
fprintf (stderr, "wrong use of weight_hack_slow");
if (cmd->moment != 1.0) {
fprintf (stderr, "weight_hack_slow: cmd->moment must be 1!");
fprintf (stderr, " But ct_t does not play a role");
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from2; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from2[ct_l];
dW = cmd->dW_target[inarea][ct_n];
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in)
dW[ct_in] *= factor;
if (z->ch_Theta)
A[area].Theta_delta[ct_n] *= factor;
/****************************** weight_hack_slow_inv *************************/
/* Analogeous to weight_hack_slow but for Weights of opposite direction. */
/* I.e. hacked parameter changes among inarea, not here. */
void weight_hack_slow_inv (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
int inarea, ct_l, ct_in;
double *dW;
if ((cmd->anz_from1 != 1) || (cmd->n_from1[0] != cmd->area))
fprintf (stderr, "wrong use of weight_hack_slow_inv");
if (cmd->moment != 1.0) {
fprintf (stderr, "weight_hack_slow_inv: cmd->moment must be 1!");
fprintf (stderr, " But ct_t does not play a role");
for (ct_l = 0; ct_l < cmd->anz_from2; ++ct_l) {
inarea = cmd->n_from2[ct_l];
dW = cmd->dW_target[inarea][ct_n];
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[inarea].d_r; ++ct_in) {
const double factor = (ct_in < A[inarea].d_r / 3) /**!!!**/
? cmd->quantum[0][0] : cmd->quantum[0][1];
dW[ct_in] *= factor;
/****************************** init_theta_const *****************************/
/* Should be use in a sweep with ilen==elen==1. For initialization only. */
void init_theta_const (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
if (! z->ch_Theta)
fprintf (stderr, "\n\ninit_theta_const should have ch_Theta != 0\n\n");
A[cmd->area].Theta[ct_n] = cmd->quantum[0][0];
/****************************** weight_init **********************************/
/* Allocates memory for W, dW and initializes. No need for scaff_W anymore. */
/* To be written later, if possible. Problems: */
/* - a->W[in_area] etc must be allocated (have addresses) */
/* BEFORE cmd->W_target is assigned to A[cmd->area].W . */
/* - areas is unknown --> hand over from x to A */
void weight_init (AGENT *z, AREA *A, COMMAND *cmd, int ct_t, int ct_n) {
in weight.c:
W = cmd->W_target[inarea][ct_n];
in vehicle.c alloc_a:
for (ct_ar = 0; ct_ar < areas; ++ct_ar) {
a = A + ct_ar;
z = Z + ct_ar;
for (in_ar = 0; in_ar < x->areas; ++in_ar) {
**weights to areas spezified in z->scaff_W/_V**
if (z->scaff_W[in_ar] != 0)
a->W[in_ar] = d_matrix (a->d_r, A[in_ar].d_r);
a->W[in_ar] = NULL;
in vehicle.c choose_pointers:
if (cmd->b_target == 'W')
cmd->W_target = A[cmd->area].W;
/************** other functions for weights not for pointer ******************/
/************************* weight_initdelta **********************************/
void weight_initdelta (PARAMS *x, AGENT *Z, AREA *A) {
int ct_ar, in_ar, ct_n;
AREA *a;
for (ct_ar = 0; ct_ar < x->areas; ++ct_ar) {
a = A + ct_ar;
z = Z + ct_ar;
for (in_ar = 0; in_ar < x->areas; ++in_ar) {
if (z->scaff_W[in_ar] != 0)
init_matrix_zero (a->dW[in_ar], a->d_r, A[in_ar].d_r);
if (z->scaff_V[in_ar] != 0)
init_matrix_zero (a->dV[in_ar], a->d_r, A[in_ar].d_r);
if (z->scaff_X[in_ar] != 0)
init_matrix_zero (a->dX[in_ar], a->d_r, A[in_ar].d_r);
if (z->scaff_Y[in_ar] != 0)
init_matrix_zero (a->dY[in_ar], a->d_r, A[in_ar].d_r);
/**no weights U, U_delta yet!!**/
if (z->ch_Theta)
for (ct_n = 0; ct_n < a->d_r; ++ct_n)
a->Theta_delta[ct_n] = 0.0;
/************************** weight_update ************************************/
/* Add W_delta to the weight using parameter z->eps_W. */
void weight_update (PARAMS *x, AGENT *Z, AREA *A) {
int ct_ar, in_ar, ct_n, ct_in;
AREA *a;
for (ct_ar = 0; ct_ar < x->areas; ++ct_ar) {
a = A + ct_ar;
z = Z + ct_ar;
for (in_ar = 0; in_ar < x->areas; ++in_ar) {
if (z->scaff_W[in_ar] != 0)
for (ct_n = 0; ct_n < a->d_r; ++ct_n)
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[in_ar].d_r; ++ct_in)
+= z->eps_W[in_ar] * a->dW[in_ar][ct_n][ct_in];
if (z->scaff_V[in_ar] != 0)
for (ct_n = 0; ct_n < a->d_r; ++ct_n)
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[in_ar].d_r; ++ct_in)
+= z->eps_V[in_ar] * a->dV[in_ar][ct_n][ct_in];
if (z->scaff_X[in_ar] != 0)
for (ct_n = 0; ct_n < a->d_r; ++ct_n)
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[in_ar].d_r; ++ct_in)
+= z->eps_X[in_ar] * a->dX[in_ar][ct_n][ct_in];
if (z->scaff_Y[in_ar] != 0)
for (ct_n = 0; ct_n < a->d_r; ++ct_n)
for (ct_in = 0; ct_in < A[in_ar].d_r; ++ct_in)
+= z->eps_Y[in_ar] * a->dY[in_ar][ct_n][ct_in];
/**no weights U, U_delta yet!!**/
if (z->ch_Theta)
for (ct_n = 0; ct_n < a->d_r; ++ct_n)
a->Theta[ct_n] += z->eps_Theta * a->Theta_delta[ct_n];